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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10022762 No.10022762 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10022777
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checking in

>> No.10022786


>> No.10022808
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I'm currently working on a 2000 page NEET manifesto. Wagies are going to be converting to NEETdom in waves

>> No.10022809

I'd rather kill myself than have to call someone boss

>> No.10022827

When you're legit Hollywood tier handsome it's impossible to not get a job feelsbadman

>> No.10022836


>> No.10022846

Are you guys actually all NEETs or just larping

>> No.10022855

seriously just get a job where you work remotely and do minimal effort by monitoring systems and servers. Easy $80k at the bare minimum

>> No.10022861

Kekd. It's kind of true. Currently I'm putting on a strong front. I told them I have 4 btc now. But I only have 2.

>> No.10022880

Sorry guys, can I get one real advice house to stop wageslaving and be a comfy neet? Where do I begin getting passive income? I don’t wanna off myself

>> No.10022887
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>> No.10022890

Have a good relationship with your parents and act like you like being around them is probably the easiest thing. But also stay out of sight, but not too much.

>> No.10022902

Maybe it’s time I asked to move back in...

>> No.10023055

Why not getting a job? Its so great.. and easy. Its maybe easier than being NEET. Just come to the office, have coffee.. pretend to do some shit.

>> No.10023133

These lazy faggots will just continue to delude themselves. Let them be.

>> No.10023138

Same, would certainly get 1st place if we ranked everyones looks on biz. Once got a job offering by some kike faggot while picking up my grub. Said someone with my looks would be perfect for his firm. Declined right away. NEETS FOR LIFE

>> No.10023428

How does that even make sense ?

I'm "handsome" but it's easy to avoid getting a job if you just don't want to.

Currently chilling out with my crypto cash so I just enjoy doing anything I want, plus I have passive income from a few places so why would I work.

>> No.10023441

Last job I was in, the other Employees seemed jealous of me and actually complained to the manager/supervisors saying I got treated better then them etc. I quit after that happened

>> No.10023442

Either Larping or NEETs in the early stages.

>> No.10023578
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29yo neet here
never held a job and never intend to either

>> No.10023590


Check. dubs dubs trips. I loved your pic it made me laugh. Thanks friend.

>> No.10023644

>it's 2018 and he isn't a cryptoNEET

>> No.10023666

One question, how do you neets make money

Im neet too, but i made my money on the shitcoin bull.. Sitting Comfy

>> No.10023681
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>> No.10023711
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Jokes on you. I can't even find a fucking job and I've already applied to over 600 of them in the past 4 months. Heh-hehe-heh

>> No.10023725
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>tfw only had a job to buy more crypto

>> No.10023769
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I think I'm going to guys just to see how it feels. Honestly I'm getting too fat and I need to see the sun more often.

>> No.10023790
File: 217 KB, 600x596, 1521142634295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Worked at really shitty law firm for 8 months
>Job involved adding up the totals clients were billed and inserting the proper legal documentation.
>Math was always perfect, but I never knew what I was supposed to put in the case folders because my supervisor hated me and told me the wrong way to do it on purpose so I would get fired.
>I start turning out cases at lightning speed because I was smarter than everyone working there.
>Because of this my supervisor can't cover her tracks anymore.
>Turns out my supervisor was doing a half-ass job for years but no one ever noticed.
>Boss starts to notice shit is fucked up.
>blames my bitch supervisor
>turns out that my supervisor was fucking up way worse than I was and she ended up getting fired because I drew attention to her.
>mfw I jumped ship before they realized I was fucking up too

>> No.10023816

I'm a grad student/research assistant but I've had a similar experience. Ms. Overachiever 4.0 GPA pretends to do work but does nothing in the lab unless her bosses are around to fawn over her, later she quits for a different lab and another student tells me she was jealous that I was the boss' "favorite".

>> No.10024206


If only workplaces were segregated

>> No.10024247
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fuck this just made me piss hahaha

>> No.10024263
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I want to get a job but I'm too scared

>> No.10024285
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I got a shoe sales job and quit after 3 days because I couldn't handle the stress of interacting with people

>> No.10024286

Checking em

>> No.10024295

Unironically how do I become a NEET if both my parents are dead and the banks took the house? I don't really have connections with other people to live off of the and I don't qualify for any assistance because I'm not disabled. I guess I could fake autism if I had to though.

>> No.10024313

Think I'm just going to do trade school and join a union.

>> No.10024351

One day your cow will run out of milk. And you won’t be prepared.

Sounds just like my spoiled younger brother because our mom never said no to him. He can’t interact with people, gets easily triggered if I talk any sense into him, and won’t get a job because too scared.

Oh yea, I’m also asking real advice on how to get him woked.

>> No.10024413

Any advice on how to prolong my NEET life?

Crypto is going down quick... it won't last much longer short term for me

Any recommended ways to make passive income online?

>> No.10024437


>> No.10024480

How do you afford food and the roof over your head? I don't know hpw you neet master racers do it without being a wage cuck such as I