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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10037864 No.10037864 [Reply] [Original]

So I went all in REQT like a loon at 2k stats.

Now after losing half my value in BTC. I'm thinking about cahsing out. ~4 BTC and pumping it all in SKY.

SKY has had a lot of FUD recently with the whole embezzlement and hostage hold up of the CEO.

But the fundamentals have not changed. Should I take my last gamble in this crazy market and go all in SKY?

I figure it will be worth 3 or 4 times the value in satoshi soon.

>> No.10037892

White lists keep rolling out. It's happening.

>> No.10037910

what do you mean?

>> No.10037993

Miners are starting to get rewarded for participating in the testnet. 96 for official miners and 48 for DIY with eight nodes.

Even at the dip price, this first month is about breaking even for what it costs to build a miner. Testnet will likely last into December, meaning an easy few thousand in gains if the price recovers back to the $20 range.

If they can continue to deliver on Obelisk and Fiber and the Binance partnership is proven true, I think this coin will enter the top ten in market cap.

>> No.10038003
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>> No.10038007

So drop REQ and go all in SKY?

>> No.10038009

If you want to continue being a loon and half that then go ahead. Red flags a fucking bound with Synth.

>> No.10038021
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I've never seen anything about REQ that seems useful. I probably haven't looked at it as closely as you have.

I'd recommend reading up much more on SKY and understanding the platform before you go all in.

>> No.10038042
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Or you could buy the pure project that is actually structured in a way that will work for distributed computing.

>> No.10038052

Also, HOLO has no weird scamming idiots or abductions.

>> No.10038066

only going with binance so sorry but can't buy it

>> No.10038079


Avoid them like the pest.
They continue to keep telling lies about their partnership.

>> No.10038085

Holos tech is inferior to sky and also holofuel will never be valuable even if Holochain is successful

Go read >>10037085

>> No.10038090
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>> No.10038135

It will be valuable because it will have an actual tie to computing bandwidth and storage. Your sky will have no tie, there is also no way to mobilize a decentralized computation network other then a DHT hence why Golem and all of these other projects have had people working on this for years.
The reason you fucking idiots have a permissioned test net and the reason it will stay in one is that without a centralized coordinator you can't delegate or price services.
You idiots prey on stupid people and it's sad. Nothing screams scam more then Synth and all of this stupid hokey shit.

HOLO has just as many nodes launching as SKY this year except that holoports have actual resources on them to run enterprise grade apps.

Die poor faggots DYOR. Tech aside this shit is a scam.

>> No.10038265

Hahaha you're funny, did you even read the thread linked to you? Showing the academic research done for skycoins consensus algorithm?
Did you know that ark and QTUM founders are advising/investing in skycoin? Did you know that holocuckchain is reliant on the old internet? Did you know that holocuckchain is literally shit because it has no working consensus to deal with conflicts in the system and this has to be solved by the user agents in each app? Did you know that holocuckchain users doesn't need holofuel to use Holoapps? Therefore holofuel will be useless, could just rename it to holopiss as it will just go down the drain. Holo is just a fucking shit hardware box that does nothing revolutionary. Do you know that Bitcoin is big because of blockchain technology and building a trustless database? Something Holochain lacks.

And just LMAO, skycoin has a coinhour mechanism that you'll use to pay for services and storage on the skywire network, you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.10038295

I got banned on their telegram for being slightly critical of the fact that they dont come out and admit the state of some of the stuff on their main page isnt even functional.
(the official reason was that I DM'ed one of their devs, which somebody in the channel told me to do btw but they dont care - insta *perma* ban)
The CXO and CX projects are nowhere near finished last time I checked, yet they dont tell you that. Not even if you ask them directly. I had to open a github issue to ask how to set this thing up until somebody unaffiliated with the project finally dropped in to say that it isnt really integrated into skycoin or finished at all.

>> No.10038383

Just lol, nowhere do we claim that all parts of skycoin are done. We are in the testnet phase for most things, but they are coming along nicely so dont you worry, and afaik CX is almost done? CXO is actively being devloped by Samos.

CX as I said is afaik almost done, we just have to move the current skycoin blockchain onto CX (its on golang right now), but you are able to use CX to write apps as of this moment that you can later launch on skycoin.

>> No.10038438

yet you put CX and CXO on the frontpage of the website which implies that they are functional and ready to be used. Why put technical details on the front page unless they are real and working?
Meanwhile I'm still perma banned for asking a question.
Also let's not pretend that learning your own super weird programming language is good for adoption, other people like holochain just allow you to use javascript. That is infinitely easier.

>> No.10038462

Oh.. I'm sorry we are not enterprise ready yet and want to showcase whats in store later this year, should we just hide everything when we are an opensource project already? CX and CXO is available to read and look into on github as you know so why not feature it on our website?

Also CX is based on Golang and golang is videly used so there wont be any problem, if you know Golang you know CX. If you know C, C++ or Java CX will also be easy to understand.

>> No.10038620

look dude, you wasted hours of my time when I tried to find out how to launch some code on skycoin because nowhere does it say that it isnt ready.
Now you want me to agree that my hours are worth nothing and that isn't happening.

>> No.10038624

>Oh.. I'm sorry we are not enterprise ready yet and want to showcase whats in store later this year, should we just hide everything when we are an opensource project already? CX and CXO is available to read and look into on github as you know so why not feature it on our website?
>Also CX is based on Golang and golang is videly used so there wont be any problem, if you know Golang you know CX. If you know C, C++ or Java CX will also be easy to understand.
How does Synths dick taste faggot?

>> No.10038631

So what's the verdict boys...


>> No.10038660

? It doesn't say that it is ready either, you can write your code in CX thats not a problem, you just cant launch it on skycoin yet, so I dont understand what your problem is?

Sky obviously, holofuel is useless.
Skycoins will give you coinhours (akin to gas) which you can use for services/games and more. Also you'll be able to sell/trade them.

>> No.10038706

>? It doesn't say that it is ready either, you can write your code in CX thats not a problem, you just cant launch it on skycoin yet, so I dont understand what your problem is?

ok so document that fact somewhere you arrogant fag

>> No.10038726

What is your problem? You want to develop on skycoin with CX? Then do so and you can launch it later this year if you're done by then. I don't understand what your problem is?

>> No.10038756


You will lose everything

>> No.10038775

>users doesn't need holofuel to use Holoapps
some apps will need holofuel as an incentive

>> No.10038815

Buy ARK.

>> No.10038904

Did he really say this??


>> No.10038938
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Synth is trolling you and most of the screenshots are taken out of context.

>> No.10038974

I usually do not shill but as a fellow reqed i feel you anon.
I sold my reqs too but bought nkn, the team and connections will make it at least seriously pump once.
Sky already pumped and, even if you do not believe anything the fudders say, it's still evidently run by a childish idiot.

>> No.10039054

FFS don't be an idiot even if you're paid shilling. Wait until the 29th and then see about dumping. REQ is bound to recover much faster than SKY in the near short term, why would you suggest people fuck themselves over like that?

Coming from a guy who's going heavily in sky after req finishes pumping...

>> No.10039329

Neither they are both shits

>> No.10039376
File: 137 KB, 612x954, Synth14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be suprised the guy says crazy shit all the time, problem is people think he's joking, but he probably is not. He gets a kick out of it because people keep following him, its all pajeets and moonbois praying they just found the next ETH and unwilling to let go after getting scammed and buttfucked.

>> No.10039385


I swapped all my positions to sky 3 days ago. Im not regretting it mate.

>> No.10039762

Actually bullish. A CEO that is willing to fight for the project to the end. I'd rather have this for my Linkies desu instead of bullshit radio silence.

>> No.10040107

No, if you must go into Sky, go 50/50.

>> No.10040781
File: 355 KB, 478x1498, synth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek, haven't seen that post.

This is my favorite screenshot from him.

>> No.10040797

check t.me/synthQuotes it's a goldmine