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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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100511 No.100511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.100522

>mt.goy is still relevant

>> No.100539


Was Fannie Mae a reason to never buy a house?

Mt. Gox news weighs down other exchanges but only the ignorant and stupid ever seriously considered Mt. Gox as a measure of value.

Before they decided to commit insider trading to cancel the fact they are insolvent and have been for nearly a year, the value of bit coins were significantly higher on their exchange.

It bitstamp was 815, BTC-e was 805 and, and Huobi was 830, you could bet your ass Mt.Goy was going to be over 950 dollars.

Now every other exchange is around the 550 mark while Mt.Goy plummets because they have blocked withdwawals and are panicing their consumer base to sell to them at unfair low prices only to then sell those 100 dollar bitcoins elsewhere for 500 dollars.

I was new to bitcoin in October and simple research told me to not trust Mt. Gox

>> No.100720

>Before they decided to commit insider trading to cancel the fact they are insolvent and have been for nearly a year, the value of bit coins were significantly higher on their exchange.

I don't know whether to short and send money there or not. What you said is what I've been thinking for a while. I do expect them to come back though, and I wouldn't mind sending 10% of what I have left to them.

I lost all my money (profits) and some of my family's money (their life savings) holding shitcoins.

>> No.100787

I was trading for free on BTC China before it nearly went down, and I got spooked, withdrawing all my coins when BTC was at nearly $1000.

I started with 150 bitcoins when it was worth $90-100, now I've got like 70BTC of shitcoins.

Time to an hero.

>> No.100848

how is it mtgox has it listed at 91.00???

wtf is going on?

can i buy at 91.00?

>> No.100942
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mtgox is killer than moot.

just send the $91 to me instead.

>> No.100972

I don't know.... I want to know.

Are they approving new accounts now? Are they accepting and quickly approving USD deposits?

>> No.100989
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See also /biz/97928

This is just the latest of scams ran by a group of French mob fraudsters.

>> No.101040

I'm not convinced that they're going to run away with the cash.

They know that they would be hunted and likely killed.

Uncounted numbers of people have died over bitcoins already.

>> No.101074
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And I heard reports in the BTC-e Trollbox that some of the originally created coins, that have never moved, started moving. Can someone help me confirm or refute this info?

>> No.101133

i wonder if any attempt to analyse writing patterns of Karpeles/Nakamoto has been done. The evidence is not strong enough to say that they are the same person imo.

However, it would be quite hilarious if the bitcoin creator got killed for a massive fraud in his own currency.

>> No.101145

You bet your ass they are.

And they'll thank you for your money.

If you honestly give them money at this point, I'll have to call you functionally retarded. They're most likely bankrupt.

>> No.101137

Mt Gox has long been considered a seperate bitcoin entirely you cant even withdraw your coins from them hence the price drop, bitcoins on other exchanges are about 600 dollars

>> No.101233

They've been knowingly manipulating their own market though.

We've known for a long time that they were trading with customer coins and losing - thus the issues with withdrawing fiat - and now they've probably lost a few thousand coins by theft/coding issues - but now with this very successful market manipulation, they have the potential to have injected funds and purchased themselves all they way back into the black.

I could stand to lose some coins.

Investing 15% of my holdings for example, would be acceptable, given the immediate return of 400%.

Is there really a 75% or greater chance that they are going to book it and run?

>> No.101272

It's hard to say, seeing how their books are pretty damn closed right now. A possible scenario is that they buy up all their customers coins themselves right now, later dump them on other exchanges, hope that this kills prices, then pay out the cash and laugh at those who want coins from them.

Another scenario is that they're actually trying to get up again and hope for some cash injection with low prices. But in that case they're still gambling with customers coins.

Either way, if someone now manages to get a lawsuit running to get their shit paid out now, they'd have a massive problem.

As for booking it and running, I doubt it. Not worth the risk, too much money involved. They'd have to run damn far. It's not like no one knows who they are.

>> No.101316

They don't need to sell coins on other exchanged, nor do they need cash injections.

All they needed to do was to short when they made the announcement, then buy back 5-6x the coins before they start allowing withdrawals again.

Doing that would be able to fill any discrepancies in bitcoin holdings, and once the price rises to normal levels, the extra holdings they acquired during this scam can be sold and to make up for their lack of fiat.

>> No.101345

> and once the price rises to normal levels
This is the main point. People have to trust them again for this, though. That is, people have to be willing to give them money and believe they will get goods for it. After this, that'll be a tough call.

>> No.101423

People are just shorting to increase holdings right now. It's not like they can withdraw funds anyway, even if they sell at $100.

If they start allowing withdrawals again, their credibility will be right back where it was a couple weeks ago.

Either that, or they'll take all the markets down to $300 with them.

People will buy wherever it is cheapest - as long as they allow withdrawals - regardless of what is happening right now.

>> No.101435

So what you are saying is basically, mtgox is just putting any old number on their site, consistently getting lower, in hopes of simply having idiots send them money and not being able to move the coins you purchase to another exchange or wallet...

Is this really the case and how can that be the truth? Or is it just a gamble that if you buy with them at that price that they will allow some withdrawls of the coins at some point in the future?

I mean...I simply dont get it. If a bank put out a sign saying 'we take money but wont give it back'...why would anyone deposit money there? How is this functional?

>> No.101475

What Mt.Gox?

>> No.101514

>So what you are saying is basically, mtgox is just putting any old number on their site, consistently getting lower, in hopes of simply having idiots send them money and not being able to move the coins you purchase to another exchange or wallet...
no; I'm saying that is unnecessary.
also, they can't just put any number, unless they really ARE just selling goxcoins and this whole thing is an elaborate scam to take more and more money before MTGox disappears forever.

these are my recent posts:

>Or is it just a gamble that if you buy with them at that price that they will allow some withdrawls of the coins at some point in the future?
This is what I am discussing - whether it is a good gamble or a bad one.

> If a bank put out a sign saying 'we take money but wont give it back'...why would anyone deposit money there?
That is too overly simplified. BTC is a commodity.

>> No.101569

It's like if a bullion holder (say, the treasury) was speculating (poorly) with depositor's (say, Germany's) deposits, and then told Germany "we can't show or return your deposits right now", and then shorted all their remaining bullion, hoping that the market will crash, which would allow them to refill their vaults and make good on their debt.

>> No.101619
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>> No.101762

so.....can I buy btc from mtgox at $91 and sell at some other place for $560?

>> No.101786

No, because Mtgox will never give you the coins to sell anywhere else. That's the problem.

>> No.101804

>Mt. Gox
>Trusting a jew


>> No.101839

read the god damn thread

Maybe! *If* you can add funds and *if* they start allowing withdrawals again.

Have you ever put money in a bank?
>trusting jews with your money every day and not realizing it.

>> No.104168

>people have died over bitcoin

Name one.

>> No.105092

So basically what we are saying here is mtgox is just continually lowering prices in an attempt to sucker people into buying coins from them with no real guarantee that they will ever see the coin.

Again, it goes back to what anon said...and since its called a commodity...its like if you went to jewgoldbergstein and said i want to buy your gold but he has to keep it in his vault...but he had a sign out front saying 'no withdrawals, maybe withdrawals in the future, i dont know'.

and basically, you are just supposed to trust the jewman will let you withdraw someday. maybe, he just doesnt know when or if he will let you withdraw. its really up to him if he is feeling kind enough someday to let you have access to your gold. which he likely wont...

is this a correct assumption?

>> No.105357


This goy gets it.

The BTC world will be much better once Gox is eliminated for good and dumbfags quit factoring in their rando price graphs. Until I can actually get btc for $90 bucks via a REAL exchange like btc-e or coinbase (where withdrawls do work), then a nigga just sits back and laughs at this booshiet.

BTC will rebound hard to 1k+ again just like it did after the china ban and silk road debacle.

Aint shit changed.

>> No.105383
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>> No.105402

they're going under. don't send them money. do not send money to a company going bankrupt. you will not get your coins. you will not be able to get your money back.

people should only be buying bitcoins over the counter and with cash. its really fucking risky but sadly thats about the safest way to buy bitcoins.

>> No.105405
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I have never seen so much pooper-peeved denial in juan thread laughing my butt off :^)

>> No.105406
File: 100 KB, 960x541, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly goyim

your bitcoinz are belong to us

>> No.105419

>Aint shit changed.

except now there are about 100 different alt coins instead of just LTC and oh wait, BTC's ticker was only hot because it was new and exciting and people were buying it without asking any questions first.

good luck getting retards to buy BTC when they can buy coins with "panda" and "doge" in the name.

>> No.105501


Who cares? Alts are alts. It's inherent in their names. BTC will always be the standard by which other alts are measured.

BTC also has a hard cap limit, just like any other alt coin.

Sure, most alts will just end u being pump n dumps when all is said and done, but who's to discredit any of them from being truly adopted globally in the future or even surpass btc? It's certainly a very dated code and technology now. Unless you wanna show me yo crystal ballz, son.

5 years ago everyone was saying how myspace will continue conquering the interwebs. Then it was twitter. Now it's vine. Oh, how about altavista search engines before google?

Learn the crypto market before you spout about. It was the very same people like you the past 3 years that spread the same FUD about btc when it was only 5 to 10 dollars.

Probably said the same shit about cellphones having color lcd screens, cameras and interwebs. I mean who the fuck needs THAT shit?

>> No.105536

Bankrun basically

>> No.105619

Look up the ETF GLD which is exactly what you describe and is very popular with the goy investors.

>> No.105670

Is anyone thinking about setting up a gox account on the off chance they do reopen BTC withdrawals for a brief shot at those few available hours of sweet, sweet arbitrage?

>> No.105717

Honestly it's hard to get money into gox right now if you're american it takes at least 10 days. You'd probably need to have your money already in their account. I think you're better off just waiting until the price temporarily drops on the other exchanges when gox finally lets the coins out.

>> No.105774

>> when gox finally lets the coins out.

Aka never.

>> No.105789

And when mtgox allows btc withdrawals again, I think there's going to be a giant "short squeeze" as everyone tries to buy BTC and withdraw.

>> No.105889

>It's over
>I can't into currency
>please mr. federal reserve uncle sam, have all my hard work, I'll take hyperinflation in exchange and not ask questions!

>> No.105892


>I just heard past stories about Gox prices bringing everybody down so I say it will happen again just cause

Do we really need to keep looking at data over and over, or will some of you remember this ass whooping I am about to hand out?


Gox isn't even listed on that site because that it is now known that it isn't an exchange at all. But wait, that is actually a stupid point of data that doesn't even matter at all, much like what you said. So look at the volume of BTC trading per day across all the exchanges.

BTC Total Trading = 450k/day
Gox BTC Trading (last known data) = 20k/day

So do you think that Gox alone is going to bring the price down by FIFTY FUCKING PERCENT in a market where they make, or rather, made up a FIVE PERCENT share?

If any of you want to sound like you have an argument for why your investment is better or why a certain market will behave in some way, you better bring at least the smallest little bit of data analysis with you. After all, numbers are worth more than words.

>> No.105975

>the only good way to buy bitcoins is over the counter or with cash, and even then it is really fucking risky
>buying bitcoins anywhere is really fucking risky

Go read more you little shit. Coinbase is fucking phenomenal with getting your coins to people on time for the agreed upon price, and even cashing out up to 50 at a time. There are plenty of services like Coinbase for other regions of the world besides the USA. Quit spreading false information and get some true information.

>> No.106008

>all coins have a hard cap limit

I like the fact that you seem to understand more than most on this site, but it you want to sound so smart then you need to learn more before speaking.

Doge = inflationary, no hard cap
Quark = inflationary, no hard cap
and several others...

>> No.106007
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10/10 I giggled like a horny teenage girl smoking weed for the first time.

>> No.106059

Shut your mouth, dirty goyim know nothing. Only your masters will ever be able to understand how any form of money works at all. Master says inflation good and deflation always bad. Master always right.

>> No.106079

lol retarded goyim

MtGox is hacked by the NSA to fuck bitcoin over, it will pass and there are plenty of legit operating exchanges.

>> No.107154

Yup if you plan to do this you have to buy now and cross your fingers.

>> No.107259
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>when mtgox allows btc withdrawals again

don't you get it, goy? it was all a scam. you'll never get your btc back

>> No.108100
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It's not going to be a scam if they can help it, they make a lot more money from continued operation than they would with a select group of user's money right now.

>> No.108235

That guy that DPR had assassinated.

>> No.108251
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Mark Karpeles & Stephane Portha

a decade ago and 200lbs lighter.

>> No.108264
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Mark Karpeles & Stefan Knorr
Notice the very similar facial features between Mark Karpeles non fat pics, Stefan Knorr and Roger Ver. They are all very likely relatives.

>> No.109480

Mt.Gox is shit. On reputable exchanges like BTC-E and BTC China, bitcoin is still over $600.

>> No.109951
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>> No.110084

>Was Fannie Mae a reason to never buy a house?

But there is no reason to buy Bitcoin...

>> No.112156
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>We've known for a long time that they were trading with customer coins and losing - thus the issues with withdrawing fiat - and now they've probably lost a few thousand coins by theft/coding issues - but now with this very successful market manipulation, they have the potential to have injected funds and purchased themselves all they way back into the black.
>They don't need to sell coins on other exchanged, nor do they need cash injections.
>All they needed to do was to short when they made the announcement, then buy back 5-6x the coins before they start allowing withdrawals again.
>Doing that would be able to fill any discrepancies in bitcoin holdings, and once the price rises to normal levels, the extra holdings they acquired during this scam can be sold and to make up for their lack of fiat.
>It's like if a bullion holder (say, the treasury) was speculating (poorly) with depositor's (say, Germany's) deposits, and then told Germany "we can't show or return your deposits right now", and then shorted all their remaining bullion, hoping that the market will crash, which would allow them to refill their vaults and make good on their debt.


>> No.112180

thanks ron paul

>> No.112201


That's clever.