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File: 11 KB, 357x412, images-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10063193 No.10063193 [Reply] [Original]

Also who else holding 77,777 linkies?

>> No.10063250
File: 3.31 MB, 3000x2000, 1528149244711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost too comfy, wish I had more than 13k :/

>> No.10063356

glad I sold this dumpster fire

>> No.10063383

Your ARS will be on fire at some point during the next 12 months. May require medication.

>> No.10063469

Bc like Christianity you’re surrounded by people constantly reaffirming your faith.

>> No.10063586

Schutze here. Comfy with 16 stinkies

>> No.10063589

Is 65K enough to make it?

>> No.10063595

The fuck out of here you larping pajeet.

>> No.10063604

you will be comfy at 0.

>> No.10063615

unironically have 7,777

>> No.10063622

What a fucking piece of shit

>> No.10064748

>tfw holding just 700 links

>> No.10066011

Based, you gonna try for 11,111?

>> No.10066553
File: 24 KB, 1717x129, 41398f12e69dabdddf47360b3d7717dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the low low price of 300 ETH, it has made me 100 Bitcoin

>> No.10066561

>buy LINK
>instant bagholder
Is this the power of 77777?

>> No.10066565

nothing against my 14,888

>> No.10066573

Get some more dude

>> No.10066577

You realise the current price doesn't count for you, because you can't sell that much, right?

>> No.10066591

You realize that picture is 8 months old and I sold in the bull market you guys should have sold at right?

>> No.10066595

Good for you tbqh

>> No.10066601

Smart contracts a meme now friend, you should be looking into fiat based exchanges with tokens for the next run up

>> No.10066608

I'm larping i hold 0 LINK, never did and never will

>> No.10066620

Don't let anyone tell you are stupid anon for not owning LINK, that 4-6x gains was the dumbest, most teeth pulling experience I've had.

>> No.10066636

there are PLENTY of much more promising altcoins that will outperform your pajeet cultcoin, once the markets recovers

>> No.10066643

It's not. Reeeeeeeeee

>> No.10066658

OP is larping faggot. There is no wallet owning 77777 linkies
I wonder if any one even owns any link in this board

>> No.10066679

Nice. Some of these people are scumbags for trying to convince others to buy just for a joke. The rest are dumb enough to actually own LINK. These LINK threads are trash.

>> No.10066689
File: 82 KB, 400x350, IMG_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1100 here. Living in a shithole, I'm disabled, mom has cancer, got fired because I took leave to take mom to hospital. No degree, homeschooled. 24 and virgin, never even held hands. Link is my only hope. Put everything I could in it, despite being in debt to relatives due to mom's treatment.

Stay stinky

>> No.10066706


Shit if for real, i hope LINK makes it for your sake.

$1,000 EOY!

>> No.10066750

wtf bro how are you disabled?

>> No.10066770

Anybody not selling right now and rebuying it at 10 cents is a moron.

>> No.10066785

what is distibuting across different wallets?
what is holding it all on the exchange, the chad way?

>> No.10066790
File: 75 KB, 782x700, 1511561322960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10066793
File: 338 KB, 736x1112, 1528261858986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek will bring you to salvation.

>> No.10066803

Lots of big swinging donkey schlongs in the house.

>> No.10066810

>trying to flip your stack this close to the bottom with low volume instead of just adding more

It’s like you want to lose

>> No.10066818

you do realise that people keep stuff on binance right?

>> No.10066849

Never held link, but now that it is this cheap, should I get a masternode? 10k is only like $1.7k. What rewards are masternodes looking at?

>> No.10066904

I think you like most of the members of the board couldn't follow the conversation me and the other anon were having and you are coming off like a raving lunatic.

>> No.10067699

Probably mentally disabled.

>> No.10067943


We will all make it! Hang in there my brother in Link!

>> No.10068293


>> No.10069494

I hope so.

That's what I'll do Marine.

I'm dependant on blood transfusions since birth due thalassemia.

Me too, thanks.

>> No.10069508

I find more often than not, most linkies want to use their wealth to help others. I think were different from a lot of other projects in this way, and its really comforting that this group wants to generally use its future wealth for good.

God speed anon, hold strong and we will be rewarded. See you on the other side brother

>> No.10069561

Roger marine

>> No.10069733
File: 72 KB, 885x402, 1524709440190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hers a comfy screenshot in case you haven't seen this. Smart contract domain registered a week before bitcoin white paper released. Sergey Nazarov, Satoshi Nakimono, SN

Do you want to believe?

>> No.10069923
File: 199 KB, 1024x704, linkfrog1529638599965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you've summoned the linkfrog of gains.

He is very rare, and comes out from time to time to remind us that we're all going to make it.

Stay strong, anon.

>> No.10069936

the only thing that's stopping me from believing is that Sergey would have been like 18 or 19 at the time

>> No.10069952

Bill gates wrote his first software program at 13. Age as a sign of intelligence is stupid.

>> No.10069961

you fucking retard

smartcontracts dont necessarily have to be employed using blockchain. the concept of having a "smartcontract" was already discussed in the nineties DECADES before blockchain ever was introduced by BITCOIN.

you dumb stupid fuck.

>> No.10069984
File: 346 KB, 512x512, 1524083573560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not doubt Sergey

>> No.10069985

You will be poor forever anon, how does that feel?

>> No.10070009

how does it feel being 75 iq you scamming nerd?

>> No.10070064

Cant wait till EOY when I'm rich and I can donate to the homeless shelter you'll be living in.