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10063343 No.10063343 [Reply] [Original]

Any of ADHD fags out there? How do you cope with this shit, i got fired from a lawn mowing job for fuck sakes, this shit seems impossible to function properly with
Unironicly considering an heroing at this point

>> No.10063354

what did you do to get fired

>> No.10063385

Just absent minded shit, ran over a few mail boxes and pipes, being slow mentally and physically, constantly just fucking up
Boss was alright too, even paid my rent for me when i was short one week, didnt expect me to pay it back or anything
I have never been able to hold down a job but always thought that if someone gave me enough of a chance i would get the hang of it, this guy gave me a solid year to get my shit together but even after that long i still couldnt

>> No.10063391

I pay $7 per month with 5+ pre written prescriptions from my doctor for 60 adderall 20mg pills.

Previously I was spending 9$+ per day on coffee + redbull when 1 pill keeps me awake and focused for 6 hours.

>> No.10063392
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Xanax and adderall. My heart will explode but I can work all day and get shit done.

>> No.10063404

can't you take drugs to help? assuming you're doing all the obvious shit to make life easier

>> No.10063414

Try wellbrutin.

>> No.10063420

Im been on strattera for about 2 months now, i dont think its doing anything, gonna go see a proper specialist and try and get onto dex or something, im hoping it fixes me up enough to hold down some wagecuck position atleast

>> No.10063435

Also people with ADHD are more creative as far as i know. Try an art or something.

>> No.10063441

See a professional possibly, not just a shrink but a doctor that specializes in ADHD. Some believe ADHD to be a form of emotional synesthesia, every input gets an emotion even if by miswire and irrelevant. Mindfulness exercises are the best place to start; barring bad habits in diet, sleep, and narcotics. For example, shut your eyes and see how high you can count. Picture a wall in front of you. Maintain sight of how the bricks stack, the colors, the height. Keep counting. Breathe deep. When that wall disappears, you lose count, or lose focus otherwise you must record your number and start over. This number should rise over the weeks.
Also, you and your ADHD lost you that job, blame yourself appropriately but it should be obvious that suicidal thoughts are a problem.
>how did you get fired?

>> No.10063476
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Adderall is only one that worked for me. Have friend who take conserta. You’re going to tweak and sweat and shit but you’ll sto being a useless autist

>> No.10063512

wow life is really mowing u

>> No.10063520

i thought the same, i used it 6months and after being off it for a year i realized that i was calm as shit on it. It doesnt help with concentration that much but it completely removes the stress that ADHD people have. Cortisol is dangerous as fuck.

>> No.10063538


Just get Concerta 18MG like me and do a 180.

>> No.10063556

>Taking whatever the jewish medical specialist gives you for made up conditions
You guys are never going to make it

>> No.10063572

Are you sure you're not simply mentally retarded?

>> No.10063579


>> No.10063616

Try armodafinil

Literally is a life changer to me.

It’s as if normally I function on 30% of my brain, (heavy brain fog, slow thinking) have low mood or dull mood, usually have social anxiety and low self esteem.

As soon as I take it all the negatives reverse. I feel great, I feel intelligent, super confident and charismatic. I draw people to me rather then repel them.

I feel as if the ‘every day me’ isn’t the real me, and the modafinil makes me feel normal...but my normal is non-modafinil me so?

Anyone relate?

>> No.10063630

>what is tracking eye movement
>what are brain waves
>what is a fucking amygdala
There's a difference between overdiagnosed and made up. Its not that hard to find a nonjew doctor. They can help you without meds and should be trying to do so first. The smaller group (35% of diagnoses) who do struggle with true ADHD are the ones most harmed by both your sentiments and big pharmas drug pushing equally.

>> No.10063640
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did you know this that OPs brain is the one on the left.

>> No.10063652

just exercise more retard

>> No.10063662

By the structure of your shitty attempt at a sentence, it looks like you’re not at all self aware hahahahahah

>> No.10063671

Sounds more like autism than ADHD tbqh

>> No.10063787

Had a referal to a adhd specialist, just rang them and he wont see me there was no reason given
Well fuck an hero sounds like a pretty valid option now

>> No.10064080

Call another. Good on you for making the effort. Fuck the doubters, don't prove them right.

>> No.10064081

Kill yourself by not eating.

>> No.10064212 [DELETED] 

Adderall will cure your adhd. I hear desoxyn does the job (it's straight meth).
Talk to a shrink and get yourself tested.

>> No.10064228

there is one more in the area, gotta go back and see my gp to get another referral. just getting told a doc wont help and not even giving a reason felt like a blow to the guts
ADHD is such a pain in the ass illness to have
people like
are either trolls or have done zero research but decided to chime in anyway despite not knowing what the fuck they are on about
if i was just straight up retarded i could atleast just get obligation free tardbux untill i cark it just as good as making it if you live a simple life which if your retarded you probably do

>> No.10064480

>are either trolls or have done zero research but decided to chime in anyway despite not knowing what the fuck they are on about
You gave them (you)s though. Irrespective, like the other anon said - call another mang.
Just remember, there's no panaceas in life, life is a bitch that kicks you when your down -- the good news is if you can deal with blows to the gut like that and arbitrary rejection, you're already increased your odds of solving your problems way more than most people who give up.

>> No.10064492

I was unironically going to post the same.
Welbuterin is the best.

>> No.10064548

>boohoo my made up conditions
Lay off the soi lattes

>> No.10064576

here have another (you)

>> No.10064589
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>Ran over a few mail boxes and pipes
Wtf? Were you even looking? I seriously hope you don't have a drivers licence. Tbqh your employer probably fired your ass because of your attitude AFTER you fucked up bigly. I imagine your "ADHD" (bullshit I presume) kicked in hard and you were dismissive about the consequence of your actions citing "muh conditions" and didn't even offer to stake the mailboxes back in.

>How 2 adult the thread

>> No.10064648

no i dont have drivers liscence for obvious reasons, my attitude after i fuck up is one of regret and yes i do off the clock repair my fuckups also i didnt fallback on muh disabilitys i just apologized and stated i will do better
if i acted the way you described in your post i wouldnt have had the job for a year, i would be lucky to have had it a few days

>> No.10064651

It's funny how you say Adhd is a made up condition just because people that have it seem lazy or dumb.
I'm a surgeon with Adhd diagnosed since 5 years ago. I always struggled in life, saw people do stuff normally that I couldn't possibly think of. I got my first drivers license at age 30 after starting taking the medication. I failed 5 times before that. Studying was hell to me.
My brain works differently than the rest, not better or worse.
Point is that shitting in Adhd guys just because they don't accomplish anything is bullshit because even those that seem normal are having a struggle inside their heads

>> No.10064677

capturing and dissecting small animals you find in your backyard doesn't qualify you as a "surgeon" you faggot

>> No.10064712

Im an actual surgeon.

>> No.10064737

im just fucking with you, anon
i believe it
diagnosed adhd too but went off meds, the negatives of the stims (prescribed dexedrine) are just not worth it for me
best of luck to you

>> No.10064741

I’ve always had problems with adhd my folks used to force feed me Concerta till I was a teen but I started to act like a fucking robot, literally could not have a normal social relationship because my lack of emotion or empathy, also I used to get horrible headaches.
I quit that shit and started smoking weed it helped me for a while but now on my mid 20s after not smoking of doing any kind of drugs for more that 2 years the. ADHD is slowly creeping on again. I don’t want to go back to concerta and weed is no longer fun for me.

>> No.10064759

microdosing lsd has been helpful for me.
1p is easy enough to get online.
ymmv though.

>> No.10064776

got off concerta recently
gave me anxiety and ocd and bad hairloss
Now I take 3 tabs fish oils and almonds and walnuts
works just as good
Especially fish oil can do wonders for adhd
Take it and notice how you can stay calm and relaxed

>> No.10064854

im about to go cold turkey off of addy and im about to look into this. Is microdosing a meme or an actual viable replacement?

>> No.10064879

Hit Adderall tolerance. What now? Commit sudoku?

>> No.10064893

>ran over a few mail boxes and pipes
You have down syndrome not ADHD.

>> No.10065053

Online meaning deep web or smthn

>> No.10065081

Stay strong brother. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago and i struggle with it constantly. It is a bigger unseen burden that most don't see. I can completely empathise with you. I myself have struggled as of late, in dealing with it. You may get overwhelmed on days, but keep your head up. ADHD gives so many benefits, and you have the ability to do much much more.

>> No.10065302
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Any anons here think they might have
I swear after I went on a overseas trip I came back with a never ending internal monologue, I assumed that after a week or so it would die down and I'd return to my NEET ways but basically noticed a change: I couldn't sit through movies anymore, I would get restless and then frustrated if I couldn't do things immediately, I found myself multi-tasking more. I started writing compulsively because that internal monologue would never cease, it was like rereading the same pages of Finnegan's Wake over and over again before moving onto the next ones.

The thing is, I had incredible focus before this. I could sit still and do study for hours. Now I can only do it if I zig zag across 10 different subjects. I use to be able to see tasks to completion, now at the slightest point of resistance I get distracted.
I can't even watch television anymore - the second a show gets boring I will come on 4chan or look at facebook, and then before I know it I'm reading about medieval manuscript illustrations or the history of the the British Premier League and I think: HOW IN THE HELL DID I GET HERE?
Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else. I swear, it happened after I went on a tourbus overseas - synaptic overload from seeing so much interesting shit and meeting so many new people everyday and nothing has ever been able to hold my attention since.

>> No.10065332

not sure if you can have late onset ADHD since its something you are born with due to how them brain develops but what you wrote sounds alot like how adhd can manifest itself, maybe a more educated anon could give you answer

>> No.10065348

Where to buy

>> No.10065404

You might want to before withdrawals kick in

>> No.10065411

>not sure if you can have late onset ADHD
It's mentioned in a lot of psych journals. I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't.
Just punch it into Google Scholar.

>but what you wrote sounds alot like how adhd can manifest itself,
Hmmm cool. I guess.

>> No.10065433

seconding this

>> No.10065448

>He is unwilling to control his spergouts so he blames his problems on a fake disease and takes amphetamines

>> No.10065483
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Unironically the only true solution....
Short term of course :^)

>> No.10065494

what am i looking at?

>> No.10065499

How often shouls I take modafinil? I got the 200mg ones

>> No.10065502

I mean, everyone else with your condition just plays video games for a living

>> No.10065504

>Anonymous (ID: 67ajQy7F)
>06/27/18(Wed)22:30:02 No.10063616
/r/ing a source on *afinil
my guy on reddit got banned

>> No.10065517
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The best stimulant all around on the market anon.....
Crystal M -

>> No.10065523

i dont want to become a methhead

>> No.10065524


You are right and wrong. I've dealt with depression, ADHD, bipolarity, probably schizophrenia also and couldn't hold a train of though for more than 30 seconds. All this is derived from a horrible childhood and untreated traumas, etc..

I can guarantee you that the first time I took adderal after 5 years of not getting on the pills, at the age of 21, I almost cried when the pills took effect, because I felt for the first time in my life that I can think, focus and have a good memory. These things aren't so innocent as you might of thought.

Prior to that, being very healthy guy and anti pill, keeping myself fit through exercises kind of helped, but nowhere near to the point of adderal.

I'm off pills now, but jesus christ, you have no idea what a fucking wonder this shit was to me. I'm doing a lot better without pills now also.

>> No.10065537

can you recommend a specific type? IR XR etc.
i'd like to try some

>> No.10065544

get modafinil, much safer.

>> No.10065545
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Get the prescribed version then...
Honestly, it's bad.... just like adderall... just like all drugs. Fuck them all, they all induce fake pleasure that makes you crave it again especially when you are a depressed 4channer.

I will tell you i've been on it for 1 year straight now, and you wouldn't be able to tell. No face scars, all my teeth etc
I did lose 10 lb tho, but regardless... i'm getting off it. Down to 2 lines a day, this shit bogs your life in the end... just like any other stimulant

>> No.10065550

good luck bro
I need a source

>> No.10065566

Just try out different things like Adderal, Modafinil, Ritalin and Vyvanse.

I'd recommend just getting Adderal and slowly see how it works on you. Just don't over do it or you'll end up like that guy from Mr. Robot. Happened to me also, kind of fucked me up for 2 weeks and I built an insane tolerance after I burned myself out. Being awake 24 hours and reading a book at 2AM, because your brains are working like they've never worked before and HAVE too work is not fun.

So be really careful and don't over do it, or you'll find yourself reading books through night, because you will not be able to sleep and brains will crave gaining new information. Imagine starving and having a good piece of steak. Now imagine your brains starving, but you can eat 24hours per day and your brains will still be starving. You'll swallow pages of books like you've never even though you could before.

t. Someone who gone through this

>> No.10065569

You'll be amazed at how quickly all that shit happens once it starts.

>> No.10065571

I think I have ADHD but Ive smoked so much weed all the energetic shit is out of my system and now I just find it hard to concentrate. Like for example, some times if I have a lot on my mind I'm unable to breath through my nose while thinking.. Its too much work.
A few other guys I know who were diagnosed with ADHD during their childhood and spent their entire youth acting crazy have a similar experience after smoking weed on the regular.
I wanna get off the dope but every time I go even 16 hours without I just have so much fucking energy. As if its all stored for the long term. And theres no way in fuck Im getting on pills.

>> No.10065585

Then again I probably dont have ADHD because when I do stimulants I'm bouncing off walls whereas my ADHD buddies are strangely calm... Idk.

>> No.10065592

I live in a third world country where I bribe a pharmacist to give me whatever I want. lol

>> No.10065597


>> No.10065602

Fuck lads someone recommend me an ideal dose and cycle so I don't end up getting my brain rekt.

>> No.10065620

>That 30yr old boomer who runs over mailboxes when mowing the lawn at 9am on a saturday

>> No.10065658

Does excessivr daydreaming count as an ADHD syndrome?

Because I do that every day

>> No.10065668
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>taking meth the meth jew

try pic related thank me later. you can also look for some Rhodiola and/or Ashwagandha

>> No.10065715


Sounds like youre a lazy brainlet on top of the ADHD, op.

Consider learning to combat the effects of said disorder yourself because nobody is going to do it for you. I know a chick paralyzed from the waist down and she is pulling 150k/year running her own business. YOU CAN FUCKING WALK BRO. Stop using a minor disability as a fucking crutch you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.10065746

You dont have to be a slow retard to have ADHD. Smart people with ADHD are just better at making it to adulthood undiagnosed.

>> No.10065796

>Consider learning to combat the effects of said disorder yourself because nobody is going to do it for you
that's dumb. it's like saying:

>learn to combat the effects of said alcohol intoxication after ingesting one bottle of jack daniels

Brain disorders are the heaviest ya dumbo... its the most complex organ in our bodies ya know ..

>> No.10065816

forgot my pic

imagine him with ADHD

>> No.10065820

Yeah I have it, I hate it, and I can't cope.

>> No.10065823
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>> No.10066012

Meme or not, you should be doing LSD occasionally regardless.

>> No.10066129

does this actually work?

>> No.10066153
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0 coffee and ritalin with tea.
Coffee and drinks with coffe fucks with your brain , tea does not that much and helps.
But you need ritalin or adderall crap to really be efficient , try ritalin LA for manual jobs one in the morning and smaller doses to learn shit.
it´s not that costly and it works anon , it helped my life incredibly , don´t listen to the ones that speak against this.

>> No.10066179

daily reminder all mental illness diagnoses are just ways to shift the blame to something external rather than take responsibility for your own mind and its effects

>but muh chemical imbalance

yes your thoughts can change your body chemistry, this isnt new go read a book

>> No.10066212
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Thank you for this thread OP
I thought I was the only one who couldn't hold down a job and idk why, I try to have a good work ethic but am pretty relaxed when it comes to rules and getting from point A to B when solving a problem

Which ends up getting me fired
I tried concerta yes ago but all I noticed was I had fidgety hands all day and didnt feel very focused..

FF to now and I just came out of being homeless and am living with my uncle n aunt and trying to get my shot together and go to school and start an online business and try making edm production in my off time and researching car salesman careers but part of me feels like no matter how motivated I am the actual day to day leaves me feeling super cloudy headed and tired and lethargic..

>> No.10066216

Any of you guys tried CBD?

>> No.10066251

How the fuck are you old enough to be paying rent and working a job mowing lawns? Sorry for your mental retardation. I have ADHD. Or at least a doctor told me I did and gave me drugs. I don't take them anymore. Went on a few psychedelic mushroom trips and now I'm better.

>> No.10066275

Eugenics should be a thing, so non-functioning retards like OP can be culled.

>> No.10066768

I hate people with ADD the most. They say will be your best friend then never talk to you again. They ghost you for no reason. Fuck you. Fuck all you diseased slobs.

>> No.10066830

>Went on a few psychedelic mushroom trips and now I'm better.

>> No.10066841

don't worry anon, i once did a two weeks training for a call-center job and they said i didn't pass cause i was 'slow'(it's kinda true, my reaction time is low). now i am rolling my own biz making top paper. things happen for a reason.

>> No.10066866

Op here. My id may have changed.
Mushrooms just made me realize how fucked up things are. Eating mushrooms and being in the right environment randomly made me see some weird things inside my head. I don't know how to explain.

>> No.10067108

>now i am rolling my own biz making top paper

What biz is sutable for an ADHD brainlet .

Please enlighten us anon. Share your secret.

>> No.10067965

Smart ADHD here, everything has always been super draining and a struggle, i basically had to bruteforce my way through school and actually held a programming job for 3 years, but dont kid yourself, living your life like this is simply not worth it, yes life is a struggle but not every single aspect of it should be, im only now getting medicated and boy what a fucking difference, wish i started years ago.

>> No.10068028

blowjob penis donorship for your mother's foundation

>> No.10068099

I avoid doctors like the plague but am pretty positive I’ve had ADHD since I was a kid. Never able to focus in class, on an assignment, read a book, etc. my down time used to be playing wow while running Netflix in a second monitor. That amount of stimulus was just enough to keep me occupied.

Anyway, been struggling with some sever brain fog lately and some poking around in the internet led me to believe it might be a gluten intolerance. Maybe try taking a look into that OP? For me, I’ve been able to change my diet and can think probably 50% more clearly than I have in awhile.

>> No.10068115

also check your blood sugar levels

>> No.10068254

you faggots need to read dr. sarno and start meditation/journalspeak practice instead of gobbling up jew pills. tms my ass

>> No.10068305

Try improving your diet.
Stop eating sugar, try IF and proper keto, eat healthy fats, supplement omega 3 if necessary.
This shit unironically helped me with brain fog and ADHD, probably will help you too.

>> No.10068310


>> No.10068318


i went from a pretty good EE to an absolute fucking wizard once i got diagnosed and went on vyvvanse

feels like cheating desu