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File: 1.20 MB, 2891x2749, 58ct8v8dd1y01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10060330 No.10060330 [Reply] [Original]

Buy silver.

>> No.10060364

hodling since 12 dollar
gold since 600
no regrets

>> No.10060424


>physical money you can hold in your hand

never guna make it

>> No.10060437

>that boomer that owns physical silver

>> No.10060463
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Buy iron.

>> No.10060700

Where do I buy? Currently I have been keeping a small collection of all the silver I have, just some rings and old quarters though.

>> No.10060712

This here is what about 2 grand?

>> No.10060741

Do boomers own silver? I thought the only thing they 'owned' was debt.

>> No.10060746

I don't actually want to have to deal with buying/storing all this shit. What are some good precious metal ETFs

>> No.10060760

DESU I would buy silver but would need to figure out the logistics of storing 100+ lbs of silver

>> No.10060784

send to me, i'll look after it.

>> No.10060797

When can I convert my crypto gains into tokenized silver (or any commodity, really) with a 100% reserver ratio that's redeemable for physical siilver and adminstired by a computer program so I don't have the trust the word of a bank?

something like that would be awesome. I'd love to be able to hedge a BTC downturn with silver or uranium or shit like that. I'm telling you man this blockchain/smartcontract thing is gonna be huge

>> No.10061833


I've been thinking about putting 30k into silver. Best way to do this desu?

>> No.10061845


>> No.10061846

>t. bagholder since 2011

PM fags are the original shitcoin-shillers.

>> No.10061887

what about DGX?

>> No.10061931

poor ass fagets buy gold

>> No.10061949

Gold just rides inflation though. With silver you can actually profit

>> No.10062252

These gold bags are getting heavy anon

>> No.10062735

JM Bullion, Provident Metals, APMEX. Watch for weekly deals and always go for free shipping.

>> No.10062763
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this garbage is just as bad as crypto

>> No.10062764

They're supposed to be heavy, moron. If you know anything about gold you'd know that.

>> No.10062775

Zoom out

>> No.10062864
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((((inflation adjusted))))

>> No.10062866
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>> No.10062883

that look pretty fucking bullish to me

>> No.10063061

You guys are gonna sell the moment they announce that we're mining asteroids right??

>> No.10063074

Buy Platinum you fools

>> No.10063084
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Fuck that, buy something that pays! https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.10063194

get in on cobalt

inb4 electric car battery boom

>> No.10063213

Buying physical silver. State of /biz/

>> No.10063493

my fat ass thought these were unwrapped hershey bars

>> No.10063536

Why? To make your bags lighter?

>> No.10063542
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platinum and palladium as well

however if precious metals moon crypto will singularity
the only situation where metals out perform crypto in the next 5 years is like nuclear war, quantum computer

>> No.10063573

Buy a monster box, trade ounce for ounce within silver community

>> No.10063585

Or exchanges frauds exposed

>> No.10063621

I disagree, exchange fraud doesn't change the fact crypto is the first currency in human history that cannot be debased.

The risk is much more spread out now that we have so many exchanges, unlike the gox situation. It would be an awesome buying opportunity

>> No.10063782

ICOs are debasing cryptocurrency as a whole, even worse that most of them are scams
Yeah, exchanges are so transparent they are using blockchain for book keeping and under watchful eyes of financial regulators, oh wait they're not.
There's also that tether/trueusd that they claim inauditable using GAAP

>> No.10063853

the number of ICOs has no impact on the supply of the currency that wins
the market is going to consolidate back into 1 coin
the only reason it fragmented was because btc became useless

exchanges or tether have nothing to do with the value proposition of crypto if there are market crashes because of exchange fraud or the collapse of tether it will be a great time to buy

real threats are quantum computing or the destruction of the communications network in either case we'll all have bigger problems than making returns

>> No.10064046
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>> No.10064098

Even though people burning the winning crypto in ICOs?

Exchanges are irrelevant if people using crypto for goods and services, too bad most of not all transactions are between cryptos or to/from fiat

Brute force isn't the only security issue with crypto, by decentralization the attack vectors are spread far and wide

>> No.10064179

how do i sell when im ready to sell? i feel like the sell commission at whatever "We Buy Gold/Silver!" shops will rape me. Who the fuck would buy the silver rounds/bars off of me? what is the best method to off-ramp?

>> No.10064186

I don't think metals will outperform crypto in the next 5 years, agree to disagree

>> No.10064620
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.37 over spot for generic 1 oz coins. ill pick up 100 if price dips under 16 this week.

>> No.10064921


They will when NESARA or something like it hits...

Trump already floated no income tax yesterday...

Day of Days is almost upon us boyo...

Roths BTFO

>> No.10064935


You don't own what you don't physically hold.

>> No.10064947

Gold is going to $500

Crypto is 100x better and I think crypto is pretty retarded

>> No.10064956

This. If you're gonna buy precious metals get a safe.

>> No.10065029

Just go to a coin store or pawn shop

>> No.10065052

anyone who thinks it's possible to return to a hard bi metallic currency as NESARA suggests is retarded. There's a huge amount of the economy dependent on the speed of transactions, which simply isn't possible with physical metals.

If he makes the usd redeemable in gold again it'll need to be at a rate of 1 ounce per 10k usd which just means he has evaporated the wealth of Americans overnight
Fort Knox is probably empty anyway

Crypto is unironically his only option

>> No.10065237

its going to $5
you just want to offload your junk

>> No.10065660

Panasonic is getting out of Cobalt.

>> No.10065674

Yes, faggot, I'm going to pump the market by scamming /biz/.

>> No.10065729

Never follow the amerifat trend and buy generic. You lose hard in the long run. Buy semi-numismatic instead.

>> No.10066723
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>mfw it wont be much longer before we import gold and silver from space and soon after we'll even be able to manufacture it

>> No.10066992


>> No.10067002

wow you must be filthy rich with your insider knowledge

>> No.10067016

Thanks Clif High.

>> No.10067031
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I hate goldbug boomers. Enjoy your multi year bear cycle and watching your 1,000$ silver investment cut in half.

>> No.10067070
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This. Buy Pandas and Kookaburras if you truly want to make it.

>> No.10067074

Enjoy watching your bitcoins and ethers drop another 70%

>> No.10067099

i heared pandas are often faked by several youtubers

>> No.10067105

If you're a retard and buy them on ebay

>> No.10067114

So you're paying a 15-20% premium on the cost of silver?

>> No.10067149
File: 6 KB, 277x182, Buylatinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Latinum you fools!

>> No.10067270

God, I love the sight of bullion.

>> No.10067273


>> No.10067317

meanwhile russia sold 40% of its us treasuries for gold
currency crisis is about to start

>> No.10067362
File: 12 KB, 284x177, WHEEL-BARREL-OF-MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, we don't take paper money anymore
>But i need something to eat
>Is a barrel full of dollars worth a slice of bread?
>No, sorry

>> No.10067383

>how about this shiny rock?
>the fuck would I want a shiny rock?
>you can make electronics components with it....

>> No.10067393

Silvergoldbull is good if your an Ameribro or Canuck. Across the pond not sure.

>> No.10067404

>But darling, i know you are young, but shiny rocks are the best store of value. People have trusted them for years
>Yeah, but i want shiny binary shitcoins for my bread, sorry

>> No.10067405

It really depends on what you think is going to happen when the dollar fails. Does electricity and internet fail with it and we fall into a modern dark age? Buy physical gold / silver. Do we continue to have internet / electricity and just experience hyper inflation? Buy crypto.

>> No.10067409
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don't buy silver

>> No.10067413

This argument is as dumb as saying an emp drop will render crypto useless

>> No.10067436

Mate if your country collapses down to caveman levels the only shit you want is tins of fish, water, toilet roll and cigarettes.

>> No.10067484

Ah and the people who are producing goods don't wanna trade anymore? Or are you srly speaking about a Zombie Apocalypse, then why would you bother investing at all, lmao

>> No.10067490

gtfo to reddit pleb

>> No.10067530

>Log scale

>> No.10067539
File: 56 KB, 500x500, emu coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMUcoin is the CHADdest of all coins

>> No.10067562

that's why we should diversify in all asset classes we can get

>> No.10067577

t. non stem brainlet

>> No.10067593

Engineer Boomer here
Still kys

>> No.10067620

Non stem brainlet confirmed

>> No.10067641

Google 'stem', kid.

>> No.10067660

Just like how cold fusion has been right around the corner for literal decades. We haven't even put a human on Mars.

Mining on an asteroid is INCREDIBLY hard even if it is done completely by robots. You would know that if you knew anything about science instead of being a "I fucking love science man" fedora. I bet you can't even do linear algebra.

Saying that shit will happen soon is literally placing unfounded religious tier belief in science. Dumbass, go read some more pop-sci articles or listen to e-scientists that biggest contribution to science was getting their degrees while making money out of retards like you.

>> No.10067679

>Oil will run out soon
>Cold fusion
>Astorid mining imminent

>> No.10067685


>> No.10067718

I don't follow your logic. Are you saying because we are approaching a definite need for it, it will automatically be solved?

>> No.10067869

>All we know is that we know nothing

>> No.10067914


>> No.10068015

About that yeah, Maybe 2,5k
Imagine How cool 25k would look

>> No.10068093
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I'll leave this here

>> No.10068132

>Not physical
Not going to make it. Go look up high frequency bot farms and how they rape ETFs.

>> No.10068197

makes me horny
when moon sirs?
hodling since 12 dollars

>> No.10068303

Silver isn't something you daytrade. It's considered part of your savings in the long-term so that in 5-10+ years, when something happens or inflation gradually takes its toll, your wealth will increase or stay the same (increase relative to inflation)

In a true SHTF scenario, it would be awhile before any currency was used and silver would be useless, but in a hyper-inflated economy, it will be worth a lot

>> No.10068338

>just go to a coin store or pawn shops
Coin stores and pawn shops as a rule exist purely because their owners are sleazy scammers who refuse to buy anything unless its sold at a significiant mark down.

Face it, precious metals are a fucking scam. There's no way to cash out efficicent and quickly. There's no way to even cash out with a guaranteed price similar to that of the current market. Precious metals are literally for brainlets who heard them advertised by Alex Jones one too many times.

>> No.10068356

>that boomer who tries to barter his 500 pounds of shiny rocks to you for a fish

>> No.10068397

imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.10068407

>Face it, precious metals are a fucking scam.
said the shitcoin"investor"
>There's no way to cash out efficicent and quickly.
i can buy from and sell to my bank for roughly 1% under spot-price
you stupid jamal?

>> No.10068500

Futures contracts or physical?

>> No.10068519

Since when 500 pounds of shiny rocks are giving you a fish? Fuck i will go fishing all day long to farm all the shiny rocks.

I love how all the teenis talk about pms and their only Investments is shitcoins with their launch money

>> No.10068576


>> No.10068697

shiny rocks that don't corrode, are self-sanitizing, are catalysts for vital chemical processes, and can be fashioned and refashioned into any shape necessary

i fucking hate you people, die

>> No.10069018

Ah yes, please tell me more about how during the collapse of civilization anyone is going to want to buy your useless lump of gold that your 30 year old boomer self spend half his life trying to accumulate.

>implying I invest in scams like shitcoins
I have the good sense to avoid shit investments, unlike you.

>> No.10069101
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Silver miner tip:
Bayhorse silver.
Massive risk
Mega reward
On sale due to a funding round.
Could go bankrupt could go 10-50x
You decide.

>> No.10069114

Just buy an ETF

>> No.10069126
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Used to get a couple ounces of silver free a week by going through coins from the bank

>> No.10069427

That is zoomed out?

>> No.10069703

How long can they survive with these low silver prices?

>> No.10069801

there is more gold on paper (thru etfs and contracts et al) than there is physical gold. the whole point of holding PMs is having a hedge against hpyerinflating fiat, and government in general.
by investing in PMs through ETFs, you ensure that the greatest hedge is no longer there because in an economic crisis/currency collapse, your ETF will shit the bed and they will _not_ be delivering you physical gold.
it's the biggest cuck, because as long as the fed is in charge and the USD hasn't shit the bed, your gold ETF will never "moon" as you fags say on here.
buy physical bullion and firearms.

>> No.10070047

Well they just secured 650k in funding.
So that should keep them afloat.
They are already mining but they started only a couple of months ago so there are no Numbers out yet.
There is not much to go on.
Just know that this mine was active in the 20's and in the 80's and that they are now using a high tech ore sorter to make it economical.
It's everyone's guess if this will pump out 200k or 2 million ounces and if they will be able to mine at a profit or not.
You can only lose what you put in. If silver goes to 25$ and they profit 10$ an ounce and mine over a million of em. It could tenfold or twentyfold easily imo.
You can follow discussion on stockhouse:

>> No.10070251

PSLV is better, it's managed by Billionaire Eric Sprott and you can exchange it for silver if you are in the US.

>> No.10070266

Looks interesting enough to throw in a few 1000 in, thanks anon. The new purification and refining process looks promising those g/t are not to mess with.

>> No.10070285

try selling it first. far less fun than buying it.

>> No.10070304

scam old as time
same poster or idiot, hard to tell

>> No.10070372

>started only a couple of months ago
>no Numbers
>. It could
>You can only lose


$ 0.115 real time data Change Down

-0.005 (-4.17%)


speculative mining penny stock based on shilling a 'new' process. No numbers or data. No third party verification of fats.Utter garbage. Another mining scam in Canada looooooooong history of same.

>> No.10070462

Gold press latinum is the future.

>> No.10070554

Hilarious reading the comments on that forum. People are losing their mind.

>> No.10070959

oil can be grown in plants like sunflower and cannabis

>> No.10071121


Not only that, but the silver/gold ratio will eventually restore itself to its historical ratio. Silver is incredibly undervalued right now. If you hold just 100 ounces or so, you'll bank some serious cash in about 10/15 years from now.

>> No.10071225

Thanks for your insight.

>> No.10071265
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platinum & palladium is where it's at, although i do enjoy these double eagles too

>> No.10072049

How is this better than buying litecoin?

>> No.10072129

The ratio meme has been shilled forever, look what silver did in the crash 2008.. LOL