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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10063157 No.10063157 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is shit gonna hit the fan Sunday?

>> No.10063198

who cares fuck steel lmao #serviceeconomies4lyfe

>> No.10063207

Who the fuck eats food from Mexico, China or India. Saving on hepatitis infections not included

>> No.10063224

hasnt really worked out for Canadahar, eh?

>> No.10063316

Canadian tariffs take effect sunday....
This lmao nobody consumes metal. The fuck is a hot water tank or Harley?

>> No.10063344

> European cigarettes and bourbon

Top kek

>> No.10063402

> The fuck is a hot water tank or Harley?

Don't ask me bro I got laid off from my steel job 25 years ago when and have been homeless ever since. Haven't even used hot water in years.

>> No.10063422

Kek don't worry we are bringing back that job by
*checks notes*
Trashing the whole economy.
They usually slap on random shit like this just to effect businesses.

>> No.10063460

All good. Trump will create 48 new coal mining jobs this term and then the next president will kill 40,000 more. Not like we needed these 4 years to try and stop the rot in our respective countries, no big deal.

>> No.10063501
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>Chinese wine
>European peanut butter

Is this a joke?

>> No.10063539

I cant tell if this is trolling or not.

>> No.10063551


Trump is right. We were already getting ripped off between 100 billion and 200 billion.

So who gives a shit about these "retaliations"

>> No.10063575

What? How are you getting "ripped off".
Surely an esteemed educated /biz/poster would understand a trade deficit is just a savings equation? Not based on trade policy and Exports are only removed from GDP to avoid the double spend as it counts as consumption.

>> No.10063594

They're taxing imports you stupid fuck

>> No.10063638

The world will dump USD as reserve currency, all fiat currencies that want to survive will be backed by gold.And cryptocurrencies will still be backed by comedy goldlike usual

>> No.10063667

That's even more hilarious. Tiny import taxes on shit they don't need.

>> No.10063673

>all fiat currencies that want to survive will be backed by gold


Goldfag detected.

>> No.10063719

That is the point retard.
Tariffs hurt both parties so they are attempting to single out american businesses and avoid self harm. They are much better thought up then the Original American ones.

>> No.10063743


>> No.10063750

To be more specific. These are goods with highly price elastic demand from import countries compared to the supply. So cost is borne more by the USA and they lose more total welfare from DWL. Now that combined with the fact that companies like JD have recognizable names.

>> No.10063765


Tariffs. Duh.

Europeans charge Harley Davidson like 50% of their import price in taxes.

So if they import a $10k bike they have to pay the euro governments $5k on it.

Just do the math if the didn't have that bullshit they could sell more bikes oversees and make more $.

>> No.10063775

You're an absolute idiot.

>> No.10063805

Putin and Xi Jinping are the most renowned goldfag now

>> No.10063850

You realize America STARTED the trade war right? Until the last couple weeks Europe had no special tariffs that wouldnt effect HDs new Asian manufacturing and the USA literally turned down a CETA like deal with the EU not to long ago. Prior to Trumps tariffs everything was still under WTO limits.

>> No.10063863

>America STARTED the trade war by making other countries have higher import tarriffs than us for years and years

>> No.10063890

Nope. US is equalizing the playing field, every country in question had been getting fat for decades off the back of old good USA. USA had THE LOWEST tarrifs in the world, now they're matching tarrif for tarrif.

>> No.10063934

>nuh uh trump said they are ripping us off! Whats the WTO!?
You know tariffs hurt importing countries as well right?

>> No.10063961

those are tariffs, meaning that American-grown food (and other products) will become more expensive in those countries.

So, they will have to eat more locally-grown food, pay more for US food, or import food from elsewhere.

>> No.10063977

So canada's 200% tax on dairy is hurting both countries? All these countries that have huge tariffs on our products are only hurting themselves and us?

>> No.10063991

Almost no one bought american made food anyway.
Most of our shit is genetically modified and people actually passed laws to keep them from sending out stuff to their countries.
Not even Africa want's our stuff anon.

>> No.10064011

Thats exactly why Canada has a 200% tarrif on milk - Canadian producers won't be able to compete with hormone laced cheap shit that's sold as (((milk))) in the US.

>> No.10064043

Yes to both.
Do you understand what a dead weight loss is? Canada protecting dairy hurts the country ad a whole. Its mostly a special interest thing, dairy cartel fucks anyone in their way with dumb shit like "our milk is so much healthier!" Etc. As seen in propaganda like
They even used to pay to have schools teach kids they needed way more milk than they do.
However agriculture is protected in many countries as a sort of self reliance borderline tinfoil hat "what if" policy. Opening Canada's milk market would be great for any Canadian not in the dairy market and total wealth in Canada. However I doubt it would have non neglible effects on the USA. Canada has a very small population and at market rates dairy isn't all that profitable. Then Canadian firms just selling at market rates means very little. How this is worth tanking the U.S. economy and destroying our remaining manufacturing sector and the life of any american steel worker use or consumer on the grounds "yeah but we are taking Canada down with us!" Baffles me.

>> No.10064054

>yes to both.
Then why is it only Trump gets shit on for the tariffs? Why not kick up all this dust for all the other countries? And even if you're right, isn't it praiseworthy that Trump has phrased his desire to increase tariffs as a way of getting these other countries to stop hurting themselves and us

>> No.10064056

But the threat alone is all it takes

>> No.10064067

move this thread to /pol/ ffs or plebit

>> No.10064104

Can confirm, my family member works at Canada’s largest dairy processing company. The Canadian tariffs hurt their business, however they do an ok good job of protecting farmers. Generally almost no milk goes over the US-Canada border anyways so changing the tariffs wouldn’t make any difference. Changing might hurt farmers a bit but the trade is so minuscule I’m surprised it’s even on anybody’s radar.

>> No.10064105

For what?
Because Trumps tariffs started the whole mess.
Most the Tariffs Trump talks up are minor, made up or often just cultural shit. None of it really effects any economy to a noticable level like say Steel does, to both the USA and the world. Like I'm sure expensive milk and chicken blows for Canadians. But its not quite the dame as everything from Cars to Hot watertanks ballooning in price weekly. Additionally USA had options to skirt around a lot of this but opted not to. For example signing TPP would have given the USA access to the Canadian dairy market as a quota instead of a tariff. Why Trudeau won't just copy past this to NAFTA i have no idea. I guess the dairy lobby is that powerful or he is saving it as a bargaining chip/to look strong.

>> No.10064135

The dollar to lose value.
The other countries started the trade war. Trump is retaliating.

>> No.10064177

It’s to look strong. This whole thing is playing into Trudeau’s hands, he loves it.

>> No.10064178

It would actually be cheaper to let American flood the market with cheap milk and pay any farmer to stay at home and do nothing. But this is a hard sell for 2 reasons. One, its a harder sell for the dairy/chicken mafia to make.
Two, it would close down agricultural plots and ultimately no country wants to lose their agricultural capabilities. No matter how much it costs them economically to protect. Just because interdepence on food is not a thing. When another country controls your food there is not much you can do to defend yourself. This is why governments do shit like buy half the harvest and burn it to keep prices up. Or mandate a limit on the market to protect their rent control racquet etc.
Lmao at your terrible terrible education.

>> No.10064225
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>Lmao at your terrible terrible education.
not an argument.

>> No.10064239

We're gonna need Bobo for this. Maybe a Trump Bobo since he's going to rek manufacturing

>> No.10064295

Im here to discuss the tariffs not teach a class to know it alls. For starters this isnt having much of an effect on the exchange rate. The CAD has been like this for a long time. Its more a return to normal as the relatively strong CAD was actually the effect of the 2008 recession hurting the USD of which as has fully recovered. Similarly inefficiencies in the oil sector have inhibited Canada's ability to tie their dollar to oil, creating uncertainty.
Lastly Trump's tariffs have been in effect weeks While Trudeaus start July 1st. Which makes you objectively wrong.
>but muhh dairy and chicken
These tariffs were maintained in exchange for concessions by the Canadian government in media protection, copyright laws pharmaceuticals and much more, in the CUFTA agreement signed by Reagan and maintained through NAFTA negotiated by Bush and Signed by Clinton.
Now how any of this matters I have no idea. But your whataboutism in cutting off your nose to spite your face is as stupid as the concept you are trying to defend.

>> No.10064851
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come back when you get what supply and demand is.

>> No.10065174

>playing into Trudeau's hands



>> No.10066155

>hurrr I know terms from intro econ checkmate!
Great now look up what a deadweight loss is you protectionist retard

>> No.10066421

>if you kill your enemies they win

>> No.10066675

i think steel is just as important as food for self-protection though

>> No.10066688


>100 billion dollars
>200 billion dollars
>"who gives a shit"

Confirmed normie brainlet.

>> No.10066727

>Trashing the whole economy.
The economy has been steadily getting healthier.

Hey, you tried.