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10020690 No.10020690 [Reply] [Original]

>healthy work-life balance
>must work 40 hour weeks

>> No.10021102

it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the best hours of the day.. Leaving me to fight for shit like haircuts and oil changes with all the other cucks, yet their shops are barren when I am the office.

>> No.10021118
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well, not quite barren

>> No.10021222
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>happy wife, happy life

>> No.10021251
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If it don't fit, she's legit

>> No.10021258
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>own your own business
>literally sit around doing fuck all most of the time
>pretend to do work sometimes so the serfs don't get uppity.

>> No.10021269

"If it's loose, put it into the caboose(TM)"

>> No.10021275

40 hours/week is healthy, yes. Most workplaces will expect you to work 50+ while not even paying for overtime.

>> No.10021281

are you me?

>> No.10021287

5/7th of the week basically used up by work

>> No.10021296

I think I'll give my shitcoins another year then off myself if I don't make it. Yes I know I'm delusional and delaying the inevitable an heroing

>> No.10021305

And 2/7 is used up by relaxing from the exhausting 5/7 and preparing for the next 5/7.

>> No.10021318

i have to 44hrs chargeable before i get overtime. i asked/storngly suggested to be moved from hourly to salary because my experience and job title seem a bit ridiculous to be hourly. well, i got a 1.5k pay raise and switched to salary.

needless to say, im looking for another job.

>> No.10021342


I think 30 hours per week should be the baseline for good work/life balance, I do 30 hours and earn well in the medical field. 40 hours still sounds like too much of your life wasted per week. You'd be surprised how much an extra 10 hours helps with stress and getting shit done.

>> No.10021367

The best hours of your day are gone. Try doing shit you want to do when you come home. Your brain is done, it's just vegetation and vidya.

>> No.10021380

>Still sleeping

>> No.10021405

6/7 here


>> No.10021408

I agree. I also have a 75% job at university and I can basically come and go whenever I want (or even work from home unless I have to hold a lecture). And I absolutely can't imagine going back to a 9-to-5 job. Unfortunately I probably have to after getting my PhD because of some stupid law.

>> No.10021432

>just sleep faster bro

>> No.10021436
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>boomers always talk about the importance of getting a stable 9-5 Job
>graduate and get into the work field
>jobs are all actually 9-6
I wonder (((who))) changed this? Don’t be surprised when your grandchildren are working 9-9 to make Solomon Golfsteinberg his shekels.

>> No.10021451

>I probably have to after getting my PhD because the PhD market is flooded and boomers won’t leave their tenure positions


Falling for the PhD meme is falling for the kike’a biggest trap.

>> No.10021454

You and me both anon

>> No.10021455

I work 6-5, minimum 50 hour work week
the guy who sits next to me does 60 hours every week

at least the pay is good

>> No.10021475

i think 2 hours a week should be good enough. that would give me motivation to find smarter ways to complete my job instead of just sitting at my desk and staring at the wall

>> No.10021483
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50 hour work weeks I want to burn this world to ground JUSTED EVERY DAY

>> No.10021487


Obviously I would like to work less, if crypto didn't shit the bed that would actually be a reality. But 30 hours per week is decent for this work economy.

>> No.10021510

I had to use a vacation day just to run normie errands like bank, mechanic, etc. I get paid well but fuck this shut, I just want to retire

>> No.10021553

Be thankful we're paying you at all. We could be making you work 6 AM - 12 AM. You'd still have enough time to eat & commute and get the doctor recommended 4h of sleep.

Now get back to work goy.

>> No.10021562


30 hours/week is the absolute max for any kind of work-life balance imo. Feels fucking retarded doing shit you hate all day every day.

>> No.10021616

40 isn't so bad when someone else handles all the stress and all you have to do is perform your duty.

Also, you want a career with a pension, like a Union Trade. So every hour you work builds up a pension and likely a annuity.

>> No.10021665
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>be me
>get hired as an engineer part time
>they make me do bitchwork production work all day instead of designing, even though I am a 'junior designer'
>Force me to qc literally all day
>Hired with the expectation of working 3-4 days a week (ive been working 4 days since getting hired cause I needed money)
>Ask to start taking mondays off, the refuse

Can I sue them? I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

>> No.10021680

do you not understand the concept of "at will" employment?
it means they can fire you or you can quit at any time, it has nothing to do with the actual terms of working for them

>> No.10021694
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>work in Assurance / Advisory
>be exempt from overtime

>> No.10021698
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I seriously wouldn't mind working from like 4AM to noon. Then I can literally do whatever I needed to the rest of the day and not sit in any traffic at all.

>> No.10021701

should have gotten into finance, law, or management consulting. you are the cuck of the professional service world.

>> No.10021727

I-I'll make partner one day!

>> No.10021755
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I'm optimistic enough to give it 2 years. After that, I'll probably give up on my dreams and become a Boomer kek.

>> No.10021820


i do this. 6-1 or 6-2 most days. comfy levels of traffic

>> No.10021910

having half your hours outside of standard business hours wouldn't make you very useful in any client facing role/work

>> No.10022083
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>caring about being useful

>> No.10022105

i worked construction all last summer. 9 hour days. had to wake up at 5 to get there by 6. worked like a slave all day until like 5 then came home completely exhausted. i would try to play vidya but honestly i was so tired i ended up just starring at the main menu of whatever game i was playing until i heard the microwave beep so i could eat my supper and go to bed by 9 so i could do it all again the next day.

>> No.10022130

>not changing your own oil
Are you a cripple or something?

>> No.10022138
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This shit is literally slavery

>> No.10022162
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All the best-paid jobs I've had were second or third shift. I've never been able to make ends meet with a job that lets me enjoy the daylight.

>> No.10022169

fucking kek

>> No.10022179
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Remind me again what Hitler did wrong?

>> No.10022212

5:00 to 3:30 for next month or so, and then I go straight to the gym, browse a little and then hit the hay

>> No.10022224

9-5 has been dead for a while, its really 9-6 now.

>> No.10022324

I had the same fucking experience

>> No.10022343

I make 110k a year and am only expected to average 31.8 hours a week for the year and if I go past that I get premium pay of $76/hr.

The work is sporadic though and typically 12 hour days when I do work. I wouldn't really call it "balance" because it's either I'm working or I'm not, but I've had a paid month and a half off now and honestly kind of growing kind of bored. Cheers!

Comfy AF

>> No.10022359

7-5:30 4 days a week
Is hell

>> No.10022365

If you spend more than half your work hours interfacing with clients, you're probably not very useful period.

>> No.10022367

I make that and work about that. Feels good man

>> No.10022402

what if i work register

>> No.10022413


>> No.10022486

The ideal was supposed to be 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and 8 hours of recreation.

Except they forgot the one hour of lunch, the commute time to/from work, and all the other shit you have to do around the house. Obviously all of this is coming out of the sleep and recreation time.

>> No.10022544

Same. :’(

>> No.10022923
File: 142 KB, 489x581, working-schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having siestas

>> No.10023671

I work about 9:30am to 4:45pm and take a 0.5-1.5hr lunch break.

I maybe put in ~4-5 hours of real work every day. It's rare I actually put in even 30-35 hrs.