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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10031566 No.10031566 [Reply] [Original]

Enough. Tell me your best online scam. Serious thread no larps.

>> No.10031641

i used to play habbo hotel when i was a kid

you could call in with your telephone to their number and input your code for your username, then you got some credits to buy things in game and it charged you like $5 to your phone

so i made a website that advertised FREE COINS using a TELEPHONE hack. you put your username into my website and it gave you back the "HACKED CODE" (my code) and explained how to call in and input the code calling the official habbo line.

i probably made 3000 free coins off this. i never even got banned once because i was making habbo money kek.

>> No.10031672

Youtube MCNs.
This loophole is closed now but what you used to be able to do:
>start a network under one of the bigger brands(scale lab, machinima, freedom, etc)
>add 10,000 minecraftfags on skype
>tell them if you link your channel to my network I can get you a ton of subscribers and you'll be the next pewdiepie
>proceed to lock them into a 3 year contract at a non-negotiable 60/40 revenue split
>sign up 10,000 channels, each making about $20 a month
>do absolutely fucking nothing and don't respond to a single support ticket in the dashboard
rinse and repeat
now I have a real saas product but back in the day that shit was CASH

>> No.10031689

Another one that still works today:
>get api access to an SMM reseller panel
>sell 500 instagram likes for $5
>buy them for fifteen cents on the reseller panel
>rinse and repeat

>> No.10031786

How old are you?

Nice, nice,

Keep going

>> No.10031814

I made this meme project called Link and shilled it to idiots on 4chan

>> No.10031816


>> No.10031822


>> No.10031827
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>tfw have an idea which I bet would get at least a mil but too pussy to do it

>> No.10031842

cryptocurrencies idiots love them

>> No.10031846

Oh boy old good habbo. Nice one.

>> No.10031852

>hangs out on cryptocurrency board
found the idiot

>> No.10031861

That's real cash right there.

>> No.10031869

how's your crypto investment going moron?

>> No.10031926

I run/manage a network of bots used for ad fraud/revenue.

>> No.10031935


This thread has been marked Serious. Please post accordingly, and remain on-topic.

Any off-topic or joke replies will be reported.

Please report any inappropriate comments for modertation.

>> No.10031938

>everyone in crypto is investing
lol nah i swing trade

>> No.10031944


>> No.10031992


>> No.10031995

I buy hacked accounts in online games, gain complete ownership of the account, resell them, then reclaim the account, then do it again until the account get banned permanently.

I haven't been doing it much recently because I hate dealing with russians and chinese, but it's easy money, if a bit time consuming.

>> No.10032011

I'm 19.

A big reason subnetworks were shutdown was because of underage kids like me being handed the keys to a big business with zero restriction or oversight.

>> No.10032021


One more wise-crack out of you and I'll have you deported.

>> No.10032051

>buy stolen creditcards
>use them to purchage Magic Online Digital Objects
>sell cards cheaply, accept only crypto
>use the creditcards to purchase directly from the store, crack packs for cards, dont trade with bots
You should be able to make $100K-$200K doing this, will need some balls though.

>> No.10032107

for example you can get a decked out world of tanks account for like $100

most of the time these accounts dont have proper details on them, so you can shift the emails around and gain full control through submitting account details to support

at that point you change the email one more time, sell the account with that changed email for $100-150 wait a week or so till the account goes active again, then go through the account restoration process

then you sell it again, restore, sell it again, restore - until it gets perm banned

the most times I've ever sold a single account was 6 times until it got banned, but that was war thunder

I think people buy these accounts to hack so its a bit risky occasionally and the account will get perm banned right away so you didn't make any money and wasted time, but its rare

big USA company games like battle.net stuff are no good since their KYC is really careful, but occasionally you can scoop up a cheap old account that has a bunch of cheevos people pay big bucks for, and you can resell it for shittons, thats not really a scam though

>> No.10032198

I used to hack runescape accounts with a fake site I made that was basically just an email submission box where i got really really gullible people to directly email me their usernames and passwords. Like it wasnt even a phishing thing, i would just tell retards in game to visit the site, I had this long typed out thing about how i was a disgruntled ex employee of jagex. I hacked a shit ton of low level accounts but it added up after a while. I ended up getting a santa hat off of one. Still feel pretty bad about it actually. This was back in like 2006 when the game was even more flooded with tons of retards

>> No.10032346

OP, find a mentor and then 3 mentors for your mentor

>> No.10032401

when I was 12 me and an online friend made a keylogger with what people supposedly could hack JageX with and create infinte money. (like cheatengine). We marketed a video on youtube showing the ''cheat engine'' with some photoshopped pictures of tons of RSGP. We only took the money of though and left the accounts alone, the money was resold for $$$

>> No.10032622
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>> No.10032661
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>> No.10033130


>> No.10033140

whats the catch?

>> No.10033245

selling the instagram likes is not easy, lots of competition.

>> No.10033258

fair enough

>> No.10033428

>SMM reseller panel
This isn't really a scam though right? this is just applying a markup to anyone who is willing to buy? or did I miss something..

>> No.10033522


What kind of SaaS do you have?

>> No.10033558

damn.. is there any way to do this now on a smaller scale?

>> No.10033580

On Runescape I used to put on ghostly robes and then sell shade robes on F2P worlds.

>> No.10033581

this lol. scalelab used to try and act like they were running a legit operation, but they really just had an army of 16 year olds scamming 13 year olds. fuck google for changing their policy

>> No.10033583

hire 3rd world whores to become twitch streamers and hope they don't learn enough to cut out the middleman (you)

>> No.10033629


Google Adwords years ago. This was back in like 2003-2005 when it was still fairly new.

I would buy $25 visa gift cards from the grocery store and run ads for clickbank affiliate links. I could usually run somewhere between $300-500 worth of PPC advertising before they would try to charge the card. After that I would just make a new account and do it again.

I remember being a teenager and making a few hundred every day in affiliate sales and thinking I was the shit

>> No.10034539

Few hundred a day for a teenager it's insane.

>> No.10034602
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That is pretty based for a teenager nice

>> No.10034724

1. Find ads for homes for sale
2. Go to craigslist post the exact same ad but with my details
3. Get a call
4. Person is interested
5. Set an appointment for them to view the house
5. Wait for them to call
6. Make some bullshit excuse but tell them to just ask the home owner for a tour of the home and ask the owner for asking price
7. Tell them that as a coutesy I will get them the house at a lower price than what the owner asks for as a courtesy for not being able to make it
8. They later call and tell me the owner's asking price and their desired price
7. I agree and have them wire me a down payment
8. Enjoy your easy cash.
Tip to not get caught: post ad on craigslist of "work yoh can do at home". Find a sucker to keep posting your fake ads on craigslist. Extra points if he agrees to make the calls for you. Never pay him or her.

>> No.10035286

How much per "customer"?

>> No.10035484

Around 1k and sometimes up to 15k. Depending on the property and how much you pressure them. Its a fairly easy scheme since people usually trust real estate agents. Also try looking for properties in shittier areas to attract spics and niggers. They are much easier to con.

>> No.10035950
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>> No.10036016

Well the best one I've seen that's /biz/ related is that one where the guy pretends to be a super crypto noob and accidentally sells like 50k of coin for 1/1000 of it's worth and he's asking for help here. Some anons try to take advantage of the noobs mistake and hastily buy up all the coins, only to realize the "noob" was bait and the dude was actually selling like 50 coins for 1000x their worth or something like that, ripping off the anons who tried to take advantage of him for around 50k usd. Someone's probably got the screenshot compilation here.
Also, a non-/biz/ online scam that fucked me when I was a kid back in the day was pretty simple.
> Offer to sell WoW account
> dude wants to buy, sends me $400 through PayPal
> give him account
> he files report with PayPal claiming he didn't get his purchase
> he gets his money back, I get my PayPal account frozen
> WoW account is cleaned out, all characters deleted

>> No.10036073


>how to go to actual prison 101

>> No.10036083

Got a prepaid card and started using idr if it was chaturbate or livejasmin.
Asked milfs foot fetish shows until fapped my balls out of my balls, went way below my balance on that card, never got caught

>> No.10036352

you can still do this, but the trick is you actually pay for the ads. and the offers aren't from click bank. there's more than hundreds a day to be made ;)

>> No.10036534
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Interesting thread, gentlemen. Don't mind me, keep going.

>> No.10036603


With Adwords?

>> No.10036672

I've made about a dozen fake fundraisers for blacks/trannies using burner accounts

>> No.10036685

like gofundme shit for virtue signalling? lol nice did you ever have any success

>> No.10036712

yeah, majority of them got shut down though, militant blacks are the absolutely worst though, afaik no one ever knew, I'd never do it for something fucked up like like a sick dog or cancer etc but "emotional trauma" or some dindu getting shot whatever this was years ago

>> No.10036745

ask a stranger to help you mule
have them come to lut gholein with you
say to make sure you can trust them, you will drop an item of value and they must drop one too
you stand outside the inn, they stand inside at the bottom right corner
when they drop it you can loot it through the wall and they can't loot yours

free vampgazes all day

>> No.10036781

As a kid I used to create wordpress websites about "up-to-date" hacks of popular games at that time (CS:Source undetected hack etc) with the files (they were actual cheating files of said game but already detected hacks that were available for free, not sure why I did this, probably to make me less guilty or some childish shit) behind a CPA download site.
Promoting was easy, it was just creating a new Youtube account, make a simple slideshow and then show a part of gameplay hack stolen from someone else, boost the shit out of it with $5 10k viewing bots and $5 50 custom YT comments with the usual "ty it works!" bullshit and then wait for gullible kids making you money
I still can't believe doing that pajeet shit netted me $300-600/month for a few months.

>> No.10036797

Kidnap and sell children online for money.

>> No.10036864

Tell me more

>> No.10037189


>> No.10037213

Ok cool but how do i get the kids inside the computer

>> No.10037372
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I am lurking and taking notes. Bump.

>> No.10037520
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>Tell me your best online scam


Ethereum -67% (ytd)
Omisego -72% (ytd)
Bitcoin Cash -74% (ytd)
Litecoin -76% (ytd)
Monero -77% (ytd)
Stellar -78% (ytd)
Ripple -83% (ytd)

>> No.10037568

What are some .onion links to forums that discuss this topic on a daily basis?

>> No.10038223

it works unless you wont let them hang out with american women.

>> No.10038273

The paypal shit people been doing for ages its most common with smartphones, im surprised payPal its allowing it to this day. I guess they always win in the long run. Like they care about some 400$ niggers iPhone.

>> No.10038344
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the funniest one ive recently done is botted pokemon go accounts and sold em for 50usd each lmao

>> No.10038345


>> No.10038604

not a scam but i hacked thousands of runescape accounts by taking the hiscores list and then bruteforcing the accounts using simple passwords like "password" or "qazwsx"

made about 200k selling gp on ebay

>> No.10038611

forgot to add: i was 14 at the time

>> No.10039003

Protip: you have to be young enough to "not be accountable for your actions" to try anything posted in this thread.

>> No.10039154


tell us more based god

>> No.10039406

>get a job
>go to job
>close office door, masturbate on stims for 8 hours
>go home with paycheck
rinse and repeat

>> No.10040064

Unless you're making bank its a very inefficient scam, you can probably pull the same money while at home, increasing fapping comfortability

>> No.10040080
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Excuse my frog I lost my reactions images folder.
Also I don't know if this counts:
>Used to set up phishing sites and get idiots to enter their Myspace/MSN messenger/Facebook details into them
>Claim full access over their account.
>Find nudes or embarrassing shit
The best one I did was this girl who I hacked and found out she was subscribed to these skeezy hook-up sites where you post pictures of yourself and add other sleeze faggots and have E-sex with them. Her MSN account was just full of tons of guys asking her for sex roleplay.
Got her username, took a ton of screenshots and posted that shit everywhere I could so all her friends and family could see it.
She did deserve it but I won't go into details.
Every few years when I feel the desire to troll I make a fake FB account (she has me blocked on my real one for obvious reasons), message her and then just type her sex username to her so she knows it's me. It's very funny.

>> No.10040168
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Was poor as fuck, but had like $500 in crypto. Used that money and my knowledge to create a shitcoin. Kept 10% of total supply for "further development". Distributed that shitcoin to like 2000 people, then got it listed on exchanges, then it listed on coinmarketcap and pumped like crazy. Once the buy walls were big enough I dumped it all and made myself some nice $30,000. After oct-jan these were nearly $300,000. So that's how I became rich.

>> No.10040200

strong psychological torture.How is this scamming?

>> No.10040249

I could easily have used this to get money out of people but I didn't want to go to actual jail.
>I actually did go to jail for shit like this in the end.

One scam I found was actually beating a casino. You can try this one at home because it's perfectly legal, it butthurts casino Jews and you can make a little bit of money easily before they Shut It Down™.
>Find a casino offering a free $/£/€10 whatever your currency is bet.
>Go to European Roulette because it's the best odds in the casino (roughly 50/50 and no 00 bullshit, you only have one green space).
>But a 10 bet on Black. Black wins more in roulette by statistics somehow, I don't fucking know why.
>If you win, take your 10 and run.
>If you lose, message admins and get your 10 refunded if it's not done automatically.
>Wait a week for the promotion to start again.
Made a nice little bit of change doing this before they caught on and they couldn't even ban me because I did nothing wrong.
How to outJew a casino, 101.

>> No.10040351

>hire some pajeet on fiverr to make a shitcoin on ethereum network, or make your own
>shoot some promo videos with your friends (and their sisters in bikinis)
>make a cool website or hire a pajeet to do it
>promote the shit out of it in the next crypto boom
>dump your holdings on all the normies

>> No.10040365

Tfw when trade your party hats for Habbo furni and then get banned by the mods for scripting

>> No.10040384

nice. Why is it fixed?

>> No.10040392

Still doable with direct debit in some countries.

Running giveaways on facebook. Send the traffic to leadgen offers. Easy 200 - 5000 bucks a day.

>> No.10040410

What do you run - nutra?
Just curious

>> No.10040593

Rule #1 of finding an obscure easy way to make money: dont go around telling people about your obscure easy way to make money.

>> No.10040615

What fucking casino gives you money

>> No.10040676

During the 2008 recession people were renting vacant foreclosed homes out to people. Homes sat empty from like 2008 to 2011. Just imagine how much money those people made.

>> No.10040699
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the one that i got a better result off of was this robux scam

>be 12
> greedy lil shit
> manipulate some game dev on roblox to give me his account through some robux scam
> get into the account
> get all items
> shut down his games
> tell fans the only way to bring game back is to give items to fake account I created
> transfer items they gave me to real account
>get 300 dollars in robux
> sell it all
> get permabanned 1 week later
> 14 yr old me
> pic related

>> No.10040775

>bank wire
Gee thats not easily tracable at all. The cops surely wont ever be able to find you. /s

>> No.10040964

I use to steal iPhones in highschool and sell them with iCloud still on it. Sometimes i'd reset it. I'd also charge kids to remove iCloud but i'd just leave it on there and they would sell it as is. Only got caught once

Have done several other scams i'm not proud of.

>> No.10040976
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Kidscoin 10x was the best shit last year

>> No.10041022
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>offer boosting services for different games such as league of legends (rip)
>get control of accounts
>sell accounts

>> No.10041077
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Oh shit heres one I did in the last couple weeks actually (cnadafags only)

>Sign up for 888Poker
>Use instantdebit to deposit
>Deposit maximum ($2,000)
>Remove funds from that cheqings account
>Payment bounces in 24 hours
>They ban you from the service and don't send you to collections

Basically if you lose the $2k or whatever you deposit to a yourself/friend at a heads up table, you can keep it. Just be careful as to how you play when "losing" it.

They didn't threaten to send me to collections. I didn't actually do it on purpose, just went on a 24 hr binge and lost some shekels. Turns out I didn't have enough in the account it tried to charge. Got a $40 NSF fee and played with $2k for free. Called my bank and closed that account. $2k for $40, can't complain.

>> No.10041185

Online poker is a scam anyway. Theres so many bots its not even funny. You cant win against a bot that can calculate odds on the fly and pull and anaylze player data in seconds.

>> No.10041201

Nah you just aren't good. I have literally bled bots dry at tables, they don't work.

Online poker is a scam though. I will be getting some shekels back from 888 with frens banks

>> No.10041240

If it was a good bot it would have been set to stop playing after it detected it was being check raised over and over again.

>> No.10041314

Nah you guys are just donks who think you can expect to win money at poker without doing any real studying. There's still a lot of money to be made from online poker if you're smart and willing to work hard.

>> No.10041378

Did you ever pull any money out of them?

Did anyone try to get their money back?

>> No.10041621
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Wait, they why does this nice man tell me his obscure easy rules on how to make money?
>Do you get it folks? Do you see where I'm going with this?

>> No.10041689

>but they really just had an army of 16 year olds scamming 13 year olds
ayy that was me

>> No.10042805

oyster pearl?

>> No.10042961

Kek some mates used to do this. Never sold them though, I don't think they knew where to sell them.

>> No.10043001
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>> No.10043142

not that large, it was fairly small scale, but I guess lot of people lost their money, and I got rich, fully legally as well since I never sold them anything just gave it away for free

>> No.10043189

Not me, but a friend made an ICO with some fake people as the team and raised 200 ETH.

>> No.10043247

Tell us more. How did he promote it? Did he put it on ICO rating sites? Did he buy fake twitter followers etc? How did he raise the eth? Through a smart contract that actually gives out (worthless) tokens? Or just got investors to send eth with nothing to show?

>> No.10043311

I don't know very much. He paid someone on fiverr to do an ICO smart contract, then made a shitty website, then made partnerships with other scam coins on Twitter.

>> No.10043614


>> No.10043641

Can we know the name?

>> No.10043691

this post best post

>> No.10044641


>> No.10044742

There's no real scam but it's so damn easy that it feels like one

just have a good looking brand, make sure to have no trace of the hindi the site was built in, and you're good to go

>> No.10044801

Not anymore.
Lead Generation + automated email marketing for digital marketers to find clients

>> No.10044952
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>Black wins more in roulette by statistics somehow, I don't fucking know why.

>> No.10044996

>This should be stickied
always gets me

>> No.10045221

i see all pajets using same site with diff theme but i cant find it, care to help out anon ?