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File: 435 KB, 1894x1027, 1_8L2CjV7gmBz7BWk8qjI5Vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10026713 No.10026713 [Reply] [Original]

You told us we were pajeets, you told us our project was shit, you told us we had no chance. And yet, here we are going steady, and there you are, at the bottom.

And you know what? I'm not laughing, I'm not hating, I feel for you. It is not too late, we told you before and now we'll tell you again.

Wysker is going to the top and you know it, come join us.

>> No.10026725

>going steady
nobody uses this app you pajeet shit skin. show purchases now or kys

>> No.10026785

I honestly feel with that guy who entered the Wysker tg-group claiming he sold Wys to buy shopin. Got rekt big time now

>> No.10026801

nobody uses this weird, creepy shit app

>> No.10026831
File: 117 KB, 1142x796, Shopin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just say ... faces of rekt... hahaha. Crazy this Cryptoworld...

>> No.10026836

Why would someone use a non marketed beta when the 2.0 version is coming very soon? :) 2.0 will kick asses

>> No.10026846

are you a fucking retard? Shopin was selling for under 2 cents on idex before it got pulled. i loaded my fucken bag. that's 80% discount from ico price. the second it gets listed on an exchange it will be minimum 10 cents. only a retarded wysklet wouldn't understand that math. easiest gains in crypto and you're clinging to a fucken autistic product spamming piece of shit app.

>> No.10026860

i was coming very soon 2 months ago. you got played

>> No.10026863

We can only try to help you so much, even at 0 you cling to your FUDing and Indian alternative? What more can us Wyskies even do at this point?

>> No.10026885

>even at 0
are you retarded? show your shit colored skin. i guarantee you're squatting next to some train tracks trying to squeeze out some curry runs while posting on a bootleg samsung with an 8bit gameboy screen.

>> No.10027030

I am fully white and the token I'm betting on isn't worth nothing. In fact it is still early in its journey, rather than at the end of the road.

>> No.10027044

>worth nothing
>end of the road
what are you implying you brainlet?

>> No.10027051
File: 71 KB, 566x800, WYS_Catty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airdrop coming in about three weeks... see terms on wyskers website:

>> No.10027071

I will drop those wyskies on that white little manga girl b***bies....

>> No.10027083

That your 10 trillion circulating copycat got rekt while the superior, German engineered mastercat is full steam ahead.

Stop fighting it.

>> No.10027087
File: 18 KB, 429x351, 10x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shopin Ico price was $0.10, now its at $0.01.

>> No.10027118


what the fuck are you talking about nigger? i picked up cheap bags and will make easy bank on the first exchange listing. literally free money but a pajeet like you can't comprehend that.
you're as gay as aids

>> No.10027128

You realize it just got delisted right? The first and last exchange listing has come to pass already. You dun holdin.

>> No.10027141

amazing deal. syndicate wallet got hacked for 10 million worth of coins 25% of the supply. it got dumped to idex and anybody paying attention just made the easiest 5x in a bear market. now you can't buy because it's been pulled from idex after the hacker started dumping. token swap coming soon and when it gets listed it will open at minimum 10 cents. anybody who hates money and picks teams between shitcoins is a fucken brainlet. fuck shytsker and fuck shopin too. it's money you dumb niggers

>> No.10027158
File: 85 KB, 856x846, 1521661852200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idiot. it was pulled from idex because a hacker was dumping coins. token swap coming. you're such a brainlet it must be painful

>> No.10027179


gl with that

when are they putting up their second ICO with the tokens they couldn't sell the 1st time to dump on you pajeets?

>> No.10027239
File: 6 KB, 249x237, 1520640818765s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second ICO
they raised 42 million in ICO you brainlet. if they release a second round of tokens there will be 8 million dollars to sell. i bought at under 2 cents, guess who will be doing the dumping. i think you've been drinking from the ganges with all the brain damage you're exhibiting.

>> No.10027303

>they raised 42 million in ICO you brainlet.

And yet...


How many millions is that worth? Shopin pajeets got scammed by their white grinned overlord and some jew. I'm sorry man, you bought a dead token. Should've gotten into Wysker.

>> No.10027309
File: 146 KB, 900x675, 1376_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shopin will not honor stolen tokens for swap

>> No.10027310
File: 12 KB, 208x250, Shiva god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually better take your money and invest it in WYSKER tokens which are very cheap on IDEX. It less than double ICO price atm. By mid of August 2.0 will come for Apple and then this will moon. Your 5x on shopping is shit in comparison. You will see then the 20x of wysker. Dont be such a faggot brainlet you pajeet....

>> No.10027391
File: 272 KB, 512x416, Rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faces of Shopin holders...

>> No.10027678

>dead token
just finished ICO, luckily i didn't buy because now i get to dump and make huge gains. i had wysker and was one of the original shills. you're holding my bags anon, i made a double up and held some of these shit coins to dump on you idiots again. i think you're one those biz cultist brainlets who thinks you're on a team and there is opposition. it's about money you pleb and i milk it from dumb 20 year old boomer pajeets like you. COPE
tokens bought were not stolen. hackers wallet was traced so i know i didn't buy them. no worries there, easiest money ever.