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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10051888 No.10051888 [Reply] [Original]

I have a sales job working from home.

I usually work about 5 hours per day, with some breaks in between because the job can be pretty brutal (back to back calls, only 5 seconds in between each call for hours on end)

I kinda hate it and kind of like it. I can't decide if I should go job hunting again or take advantage of this moment.

>don't even have to get dressed or shower
>literally roll out of bed and walk down to my computer and start work while drinking coffee
>they mail my check to my house every 2 weeks
>surf 4chan during slow times (only happens occasionally)
>commission can be an extra $200 for the week sometimes
>can kind of schedule my own hours
>can take time off anytime I want
>have time to pursue a few other things I'm interested in career-wise

>no social interaction
>job is surprisingly brutal, sometimes do 1400 calls on a busy week
>lots of crazy assholes on the phone, it's sales
>not meeting any women
>not much room for advancement

Would you do this job? My mother thinks it's hell and that I should go get another one.

>> No.10051952

Seems ok to me, but maybe you could use it to build up experience and change to a better company for higher pay?

>> No.10051997
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The base pay is only $10 an hour + commission

But I also don't spend any money on gas commuting or food at work. I just eat the bare minimum I buy at the grocery store. Also no wear/tear on my car or anything like that.

I guess the only thing I hate is that it's isolating and it probably doesn't pay enough in the long-term. Some days I am stoked to have it and other days I literally want to run into traffic

idk here's a venti thanks for reading my blog

>> No.10052056

Yes. Maybe not in long term, but a for a year or two.

>> No.10052118

stop posting this ugly mutt

>> No.10052205

Been working at home for a few years now. $60-80/hr (programmer) depending on the client. Only work 2-3 hours a day and some days too lazy to work at all. It pays the rent but I get kind of depressed that I'm not reaching my potential just dicking around all day, but I can't break out of the laziness. Literally go to sleep at 3-4am every night and wake up at noon, have some coffee watch tv and start working around 3pm lmao. Unless I have a call scheduled then I'll force myself up earlier. Wtf am I doing with my life

>> No.10052274

That's a lot of money, I'd take that in a heartbeat.

>> No.10052319

quit complaining, some people would be happy to do this with no problems

>> No.10052365
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5h of work per day without any of the other wagecuck time wasting (commute, long lunch breaks, going out with colleagues, etc) should give you plenty of free time anon. Many office cubicle drones would love to be in your position. Use that to your advantage. Learn how to code or learn something else that will advance your career or allow you to become an entrepreneur. If you're having trouble unwinding, hit the gym or at least go outside for a walk. Stay away from vidya, 4chan, porn, etc.

>> No.10052376

Stop with the pictures of that ugly quadroon

>> No.10052400

I work at home. Pay is good but you get to sacrifice your social life if you ever decide to work at home. It's also boring and there'd be days where you'd even want to be a wage slave as horrifying as that sounds. It's one of the greatest ironies of modern life. Wage kek work is mundane, tiring and pointless but then again most people do these kinds of work so if you work at home, you won't even be able to hang out and socialize anymore because everybody is doing their thing.

>> No.10052402

How did you get that job btw? I'm looking for one now.

>> No.10052422

howd you get to this point?
i have experience but don't know how to monetize it. i'd rather make less money and have more freedom than go to working for chaim again.

>> No.10052484

and OP, if you like sales, it's a pretty vital skill to move up into management in the world.
build up your skills, then when you're ready apply for management or bigger sales jobs.
idk what i'm talking about but i've seen guys that do sales for big contracts and I'm sure they make a shit ton.

>> No.10052905
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This is exactly what happens to me

I usually start at work around 2:00 and end at 8-9

After that.. I don't even know what to do. Everything is closed, everyone is busy with their own lives or sleeping to get up for schlomo noseburg tomorrow morning

I'm a classical composer so I'm currently recording my compositions at a studio in my city slowly with my spare time/money... but I know I should be learning coding or something useful

I unironically love sales. I love literally anything I try doing, generally. Besides culinary work.

I have a bachelor's in business too... I'd like to get a huge sales contract some day somewhere

I seriously need to stop surfing 4chan and do something produtive, but like the other anon said, if you're not wageslaving at the office, you turn into a filthy slug. It's like a psychological thing or something

I need to learn coding

Would you do it?

>> No.10052931

>I'm a classical composer

sick, me too, I also produce classical music on my computer (actual production, having shit sound as realistic as possible), maybe we should work together.


this my discord

>> No.10052941

I've never used discord but I'll make one

Are you the guy who works at home too?

And where do you live? Country/state?

>> No.10052948

just block the shit on your router until a certain time.

it's actually really easy to get into a productive groove when you KNOW, you CANT visit the timesink websites because they're blocked, but in 8 hours they won't be

*grind grind grind grind*

>> No.10052961

>Are you the guy who works at home too?
well, i do all kinds of music jobs, either from home or at studios or live gigs, i'm also a student, actually planning on moving to la next summer to pursue shit closer,i'm from greece.

>> No.10052985

Oh nice, I do some music work occasionally too...

Okay I made a discord..how the fuck do I add you...

Good suggestion, I should probably do this. But I am literally addicted to some of the boards on this website.

>> No.10053109



Started at $15/hr and took whatever shitty jobs I was able to get in order to get some feedback and reviews. Gradually worked to building a profile with 100% job success score and all 5 star reviews. Now I get anywhere from 1-5 job invites a day and usually can get whichever contract I want.Though I turn down the majority of invites because I'm lazy and just want to deal with one or two clients at a time.
I'm also able to charge an "expert" rate now which is nice. My advice would be don't low ball yourself (maybe at first to get some reviews). If you have an in-demand skill and are from the US, then there will be clients willing to pay higher rates. No need to compete for the scrap projects with the southeast asians bidding $5-10/hr

>> No.10053117


>> No.10053177

I've been fantasizing about working from home for a while, but I've recently gone off the idea after I realized I would end up like this. Have you considered getting a regular job again?

Maybe start treating it like a regular job with a fixed schedule, like 9-5 everyday or whatever.

Fine idea, but some people don't have access to their router (e.g. shared house, or outside of the house). You can use Pluckeye software to block websites in a very strict way (hard to disable unlike a browser extension like StayFocused). Well, technically it's easy to disable, but you have to wait for a "delay" to elapse before it can be disabled (could be 10 hours or whatever works for you). The delay makes it much easier to resist temptation.

>> No.10053190


who is this ugly monkey, she looks like her mother did meth while she was pregnant

>> No.10053211

I make $400 a day sitting at home playing with after effects while shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.10053226

Yes I have been interviewing but no luck yet. As OP mentions, it is really isolating. I just want to be a part of a team and interact with other developers and go outside lol. Right now I just go outside once a day, walk to the dog park and watch the dogs while feeling like a dog myself that needs to be walked each day. It's not bad at first and I would recommend it for one or maybe two years, but I can't do another year of this so hopefully I can find a job sometime soon

>> No.10053291
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it's brittany venti she's goddess

>> No.10053401
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>> No.10053923

I do some work from home(on the side) , basically quality assurance for "data". I can not be too specific because of the NDA. I have to work at least 10h a week but the max is 20h. It is mostly really boring but I can freely plan my time etc. and I get about 12,50€. All in all I am quite happy, since I can work on my other projects whenever I want. Those projects are also making me money, but not yet enough to sustain myself. I once worked full time as a web-dev and hated every minute of it. Made a bit more money, but it really was not worth the hassle and I had less free time for projects and leisure time. A plus is also not dealing with annoying normie co-workers ,boomer and traffic.

>> No.10054633

I'm working most days from home and it seems to be a good middle term between full blown remote and on premise work.

>> No.10054736

Use this time to learn how to do stocks, seriously a way better investment than crypto, and will be making you lots of free money.
Read books first before you get into it (read university books not those autistic 20$ how to become a millionaire), and do practice with the stock market. You'll see trends and make better decisions.

I made 400 dollars yesterday with just 4,000 in one stock.

If you do go into, remember to not risk too much. It's better to be making 1% every day than -10-10% every day.

>> No.10054745

Sam Hyde was never funny. Like ever. Anti-comedy was a terrible schtick and people just like him because he pretends to be against the status quo.

"Tbh you have to have a really high iQ to appreciate sam Hyde"

>> No.10054757


Similar boat. Work from home isn't the dream, passive income that is substantial enough to never have to be at home (i.e. traveling, entertaining yourself, whatever) is the real goal, but this is not easy at all to make truly passive.

>t. make software by hiring devs on upwork to do it for me and then monetize said software

>> No.10054786


Anti-comedy has its place desu, especially with people like Hyde who are pushing the envelope so hard they are basically suicide bombing themselves socially and career wise to do it.

>> No.10054836

Working from home is the worst thing you can do in your life. Humans are social creatures, and doing that makes you anti-social. Next thing you know, you will have zero motivation to go out because what's the point? You get paid by working from home, everything you buy comes at your door, so you will end up being a miserable being, and probably lonely as fuck.

My advice is either do some work from home and some at the office, or just go to the office for all hours. You will remember me one day.

>> No.10054879
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Just learn to day trade. And stop watching these livestream hoes

>> No.10054988

What jobs do you do on Upwork? I do video editing and it's feast or famine, mostly famine. I'm top rated/5 stars/my videos look good too

>> No.10055030


How much demand for that? Like how many invites a day or how many offers a day? Seems like something people might not go on Upwork for but I'm biased as I only ever hire software devs.

>> No.10055071

There are a good number of jobs posted, but I imagine most people want a $5 pajeet to do em. I end up with 2-3 invites a week, but even those don't always turn into a gig

>> No.10055083


Are you on Fiverr too? Might be worth it since no one actually offers shit on Fiverr for $5 anymore and it's all like $200-$300 "packages", etc. probably more volume for video shit.

>> No.10055247

I didn’t know mr. robot pulled a Bruce Jenner!

>> No.10055616

no, if it pays like shit and builds no real usable experience you are fucking yourself

>> No.10055807

disagree but i'm 31. i worked from home for almost 3 years and that was my period where i saw friends the most and worked out the most.

commutes in LA are suicidal. right now i drive 1-1.5 hours each way to the office and i WFH 2 days a week. the WFH helps but i'll never take a job this far away from home again. it's just such a waste of time and i can tell my health is paying for it.

i'll probably get another WFH job and start lifting again. felt good.