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File: 39 KB, 600x450, instagram-model-boasts-mighty-unibrow-look-gets-mixed-reviews-15-photos-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053191 No.10053191 [Reply] [Original]

How safe is this investment?

>gram thots are flown to Dubai one by one to suck on the arab oil cock and party and get thousands

>now these thots are getting arab sex slave tattoo brandings

>mfw I was rejected by a 10/10 gram thot for not being a millionaire but almost

>> No.10053232

what's up with that dude's eyebrows?

>> No.10053233
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>> No.10053246

Don't by hypocritical, u gay assholes would probably suck dick as well, for a mill

>> No.10053258

What is this tattoo brand people keep mentioning it? I havent seen that shit anywhere.

>> No.10053267


post the slut that rejected you, I'm being curious

>> No.10053282

Would you lick this female billionaires butt hole and labia for $10 000 a weekend? Would you do it?!

She is allowed to do anything with you as well.

>> No.10053297
File: 29 KB, 450x320, russian-beauty-young-brunette-girl-at-pictures_csp27617389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learnt to never post shit here. i will post a look alike

first thing she asked me when we sat down were very specific details about my business

>> No.10053309
File: 52 KB, 1200x630, Elizabet Holmes Youngest self made female billioanre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic
Would you lick this female billionaires butt hole and labia for $10 000 a weekend? Would you do it?!

She is allowed to do anything with you as well.

>> No.10053337

of course I would, no shame.
10 grand a week extra income for what, half an hour of slurping up some chicks holes?

>> No.10053362

First of all I know that bitch is broke, but if she wasn't then I would as long as she keeps the black turtleneck on and uses that deep voice she fakes to belittle me as I do it.

>> No.10053370
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damn that is a nasty bitch, fuck

>> No.10053417
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I did some digging because I didn't get the Arab slave thing and the porta potty thing I heard before. And what the fuck.

>> No.10053433

>>gram thots are flown to Dubai one by one to suck on the arab oil cock and party and get thousands

Actually the big thing is gangbang followed by shitting on them while they sing the US national anthem Lindsay lohans sister go on about it after linsey lohan went back on heroin after some guy shat in her mouth for 20K in dubai

>> No.10053435

Why don't you hear about this happening with westerner/chinese billionaires? There are at least 10x of them than the Arab ones

>> No.10053449


Arabs are insecure enough they thing shitting in some junkies mouth makes them culturally victorious.

>> No.10053477
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>> No.10053486

>he thought women are actual people

>> No.10053516


they do shows with ex us servicemen getting fucked an pissed on by faggot house servants to.

>> No.10053528

Because Arabs are degenerates and a lot of them didn't earn their own money. Most Arab billionaires were just lucky to be born into an extremely wealthy family.

>> No.10053532


going through that website, holy shit I had no idea. I thought I had issues. Just became a little happier being male.


i see it all so clearly now

>> No.10053539

Look up the IQ of arabs vs westerners/asians. That's your answer. Westerners/asians usually get rich be being smart, hardworking or at least cunning. Arabs are a bunch of inbred low IQ desert monkeys who got lucky their land contains dead dinosaur juice and that the white man was restrained enough (for the most part) not to take it from the by force.

>> No.10053635

Jesus what a red pill. Women have no soul.

>> No.10053637

Arabs are very insecure. They want to do these things to western women because it makes them feel like big shots. Deep down they know they're just sandniggers. Just like how blacks get excited if they get a white girl even if she is fat and ugly. It's a status thing.

>> No.10053641

>All Arab billionaires were just lucky to be born into an extremely wealthy family.

>> No.10053651

the arabs have even more of a fetish for the gay shit anon in general anything involving kids fucking western males, being shat on etc esp if American or blonde

>> No.10053798

Bohemian Grove

>> No.10053869

> tagthesponsor.com


>> No.10053905
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>> No.10053935

I've heard about the whole porta-potty thing, been happening for ages now but what do you mean by slave tattoos?

>> No.10054098


>> No.10054128
File: 32 KB, 348x348, temp_profile_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theses 10\10s are being fucked by 2/10 arabs while i bust my ass trying to loook good in selfies and end up fucking land whales. I am a 8/10

>> No.10054148
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Once again, Im proven correct, everyone ha a price tag, because the human race is nothing but a bunch of chimps, apes, cows, and degenerates for the most part

>> No.10054164

No, you're not 8/10.

You're 80th percentile

Too bad bottom 80% of men are considered ugly by women.

You're the top of the bottom.

Look at okcupids blog post on this.

Men and women are different in this regard:

The average woman thinks she's way more attractive than the average man, but then night end up talking to them anyway.

The average man doesn't think this, but still focuses all his pursuits on the most attractive women.

>> No.10054166

Can't tell if you are trolling imitating the another anons or you genuinely think you are 8/10.

>> No.10054172
File: 415 KB, 800x666, react4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am a 8/10

>> No.10054182
File: 15 KB, 236x236, IMG_20180428_090321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. I am 6'2

>> No.10054194
File: 64 KB, 612x612, 63262a56955c89aec807b6e6aec0bfca--claudio-marchisio-world-cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an 8/10 you boomer shitters

>> No.10054203

are you in Greece by any chance?

>> No.10054213

oh wait nvm you're larping

>> No.10054216

do you have down syndrome?

>> No.10054224

Do you really hate that guy so much that you would pretend to be him and post his pics on here just to be ridiculed? I'm curious what he did to make you hate him so much?

>> No.10054240

Ya, apparently it's some soccer guy. That poster is pretty pathetic, even for 4chan.

>> No.10054245

you're pushing it with 7/10
6.5/10 max, you're a high tier normie

>> No.10054264
File: 213 KB, 799x584, 1514268126323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time for us to become financial nazis

>> No.10054288

6/10. Have you seen what real guys look like?

>> No.10054376

Any tips on how to monetize instathots for income and investing? I've played huniepop before so I have some experience.

>> No.10054419
File: 62 KB, 482x692, chad skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claudio Marchisio, gtfo.

>> No.10054423

And this guy would be considered an 8/10

>> No.10054620

Has any of these videos actually leaked?, been going on for years you would think someone would have recorded something?

>> No.10054729

Thats mah boi nick in Vegas

>> No.10054791
File: 93 KB, 239x250, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont feel bad fren these thots have diseases

>> No.10054817

That’s Cara Delevingne

>> No.10054832

These girls are pretty attainable if you just interact with them socially

>> No.10055001

>Cara Delevingne

Wow easily mistaken for a man that.

>> No.10055042

Dudes have funny names these days. I guess the Brezhnev style eyebrows add just as much feminine touch as the name. Makes you almost confuse him with a girl. Or a human.

>> No.10055135

Apparently it is female.

>> No.10055146


>> No.10055311


i'd do it for free desu

>> No.10055327

why not hire instagram hoes and pay them to play video games on twitch?

>> No.10055345

So is it just me or could you basically get someone on Instagram to send you bobs and vagene by making an Instagram account with the profile pic copied from some random Arab dude's Instagram, and then messaging thots?

I wonder how often that happens.

>> No.10055363

The hard part is finding how to interact with then socially.

I'm a fucking software engineer nerd in Manhattan. Where will I meet someone like this? The startup I work at is 90% male, with the people I interact with for work being 100% male.

>> No.10055370

Im not a hideous guy. I'm like 5/10 but decent socially. I could get like 1/50 women I talk to to have fun with me and I dress pretty well.

But I don't have a social circle that includes cuties. How do I change that?

>> No.10055383

Am 29yo boomer, btw. Turning 30 in a couple months.

>> No.10055395

>The startup I work at is 90% male, with the people I interact with for work being 100% male.
living the dream and not even aware of it

>> No.10055401

>But I don't have a social circle that includes cuties. How do I change that?
make new friends and grow your network over time. it's a long-term investment
if you can make friends through work, great, if not, go elsewhere

>> No.10055615

Go to a nice gym-I worked out with 3 Instagram chicks and a well known porn star in a shit town in Connecticut.

>> No.10055656

Marchisio, kek
He is at the very least an 8/10, even for soccer player standards. I've seen too many girls drooling over him.

>> No.10055679

If she forced you to have sex with animals while her 50 year old granny friends defecated in your mouth would you still do it?

>> No.10055877

If that's an 8, then I'm a 10!

>> No.10055920

Yeah, but did you fugg? A lot of girls don't like being bothered while working out, do you just ask them to spot you on some bench press reps or something? I'm genuinely curious how approaching women in the gym works, especially when they have headphones in and are obsessed with social media over real world interaction.

>> No.10056097

Never approached (actually once with disastrous results) but started to know gradually just through casual group conversations and eventually got in.

>> No.10056114

They were bro tier girls unlike borderline hot girls who think their shit doesn’t stink

>> No.10056258

is that female sminem

>> No.10056372

>disastrous results
I know right? It's like jumping out of the bushes at a jogger by the way they look at you.
I hate trying to talk to women at the bar though, they are generally low quality sluts that are too drunk to consent anyway (even though apparently driving drunk is considered consent i.e. the person's own fault).
I just want a sporty girl who won't decrease my fitness level with thier slothfulness if I date them, and I refuse to take the social media pill to meet one. I would kill for a chick that mountain bikes.

>> No.10056463

Sperging our once in a while is the cost of doing business though

>> No.10056488




Example one straight up arab porta poo (with a US boyfriend)

>> No.10056542

This bitch is literally in the middle of the gym right now. imagine the fat boomer next to her on the treadmill overhearing that.

Say what you want though, this girl Obviously is a hustler making the most of every minute of her day :")

>> No.10056592
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Kek, true...

>> No.10056956

>if not, go elsewhere
...go on.....what state is 'elsewhere' in?

>> No.10057486

Men and women are held to different standards. Rightfully so.