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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.35 MB, 2973x2961, 5E804333-C74F-4FF7-83D4-F61A382286CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10029285 No.10029285 [Reply] [Original]

Dear anons:

I’ve been out of the crypto market for about five months due to the bitconnect crash and resulting bear market. I believe the market is due for a recovery sometime in the next 2-3 months. I also believe the dollar is going to crash around the same time period. What are your thoughts?

>> No.10029314

why should the dollar crash and against what
>ib4 bitcoin

>> No.10029329
File: 45 KB, 1024x559, 1528958697830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a BCC holder you are legally retarded. Apply for neetbux, OP.

>> No.10029341

I still havnt figured where's that pic taken
Any insight?

>> No.10029350

OP is not just a faggot but also a Nigger

>> No.10029354
File: 203 KB, 720x1280, 1519750050490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw that one's cropped

>> No.10029362

it's not

>> No.10029395


are you the anon that put everything in a 1 year bitconnect contract during the 33% correction in september 2017?

if so congrats, seriously

>> No.10029431

No, I’m the anon who sold link at $1.00 after buying for 14 cents. It’s undeniable that the bitconnect exit scam killed the bull run because it caused all of the normies to think crypto currency was one large Ponzi scheme. Idiotic normalfags (including inst. investors) don’t even differentiate between bitconnect and Bitcoin.

>> No.10029487

I know this is an ironic post but for other anons:

I can almost gaurentee trumps awful protectionist / tarrif policies, coupled with Russia selling off all us treasuries and China poised to do the same, will cause massive inflation in the USA. The dollar will be replaced by the Yuan or HK dollar as China continues to expand its free trade zones

>> No.10029508

Also, OPEC ditched the dollar a little while ago

>> No.10029598

I took the pic. It is in Singapore. Sentossa island.
Also. Who allowed you to use it?

>> No.10029617

>It's Trump's fault that I'm poor!!!! #RESIST

>> No.10029642

Big of true

>> No.10029660

Tarrifs objectively make countries poor you retard. How exactly do you expect to develop industries that your country doesn’t have an advantage in? Government and or private companies will have to spend much more money developing the industries in order to compete with overseas ones. This causes taxes and the actual price of these goods to raise. In this particular case, once the USA stops purchasing massive amounts of goods from China, the Chinese government will sell all of their US treasury notes. But HURR DURR MAGA DEUS VEULT DURDHR

>> No.10029673

lmao why do you have to sperg out at the end? You sound like you have autism, and you still sound genuinely full of rage that you lost the 2016 election. Move on dude. You can try again in a couple of years. FEEL THE BERN AMIRITE :^)

>> No.10029675

>due for a recovery sometime in the next 2-3 months.

Too soon, end of the year at the earliest unless we accelerate the downward slope

>> No.10029726
File: 95 KB, 300x200, 2C09F54F-EEE4-41D1-A94C-AED7255C0067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dude pal bro, you really like ad hominems. You haven’t addressed the economic argument I’ve presented 8)

>> No.10029737

That's because you don't have an "argument." You just made shit up and provided zero sources, and then predicted that China would sell all of their US treasury notes (lmao)

>> No.10029796

No reply? Looks like I won. Try harder next time, retard.

>> No.10029827

Of the Extraordinary Restraints Upon the Importation of Goods of Almost All Kinds, from those Countries with which the Balance is supposed to be Disadvantageous

>> No.10029830


He's at least making a logical argument about the topic, you're just shitposting character arguments which is brainlet tier shit

>> No.10029840

I'm not spending time arguing with a populist who has never read the Wealth of Nations and doesn't understand that if your country can't produce something, it's not going to be able to produce it. You're going to be wasting your money, have fun Go read a fucking book dipshit and stay poor.

>> No.10029845


>> No.10029853

>that rageposting

>> No.10029877

You didn’t win, you didn’t address anything he said, just put your fingers in yours screaming ‘LALALA U A DEMMYCRAT LALALALA TWUMP LALALALALA’

>> No.10029889

Yes you fucking idiot it makes me rage that morons like you are going to cause an economic meltdown

>> No.10029897

consider posting in a different style if you don't want me to know you're samefagging
i suggest posting in spanish, or typing in a way that simulates an accent
>hurr durr its duh cunserbatardz fault dat im poor

>> No.10029983

It’s not me. It’s just that you look like a fool when you use ad hominem arguments

>> No.10030013

>Schizo thinks some guy is posting between 4 different IPs to make him look bad

Seek professional help

>> No.10030016

>"It's not me"
>Posts in the exact same style in every post

>act retarded
>get called retarded
>"m-m-m-muh ad hominem!"

>> No.10030058

China has been stacking up on BTC and gold. Russia has been stacking up on gold too. If the Dollar crashes how likely is it that BTC will moon or will everything just go down?

I know it sounds stupid, but older generations will most likely start pouring money into things like gold as a safe haven. What will < 35 year olds do? Pour some money into crypto?

>> No.10030094
File: 93 KB, 744x644, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post something retarded
>get told
>"No reply, looks like I won"
>post rebuttal from a different ID
lol okay, retard.

>> No.10030120


>> No.10030140

congrats, do this on /b/ though I was banned for doing this

>> No.10030184

imagine being such a loser you pick the low volume community where you know people you don't like hang out over the high volume communities where everyone is like you
guess it sucks seeing your clone everywhere when the basis of your identity is being a special snowflake

>> No.10030204


Why does him criticizing the standing president's current actions as having a negative impact on the Unite States economy mean he was a supporter of the other candidate? What does the other candidate even have to do with this, the election is over

>> No.10030223

>Why does him criticizing the standing president's current actions as having a negative impact on the Unite States economy mean he was a supporter of the other candidate?
Because he's in the other thread literally shilling Obama's policies >>10029861

>Good for business

>> No.10030228

you do realise you replied to a personal statement made to +Ftb as if it were directly addressed to you, saying "I" and all, when you swapped to hKBt for the first time
cut down on the phoneposting when drumpflb gets you hot and bothered, son. that's how you make mistakes

>> No.10030233

High on chromosomes, the post

>> No.10030255

ahem read >>10030228
learn to samefag without identifying yourself. This isn't really fun, it just feels like I'm bullying a dumb kid.

>> No.10030258

lol telling people to read a book and acting like protectionism is still a valid strategy in the globalized economy. These other anons are right. You are officially retarded

>> No.10030295

bro no matter how many proxies you use you're still going to look retarded to the guy you're arguing with, to this anon and to every lurker above 90iq
it's an anonymous forum, you got btfo, accept it and move on. if your impulse control is so bad, hide the thread. i've been 16 and i know how hormones get, no need to ruin your day over this

>> No.10030662
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I also enjoyed Snow Crash. However, in contrast to you, I am not a faggot whose suicide would make the world a better place.

>> No.10030811
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, EB069C60-4D38-4AC9-A602-BB67809A06A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly where I am right now. I’m not sure if I’m going to go bullion or crypto. Each has dangers of theft that are different. I’m probably going to diversify into both and put a series of stop losses because ultimately, the market could be bearish for another four to five months. There’s no telling. Bullion always has the risk of being confiscated by the government, crypto is prone to exchange exist scams and digital theft (even if you lock in your prices). I’ve also been afk wagecucking, so lmao at the deluded drumpf cultists who think I have 7 proxies

>> No.10030834

Also, crypto is fairly liquid and I’ve found has lower exchange costs relative to bullion. Easier to control its volatility as well