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File: 64 KB, 1024x1024, Skycoin-SKY-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053551 No.10053551 [Reply] [Original]

getting ready for that 5x yet, or just fuckin around miserable AF?

>> No.10053573

Bloody alts still going down. Been holding to my sky among others hope it turns around quick I need $$$

>> No.10053588

way to go anon, things lookin good, with the new hardware launched, the game and the partnerships, there will be lots of liquidity in the system we ll see an increase no doubt

>> No.10053590

Get PAI Airdrop and u'll get rich by end of july


>> No.10053619

Currently getting loads of coin hours, that gas will be put to good use!

>> No.10053727

hell, i m not baggin much but if this shit moon there a holiday in Thailand right around the corner

>> No.10053738
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I'm ready!

>> No.10053777

sounds cool, if i cash 5x i m really comfy, if it s more the better. there has been this talk about launching a hardware wallet and some new game, i was not a fan of tamagotchi but this histeria with the virtual cats makes me wonder.. i d invest in virtual collectible if s bringing money in, no doubt. what was the name of that? Kitty Cash?

>> No.10053827

You're not gonna make it.

>> No.10053831


that's right kktty cash. get in now cause dey r organizing this tabbydrop, around 40k tabby for the public so if u hold sky, diy, official skyminer u can get more than 1.

>> No.10053939

just to give you an insight on the recent developments at SKY:

-BNB to be used on the sky ecosystem
-hardware wallet to be launched
-kitty cash launched, 40000 kitties drop this month
-phase one of the test net getting to an end, rewards for the miners in place, read about it here:


if this is not proof enough of the strenght of the ecosystem, i dont know what is

>> No.10053945

Since it's only been a few days since release of Kittycash, it's more of a timing thing than anything. If you want to go in, now is the time. Take a rare one, and you can sell it for a good price, also is a fun.

>> No.10053957

Getting ready for you niggers to go back to your discord and stay there

>> No.10054035

This week alts went up and down. Getting ready for more in the upcoming future. What about that hardware wallet release? Is there any official date announced? I am curious about the design and what brings new to the market

>> No.10054082


>dev makes up a kidnap story to explain them exit scamming

No. I will not buy your bags.

>> No.10054092
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fuck synth. "1 btc per month" my ass

>> No.10054112
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You gotta pounce early on shit like https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534 if you really want a whatever x at this point

>> No.10054171

Last week they presented the prototype with a new design and new internals to match, looking good I would say. I read it will be released in early 2019 latest, but there is a possibility to happen earlier taken the fact that the hardware and the case is ready, working now on finalising the software

>> No.10054265

This thread is hilarious. I mean I actually hold sky but this shit. Just lol.

‘Diss much good coin sirs it is a rich man coin for the cats’

‘Get ready for many moons sirs I recommend a holiday in thailand’

Just stop senpaitachi. Unless this is some kind of weird reverse psychology fud?

>> No.10054504

Until the hardware wallet, you can use the software one
if you go for the hardware now, it is expensive around 100$ sky one will be cheaper affordable 30$ https://medium.com/skycoin/cloudy-days-behind-blue-skys-ahead-255a1310a6a5

>> No.10054530

there's a lot under development and lot of processing to make.

hard to make the right choice when the whole market is down, started to have ny own doubts

since 2012 the market got full of altcoins, scamcoins and shitcoins and somehow i am pleased the market gets sick like this.
I would be glad if more solid projects could step in

>> No.10054603

the ecosystem it is already built strongly
> skycoin skywire, the fiber, different algorithm compared to others and now the upcoming hardware
what they should focus on is get more popularity and bring more users if they want to go on the next level

>> No.10054635
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US will forfeit 4k btc
some still fuck around with crypro
blamestorming won't stop and crypto will go down even more
it's time for a damn change and some trust-based project that can get us all involved

>> No.10054694

Sounds like the right time for SKY to take advantage of present insecurities. Isn'it?!?? c'mon SKY ride this boat like no other every did!!!

>> No.10054850
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thanks for buying my bags kek

>> No.10054961


kittycash website is not working well, some updating should be ready soon, thank god I don't have one yet otherwise it could die of starvation. btw do u know how much is the worth of these new kitties?

>> No.10055035

What you people don't get is when you go for altc you have to bear in mind 3 things

Usability - the more usable a coin is the more non-stop investor could be interested in. See for ex Sky projects miners, BNB agreement, kitty cash, others

Demand of the coin - the value of an altcoin is directly related to the demand of a coin - greater demand the higher the value

Community - can greatly impact its acceptance and growth. A stronger the community can take the coins on high value for long term

Of course there are other factors too, but these is the most important. In my opinion

>> No.10055339

that's what I am tryin' to point out mkst of the time. You can't just stand and wait for your coin to moon. You have to show support and act accordingly. The community has the obligation to stick to the plan even in hard times. You can't go and shout your unhappiness with the value of your coin and do the blamegame forever. That being said, I stick to my sky even if now it's not worth much, I have faith it will moon by the end of the year.

>> No.10055341


Are stories out there kitty was sold for 4mil$, ofc is not applicable to all the kitties
depends on your kitty, DNA, how much you invested in it, the rare ones are the best in prices. In the drop they had a few days ago the popular was the Alpha Kitty

>> No.10055390

Thank you! Finally someone understand how this business is working and has a valid argument.

I think the same, and do the same. If you don't understand how it goes better quit and mind your business. I am sick of all this bullshit arguments people are keep pushing with

>> No.10055392

niyce dogo

>> No.10055494

so the community has to be retarded shitcoinshillers?
only people left in sky are bagholders who bought the binance ath
verginlevel intelligence in the tg now
last diehard-og's ran when the wallets got "frozen"
>muh longest cryptoproject, 7 years sir
so far nothing apart from a vpn
not even the consensus implemented
they have NOTHING so far apart from gimmicks you can buy from them for your precious btc
>the next btc
>btc is flawed
synth: gimme your btc goys
centralized piece of shit
you have to realize you buy a Proof-of-Stake Coin to get kittiefood airdropped

>> No.10055634


Oh, shut up.
There is nothing better than what sky offers. You talk about centralisation??

Even if they worked for this project a long time, just recently they started to have exposure on these matters. Skycoin ecosystem planned to tackle every problem we have not with btc&eth and with other alts. They started a testphase in April for a meshnetwork (see skyminer). Their algorithm is not working like PoS and Pow, but it's all thought around the density ( >>node’s network of subscribers determines its influence on the network<<). Because each node has a personal blockchain so intense activity will never interfere with your own activity.

But I guess you prefer to be owned by Chinese farmers and drown in your mining pools and ignorance

>> No.10055683

>Oh, shut up.
get cucked pajeeto
>Skycoin ecosystem planned to tackle every problem
so far 0 (zero) solution
the whole economic model is stonertier-level
> Their algorithm is not working like PoS and Pow, but it's all thought around the density
so far there is NO (0, zero) algorithm you fuckhead
this whole scheme rans on a centralized server
hence the wallet "freezing" and "blacklisting"
ever had your btc blacklisted?
don't think so
>But I guess you prefer to be owned by Chinese farmers
Sky is a chinese hustle-project
don't be fooled
skyledger is scamming chinks left and right since years
ever heard of Ayn Rand Coin?
you already gave your money to the chinese you idiot

>> No.10055895

>>planned to tackle every problem we have not with btc&eth and with other alts

i see no decentralisation in btc/eth as u correctly stated

they say that a 'solution' was found nd that is pos. get out here it's even worse
iz even more vulnerable to centr than pow

the more crypto u have the more authority nd voting power u have in the network nd this means a even smaller group of ppl who can take decision nd have monopoly over net


>> No.10055978


u throw random pieces of info. schopenhauer iz very disappointed of u r argumentation skills

this project iz the closest to satoshi idea.
name a valid project. a better version of sky nd i let u rest.

>> No.10055983


>> No.10056025

>this project iz the closest to satoshi idea.
did you even read the btc whitepaper you idiot?
satoshis idea was a centralized vpn with a shitcoin to get kittiefood airdropped?
are you insane?
>name a valid project. a better version of sky nd i let u rest.
a better version of sky? what do you think sky is? i only see a vpn and kittiecash along with many bold claims for the future
given they got nothing done in 7 years, i don't expect much
apart from gimmicks you can buy from them for BTC ofc
>Synth: BTC is flawed
>Synth: gimme your BTC goys
how can you be this stupid?
at least he knows what he's doing
but not what you think

>> No.10056079

I doubt he ever literally said that but at the current trend rate that will be a true statement soon enough, lel.

>> No.10056092

Happy to at sub-$6.

>> No.10056498

This is weak fud. They use a central server while Obelisk is being built. It's a good thing that they're not trying to push this out as a complete package and just slap duct tape on it as time goes on like ETH is doing.

KittyCash will be a demonstration of sky's superiority over eth, which couldn't run a cat game.

Skywire is a VPN in testing, it will be an independent meshnet in its final iteration, which is at least a decade away.

In seven years they've identified problems for and found solutions to those problems for all major projects in the blockchain space.

BTC is still a relevant store of value for now. Sky developers are old BTC money anyway, so it's not like they're unfamiliar with using it.

I think you're being disingenuous with your concerns, maybe you're invested in a project that SKY threatens? There's several that it puts at risk.

>> No.10056596

Its part of the alts cycle, it happened so many times that the coin was down and got up wishing I had gotten involved with them earlier. is a general trend, starts out low and increase in
value over time and then become relatively stable in a higher range. same with sky now. up up up up with the $$$

>> No.10056761

>>In seven years they've identified problems for and found solutions to those problems for all major projects in the blockchain space.

The major problem in both btc&eth cases is the hash power that goes in the hand of a few because of their incentives and techniques to make sure they keep track of the ownings without the need of a gov institution or whatsoever authority

Even if it's not ready for a common use, at least sky is building a strong foundation for generation to come. I am not that young anymore, but my kids surely they will benefit from it. I can already imagine a rhetoric like 'AD Sky/BC sky"

>> No.10056784
File: 431 KB, 459x522, ppp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys this might actually be the next bitcoin

>> No.10056840

Hi Roger.

Unrelated question, why does AXP list you on their board? You don't ever talk about them.

>> No.10056847

the fudsters went from 0 to retard real quick. stop being cock whisperers ang get your shit together. sky is here to stay, go bang your cousins and play the banjo

>> No.10056876


>> No.10056892

hey FUDsters, I got a joke for you:
ME -Do you know the difference between a knife and a dildo?
FUDSTERS -No, what is it?
ME -Shoving a dildo in you will get boring after a while.

>> No.10056906

>Sky developers are old BTC money anyway
biggest meme ever
fanboys unironically believe they must be multimillionaires
hence the absolute amateur-level shitshow and the need for otc sells directly to brandons bankaccount
you just ask to get raped

>> No.10056967

It's more serious than that.
PoW, gets the miners into a race and a few have the technology to remain in the race and earn, that's why we have mining pools/mining farms owned by a small group mostly Chinese. THERE ARE about 20 of this kind, an issue itself. On top of them there are 3 powerful groups, they organize themselves like a cartel. BTC mafia at its highest

>> No.10056989

I don't see any other explanation for their depth of knowledge. You can find Brandon/Synth posting about bitcoin back in 2011.


You confuse disorganization vs wisely using money as need arises.

>> No.10056995

>They use a central server while Obelisk is being built.
forgot the best part
>we have the absolute best thing ever
>it's just not done yet
since the old obelisk details got already debunked and raped by alchemint et al. they just say the newest version is the best ever, they just have to withheld it until they can file the patent

>> No.10057004

Well sure, they're pragmatists, which I find to be an appealing quality in this space.

>> No.10057012

Obelisk will rise above all of them, both POW and POS is said to be energy intensive, and POS promotes cryptocurrency hoarding instead of spending. Obelisk tackles all of these, that is the DIFFERENCE

>> No.10057034

i guess he sold the 5k btc someone gifted to him for 10 dollars or something and now decided to get more of them from you in exchange for "the next bitcoin"
>You confuse disorganization vs wisely using money as need arises.
is this satire?
i follow this shitshow for over a year and a half and got more disappointed by the day
never been happier about selling my bags

>> No.10057051

but obelisk does'nt exist
that is the DIFFERENCE

>> No.10057065

you realize the Coinhour-Mechanism is to promote hoarding?
are you stupid?

>> No.10057094

Maybe you're right, but my suggestion is just as feasible.

And you didn't even bother to set up a DIY miner, did you? lol

It does exist, it just hasn't been released yet. Go look at the github activity. I don't think that understanding they're willing to rebuild something from scratch to ensure it works well is delusional.

If I kept believing they'll deliver after they've been proven not to, then that would make me delusional.

>> No.10057141

ofc not
48 shitcoins are clearly not enough to pay a lawyer for the coming copyright and pedo lawsuits
you realize you act similar to a tor exitnode?
i would check my local laws if i was you
guess they don't hand a disclaimer with their magic money machines for 1 BTC (you know, the flawed shitcoin they want to replace)?

apart from that, Synth already admitted Obelisk does'nt work atm
promoting satoshi's "true vision" (TM) (bcashlevel bullshit btw) and freezing wallets
you just can't make that shit up

>> No.10057158

guys, guys
take a breath
Synth said he will do live interviews
every week
he will provide answers for the community
cya there

>> No.10057249

You all THINK too much. act already! Remember the days when ppl were buying land on the Moon? That's the spirit, u never know when a plant ill grow and a baby earth will be born. The same with crypto. You never know when it will boom. Just be there when it happens

>> No.10057322

any way to prove this? i dont see where this is going, if the coin is centralised for now, this doesn mean there is no Obelisk. hoarding is secondary to spending, it s not a valid argument for anything

>> No.10057331


Perhaps you should educate yourself on Tor's legal liabilities before using them as an example.


>> No.10057356
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T@ke a good look at this picture to clear your minds you are obviously confused and as much as I like debates you are all confused so I am making you a service to provide you a clear airish plan so you won't have a thinking-headache when you will full you wallet with skycoins

>> No.10057386

perhaps you should learn to read
>Has anyone ever been sued or prosecuted for running Tor?
>No, we aren't aware of anyone being sued or prosecuted in the United States just for running a Tor relay.
We are'nt aware. For running. Lol
There are many lawsuits in the EU. the world is not the us burgerbrainlet
>Further, we believe that running a Tor relay — including an exit relay that allows people to anonymously send and receive traffic — is legal under U.S. law.
we believe

figures, you shitcoincucks are true believers
you just made your lawyer cry
but i guess it's daddy's lawyer anyway

>> No.10057404

the land on the moon was a symbolic gesture made by people holding accounts with 12 zeros or more. trading is inherently dangerous, then again there are good coins and bad coins. sky is good, stick to the thread. as there are tons of shitcoins you cant recommend all of them. to conclude, your reply sucks hard

>> No.10057447

I just route everything through the cheap private VPN I was already paying $5/mo for. The'll have the option to turn off being an exit node later on. The issue has been talked about for months.

Asking exchanges to freeze exchange accounts, you mean.

>> No.10057471

This is going nowhere, shitty speculations. I know I sold sky and made a shitload of Monies, I m back for more. Is is centralised yet? Don't care. My wallet was not frozen

>> No.10057494

>Asking exchanges to freeze exchange accounts, you mean.
nah, they have frozen wallets
but ofc, no one knows when synth is babbling the truth or bullshit, so both is possible
post"kidnapp"-livestream he said samos are idiots and scammers and three days later samos is used for sky-promotion
this is just too hilarious now

>> No.10057502

As the coin get more popular you D have to be crazy not to buy this dip. The rest is just background noise

>> No.10057542


>Literally tells you host an exit relay from a commerical facility to mitigate further risk.

If I receive a subpoena or other information request from law enforcement or anyone else related to my Tor relay, what should I do?

Educate them about Tor. In most instances, properly configured Tor relays will have no useful data for inquiring parties, and you should feel free to educate them on this point. To the extent you do maintain logs, however, you should not disclose them to any third party without first consulting a lawyer. In the United States, such a disclosure may violate the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and relay operators outside of the United States may be subject to similar data protection laws.

You may receive legal inquiries where you are prohibited by law from telling anyone about the request. We believe that, at least in the United States, such gag orders do not prevent you from talking to a lawyer, including calling a lawyer to find representation. Inquiries to EFF for the purpose of securing legal representation should be directed to our intake coordinator (info at eff.org) Such inquiries will be kept confidential subject to the limits of the attorney/client privilege.

For more information about responding to abuse complaints and other inquiries, check out the Tor Abuse FAQ and the collection of abuse response templates on the Tor Project’s website.

For information on what to do if law enforcement seeks access to your digital devices, check out EFF’s Know Your Rights guide.
Hey man, it costs a pittance to run a DIY miner and get free coin for doing basically nothing. Not sure why you'd sneer at that. If you don't know how or are jealous, fine. If it goes to zero then who cares? We're all here to make money. Buck up or get the fuck out, real simple.

>> No.10057561
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>If I receive a subpoena or other information request from law enforcement what should I do?
>Educate them.

>> No.10057737

biz comes first, no matter personal opinions. must have been the case with samos and sky. since synth is not alone i nthe team there must have been some change of plans hence the partnership between samos n sky

>> No.10057915

At least they are working on it, there is progress. At least they saw the issues and are working on it, PoW and PoS doesn't work so they looked for a solution.

>> No.10057989

Those who are commenting, did you even tried? I went with sky, it works. Do they have project? They do. Are they dead? No, they are not, they are evolving, working. Do not speak if you did not tried!

>> No.10058016

my lawyer is loaded with sky so your argument is invalid. moreover, that s the whole fucking idea of a decentralised internet: to fuck with the status quo. if you imagined this sort of idea would happen without a fight, you re so very wrong

>> No.10058088

Exact what I was saying with the Obelisk algorithm. It is something different, and it will go out and it will work. There is a team behind working on it. Stop spreading bullshit