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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10057972 No.10057972 [Reply] [Original]

i need some financial advice

>made it with ETH bought in real low
>found out that debit cards are dangerous and i should just use credit cards only
>i have over 23k in debt on credit cards and bills i have never paid on
>frank abignale the catch me if u can fag only uses credit cards and pays off the balance in full every month
>says this is the best method for buying literally anything as the cc company is responsible if fraud happens
>using a debit card puts your actual fiat at risk to hacker niggers and sometimes you can lose it all by using these cards

i need to know if this shit is basically true so i can clean up my credit and join the master race.
if it isnt true then fuck having a good credit rating i already have enough money and dont need loans

>> No.10058001

literally the absolute last thing i want to do is pay off my cc debt the the fucking kikes.

how dangerous are debit cards?

>> No.10058391

i mean
just dont be retarded with your debit card
their fraud prevention system is pretty good
yeah its a little bit of a bitch if they use your debit card. but its nothing going to the bank wont solve. its good to use credit cards so that you build credit. Dont listen to these fuckers. Credit is important. Play the kikes game and win.