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10022662 No.10022662 [Reply] [Original]

>down 90%
>gave up
>quit smoking weed
>quit cigarettes
>started studying again
Help me out here /biz/bros, I'm just trying to keep going but depressed and miserable af.

>> No.10022670

>Quit smoking weed

Never gonna make it

>> No.10022745

1. Wave up every day at the same time no matter what.
2. Cut out all suger. Period.
3. Do *some* excercise. Anything for 15 min.

Most of your life will be solved by these 3 rules. Because motivation doesnt come from watching youtube videos or reading about rich people tips. Motivation is simply your energy drive. When you wake up, well rested, full of energy, healthy, your body will naturaly motivate you to do something because a healthy body and mind need somewhere to unleash all the aquired energy.

Just start by wakeing up at same time every single fucking day. Then cut out all the suger from everything. You will notice they even put sugar in fucking bread. You can eat whatever you fucking want as long as it doesnt contain suger. And lastly, once you are this far, the simple excercise, whatever that might be, will heal your body. Muscles need to move in order to live. Some pushups and jumping jacks for 10-15 min is enought.

You will become god in bed. Your ADHD will disapear and you will be alot more calm. You will also notice increased activity in breain. And suddenly like out of the blue, you will start to understand things.

Trust me on this one.

>> No.10022845

Thanks anon. What would you cut out first, sugar or tobacco/nicotine? I'm not even thinking about weed anymore, but quit cigs only yesterday and doing everything one step at a time.

>> No.10022874

tips ive picked up along the way:

your diet defines how you feel, you dont have to be super healthy, just done be a fucking slob
routines make the mind happy
fresh air & cardio, very important

bitcoin is gonna make it, theres no guarantee your shitcoin alt is gonna get big, so most trades you make are just to get more bitcoin. so dont get attached to your alts

bitcoin is just to get you more money, dont get attached, if you work out its prob gonna go down, and you have a good risk:reward ratio to short, then sell

learn TA
ignore pretty much all indicators, there is no magic indicator, dont bother looking
price action is the best way to trade, learn this, it comes mostly with experience so yeah youre gonna suck at it for a few months at least, but thats the same with picking up any skill, you'll get the hang of it eventually
volume is important, learn what it means and how to read it

dont rush into a trade, take the best or nothing, fomoing into a long or a short is why 95% of traders lose money

learning from other people is the best way to learn, theyve gone through all the shit parts of learning and refined profitable techniques already, so shortcut and learn from them

manage your god damn risks, i dont care how confident you are something's gonna work out, set stoplosses on EVERY trade, even if youre just buying a shitcoin, imagine if you had a stoploss that would have got you out the market at a 5% loss instead of a 90% one

its gonna be miserable and youre gonna hate it and youre probably gonna give up, statistically pretty much no one is profitable, so chances are you give up and get left in the dust

if you dont give up, you'll be in the 1% of traders. and who knows, depending on the price of crypto in the future, you might be in the 1% of the wealth pyramid

"live life like they wont, so you can live life like they cant"

dont let yourself down pal, you are your only weakness

any questions feel free to ask
gl bro

t. profitable fulltime crypo trader

>> No.10022877

I lost 120 lbs doing keto diet. I used to be a fucking fat piece of god damn garbage. I smoked the entire time.

Cut out sugar, swap to nicorette if you can but its not a necessity.

I've also ran 5 miles a day for 3 years now. At first it was hard. I'd have to run half and walk half and it'd take like a hour and a half to just complete my 5 miles, but I make a goal to do 5 miles in addition to whatever exercise I normally get.

On my 2nd year, I completed a marathon with an average 8:35 minute mile.

Trust me, you can do it.

>> No.10022896
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If you eat McDonald's every day you will make it.

>> No.10023039

Are those uncooked meatballs? Gross

>> No.10023063

also nofap

>> No.10023076

Sure thing, cuck.

>> No.10023087
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may this tushy bring you enlightment ...!!!

>> No.10023090

Don’t smoke cigarettes or drink coffee or alchohol. Replace it with fruit juice. Although if you’re in depression, you will have more depression when you quit coffee. Perhaps quit coffee last. Do cigs, alchohol and coffee. All of these substances will make your emotions uncontrollable. You won’t notice it until you’re off of them, and you’ll see how quickly people who use them fluctuate in their moods. What other anon said about avoiding foods that contain artificial sugars and also waking up at the same time every day is true. Try to wake up around 5:50am and sleep at 10pm. Go for a 15 minute walk around your neighborhood. These little things will make your friends think you’re a boomer but actually you will see they make you much more productive and you will earn more income no matter if you work a shitty or good job.

>> No.10023095

nofap is for beta males only

>> No.10023103

>motivation is simply your energy drive
huh. Interestng

>> No.10023104

watching other people have sex on screen and ejaculating onto a sock is the literal definition of cuckolcdry

its semen retention that give you all the energy to work out and do all the shit he posted

>> No.10023117

No it isn’t. It’s sleep. If you’re getting less than 8 hours of sleep a night you’re going to be very tired. If you drink coffee you will be very tired. Also anon, you should avoid foods with artificial sugars but you need simple carbohydrates. You need sugars for your brain to function. If you don’t have enough carbohydrates you will have no energy. If you eat too much protein and not enough carbs you will want to sleep. Replace coffee with simple carbs, nofap is a ridiculous meme

>> No.10023128
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this why me only touch self to dead anime girls

>> No.10023136

all of what you wrote is true but nofap is not a meme. Im not saying that jacking off and porn are 100% evil but if you do it too much its going to cuck you so fucking much. If you are a porn addict and dont have healthy sex with real women, you should cut off porn and masturbation for a few months

its addicting. its easy dopamine. If you cum too much it actually makes you dumber, no joke

>> No.10023144

You have no idea what you're talking about but you're pretending that you do. It's pretty funny to see.

>> No.10023163

You’re right actually. Honestly, for me it’s something I’ve never been able to do. My sleep is always interrupted. I quit alchohol, cigarettes, coffee, MMOs cold turkey. I can’t give up masturbation. Will try again. But, it should be said that it’s not a cure all. If you’re not sleeping right, if you’re abusing substances and awake from 9pm-5am, you’re going to have a bad time even if you’re not jacking off. >>10023144
Great argument that is totally not an ad hominem really convincing

>> No.10023192

If you want to stop being depressed, you need meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

Regular exercise is great and can uplift you for a couple of hours afterward, but it won't clear away those underlying, nagging feelings.

Anything else, especially silly shit like nofap, is obsessing over small details. If you are lonely (have less than 3-4 people you can confide in during a crisis is one way to possibly tell), work a worthless fucking job where your:

- effort is not observed or rewarded
- control over the environment is nonexistent
- life outside work is affected negatively by the work

then you need to make changes. And that's it.

Studies show that being lonely is as stressful, hormonally, as being in a physical altercation with a stranger. This has an evolutionary use in that humans separated from the pack had to be much more alert, all the time, to ensure survival (whereas being surrounded by those who you can trust reduces stress, reduces the underlying distraction, and allows you to focus on non-survival issues).

TLDR - Being / becoming healthy is great for your self image. But you can be healthy and yet still depressed - absolutely. What you can't be is a valued member of a community, with a personally meaningful job, and still depressed. This is how the limbic brain works. Use it to your advantage, and pursue these connections at all costs.

>> No.10023211

Can you just post pics of your brapper already?

>> No.10023221
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i rather kms than eat those unhealthy shit every day unless i'm too poor and too retard to cook my self a good meal.

>> No.10023259
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>Was about to begin my daily fap routine to flat chested dick girls
>See this thread

>> No.10023279

Nofap IS important because hormones will dictate your mood the most

>> No.10023302
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>> No.10023308

>Motivation is simply your energy drive.
This makes a lot of sense, actually. Never heard it put that way but it seems kind of obvious now.

Maybe it's because my sleep schedule is fucked but I feel like conquering the world late at night when I'm energetic but I feel like crawling into a ditch and dying during the day

>> No.10023338

not an option as I also recently broke up with my gf
Yeah I think my mind is more fucked than my body, always been skinny but stopped lifting about a year ago. The loneliness and my ADD brain is what's killing me most. I'm constantly chasing cheap thrills/satisfaction.

>> No.10023358

Hey I just quit weed too, after a decade of getting high. I'm on day 10 at the moment. I wanna quit for good this time.

>> No.10023365

Do you drink coffee? This was me before I quit coffee

>> No.10023485

bro listen to me.

Started trading in May. Found Bitmex in October. I lost 10k in October 5k in November 5k in December. Probably 5k in the amount I uploaded $100-500 at a time. Took out a 10k loan thats how degen I was. Lost it.

Made 70k in the past 3 months.

Trust the process.

I was depressed for months. 3 anxiety attacks one so bad I called an anxiety hotline. Lost loans and friends debt. Literally the most depressing feeling of my life.

And I fucking made it.

Prayers bro keep grinding

>> No.10024626
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>Motivation is simply your energy drive
then how come I'll have days of hyperactivity and waste it on frivolities or projects that while feel productive don't reap long term or strategic advantages!?

>routines make the mind happy
This. Structure is key. make being productive/profitable a habit.
>dont rush into a trade, take the best or nothing, fomoing into a long or a short is why 95% of traders lose money

>If you want to stop being depressed, you need meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

if you're depressed find a routine that eases you into doing stuff that has at the very least the illusion of purpose, but ideally contributes to stuff that is 'meaningful' for you.
keep checklists and every 2 days review your progress. every TWO days, yes. Have absolute clarity about what your long term and short term goals are and don't worry about the 'means' the finicky little shit about how you do it: if you want to get to lamboland does it really matter if you went all in on BTC or ETH or stocks or kneepads? Yes in the sense of you need to make a decision that works, no in the sense that as long as you get there you're golden.
Everyone lied to you - the destination > the journey.
Having said that don't have all or nothing goals, instead find "forking" goals - where there are multiple acceptable and meaningful outcomes for you.

And most of all NO ONE IS GOING TO HELP YOU - YOU'RE ALONE. SO EVEN IF YOU WANT TO SEE A INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENT, DYOR & DIY - Do your own research how to get to your goals, and then do it yourself.
Start now!!!

>> No.10024802

I quit weed last month

And now I can see what a terrible effect it had on my mental state and short term memory

Good news is that it gets better, quickly. Just find something to fill the boredom with

>> No.10024894


>> No.10025834
