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10044846 No.10044846 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons,

I need some advice here. My grandparents just passed away and they left behind a will. However my family won’t let me see the will or even let me near it. A lot of shady shit has been going on around it, because the biggest daughter of my grandma has deemed it as “unfair” . So now they want me to send my signature and name, they want me to sign something without letting me know the content... Should I sign it just to be a good boy or what would you do?

>> No.10044860

Dont sign anything grandpa must have loved you

>> No.10044880

No. Get a lawyer and have them demand the will. Maybe they left everything to you, and she's trying to steal from you.

>> No.10044894

How are you this fucking retarded

No of course not you fucking idiot, how would that ever be a good decision for you

>> No.10044923

It's a good thing you asked. Many people would just sign anything.

The answer is no though, don't sign it.

>> No.10044924
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>> No.10044928


I refrained from signing it and I told them that I wanted to read it first before I decide what to do. However after they heard that they just all gang up on me and hate on me. They keep on saying hypocritical stuff like anon.. all you care about is money , anon you are a devil etc.. is it that wrong to want to know what’s in the will my grandpa left behind before doing anything?

>> No.10044936
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>> No.10044963

see >>10044894 and >>10044923

>> No.10044987

Read the will, get the money (you were probably their favourite grandson.)
Go all in on chainlink with the money, buy and setup ledgers with 10K stinkies on and pass them to your family members.
Wait 2 years before giving them the 24 words and pin.
Thank me later.

>> No.10044999

stay the course

>> No.10045001

Tell them you don't sign any legally binding documents until you've had a chance to read them. I'd be like "Sorry I'm not an idiot family, but I like to know what it is I'm signing."

>> No.10045016

So you realize they left you money right? You're letting emotion get the best of you right now. Its really unfortunate that you have a family who will use that as a weapon against you but you have to understand that what they're really doing is project themselves onto you.

I know it would be tough to do but your best bet is to cut contact with them. They sound pretty toxic.

>nice larp though

>> No.10045017

I actually did this once.

signed my name and got fucked hard by my parents. I trusted them.

Don't do it. you will be looking at years of resentment towards your family when they fuck you.

>> No.10045027

No one wants your stinky linky bags you dumb nigger. I can't wait until the mass suicide when fatass philosophy major exit scams all of you.

>> No.10045040

Just by stating you’re not going to sign anything until reading it makes you smarter than 80% of people here

>> No.10045048

Eventhough I haven’t read the official will, they have told me about why they thought it was unfair.

(My grandparents had 6 kids) According to them, the will stated that every kid will get 10% except for one of them who will only get 5%. And the remaining 45% will go to the grandchildren with the same surname as grandpa. There are a total of 7 grandchildren with the same surname.
Instead of this arrangement they want to change it to just split evenly to all 6 of them.

>> No.10045056

Smelly, dumb, larpie subhuman.

>> No.10045059

>Big Daughter

I feel u OP, the classic chink family feud

>> No.10045061
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>> No.10045073


>> No.10045081

Will is will, nothing to change thete

>> No.10045086

Indeed, everyone turns into hypocrites when money is involved..

>> No.10045087

your grandparents clearly put thought into how they wanted the money split up. Don't sign anything and respect the grandparents final wishes

>> No.10045093

Brazilian here.
They will fuck you up hard
My half sister tried to do that to me when our father died, she died some weeks later by "natural causes" (a.k.a unknown poison).

If the won't let you read the content that means the want to do something that you will not like at all.

Look for a lawyer (don't try to poison them, I knew what I was doing

>> No.10045096

So basically your roastie aunts and their kids got blown the fuck out and they're mad? Top kek this is great larp but still kinda funny if true.

>> No.10045110

They did this to me when I was like 18, they want to screw u over :)

someone in your family circuit is a rat selfish manipulator jew or a russian and wants the money you should have gotten :)

>> No.10045112

Is the 5%'er a coalburner? if so don't help feed the niglet spawns and take your cut

>> No.10045116

It's not their money to decide what's fair

It was your grandfather's

They sound like greedy fucks for not even letting you read the will.

Get a lawyer, get your money and leave them suffering

Whatever they're telling you is a LIE

>> No.10045126

50K FED. Jr

lmao nice name here

>> No.10045130


>> No.10045131

Don't sign SHIT without first reading over whatever it is your signing, fuck ANYONE who tells you differently

>> No.10045158

Thanks God i didn't sign and got rid of my half sister
I hope the sun shine for you again my friend

>> No.10045159
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>Should I sign this thing without reading it?
Fuck yourself

>> No.10045187

Also, consider the possibility your family will have modified or otherwise forged the documents they eventually show you. Be absolutely certain you're looking at originals.
Don't let them manipulate you with guilt and shame as they are trying to do. Stay strong and insist on everything you're owed. Godspeed and good luck, OP.

>> No.10045189


Thanks for the advice, I am now sure that I will NOT sign anything without knowing the content first. However I have never done anything involved with “lawyers” before , is there anything important that I should know? Once again thank you all for the advice, and I will for sure keep you guys updated and ask for future advice, once this shitshow continues after they know I will not sign it.

>> No.10045198

Fuck no. Go talk to a wills and estates lawyer. Please get someone who focuses and works in that field.

>> No.10045218

Be cordial and respectful when speaking to him

Show up with a nice collared shirt

>> No.10045227

Thanks for the great advice. How do I know for sure that what I will be looking at is the absolute original?

>> No.10045259

Lawyer here. Lawyers are like mechanics. Don’t feel obligated to go with the first guy/gal you see or talk to. I’d say google 4/5 estate lawyers in your area and go talk to them in one day. Whoever you feel most comfortable with that doesn’t break the bank, is the best bet. From there the lawyer will be in charge of figuring out what the duck is going on. The lawyer will contact the executor if your grandparents estates. Executor is a fancr name for the person that manages the estate. Let your lawyer do the dirty work and make sure he explains it to you like your 5. Honestly, ask a ton of questions and never feel rushed. Good luck anon

>> No.10045279

Anon. Hire a lawyer ASAP.
Any lawyer will do. Because they will have lawyer most likely.
Just pick up a phone and call any small company(big firms are usually expensive).
My best friend is a lawyer and the small guys are usually cheaper and for your needs you don't need a shark.

>> No.10045324

They will have an executioner of the will, he won't provide you with a forgery lol
But you still need a lawyer.
And just tell them to talk to your lawyer next time.
Money can show you what really people are worth.
Your family sounds like bunch of assholes.
It doesn't matter what they think is fair, what matters is what your grandparents wanted. It's called a will for a reason.

>> No.10045329

I couldn't say for certain, but watch for obvious signs that you've been handed a photocopy or that something's been edited: Speckles here and there, words that appear to float a little out of place, etc.
Wills are written in a specific kind of lawyerly language, so anything that looks casual or amateurish should be immediately suspect.
Really my only point here is: Keep your guard up. Be wary of everything. Don't allow yourself to feel guilty or ashamed; remember that if the will had worked our in THEIR favour, your family would simply have taken the money and run without telling you anything.
People are shit and generally spend their entire life looking for a fight. Always remember this.
And really, retaining a lawyer to help you out is probably the best advice in this whole thread.

>> No.10045337

EXECUTOR of the will. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.10045375


OP I am curious to ask are your parents part of the ploy of this shitshow?

>> No.10045403


Once again, thanks a lot for the great advice and tips. There are a lot of tidbits in it that is obvious but yet it didn’t came up to me. The things that I will do now is not sign anything and find a lawyer. I will keep you guys updated on the progression of this, hope that you anon bros will be here to provide your valuable advice again. I really appreciate it, thank you!

>> No.10045423

Get a lawyer

>> No.10045427

que veneno tu usou anão?

>> No.10045436

This sounds extremely shady..

Remember "family only wants you good" is a big fat meme. Most people I know have at least once been fucked by a family member but poor idiots refuse to admit it.

Also looked at that woman who drowned her 3 kids to send them to heaven.
Or the one who drove her car off a cliff with the kids strapped in the back seat.
Or Cain and Abel.

Greed, jealousy etc all one hell of a strong motivation.

My point is dont fakk for the blind trust meme with family. Do what's best for you with respect and read that damn will first.

>> No.10045439


>> No.10045451

Yes, ask away. The grandparents are from my dad’s side. So he is involved. He is not that smart so he can be easily manipulated by guilt and shame into doing something stupid like some anons suggested here. It is also him who asked me to provide my signature and name and telling me that everything is fair, but simulatenously not let me see or near the will or content of it. He just says trust me.

>> No.10045470

And to my last post, anyone getting very defensive when all you do is ask for proof is most likely a lie of their bad intention. Too defensive is a bad sign

>> No.10045494

the one lesson you should take away from this thread is that you can NEVER trust ANYONE with money even FAMILY.

>get a lawyer immediately

>> No.10045496

Thanks anon, it seems so obvious now. The aunt who only got allocated 5% is the most defensive and resorts to crying and personal attacks almost immediately every time this is brought up.. The other 2 aunts are also certainly on her side because they think its unfair.

>> No.10045514

this is exactly what happened to me. My extended family fucked me out of land and a trust fund because I was 14 years old and susceptible to these fucked up psychological tactics. Over the last ten years everyone who didn't get fucked over during the initial estate deal tried to fuck each other over. We aren't even a family anymore.

not saying this is what's going to happen to you, just don't do what they say, you have to be defensive.

>> No.10045529

also get a lawyer

>> No.10045530
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I m experienced in this shit. Pick your fights. If you were bound to inherit just $2k its not worth the legal fees. From the little i read there are many heirs making their inheritance worthless

>> No.10045541

Yeah your grandpa must have had his reasons and it would be honorable to respect them!
And it sounds now like she managed to manipulate them into thinking it's unfair and you are the one who sees through the bullshit.

Dont let Emma get to you and also she sound like a narcissist. They use a lot of blame and guilt to get what they want

>> No.10045551

there is a reason she only got 5%. Again respect your grandparents wishes

>> No.10045565

Are you unanimously alone on this? What about your cousins of the same surname.
It's hard for your dad too if he's fond of keeping the family relations intact, failing to convince you might just risk boycott from the rest of them. If they are a nuisance to begin with, what an opportunity to cut them off for good, don't have to invite them to ur wedding, events etc

>> No.10045591

sign the doc, split the money equally, don't let greed and favouritism wreck your family.

>> No.10045684
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That's why we Chinese can never be the jews. So much for *jews of the east*. It always end with us backstabbing each other, even our closest friends/family while the jews are as unite as ever.

>> No.10045695

Careful with the family. Never trust anything legal with NOBODY.

My dad put on my name a car when I was eight years old or so. He trashed it but didn't do the papers and when I was 18 I found out I owed almost 2.000€ in taxes.

>> No.10045708

The inheritance is more than 3 mill usd in total for sure. I assume it is worth it then?

Yeah I think that’s the case. Or they are just all in it together and will get some extra amount after the deal is done I think.

Great point anon, we never had a good relationship with other family except for just my dad/mom and my brother. So the only one who is on my side for sure is my brother. My cousins are still mourning and I think they have guilt tripped them into signing it without reading because they sincerely believe it is the right thing to do. My cousins are still around 21 years old.

>> No.10045736

Idiot fucking fag.
Who the fucks signs shit without reading it.

>> No.10045830

Yep 21, too young to think for themselves in Asian standards, better let the money be safe under parents. What I don't get is your dad's brothers who have offsprings(your cousins) are siding with your aunts, unironically losing the portion of their children inheritance to them(aunts)

>> No.10046001

you got 250.000 dollars waiting for you and your brother another 250k
don't sign shit

>> No.10046032

make your grandfather proud and spread your seed with him and your ancestors in mind, respecting family values and God as your ancestors did.

>> No.10046038

Other people don't get to decide what's "fair" in wills for the most part. Don't sign shit. Whatever was left to you was left to you for a reason

>> No.10046059

Make a deal with the aunts.
Ask 40% of their cut

>> No.10046066

THIS, cum in his name on the gram thots' face. Wank in his name and cum on Sergey's dreams then cry yourself to sleep.

$250,000 spend it all on Link

>> No.10046131

They have no respect for you grandparents wishes. Or you.

Your grandparents clearly defined how to divvy up their money. If you want to give any portion of your inheritance to the 5%er AFTER you receive it, that's totally your call. What they are doing is pretty niggery.

>> No.10046160

OP merely distrusts his family. He's not trying to get disowned.

>> No.10046166

Okay, here's some real advice, as I've dealt with this:

Do not sign anything.

If you are a named heir, you have rights, and they (your aunts and uncles) could be sanctioned by the probate court for pressuring you to give up you inheritance.

If it's a significant amount, get a lawyer to represent you. This shit can get expensive, fast, so if it's like $1000, I wouldn't bother.

Whoever is processing the probate has a duty to follow the wished of the will. Find out who the executor is, and only talk to them about this. If they're pressuring you to revoke your rights, report them to the probate court, through a lawyer. An executor cannot do things like this.

All wills have to be filed in the probate court the person died in. Check with the probate court where your grandfather died, to see if the will is filed yet. If it has, get a copy.

The executor of the estate HAS to provide all named heirs with a copy of the will. If they won't, you have a distinct need to have a lawyer fighting for your rights. The will is THE overriding authority here, and if they're trying to circumvent it, they can be sanctioned by the court.

Your grandfather wanted you to have the money. His children are being greedy and trying to fuck you over. It happens all the time - money brings out the worst in people, especially when it comes to wills. Fuck your aunts and uncles, they're just being greedy, lawyer up and fight for your rights. It's your money, he left it to you, fuck them up their greedy asses.

>> No.10046224

It has to be filed with the probate court, and it has to be prepared by a lawyer and notorized, so if they fucked with it, they're looking at some serious legal sanctions.

>> No.10046263

That's a ton of money they're trying to steal from you.

>> No.10046265

You're looking to get 1/7 of 45% of 3 million. You can afford a lawyer, anon. This is worth it.

>> No.10046267

>inheritance is more than 3 mill usd
Lawyer up. And your aunt should be glad to get $150k. She's clearly an ungrateful shit this explains why she's not getting more.

>> No.10046323

Hire a cheap but good lawyer (don’t overpay) tell all family to fuck off, get the money, cut contact.

>> No.10046432

>Cheap lawyer
>Good lawyer

Pick one.

Estate law is fucking complicated. They earn their fees, because even they have issues navigating it. With this much on the line, paying a lawyer a couple grand to defend their rights is worth every penny.

>> No.10046488

This is awesome!
Keep us up to date anon. Do not sign the change. Take what is rightfully yours and enjoy life. If this is a problem, it's the senpai that got a problem.


>> No.10046551

You need to see the document first. If you're talking about giving up a few thousand, but still getting $145-147k then don't involve lawyers. It won't be worth it. If they're trying to take away $150k from you then definitely involve lawyers.

>> No.10046571

Actually it looks like you're talking about over $20 grand at the very least. If they other aunts think it's such a good idea why aren't they the ones giving up part of their share rather than you giving up part of yours? They're all getting more than you anyways.

>> No.10046655

I have received the message below in a family groupchat:

Aunt: all 6 brothers and sisters, and all 7 grandchildren ,
according to the WILL of 1997 found recently , you all are the beneficiaries of the will . You’ll soon receive some documents concerning your personal
informations such as name, birthday, address and email address . This registered mail will be sent to you directly from the lawyer’s office . You then will send it back after after the form is done . In order to speed up the procedure so that the lawyer can start working, please everyone of you, send a copy of your passport with the correct spelling of your name , your birthday , and there under your address and email address. Then mail it to Aunt xxx.
Thank you for your speedy response and cooperation.
beneficiary to my email box,
“aunt’s hotmail” it'll be convenient for future communications between us or lawyer.

What should I do with this, I haven’t seen anything yet or dont even know the lawyer, I still shouldn’t sign anything right? Not even my name?

>> No.10046739

The fact that they still want you to sign it blind should really be a red flag here.

>> No.10046765

Don’t send shit. Literally get off 4chan right now and ask an estate lawyer for advice

>> No.10046773

They just got brainwashed into thinking that this is what “grandma” would have wanted. And they don’t want any trouble, they don’t even know what is in the will. But they are going to agree to anything because that’s what a good boy who loves grandma and grandpa would do.

Thank you for the great advice!

>> No.10046776


>> No.10046833

Keep us up to date on the content anon. For now don’t send or email anything, especially not to the aunt.

>> No.10046937

They want to fuck you out of your money. He left it to you for a reason. Get a lawyer your family just proved itself to be niggers

>> No.10047028

Okay so it's been established that you need a lawyer

Your appearance when you go meet this lawyer is important. So look nice, dress nice, and talk nice. Be cordial and explain your situation. Be sure to thank him for his time.

I hope you win OP

>> No.10047127

Reply that they only care about money if they won’t let youngsters read a will before signing it.
It seems fair, if they still won’t let you read it go to a lawyer.

>> No.10047157

Apparently now according to my aunt, she told me that there is no executor.

The old appointed executor in 1997 got dementia , so they need to appoint a new executor, so they will need our names, birthday etc for that. What is the best way to decide on who this new executor is? Will it be a big problem if a family member becomes the new executor?

I normally do dress and look ok, but why would appearances be important when looking for a lawyer?

>> No.10047360

The Will: The Movie

the suspense is killing me, keep us up to date!

>> No.10047477


Dude, are you like legitimately retarded or something? Do you not know how to use Google? You're about to possibly gain ~3MM USD and you can't even be fucking bothered to luck up advice? It'd be salty as fuck too if I found out all of grandpa's money was being handed to a lazy clueless fuck.

>Court Appointment
When no executor is named, the executor cannot be determined or the executor is unable or unwilling to serve, the probate court will appoint someone to be the executor. Usually, the court will allow any interested person to offer to serve as executor and will choose from those who volunteer. An interested person is someone who has something to lose or gain if the will is probated. Usually, a family member or beneficiary will be chosen to serve as executor, but a creditor may also be chosen, according to the Hampshire County, Massachusetts Probate Court.


Take 5 fucking minutes and read instead of getting advice from losers on a board infested with pajeets and third worlders attempting to trap you in cryptos that have no use cases or value. Just fucking read.

Talk to a fucking lawyer, RESEARCH A LITTLE FUCKING BIT YOU LAZY FUCK, understand that anyone who is not with you is your enemy, as they stand to gain from your loss, and perhaps volunteer as executor of the will, as you have the most to lose from the lack of an executor, the court will most definitely side with you in assuring that all parties get what your grandfather allocated to them.

Seriously though, if you can't think for yourself you're fucking hopeless and don't deserve a dollar of that money. If you can't fend for it you might as well not even fucking have it. Make sacrifices, burn bridges with people willing to diminish your quality of life for their own.

>> No.10047493


>> No.10047507


Make sure that you talk to a notary as well, and assure that your fucking dumbass father doesn't try to forge your signature. Talk to the court immediately and assure them that you are either collecting what is rightfully yours or challenging any opposition on the matter. You will not agree with ratification of documents. Can't believe I waste my time giving some worthless autist advice on how to not be a pussy while I wonder what I'll eat for dinner. Fuck you honestly. Fuck your cunt aunt too.

>> No.10047528


larp exposed lmao

>> No.10047565

Thanks for the advice anon. Sorry for appearing to be lazy, it’s just that in my opinion the anon’s here provide more authentic advice sometimes which google does not provide. I mean everyone can google and read up on the information there, but none of then will lurk biz for this. And some of the anons here have provided me great advice and tips, so I really appreciate it. Your advice is great as well. There is also a problem that I am in Europe and my grandparents died in Canada, so I will have to fly over there to look for a lawyer.

>> No.10047578



>> No.10047634

It’s not a larp, why would I bother to larp. Both are me. It’s just to bump this thread because I am sincerely looking for advice on this, which have been great so far. If I post with the same id, the thread doesn’t go up.

>> No.10047656

Where are your parents in all of this? This is a fucking larp and everyone here is baited.

>> No.10047742

I wanna hear family drama. Why would only one aunt get 5%?

>> No.10047775

His parents where his grandparents like Jack Nicloson

>> No.10047797

Seriously don't trust family. I had my cousins going into all out war over their mothers estate.
People are really scummy don't trust as anyone. Not even your closest family

>> No.10047950

Only my dad is involved in this as the grandparents were from his side. He just doesn’t want trouble or have bad relationship with the rest of the family so he just decided to sign whatever they tell him to. Yes he is not that bright.

The aunt lives close to my grandmother yet she never goes there to visit. When asked to help her she charges money for her time spent. When she visits my grandma suspected her of stealing of always stealing something dishes and frying pans etc.. She tried to convert my grandma into a christian from buddishm many times. While sick she always told her that she should switch now or she hopes she will rot in hell for believing in the devil buddishm.

>> No.10048009

Start with online consultations, it's 2018, utilize the power of the internet bro. Sorry that I'm salty, honestly you're about to be fucking set if you get what your grandfather genuinely believes belongs to you.

Genetic survival is important. Did your grandfather have a high IQ? Chances are he understood what it takes to be just as layered and driven as any thriving CEO you hear the media gawk over presently. He wants to see his bloodline succeed and he entrusts that with you. Perhaps he has excellent judgment and you are just inexperienced. Perhaps he wanted to ensure you were more experienced than currently before this point. Did he raise you at all? You haven't mentioned your connection with this person.

Not only for us, but for you. You need to outline these sort of things to the courts using an experienced lawyer. Next step is not allowing them to sucker you the way your family is currently trying to. Like anon said before. You need to get multiple consultations on the matter using keywords on the site I linked you. Specific courts and success rates. Get someone successful as fuck, someone good. Incentivize them with your winnings if needed to gain their skillset for your case. Fucking defend yourself. Fucking defend your grandfather bro. I never saw a dollar from my grandfathers death, my rich family manipulated my grandmothers will as well. Defend him dude. Believe that this is your money because grandpa sure as hell did. Unless he's crazy of course, don't leave out details

>> No.10048103

Talking to a notary would literally be pointless.

>> No.10048150

Seriously, shut the fuck up, retard.

He's not getting 3m. That's the WHOLE estate. He's getting 1/7th of 45% of that.


appointing an executor will happen if nobody is willing to do it. OP can do it, if he wants, and the family doesn't dispute it. Anyone can do it, there are people who do it as a service. A lawyer can do it. Anyone in the family can do it. One of their neighbors can. It's mostly filing paperwork, it's a part time job, basically, which is why executors can charge a reasonable salary to the estate.

OP, just go talk to a probate lawyer, find out how much they'll charge to review whatever they send you, and you'll be fine. Probate is just a process, it'll take about a year with no disputes, and if they're dropping the bullshit about your signing away your inheritance, just forget about it for now. Don't sign anything unless your lawyer approves.

>> No.10048236

If there isn't another copy of the will with someone they can destroy it and nothing can be done. Had this happen in my family. there was a will and the other family members raided the house and ran off with it and declared there was no will.