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File: 91 KB, 300x225, alcoholic-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10030238 No.10030238 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck corporate culture.

Thought I was on my way to a career, only 9 months in but fml I'm getting tired of working for a boss, what are some of the best ways to make money and be your own boss if you have no schooling and are fucking retarded intellectual like me?

inb4 uber or bitcoin

>> No.10030250

What are your resources?

>> No.10030252

What did you do to get fired?

>> No.10030254

>be your own boss if you have no schooling and are fucking retarded intellectual

why do you think you deserve freedom if you are low iq?

>> No.10030265

kneepads and bjs

>> No.10030289

Getting fired is always bitter sweet

>> No.10030300

>why do you think you deserve freedom if you are low iq?
Sometimes I legitimately wonder whether cashiers, fastfood workers, etc. even have a life to speak of. I've always sort of viewed them as NPCs.

>> No.10030309

got about 2gs saved, no car, live in nyc, that's it

>> No.10030364

Said something to offend a female employee, HR got involved started an investigation and blew everything out of proportion and bam

because I feel like after getting fired so many times I can't work for people anymore because jobs are weird or there's something wrong with me but either way man it just ain't working out, employers want the perfect puppet and don't hesitate to show you the door

indeed, I feel like I have all this free time now that I can dedicate to something more important than doing something I didn't really enjoy but still getting compensated for.
More time, but I'm not gonna lie it felt like shit but hopefully it's for the better.

>> No.10030398

im just saying, the nerds who are self employed usually made sacrifices in their youth in order to have skills that make them self employed.

did you do that? sounds like you didn't. so you don't deserve self employment.

i can't see you grinding for months and months on projects that will inevitably fail first before being successful. you should just accept that you will be an employee forever and work somewhere you enjoy rather than somewhere with the largest pay.

>> No.10030455

Curious, what were the comments?

>> No.10030477

lol fuck off you think youre gonna harass a female and get any sympathy here neckbeard

>> No.10030495

How is that new Onions flavour?

>> No.10030518

Seriously, man? I was kicked out of the house at 18 and worked fast food, telemarketing, cashier jobs... so I could put myself through college and not starve. Worked my way up to a 90k corporate job. Not all fast food workers are retarded.

>> No.10030551

Seconded. Believe it or not, it does take a lot of proof to get someone fired for harassment - there's usually several steps involved. OP was probably a low performer and HR saw an easy way to cull the herd.

>> No.10030702
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I know I'm probably gonna get called an idiot, but I got too comfortable and showed her a racist pepe meme that I found funny while we were on standby waiting for a job and got Roseann'd, goddamn females in the workplace man, they're the fucking worst.

>> No.10030734


>> No.10030746
File: 115 KB, 500x500, 79AF6FE9-7BD0-4ADA-AFD0-E5E7A0FE48A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us the meme

>> No.10030785

>Showing your coworkers racist memes thinking they'll appreciate them

Jesus you really are 'fucking retarded'

>> No.10030789

nah you're just a moron

>> No.10030837

It's incredibly hard to start a successful business and even if you have all fundamentals covered (high IQ, enough resources, good market, good product) the odds are still slim.

Find a job with low interaction if that is what you dislike..become a grave-watcher or how they are called or a warehouse night-worker..

Don't mean to bring you down..just speaking truth to power..

>> No.10030851
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this was the one I think, i was scrolling 4chan and came across it and got a chuckle. Obviously to me it was just a fucking goddamn shit cartoon not to be taken seriously.

what's weird is we had red-pilled conversations, never trust a female.

they got me for harassment, I'm still wondering whether I can get unemployment or the legality of all this because they definitely rushed me out the door, no papers I had to sign no nothing just bye and they also hit me with it's illegal to go anywhere near their or their clients (we were 3rd party contractors) property, which is absurd since they own contracts with a lot of public nyc buildings.

>> No.10030852
File: 51 KB, 499x375, waterin my negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never show normies your power level

>> No.10030876

wow, that was dumb
honestly dude you should know better
i'd wager this was like unconscious self-sabotage or something if not genuine low iq

>> No.10030892

>Showing this to coworkers

>> No.10030895

You’re a fucking chucklefuck autistic normie. Who does such a thing? I bet you’re such a cringey loser IRL. If some mouth breather at work came up to me laughing like a Downie with his phone in my face showing me a cartoon frog with some 9gag text on it I’d report that retarded cunt too.

You deserve nothing.

>> No.10030913

Got fired recently as well. I got fired because I basically never talked to people and I'm in an "up or out" sort of industry so anytime there's a reason to fire someone it happens.

I don't know what to do now that I have this black mark on my resume. No one is interested in interviewing me and I literally know the same thing is going to happen again because I vehemently hate my job but nothing else would pay me remotely well.

This is absolutely an aspect of it for me. I think I'm intentionally trying to force hardship to save myself.

>> No.10030926

Wow. You’re actually autistic, there’s no hope for you

>> No.10030927


>> No.10030938

I didn’t even see this before making my previous post. Holy FUCKING shit you are beyond stupid. How did you even get a job in the first place being this much of an autistic handicap? How are you even able to use a computer you drooling cunt?

>> No.10030978
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>> No.10030991

this is what /pol/ does to people

the irony here is that the racism thing in 4chan started as jokes, until real retards came, and then came the stormfront rallies...

>> No.10031017


>hey Christine check out this funny cartoon I found on 4chan!
>haha pretty funny right?
>hey where are you going?

I'm still laughing my ass off

>> No.10031089

>what's weird is we had red-pilled conversations, never trust a female.

>we had a conversation that wasn't politically correct one time that means she's le redpilled let me show her a meme about killing jews
Anon you're so fucking stupid just because you two talked about something you dislike about feminism or democrats doesn't mean you go full /pol/ on her jesus christ

>> No.10031108
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yup I thought about that, I can't say I really enjoyed my job much.

the thing that kinda gets me though is that I was practically the only white guy there, and black and spanish co-workers had all kinds of controversial convos (sexist, racist, anti-Semitic), but as soon as whitey joins the fray watch out here comes the priviliged racist or some shit. Ridiculous.

what can I say bro, everyone makes mistakes son

>> No.10031134

holy shit you almost guessed her name too

>> No.10031176

I'm laughing out of control right now
wtf OP

>> No.10031183

This has to be a LARP.

>> No.10031197


This is much, much more than a mistake. You showed a picture to a chick in an office you spoke to once with a nazi frog saying KILL ALL JEWS when she could have been a kike herself. Or whatever, it’s one of the dumbest workplace fuckups I’ve ever read on 4chan. You’d have done less damage if you whipped your cock out and slapped her leg with it.

A retard being retarded isn’t a mistake. You’re honestly just dumb and the funny thing is that you’re too dumb to know you’re dumb, evidenced by you passing this off as just a mere mistake.

>> No.10031208


This wasn't a 'mistake,' it was proof you might be legitimately autistic

>> No.10031219

>Black mark on my resume
Just remove that job from your resume and put like a seasonal retail job at Sears or something and say your time there was up and that's why you left because it's seasonal
Or you could take a job that you worked at before your last job, and change the end date to somewhere recent

>> No.10031240

It's too stupid to be a LARP, I think.

>> No.10031263

nice freedom of speech burgers lmao

>> No.10031269

Kill him/her and take that position?

>> No.10031284

you would literally be put in jail for sharing this in the UK, I think getting fired from a private company is the least of our concerns

>> No.10031325

you gotta be larping right
nobody could be that stupid

>> No.10031358

Who the fuck gets fired on a Monday? Clearly this was for cause. Congrats on being a loser.

>> No.10031366
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bro she was fucking black, and she wasn't working in the office she was my partner

ok maybe I am, point is my dumbass keeps getting fired for dumb shit that I didn't think twice about like this and it's starting to fucking piss me off, who dictates what's appropriate anyway? So that's why I need to work for myself because people are too fucking weird nowadays, what dictates what is or isn't considered offensive in the workplace anyway, a joke? We can't even laugh about dumb shit this is the next level of censoring, case in point remember that lawyer who got fired in nyc and everyone was harassing him online because he told an employee to learn some English? Yea he said something stupid that's all, but just because someone recorded it he lost his job. It's retarded. It's society that's fucking hyper sensitive to the point of hysterical schizophrenia or something, not me.

>> No.10031385

> retarded intellectual
you cant be both and i know you are not intelligent.

>> No.10031401
File: 28 KB, 595x335, fe72380dfb7ae4520ec7323c0399f03e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truck driver
$64k+ / year + insurance/benefits
lots of options
many trucking companies will train you/help you get your CDL

>> No.10031463

Here's a good thought exercise and it won't make you jaded and stupid.

When you take an action that involves someone from work just do this "How would someone who doesn't hang out on 4Chan respond to this?"

You usually get the right answer.

>> No.10031513
File: 144 KB, 1423x1600, 1512141536834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I thought I had it bad when Stacy at work took my phone and saw pic related on my lock screen.

>> No.10031528

Become a male hostess in japan. $800k per year to talk to Japanese milfs at bars

>> No.10031540

I may have tore a muscle laughing at this, thank you for this glorious LARP.

>> No.10031654

Dear Autistic White Male,

When you demonstrate a fondness for genocidal humor in any form, it is likely to make people of other socially repressed classes feel very uncomfortable around you. This includes Blacks and Females.

Average IQ Logic

>> No.10031673

>Stacy at work took my phone

the fuck? Why would you let it happen?

>> No.10031696

>showing people anything from 4chan
you idiot, unless you 100% know they are chill, you don't do that

>> No.10031798

>socially repressed
Fuck off

>> No.10031825

>>10030238 (OP) #
I was also fired today for calling boss a cuck

>> No.10031980

Was she white, Jewish, or a PoC?

>> No.10032018

>She was black

Oh ok. Don't trust non whites anon. Be cordial but keep them at arm's length.

>> No.10032071

Now go all in on chainlink and live on the streets until the singularity comes.

>> No.10032269
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We were at lunch and she was showing us some pictures from her own phone, just normie bullshit in essence and there was a "what about you anon" moment and suddenly grabbed it cause I had it out on the table. That in itself I don't care about cause the phone is pattern locked anyway, not to mention I could even do the same shit with hers and she wouldn't mind. It's just that in that very moment I totally forgot about the pic and you can imagine how shit went from that point forward. There isn't a smooth transition from looking at vacation and night club photos to this.

>> No.10032412

Ive seen countless times anons getting fired for something involving trusting woman. It goes to H.R. or they find a way to cherrypick to the manager something they didnt like.
Normies are the worst

>> No.10032419

Classic trait of the narcissist.

>> No.10032458


Did you see the retarded shit he thought was a good idea to show his coworker?

>> No.10032499
File: 63 KB, 758x759, 1502377844319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon.
If you can't seriously read what you just wrote and find anything wrong, you're just hopeless.

>> No.10032529

>who dictates this

If people get offended, then you’re fucked.

>> No.10032549

No one gives a shit about roasties

>> No.10032732

I bet you religiously listen to Jordan Peterson too.

>being this dense

>> No.10032755

The lawyer in NYC did not lose his job, he's self employed, if any clients chose not to work with him following his outburst that's their choice, no one is obligated to support and do business with anyone they don't want to, furthermore he has a history of being creepy bitter and aggressive towards others, randomly yelling at a guy minding his own business walking down the street with his qt gf calling him an ugly foreigner despite the fact that he looks less like a foreigner then this Jew, screaming threats at a cop during a baseball game who was called on him because he was acting like a noisy aggressive weirdo, he's a bitter autistic manlet Jew freak and your a moron for supporting him. You need to really just sit down and evaluate your thought processes and how you perceive the world.

>> No.10032758

>Interacting with female employees beyond formal courtesy
>Failing to hide your power level

Are you surprised?

>> No.10032782

Why is it narcissistic to look at some 50 year old overweight lady who worked a double before she cramming herself into an '89 Camry so she can go home and feed her cats in her double wide before the gout gets too bad. Surely when she was 15 she thought that sounded like a fulfilling life.

Learn what empathy is you fucking sociopathic mong.

>> No.10032832

What's his power level, superautism?
If you're going to live and work in NYC and be offended that someone is speaking a foreign language around you, I got some bad news for you. You can mock liberal snowflakes all you want, but when you're getting this triggered by other people, you might be the snowflake yourself.
The shit on 4chan may be funny to you, but it is offensive to the vast majority of people. Genocidal memes, porn... don't belong in the workplace.

>> No.10032861
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>> No.10032873

>fuck corporate culture right guys???
>hey sandra check out this cartoon frog!
>yeah yeah man its pepe, very funny internet frog
>is that a gas chamber?
>haha yeah fuck the jews right? never happened, heil hitler kek
>o-okay anon

>> No.10032879

Verbally keked
Well done, anon. You will find another job. Just dont put this one on a resume.

>> No.10032906

lmao i was fucking joking, you seriously showed that to a coworker? whats it like being an autist with no normie filter

>> No.10032930
File: 580 KB, 480x360, 1501843632435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never trust a women at work
>my female chef is on vacation
>im all done with my stuff and my shift was over
>female coworker is not done with her stuff and i ask if i can help her out
>"no anon :), it's fine you wouldn't be able to help me with this stuff anyways because you're still new here"
>come back to work next week and my chef is back
>"anon why didn't you help your coworker out?"
i didn't tell her a excuse and took the blame but this is just one of my experiences with female coworkers
you can't trust them

>> No.10032959

Mess with the jew,
Unemployment line for you!

>> No.10032968
File: 259 KB, 1398x757, BizSharesAFrogMeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you're fucking retarded. Someone else want to add to pic related? I'm honestly too lazy to get all the comments

>> No.10032985

Stop being an idiot. Tell your boss you did offer help. In the future, keep a written trail - offer her help but over email or instant message, this way you have proof. It's like you retards have never held a corporate job.

>> No.10033005

>showing this to co-workers
holy fuck what did you expect

>> No.10033056


Needs an enlarged section of 'never trust a female' next to nazi Pepe

>> No.10033208

Dafuq does Plato have to do with this?

>> No.10033497

LMAO wtf where you thinking man

>> No.10033519
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x4790, 1359306455127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what do you mean "keeps getting fired"? I want to hear more.
This isn't the first time?

Also, FYI, never show your power level to anyone who could even remotely fuck your shit up.

>> No.10033532


>> No.10033611
File: 2.97 MB, 281x295, 1501354655007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4 minutes anon. Not even Plato.

>> No.10033652

thanks for the laugh OP. sorry for your retardation

>> No.10033665

you sound like that employee that tries to join the friend group but no one wants to hang out with

why the fuck can't you just act normal

>> No.10033680

Have you tried Lift? its like uber but worst.

>> No.10033755

I got fired recently too. I was committing a lot of fraud and was sick of my boss so I told him that I was and I banked on him being to much of a pussy to do anything.

>> No.10033908

life/job skills?

>> No.10033942

>White supremacist turns out to be a dumbass

What a surprise.

>> No.10034036

>employers want the perfect puppet

Be thankful you understood it now. I know some 50 something boomers who still don't understand what 99% of jobs in this world are about - first of all, OBEDIENCE. When you wagecuck, leave your balls and opinions at the door

>> No.10034078

meanwhile you are here and pretend not to be a retarded memester in real life.

>> No.10034235

Posting Nazi memes

>> No.10034258

Then why name it after thr allegory of the cave?

>> No.10034333

Very nice, anon. Promotion worthy stuff.

>> No.10034358

Just explain that you were managing your crypto, worked for me.