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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 600x600, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10023086 No.10023086 [Reply] [Original]

if you worked for 80k a year you would have 1.6mil in 20 years...
isn't that a very small sum of money to waste 20 fucking years for?

>> No.10023100

80k gross or 80k net?

>> No.10023108

when banks are printing money daily, 1.6 mili for a lifetime is slavery

>> No.10023120

Net, assuming all 'bonuses' would go on expenses.

>> No.10023145


And that's why we should invest. Turn that 1.6m into 10m+ over 20 years.

>> No.10023157
File: 139 KB, 1122x1114, Giveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i've been thinking about doing that, slave my life away for 20 years, then throw it all in some dividends stocks and apply for early retirement.

>> No.10023162

I gotta agree OP. You should invest some of that money. Investing in stocks or crypto on a downtrend would be an ideal choice. Stocks are great once everyone is panicking & prices are plummeting. Crypto is great right now. ZAN Coin offers dividends & they're an actual company that's going to start using blockchain tech. It's setup similar to a stock without actually being in the stock market, so you get the best of both worlds.

>> No.10023164

investing 80k annually with a return of 5% each year will net you just under 2.8m

14 years to get 1.6m @ 5%

10 years to get 1m @ 5%

>> No.10023183

for 10m+ in 20 years contributing 80k annually, you would need to get returns of 16% each year. teach me your ways if you manage to do that for 2 decades


>> No.10023200

Reported for faggot reddit spacing.

>> No.10023217

Nobody gets rich just by working, kek.

>> No.10023249

are you mad because im a lot smarter than you?

>> No.10023531


reported for threatening to report

>> No.10023537
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1517798784993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i nailed it

>> No.10023581

much better than dubs posting

>> No.10023615

very nice

>> No.10023910

nice Manchester Orchestra reference on the image OP. good album.

>> No.10023930

Not even close. Taxes eat up 40%, basic living expenses at least another 15%, and then what you have left, inflation ultimately reduces by another ~20%.

>> No.10023954
File: 86 KB, 250x250, 1388625380418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80k a year
>Doesn't account for Taxes, bills, housing
You know how I know you still live with your parents?

>> No.10023969

Most goes up on a couple walls.

Want another room? That will be another 5 years of your life please.

>> No.10023976

This. Wagecucking is submission

>> No.10023984
File: 29 KB, 882x1289, 1473733272018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10023993

i make 22k after taxes a year. middleclass eurofag here

>> No.10024044

>middle class

>> No.10024051

B-but Abdul and I get free healthcare and live .8 years longer than the average American, it's worth it

>> No.10024083

Also less endangered to be shot by niggers or rednecks, better food, better houses, better school system where you also dont get shot most of the time, more holidays, no debt after studying. To pick a few examples.

>> No.10024103

If you live in a white/Asian neighborhood, the murder rate is the same or lower than the average European neighborhood. Food, subjective. Houses, kek, enjoy your cultured cucksheds. Schools, we have the best universities in the world. Holidays, true if you're only talking minimum wagies, people that work good jobs get much more time off. Debt, only a problem if you're a retard and went to a private school.

>> No.10024123
File: 20 KB, 480x360, justed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Boomer dad makes $250,000/yr for 15 years and then $350,000/year for 25+ years.
>Only has 400k in his retirement account and nothing else because he fucked up badly financially and also bought a house in the CA housing market and then shortsold it with debt.
>Mfw if he had just invested 20% of his after-tax income we could have been rich and I would have been able to NEET it up instead of wageslaving.


>> No.10024127

12k€ yearly here
Don't make me depressed, I'm going back to work tomorrow

>> No.10024142


>Also grandparents put all their networth into GE stock at ATH and baghold it all the way down.


>> No.10024158

In 20 years there will be 50 year old boomers that made millions on crypto and then put it all into Tesla stock, and their 20 year old boomer children will be lamenting that their boomer parents didn't reinvest it in holographic waifu stocks

>> No.10024176


Still, GE has been in a constant downtrend since 1998. I mean, even if they had cut it at 50% loss and stuck it in a mutual fund they would have done better...

>> No.10024187

Getting JUSTED for 20 years straight and still holding. Holy shit that is some dedication.

>> No.10024248


They are literally like NANO bagholders. My grandmother once told me as she was buying more @ $20 that she felt like she was stealing it at those prices.

>> No.10024319

>subtract taxes
>subtract living expenses
>add inflation
>realize that 80k is 90th percentile and you should consider yourself lucky

slaving away 20 years so you can have piss all for retirement and your children. wow what a dream