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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 637 KB, 1080x1313, SmartSelect_20180625-233404_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10032276 No.10032276 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao this keeps getting better and better. Moon when ?

>> No.10032322

>You and 17 others

>> No.10032336
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>> No.10032339

>haha xD!


>> No.10032340

>Actually interacting with the equivalent of facebook ads

>> No.10032354

I'm even worse, I have them "favorited" so I see their new posts first.

>> No.10032356
File: 60 KB, 731x684, ss+(2018-06-25+at+11.42.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on nigga which one is you

>> No.10032359

At first i thought it was about autistic homos and the ripple logo was a fidget spinner.

>> No.10032361

gay is in faggot this shit will moon.

>> No.10032376

unironically this

>> No.10032382

>haha look at me I love working here! I'm such a team player! please don't fire me

>> No.10032389

I think we can guess

>> No.10032394
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>> No.10032405

Why is a business concerned at all in any way about who people are fucking?

>> No.10032422



>> No.10032428

Imagine working in that office and having to "voluntarily" pose for a pride picture. What the fuck do you even say to get out of it that wouldn't get you immediately fired or ostracized?

>> No.10032444

I bet on dimitris.

>> No.10032452

>I have uhhh diarrhea
Or alternatively see that "pride day" is coming and call in sick

>> No.10032455

imagine celebrating the fact that some men like to get shit on their dicks, and then even waving a flag to let everybody else know that you think its cool that other men like to get shit on their dicks

>> No.10032456


>> No.10032461

Hmmz tough one

>> No.10032487

digusting. fuck this company

>> No.10032500

but what if you don't know in advance that this shit is going to happen? What if you just walk in the front door and your boss is waiting there for you with pride t-shirts and a camera? It would be super suspicious if you suddenly claim to the runs.
>oh wow, I can't believe anon refused to show support for LGBT rights
>yeah, he's so creepy
>CREEPY and WEIRD, let's report him to HR

>> No.10032501

imagine celebrating the fact that most gay men were sexually abused and this explains why they are attracted to young boys
>kevin spacey, milo, among many others

>> No.10032523

>that most gay men were sexually abused and this explains why they are attracted to young boys

>> No.10032526
File: 32 KB, 500x500, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd never support ripple after this. i dont like people like this. why don't they celebrate shit eating too? why not hold grand parades dedicated to scat fetishes?

>> No.10032527
File: 2.82 MB, 316x366, tumblr_oyquxfTD031wxbhzjo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit on their dick
Boys do enema before sex, there is no shit involved
t. BoyLover

>> No.10032556

RETARD! Milo is attracted to MEN, not boys.

(Me on the other hand never got abused, but I love boys)

>> No.10032582

yeah fag, anal sex is completely clean
sticking your cock up the ass of another man is totally sterile and there is no shit involved ever
I really want wait till the pendulum swings the other way hard and we start burying you faggot pedophiles in mass graves

>> No.10032602

think you need to look him up again, nigger. This is why he got kicked from Breitbart.

We cannot study this because of the globo homo gayplex we live in. however, if you look at the excuse of gays, you will find a large number of them will say they were abused. This often comes out when they are caught, in turn, abusing other young men

fuck you faggit

gays are a danger to society and should be physically removed

>> No.10032618

They are going to moon. I doubt that will stick around but they sure as hell are going to moon.

>> No.10032620


Vaginas aren't sterile m8

>> No.10032623

Shtok arshav goy

>> No.10032634

Why do fags need a parade?

>> No.10032651
File: 80 KB, 759x560, 1525028668810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine actually caring about faggot rights

>> No.10032653


Here is your redpill on gays. They are hyper-sexualized people who are a danger to a society. They engage in this type of shit regularly.

>> No.10032673 [DELETED] 

I kek'd

>> No.10032699

I lost hard

>> No.10032723

He said that stuff because he had trouble finding older men to have sex with him because of this ridiculously high age of consent in murica

>> No.10032736

BRB, shorting this shit

>> No.10032737

Thanks man! That sounds fun. Just downloaded Grinder

>> No.10032761

The pendulum is already swinging that is why we are rising again

>> No.10032767

>gays are a danger to society and should be physically removed
He says with absolutely no evidence.

>> No.10032769

Why is Ruben Carnewal's facebook page filled with pictures from a show that features little girls in sexually explicit poses?

>> No.10032792
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>> No.10032803

all you need

>> No.10032882

Fuck off faggot, there's still going to be shit germs in there

>> No.10032946

not to mention the internal damage it does to the body; another thing that the kike porn media wants to hide

>> No.10033086
File: 53 KB, 814x300, Screen Shot 2018-06-25 at 5.37.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to burst your bubbles, but I'm not OP
my money is also on dimitris

>> No.10033105

come on m8 most gays might have a high partner count but only a small minority take part in those degenerate sex parties

>> No.10033129

Nice try switching WiFi off, OP

>> No.10033132

I hope lmao. I had bought 100 back at 0.82 and I really should have sold when it was 3.5 or some shit

>> No.10033159

Ye that's me good job 4chan uwu

>> No.10033185

every homosexual act is degenerate, stop trying to normalize this horrific bullshit you pedo enabling fiend

-every fag wants to fuck children (boys)
-every fag spreads disease
-fags are recruited through child abuse or trauma, not born

>> No.10033192

add me uwu

>> No.10033210

Have you seen their partnerships, they are partnering up with lots of people, they are even part of "crypto-loan" company in the UK. They are working with American Express and on top of that all they are starting to shill social justice like big companies.

From a moral standpoint I dislike them a lot, but from a financial standpoint they are going to moon.

XRP is Jews being Jews, helping Jews for the benefit of Jews. Buying XRP is those little fish on the bottom of a shark.

>> No.10033221

I've been hearing about partnerships for about a year yet nothing substantial has come out of it. I really hope you are right tho

>> No.10033233

Sorry it's not my account. I'm keeping it as empty as possible so not adding anyone...

>> No.10033239
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1528340014330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 30 year old boomer that hates gays.

>> No.10033255

citations needed for first and last claims, second claim is somewhat true (but not moreso than degenerate straights, it's just that straights are less degenerate on average)

>> No.10033269


stop normalizing this fucked up shit

>> No.10033329

mfw I'm gay, masc, attractive and 21 years old.

>not being able to get laid 24/7
>not being able to play the gay card if need be
>not having guys buy you drinks at the bar

stay straight faggots

>> No.10033343

at least my father is not ashamed of me.

>> No.10033372
File: 47 KB, 1198x444, 1529307641655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are using Ripple, they are also starting to do crytpo loans it seems. (Can you imagine if you get into fractional reserve banking with cryptos it would be extremely lucrative. Being a Jewish company literally shilling buttsecks, other Jewish financial institutions are going to nepotism the fuck out of this.

The piratebay is starting to accept XRP as donations.



American Express is using ripple.

This shit is going to moon. Its faster and cheaper than other cryptos.

We are gonna be alright Anon.

>> No.10033396

>proud of getting your shit on another man's dick
>proud of getting another man's shit on your dick
>proud of having a "victim card"
>proud of promiscuous degenerate hookups and spreading disease
>proud of his alcoholism

very impressive
pop some more pREP pills and get your eneme bag ready for your dozen boyfriends

>> No.10033553
File: 15 KB, 675x601, 1529776612424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh, stupid millennials and their buttsex.

>> No.10033587

WTF where is the diversity
Is it really a biological weapon they push onto competing corporations?

>> No.10033641

>that boomer that says he isn't homophobic and that we should all get along.
Get out boomer the culture war is starting now.

>> No.10034198

have fun getting dr schlomo to reconstruct your destroyed asshole

>> No.10034211
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>> No.10034331
File: 88 KB, 280x291, 1513648202628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(You) and 17 others

>> No.10034861

Vaginas clean themselves. Man-shitholes don't

>> No.10034904


On any given platform the chantards are so fucking east to spot. Their entire profiles are just anime shit and cartoon girls.

>> No.10034971

>i'd never support ripple after this
What a weak, feeble minded faggot. Look at the title, its a parade. A show. No one really cares. Their HQ is in San Fran, they'd stick out if they didn't organize something. Besides, if you can't knock points off for their technology you don't get to say shit about anything else. Who cares if the whole company is made up of poop dippers if they make a great product and run the world's finances in 10 years. My invested money doesn't give a single fuck about their politics. Yours does and this is why you'll never make it.

>> No.10035009

Holy fuck, this looks pretty bad. Nobody wants SJWs in control of a world currency. Sell your ripple hedges now, lads.

>> No.10035029

As an econimist, I praise you for taking 2 men out of the dating market.

>> No.10035042

moon when, please tell me ripple insider, i want to get rich

>> No.10035879

>Gay, Masc

>> No.10035901

When it will be a decenrealized and a blockchain and added to coinbase.


>> No.10035928

> Yui Horie.

Patrician taste anon. Op is a faggot but her OPs are GOAT