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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10058027 No.10058027 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Work for 7 years in in Eastern Europe in a financial institution
> decent wage for this region
> still not enough to cover all expenses if I want to own a flat and a car
> no gf
> 30 y/o boomer
> my institution has went through numerous internal and organizational changes and shifts
> therefore no career climb possible because I constantly have new leadership
> nobody wants me anywhere else because I have been in one position for almost 7 years
> work and responsibilities are piling up more and more
> last month alone I got to work from 7:30 AM to 7 P.M. or even later every day
> literally burnt out
> no overtime
> no bonuses
> no promotions
> nowhere else to go
> no neetbux

* sips Red Bull*

>> No.10058395


>> No.10058406
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At least you're not a 25yo black boomer.

>> No.10058416

I too love the taste or Red Bull. I don't care for the energy though, I unironically love the taste and smell. Wish they sold an energy-free version.

The taste and smell provide feelings of joy and celebration, escapism really as I watch anime and try to forget reality

>> No.10058574

What are the implications of being a black 25 yo boomer?

>> No.10058846

I wish I was anime