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10047997 No.10047997 [Reply] [Original]

my bill was $20 so i left a $2 tip and everyone told me i was a terrible person for that. what the fuck. what is wrong with that? how much was i supposed to tip?

>> No.10048005

20% is the accepted number
Really just don’t tip
Fuck em

>> No.10048007


get a better job if you rely on tips

>> No.10048045

$2-3 no matter what the bill is. It takes the same amount of effort to walk over a burger as it does to walk over a plate of sashimi. Entitled cunts. And that's *when* I tip, which is infrequent. I used to work food+bev and those cunts can nab 300 on a good night, if not more. That's more than someone with a real job makes, especially considering their shifts are like 6 hours max. I only tip if i plan on going back AND if the service was great. What are they gonna do, spit in my food? I dont' give a fuck. What do you think a french kiss is? Spit swapping.

>> No.10048074

bro I was just in the same situation

> I'll have a g-glass of champagne plz
> waiter spends 2 minutes getting a bottle and serving a glass of champagne
> costs 20 dollars
> leave a dollar something as a tip
> waiter visibly looks unsatisfied

Why do waiters think they deserve a % of the bill instead of appropriate pay for their physical labor?

>> No.10048102

I can already tell this thread will trigger /biz/

>> No.10048114

15% seems to be the cultural minimum in Burgerland but whatever.

>> No.10048135

if these dissatisfied fetchers had any internal mettle they wouldnt be a fetcher putting their nose up at free money. fuck them i say its their inadequacy making them a fetcher that put themselves in this situation rather than the payer who chooses to tip. dont tip fuck those losers

>> No.10048151

>mandatory tips

Land of the free, home of the obligations.

>> No.10048175

>Why do waiters think they deserve a % of the bill instead of appropriate pay for their physical labor?

They are fucking stupid, why do you think they're working as a waiter?

>> No.10048216

This is something i will never understand about americans, if i went over there i would not tip and would consider it to be rude as fuck if they expected one, its your fucking companys job to pay your wages not mine

>> No.10048258

ITT millennial & gen z shitheels who don't tip cuz too fucking poor to do so.

Why do you fucktards even bother eating out when all you could really afford is rice and beans?

>> No.10048278


>> No.10048330

I always tip nicely because I'm not a disgusting poorfag

>> No.10048336

Double the tax at a minimum and 20% is the standard

>> No.10048348

I always thought 10% is normal. What the fuck, man, it is your money it is not smb goddamn business.

>> No.10048377
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0 €uro ofcourse. burgerland is the only last place on earth still having horrible tipping tradition

>> No.10048380

There was a survey done in the US that showed millenials and gen z as the worst tippers compared to the last two generations.

What's ironic is that most of the people working as waiters and baristas are millenials and gen z, so they are just screwing themselves.

>> No.10048391

Cause a local place has a cup of beans for like 10 cents

>> No.10048403

>buy 5 cups of beans for 50 cents
>leaves a 5 cent tip


>> No.10048417
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$2? is that it? you millennials and your entitlement. those waiters work very hard

>> No.10048424

>says someone who has never worked hard in his life

>> No.10048431

I don't tip at all, EXCEPT for two places that I'm a regular at and the staff goes above and beyond what a customer normally would expect. For them I tip 25%-30%

>> No.10048472

Euros are beyond tipping. They prefer being shafted

>> No.10048498

Here is my chart, feel free to use it going forward:

0% - you were a total shitbag and fucked everything up causing me to have a relatively horrible dining experience, plus did not apologize and did nothing to try to make it up to me
10% - you were a bad server (messed things up without making it right or inattentive) and should lose your job but were not necessarily an awful person
15% - you did your job to the minimum qualifications for me having a reasonable dining experience and if you fucked something up you set it right (that dish we messed up is on the house)
20% - you were pretty good at your job and were charismatic and if you fucked something up went out of your way to make it more than right (that dish is on us plus here’s a free dessert)
25%+ - you were either one of the best servers I’ve had in a really long time or something got fucked up and you got your manager to comp the whole meal for me plus were otherwise pleasant and attentive

I do NOT tip when gettin take out, fuck that. For cab drivers etc. I follow a similar scale as restaurants.

>> No.10048500

Depends on the situation really. In general I just leave 20%. On days when the waiter has an absurd number of tables and I still have good service I tip extra.

I tip extra if any of the tables they are waiting on are niggers. I know they don't tip.

>> No.10048509

And this

>> No.10048541

>0% - you were a total shitbag and fucked everything up causing me to have a relatively horrible dining experience, plus did not apologize and did nothing to try to make it up to me
Parents told me to tip one or two cents when that happens, because it sends a message to the server. They'll most likely just think you forgot to tip by leaving nothing

>> No.10048567

I think back to when I was a poorfag waiting tables and delivering pizzas. If they do a halfway decent job they're getting 20-30%. $5 is really my minimum regardless of what the meal costs. Pizza guys love me

>> No.10048583

The only thing I would tip for is if the server was charismatic, quick, and didn't inconvenience me.

If you just come up to me, do a fake smile and take my order you're not getting shit.

>> No.10048611

if the service is good and it's a mid range priced place (<$100) i will usually leave 60-80%. if the bartender takes care of me i will easily leave 100-200%

if it's an extensive place, it kinda depends how i'm feeling and how drunk i am but i'll usually leave 30-50%

>> No.10048627

also, this behavior will get you the VIP treatment at places your frequent

>> No.10048632

Faggots. Sure, tipping is retarded, but it's commonplace in America. You are by definition a nigger if you free-ride on the expected service charge

>> No.10048645

Lmfao. The only nigger here is you for obeying complacently like a SLAVE.

This is coming from the same faggot who probably streams and downloads every movie and song he ever watched.

>> No.10048673

Maybe the companies should follow the fucking minimum wage laws like everyone else

>> No.10048685

Let’s say I have to pay 23,58 I give $25.

I know it’s a 5-6% but who fucking cares, it’s still too much they’re paid to do their job and I don’t give a fuck about fake smiles.

>> No.10048697

I've worked at Pizza Hut as a driver and NEVER got tips

So I NEVER tip anyone because fuck that

>> No.10048717

>10% - you were a bad server (messed things up without making it right or inattentive) and should lose your job but were not necessarily an awful person
>15% - you did your job to the minimum qualifications for me having a reasonable dining experience and if you fucked something up you set it right (that dish we messed up is on the house)


>> No.10048723

Lol I made all my money off tips exclusively before I started Amazon FBA. Im talking $200 a night on average. $150-$180 on a slow night in bar, and I have a penis. Working for tips is totally doable if you TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS. I would clock in at 5pm and clock out around 11pm-1am and get as many free drinks as I wanted. There is nothing shameful about working for tips. Way better than being a hourly paid cuckhold.

>> No.10048731

no shit, you are paying for it, for that kind money I could get a spanish cutie fondling my balls

>> No.10048882

20% for men 10% for women

>> No.10048920

based faggot

>> No.10048943

i give a low five when they reach they're hands

>> No.10048958

I hat how in "the land of free" everything is mandatory, supposed to be, the law, common, ... you have no choice.

The ugliest thing ever is kids taking the pledge ... mandatory.
Those fuckers will just turn out like you boomers, brainwashed and patriotic like russian brainiacs

>> No.10048965

First number of the bill x2 for quick math.


$20 = $4 tip

$100 = $20 tip

For each extra figure multiple by 10.

Not tipping is literally for niggers who don't appreciate service. Edge lords want to pretend tipping is for suckers and the waiters need a better job but honestly the non tippers need to fucking learn some respect. When you become a regular of an establishment whether that be a restaurant or bar the wait staff will notice your tipping habits and it pays dividends. The amount of free shit I get from tipping well is amazing.

>> No.10048995

Why would you follow minimum wage laws if you don't have to? The law is the problem, not the staff or business owners

>> No.10049013

That is a 10% tip, 15% is the norm, so $3. I would err on the side of tipping higher if anything, unless the service is bad.

>> No.10049029

Why should I pay your wages if your employer is supposed to cover that charge? It's like if I directly paid a steel worker in a foundry to make an order of coils for me when in reality I should just pay the company and they then pay their employees.

>> No.10049031

I tip 25%. boomer btw

>> No.10049059

>The amount of free shit I get from tipping well is amazing.

Not exactly free then, is it?

>> No.10049070

I don't mind tipping for exceptional service, and I've given 20% tips for amazing waiters and waitresses. Not asking for them to be a slave and treat me like a king or anything, but they should be friendly, on-the-ball, courteous, etc. I just fucking hate it when I'm expected to tip even when the service was barely adequate. "Oh, she did her job and nothing more! Brought me food and completely ignored our table the rest of the night. That begets 'only' a 15% tip!"

>> No.10049104

We've had this thread a thousand times, biz will never reach a consensus. My personal opinion is that tipping is bullshit but that unless you're willing to tell your server that you don't plan on tipping them when you first sit down that you should do it anyways. There's an implicit social contract (at least in the US) but you should be free to violate it if you perform the other party of your intentions. 20% for great service, 15% for good service, 10% for mediocre service, 0% to send a message that the service truly sucked.

>> No.10049127

The problem is, in the US they will piss in your soup if you tell them you don't tip.
In other countries you can expect the same quality of service every time, no matter how much you bribe.

Customers first. You get paid to do your job, so fucking do your job.
Only in america, boy... this stuff

>> No.10049134

I'm not a burgerfag. In my country you don't have to tip.

>> No.10049143

>The problem is, in the US they will piss in your soup if you tell them you don't tip.
Nice, I'll stop tipping and then sue for a fuck-ton of money when they do that to me

>> No.10049155

I never go to restaurants where I am obligated to bribe anyone. I will only go to a restaurant if someone else is paying, or I'm not obligated to pay a bribe.

>> No.10049160

I'm aware and that's kind of my point. I support an anti-tipping movement but I think individuals that just don't tip are exploiting the current system.

>> No.10049174

absolutely based
fucking retards honestly deserve to pay for part of the food bill when you have to deal with their shitty fake personalities, robots cant come soon enough

>> No.10049188

>The problem is, in the US they will piss in your soup if you tell them you don't tip.
>In other countries you can expect the same quality of service every time, no matter how much you bribe.

Tipping is the reason I never go to restaurants anymore. I don't want to deal with somebody who expects me to bribe him to do his job.

>B-b-but the restaurant pays them less than minimum wage so you have to

Okay, I don't want to support a business that doesn't pay their employees fairly. Never mind the fact that I can make similar dishes that are just as good at home for 1/10 the price.

>> No.10049228

They aren't though. Being a waiter should be a minimum wage job.

>> No.10049231

While you're at it, don't forget all the illegal labor the restaurant industry relies on.

>> No.10049249

Nah, I disagree. It's not that the job is difficult, it's that people don't want to be reminded of stark social realities while they're trying to enjoy a nice meal.

>> No.10049280
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I wouldn't even tip.

>> No.10049289
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>> No.10049299

> That 30yr old boomer who tips 20%

>> No.10049335

This. Not a burger (and unfortunately tipping culture isn't exclusive to the US, no matter what burgeranons larping as europeans pretend), but tipping ensures i'll avoid the service you're providing altogether. it's all a show of dominance, waiters and taxi drivers expect tips because normies literally cannot live without going out or getting driven somewhere. Everything in life is a power struggle, every other excuse is fluff used to dress up that simple fact

>> No.10049493

I tip like motherfucker. Everywhere I go. I give my Starbucks guy $1 every time I go in an nobody tips those guys. I give the pizza guy minimum $5. And you know what? They guy told me when they see my address pop up they actually fight over who gets to take it. My shit shows up in 25 minutes from the time I placed the order on a busy Saturday. And I get to feel good about giving to another human being. Stop being broke faggots and give a little. Even just a few bucks can make someones day better.

>> No.10049579
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Don't even get me started on waiters in major cities . These fuckers are super entitled when it comes to tipping. I'm not the one forcing you to live in a $3000 a month shoebox. Fuck off peasant. Get a real job or go back to bumblefuck. Not everyone can make it in New York.

>> No.10049827
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>he's never worked in a restaurant
Servers are lowest form of people the world has to offer. They leech money that should be going to the cooks. Even when tipped 20% they will still complain. And if they aren't complaining about a customer they are complaining about another server. They complain more than they work.
>i carried ur food out and refilled your cup
>giv me 20%
>wow i have to carry the dirty dishes back?fucking gross im not touching that, i already got my tip anyway
Never tip a server

>> No.10049891

zero dollars and zero cents unless it is a white male. If it is a white male I tip 25%. If it is a jew then I do not even pay

>> No.10049898

>Give tip with automated payment system at time of order
>Still get food that obviously isn't freshly cooked

Never tipping again.

>> No.10049910
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Youre all as bad as black people.
>not tipping

>> No.10049921

do you think jews get rich by tipping everyone? Get a fucking clue

>> No.10049944

0% for niggers

>> No.10049948

Never tipped in my life
t. Britbong

>> No.10049956

society has turned on white men. I am recouping the excess taxes against whites. I served tables and niggers never tip. Get a clue

>> No.10049977

Tipping is retarded and whats more retarded is that you have to tip more for spending more at their venue

>> No.10050001
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>serving food to niggers.
Why are you on my board anon?

>> No.10050281

Niggers not tipping is not a meme. It's real. If you want to act like a nigger be my guest.

>> No.10050302
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>> No.10050422

>20% is the accepted number


15% if it was not so good, 10% or lower if it was really bad.

I've only given 2 bad tips my whole life. Both were well deserved.

>> No.10050459


True story.

I waited tables in a restaurant near Atlanta for 2 years. In all that time, and hundreds and hundreds of customers. I had 2 black patrons give me over 15%. Literally 2. And I had many many black customers. They don't tip, it's a fact.

>> No.10050504

I usually just tip $5 no matter what if I'm by myself. If I take people out for a meal I just add $5 per person with me.

>> No.10050535

Who the fuck says I remember growing up 15 was acceptable. Am I to keep subsidizing food service peoples wages for doing their fucking job

>> No.10050544

Why would I tip if I don't have to?, the logic.

>> No.10050601

Nah, I just don't have any intention of ruining someone's day over a few bucks unless they genuinely deserve it. As someone who has been in their shoes, I know how shitty it feels when someone leaves you a bad tip. I don't need that kind of karma when I have plenty of money to spare. Have you ever considered that you're just an awful human being?

>> No.10050618

why eat out and lose money, when i can invest and make money, while cooking healthy meals at home

>> No.10050721

My gf is a server. Apparently tip, most of the time, doesn’t reflect to actual service but rather subsidizing employees economic lives versus them getting a higher paying job. I always get a stink eye when I leave 1-2 dollars for shitty service.

>> No.10050738

This is genius. Will do.

>> No.10050872

>serving tables in Atlanta
I would rather die

>> No.10050909

I had a bill tonight that was 51.42 i left 70

>> No.10051017


Nothing wrong with this, assuming you’re a nigger. For a human this is completely unacceptable.

>> No.10051066

have fun being poor

>> No.10051099

>just get a math phD and any job 300k starting salary

>> No.10051171
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Was driving for door dash a few years back...
Literally drive a mile or 2 to resturant.
Tell the faggots i'm picking up food for some lazy pricks.
Get the food and get in car
Blast coon music
Arrive at their house
>5 dollars per delivery + a good 5 dollars tip or more
Easy money

Story time...
>late night get hit with taco bell order
>he orders 2.50 worth of food
>I'ma do this order anyway just for fun.... see who this nigga is
>pull up with his taco
>He's sitting in a parked car down the street from taco bell
>he says , hey thanks man.... enjoy the tip
>I laugh and say, oh really? Good lookin out, thx
>get home and end my 'shift'
>You have received $250 tip from anon

True story, maybe i'll teach you fuck niggas how to hustle on post mates and door dash.

>> No.10051224
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I tip whatever the next round number above 20% is. So if 20% would be like $2.46 I'll just tip $3. 20% is considered the acceptable tipping rate, but you don't want to be seen doing math over a few pennies if you're with a group of people.

When I get food at a place thats more self-serve oriented but there's still a tip line on the check, I'll tip $1 every time, regardless of what the price was. That's usually under 20% anyway. Only exception is if I just ordered something and I'm getting an extra something small on a second check, then I usually wont tip another dollar.

Also, if the service is really fucking bad, I'll refrain from tipping. But it has to be really fucking bad. I've done that few enough times to count on one hand and have fingers left over.


Tipping is fucking dumb, but if we didn't tip, the price of our meals would just go up 15-20%. Also, just fucking tip. They're working their asses off for slave wages. Don't be a complete fucking prick.

>> No.10051883

im a poorfag but ill always tip 15% at a sit down diner and $4 for grubhub/doordash

this story is great, thx for posting! i hope to have enough money some day to do funny things like this

>> No.10051996
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lol thought this thread was dead.... yea it was awesome man. Made my week, the guy was young too..... Makes you trip out and wonder why he did it or how (stolen credit card).... etc

>> No.10052038

Tipping is retarded. Why do white people do this? My favorite are the idiots who actually DEPEND on tips for living. That's literally begging for a living.