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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1006556 No.1006556 [Reply] [Original]

Why not just rob things for a living?

Is it just hard to launder the money, and that's why people don't do it?

>> No.1006569

Because it's actually harder than working a real job to make more than an average graduate salary of $60k/yr this way.

Also if you get imprisoned you're in a lot of trouble.

>> No.1006579

What about all the people that carry weapons? If you break into enough houses you will eventually get shot.

>> No.1006680


Not houses nigga, I'm talkin businesses, like mom and pop stores, convenience stores, etc etc

Get you + a friend or two, hit 3 stores a night in a town 4 hours away with a major highway in between, then haul ass home either in your own car, or stolen car or rental car or uber. Most stores, small businesses will have like $2k - $3k in cash in their registers, so split 2 ways is $1k a night easy each, and $1k for bills/uber/materials. Do this every week once, you'll have like 50k lol. Then use that money, to do bigger things like credit unions, small ones, or small banks.

>> No.1006683

Try it and let us know how that works for you.

>> No.1006685


Not if you find something to steal that makes more than $60k at once, like a bank or something?

Kidnap some uppermiddle class white pregnant women, tell her to go into the bank, withdraw $2k - $3k and give it to you, then she's free to go. Kidnap 1-2 people a week, or even 1 person every single day for a month straight when the police are just getting information, and you can make easy $50k in a month, without anything hard (kidnapping is easy)

>> No.1006688

I'll be glad the day you come into my shop and I get to feel what that ass is like.

>> No.1006692

>Not if you find something to steal that makes more than $60k at once, like a bank or something?

Are you fucking retarded?

Banks don't hold over $5 000 on hand at any point. They have it in safes or order it in if anything.

You're either underaged or living in fantasy land. It's not the 1960's anymore.

>> No.1006693

>Kidnap some uppermiddle class white pregnant women, tell her to go into the bank, withdraw $2k - $3k and give it to you, then she's free to go. Kidnap 1-2 people a week,

Oh yeah. "Just kidnap some people, about 1-2 a week", oh why didn't I think of that?

>> No.1006694

>wants to be a serial bank robber
Oh boy. I can't wait to hear about you on the news.

>> No.1006719

get a job at an armored car company, work out the schedules and routes, rob the fuckers


and disappear better than these idiots

>> No.1006906
File: 59 KB, 500x625, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just rob people in a the white collar way you pleb. Pen and paper crimes with minimal risk that don't involve getting into high speed chases and risking your life, like a Ponzi, or a Con are wayyyyyyyy more profitable.

>> No.1006912

That's why I said it requires a lot of intelligence or organization to do.

You don't just "make a ponzi"

>> No.1006923

>An additional tip reached the FBI when Michelle Chambers made a large deposit at a bank. She had previously been making frequent small deposits to avert suspicion.
>But after one visit, she asked a teller "How much can I deposit before you have to report it to the feds?"
>followed by "Don't worry, it is not drug money," the bank filled out a suspicious activity report, which ultimately reached the FBI.


>> No.1006929
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Based Shkreli did. You just have to have amazing people skills and look like God himself, just like Based Shkreli.

>> No.1006931

Yeah but you missed the part of my post where I said it requires "a lot of intelligence". We simply cannot compete with Based Shkreli's superior cunning and god-tier organizational skills.

>> No.1006934

risk vs reward wouldn't be worth it using that strategy

>> No.1006946

Whoever said illegal was the easy way out, couldn't understand
The mechanics and the workings of the underworld, granted
Nine to five is how you survive, I ain't trying to survive
I'm tryna live it to the limit and love it a lot

>> No.1008782

You've been playing too many videogames, anon.

Police are smarter than you think. Even if you had a clean get away where they don't lock the store and drop the bulletproof glass, the police will set up a perimeter and block your ass in. Especially if you're armed and dangerous.

Much easier to just steal TVs and shit from wal-mart.

>> No.1008785


> risk of being caught and punished

> social cooperation is how our species evolves

>> No.1008788

fast money doesn't last long...

>> No.1008789



The trainer at the PCLB training center explained it to me best: you might get a couple thousand a cash register, tops, if the cashiers aren't giving their limits in on time.

But if you rob that place with a clothespin in your pocket, you could do fifteen minimum.

>> No.1008797

Disappointed by the low quality of your post.

>> No.1008805

If your interested in using your sociopathic personality for profit, just go catfish some fresh widows you fucking idiot. Way more money, less effort, no jail.

>> No.1008890

If you're in the US, fuck no. Maybe in some country with an insignificant and small police-force.

What I don't get is, why don't criminals just target other criminals? If you're in the US you wouldn't even get noticed if you blew the head off of some coke dealer and stole whatever he had on him.

Kidnapping is easy. Not getting caught and shot up like a nigger out after 7 PM is the difficult part. Getting someone to withdraw money for you is very difficult. You'd need something like a kidnapping and extortion situation, where you capture their relative/kid or something - it'd get real complicated, real fast. Why would one need to go into the bank, though? There are ATMs you know, just catch someone and point a gun at them to withdraw as much as they can, while you stand back. Not that I recommend any of this, it's retarded crime and you will get caught, possibly killed.

Unless you're some kind of special forces level operator that can get a silenced .22 handgun and take out a drug dealer's posse in the middle of the night without waking anyone up, you're not going to really get much of value as far as raw cash goes. Even then, if you did it once police would be all over it, if nothing else then to figure out who's trying to start a gang war.

>> No.1008916


>killing someone when you can just rob them
You stupid motherfucker.
Cops investigate murders, even when it's someone no one gives a fuck about..

Robberies don't invite forensic investigations except in the most serious of cases, and criminals tend to not report robberies for fear of drawing attention to themselves.

>> No.1009198
File: 109 KB, 736x931, teachings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social cooperation is how our species evolves
Ya no

>> No.1009234

Because you can just buy debit cards off people for 20 bucks, cause a bunch of fake transfers to these people, with stolen credit card info, withdraw the cash, and viola, $1M in a month.

I hope you run into another sociopath one day who feeds you your own body parts to see how long you stay alive.

>> No.1009535

It's not worth the risk/reward unless you enjoy being a criminal.

>> No.1009541


It's not being a criminal that is the hard part, son, it's when you get in a bind and you don't have the standard law-abiding citizen's solution of 'calling the cops'.

>> No.1009550

"The hard part of being a criminal" depends on what type of criminal you are.

>> No.1009557

Are you Chinese?

>> No.1009574

I had a boss tell the rules of business are :
Fuck the customers
Fuck the employees
Fuck the distributors
Fuck your wife.

>> No.1009598

Literally or figuratively?

>> No.1009601


I think the biggest challenge with the advice is figuring out when and how to fuck.

>> No.1009608

>What I don't get is, why don't criminals just target other criminals?
they do all the time. you just dont hear about it as much because criminals dont like police, so they dont call police everytime they get robbed.

if you rob enough criminals you eventually end up with someone wanting you dead. maybe he's in a gang, maybe he's friends with crazy motherfuckers, maybe he paid some random thugs to bash your head in - in the end, fucking with criminals will leave you with some very nasty enemies.

bottom line - crime doesn't pay.
getting caught and imprisoned outweighs any profit you might have made.
dealing with criminals carries very severe risks and drawbacks.
combined, these risks don't outweigh the expected gain at all.

>> No.1009795

I've been making money through criminal means for years now. It's super easy.

>Buy a bunch of empty dvd cases
>Torrent movie
>Burn to disk
>Print disk cover glue it on
>Put disk in case and print case art and put it in
>Return to store and ask for refund

I've been living of this for years now and through the stock market I have become a millionare. Don't saturate it now /biz/zybees

>> No.1009798

>bottom line - crime doesn't pay.

Some white collar crime can pay, if you have enough lawyers to argue you out of any punishment.

>> No.1010476

how do you return it without a receipt

>> No.1010778


>> No.1011069


>kidnapping pregnant women so you can rob them

Don't you get the chair for that?

>> No.1011306

There was a story similar to this where some lady was ripping off target for about 300k. She would print fake coupons on her home computer, buy one get one free type stuff and then return the products for money.

But fucking A do you realize how many bottles of shampoo and other crap it takes to do this and how many trips it takes running around to target stores. She must of lived in a big town with many targets.

>> No.1011475

>Why not just rob things for a living?
Because robbery (especially armed robbery), at least in the US, results in a very long jail term. Yes, you're going to get caught unless you luck out on a very big take, but I doubt you've got the intelligence, discipline and resources to pull off a big heist.

Same principles apply to kidnapping or large-scale drug dealing. Those offences will net you 25-40 years in federal prison.

Don't bother with "small", traditional crimes like peddling crack on the street or robbing grocery stores. When the reap is a few thousand dollars and sentences run from 5-10 years, you'll quickly realize that lifting welfare is a financially sounder option after risk/reward has been calculated.