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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 185 KB, 1080x694, Big Balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10029684 No.10029684 [Reply] [Original]

Let's assume he is serious and not LARPING

Is he crazy or actually a fucking genius? I don't think I have the balls to do what he's done, but if he's right he's going to be wealthy AF.

>> No.10029702

I'm not sure you understand what LARPing is.
Hint: it's not the same as shitposting.

>> No.10029705

i tried taking out a loan but my bank wouldnt give me one hence my 3k debt. gotta make it the small fry way by DCAing every paycheck

>> No.10029746

Well, it's probably a good move. But that's unrelated to LINK as such. There's a good chance we roughly hit the bottom and when BTC goes up, everything will. So he made money.

>> No.10029761

You are actually fucking retarded. no wonder the poor stay poor.

>> No.10029783

So lets assume this wasnt photoshopped: he had a house, a boat and multiple cars to begin with. If you play with that much money, you could go into practically anything once you call a bottom and catch a quick 20%-30% to make it worth it.

>> No.10029805

$0 EOY

>> No.10030048

If he was genius he'd make something of value himself instead of putting himself in debt and relying other others work which he has no control over retard

>> No.10030139

do normies on facebook know about link?

>> No.10030159

The new Link Marine Telegram has an amazing breakdown on the Link Marine Team.

>> No.10030192

>Never invest more than you can afford to lose.

>> No.10030193

Search for Link Marines for Good

>> No.10030241

It was edited. I was the one that did it. The original said XRP back in December.

>> No.10030248

Hello cretins. So this is the "Link" coin my grandson Billy has been putting all of his allowance into, and this is the god-awful website spewing this garbage. He's been grounded indefinitely, and I smashed his little coin holder device and threw it in the trash.

So what do you have to say to defend yourselves for encouraging a minor to gamble on this internet money before I call the police?

>> No.10030267

You raised a piece of shit who raised a piece of shit, congratulations

>> No.10030286

>Well, it's probably a good move.
It is an inconceivable idiocy.

>> No.10030306

Or do and get rich or get poor. It's the only way to hope for upwards class mobility for some.

>> No.10030322

I raised my son well, who in turn raised his son well. I have down passed traditional conservative values. They both know the importance of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and that they should follow values centered around Him. My son is a God-fearing republican. Everything was going well until little Billy stumbled upon this horrendous website. You have all tried to reverse his enstilled values and coax him into gambling (which is a sin, mind you). You also just committed another offense by verbally assaulting me which will be reported to the authorities. Anything else you wanna say that'll dig the hole you're in deeper?

>> No.10030333

>Too shay.

Extremely high risk though, you could ruin yourself. Go from middle class to poor or poor to homeless.

>> No.10030365

Yes or go to the wealthy class. Otherwise work your entire life and you _may_ end up upper middle class before you die. Probably not, boomers fucked up too hard.

>> No.10030878

Orders books are too thin it would take 4 months to get all of your link then think about storage you have to defend against floods, fire, and storms also theft and user errors. Stressful af if you ask me. You'd have to hire a full time security guard to watch your house when you're gone and get state of the art security cameras installed. You'd want to buy a safe that you bolt into the ground and then have a safe inside that safe that's in the floor. You'd have to keep the your cold wallet firmware updated occasionally as well. You'd want multiple copies of your private seed. You'd want to buy a cryptonote to defend against fire. There's more preparation to do because with this much link you're going to need to know how to run a node.

>> No.10031571


>> No.10031759

House + boat + car + 401k + savings is probably a million dollars.
He took this million and put it into a 65 million meme currency that has a daily volume of 500k and didnt cause it to go up 5-10% causing everybody on this forum to lose its shit. I dont think so

>> No.10031885
File: 24 KB, 675x601, 9ED9D105-45A5-4218-A682-6ADE8BBA2CC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 28 year old boomer who thinks he is going to become a millionaire from buying an unknown shitcoin from a Chinese exchange

>> No.10031912

anyone else here wagecucking and can only manage to throw in $400 every 2 weeks into link?

Fuck being poor.

>> No.10031956

You're lucky. Imagine having to pay medical bills instead of buying link.

>> No.10031961

longing AMZN at 100x on StockMex