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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10038404 No.10038404 [Reply] [Original]

this board needs flags. its dead because anyone with the iq above 100 realizes half these comments containing "to the moon" are from a low iq individual. noone bothers to come here anymore and it cant be taken seriously for a business and finance board

seriously we need flags

>> No.10038456

No because then people would use pajeet flags to fud and western flags to shill. That's even worse

>> No.10038465


>> No.10038471


>> No.10038478

Agreed, but I just assume they're from yuropoors.

>> No.10039013

Beautiful landscape, where is this?

>> No.10039053

H-how can she be in Minecraft!?
W-what wizardry is that!?
Burn the witches!!!

>> No.10039186

When moon?

>> No.10039243

Hey it got overrun by the cryptard, but how is this a problem? Just enjoy making fun of them.
When they will be broke it will be time for the stock market recession bagHODLers to come whine - I mean call the moon and try to convince you to buy.

>> No.10039247

Agreed. Just to take a pajeet proxy and have fun.

>> No.10039254
File: 360 KB, 1660x1323, 1529935500596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when moon

>> No.10039256

Link 1000 eoy. To the mooooooooon.

>> No.10039273

This picture makes me laugh every time because it makes no fucking sense

>> No.10039279

view /biz/ as the market cycle

>> No.10039940

8=D guaranteed moon

>> No.10040003

you don't need flags unless you're retarded, pajeets are easy to spot
frankly, retards deserve to lose their money

>> No.10040017
File: 353 KB, 714x946, 78a0b7c1-c5e3-4eaa-b1bd-2404f084ae66..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryoto is King, get out of this fucking Fiat its a huge Scam.

Trust me Bitcoin is at 2x of its actually worth next year.

and your useless Fiat Money losses at least 2% if you use €

>> No.10040025

>I need flags to tell me if someone is stupid or not
I'm sorry to have to inform you of this but you are stupid.

>> No.10040188

I once saw a video with literal pajeets not wearing shirts, holding a sign with some shitcoin on in and saying "Moon! Moon! Moon!" over and over
And no, it wasn't those guys in fiverr, they were legit trying to shill some garbage coin.

>> No.10040654
File: 1.10 MB, 462x270, cooking grrl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flags are for fags

>> No.10040686

Begone, commie

>> No.10040704

This place is 99% normiestan now. Nothing left to salvage. All the cool people left long ago.

>> No.10040721

"this board needs flags to identify posters"
>t. Anonymous (30 year old boomer)

>> No.10040786

Is she retarded or what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.10040799
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1200x630bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when button moon?

>> No.10040804

I imagine Ariana Grande having the thighest pussy still being a huge slut

>> No.10041162
File: 30 KB, 498x407, trump1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, the great shitcoin purge has removed 90% of the pajeets, eastern euros and other idiots from this board.

only people left are a few who understand market and blockchain well, the occasional old faggot, and huge bag holders. not the worst thing in the world. Discussion quality is improving every week now, its actually starting to feel like it did in late 2016.

>> No.10041537

It's fun to watch NEETs cry though. I haven't even logged into my account in a half a year.

>> No.10041692


Found the pajeet. No, we'd just filter your stinky ass faster.

>> No.10041731

damn it.
If moot was still around, we'd have flags, but they'd be completely random. Even from post to post.

>> No.10041975

she's just acting for added sexyness ;)

>> No.10042001

if we talked about real damn business and finance, then there wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.10043206

I'd like to see flags. I think if they were visible, these crypto hype threads would reduce in number. Some guy shilling out of Bangladesh won't even bother if we know he's from some shithole.

>> No.10043299

if you have a board full of retards than you get retards who attract other retards. noone wants to post if they know their message will get read and replied by a retard