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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10020041 No.10020041 [Reply] [Original]

I’m being sued for a $2,500 debt that I owed in Georgia. I now live in Michigan. How will this play out in court? They still don’t know my exact address to serve the papers

>> No.10020058

You will get judged against without being in court and they will garnish your wages based on your SSN

>> No.10020075

Not to mention the next time you try to get your papers like police clearances and social security, those records will come up of you being sued and having garnished your wages, diminishing your chances of landing a job just in case you apply for employment. Land of the free, home of the brave!

>> No.10020090

How can they garnish my wages when I haven’t been served?

>> No.10020092

Just declare bankruptcy dummy.

>> No.10020100


>> No.10020125

welcome to the united states of america, land of the free

>> No.10020129

Because they will serve papers to your previous address and not care

>> No.10020151

Or they will most likely find where you work and serve you there

>> No.10020213

Pay the $2,500 you idiot, suck a few dicks if you have to.

>> No.10020231

you don't need to actually get the papers to be taken to court

>> No.10020318
File: 138 KB, 750x1334, 69D7E0ED-A271-4A92-B544-C834901987C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudo lawyers here

“the person getting sued must sign for it“

>> No.10020325

You never answer "Oh hey *name*" or "How are you *name*" or "Are you *name*" to someone who you don't know. You're not famous.

You always ask: "Who wants to know?"

>> No.10020350

You post sauce on that brapper
Everything will be fine after that

>> No.10020351

the patrician never responds to others in public. if people wanted to find you they could come to your office during preestablished business hours like a civilized person.

>> No.10020380

>you need to learn your states law for serving papers.
>You should motion to dismiss the case for jurisdiction, as you do not live there any more.
>Google trial law/bench law for your states. They vary for small claim court vs. civil court.

>you need to learn the law on submitted an "answer" to the legal complaint against you
in a lot of states you need to submit and answer to the court, if you don't, you will get a summary judgement against you. 21-30 days is a common amount of time to submit an answer.

Look into who is suing you. If it is a junk debt buyer you can probably find a flaw in their complaint. They are sloppy as fuck. look up the rules of court laws in regards to the avidavit of debt that is likely to be included in the complaint.

you need to like up the specific laws to know how to do things correctly. Again, by googling "trial laws" "rules of court"

IN general you can settle for 40-50% of the debt owed.

don't ignore it. It is a numbers game. 80% of people ignore court complaints and they automatically lose which makes them fucked. If you have a lot of debt I would recommend exploring common assets shelters 401(k), Life insurance

T. business fag with debt who has been sued more than once. Creditinfocenter.com in teh forums has alot of information regarding these "personal business matters"

>> No.10020381

pay your bills fag

>> No.10020576

a. you are much easier to find than you think
b. you signed a contract for the debt or said yes or something and guess what, fine print

>> No.10020596

I owe the debt to another company. I don’t owe shit to the idiots that bought the debt. My “contract” was with the original company

>> No.10020652

Has it been longer than 6 months? Dispute the charge on credit karma. They probably lost the paperwork already so they can't claim the debt is valid

>> No.10020747


"Notice" is very important. However, I would not be making public statements along the lines of "I know I have a collection case against me, how do I fight it" etc... because your jurisdiction might allow some sort of constructive notice.

>> No.10020762

What do you mean “constructive notice”?

>> No.10020765

Dont be a stupid fucking normie anon. Real men pay their bills

>> No.10020769

This is not bad advice. But here's even better advice: get a lawyer.

You think you can fight them in small claims court by yourself? You can't.

>> No.10020868

There are two kinds of notice: "Actual" notice and "Constructive" notice.

"Actual" notice is pretty much how it sounds. You have "actual" notice of the court proceeding against you, I.e. You were served with papers that gave you the date and nature of the proceeding etc...

"Constructive" notice essentially means that a reasonable person (you) should have known that there was a legal proceeding against you. Generally courts require actual notice, but they have constructive notice there for when people try to use willful ignorance to their advantage. For instance, if you were to make a Facebook post about a pending action against you on X date, you probably wouldn't be able to successfully argue in court that you were not given notice of the pending action. Again, courts usually require actual notice and it varies depending on the jurisdiction, but don't be so sure that you're in the clear because you saw some shit in a movie or tv show. You can get fucked if you are willfully ignorant or if you don't take any of these preliminary proceedings seriously.

>> No.10020880


lol. yeah they sold it because you were a dead beat. enjoy the blood suckers about the descend on you. and yes as long as they assumed the risk for the debt you now owe them. press F or press S... im leaning S

>> No.10020887

Shut up faggot. Name me a place where they don't do this.

>not realizing actions have consequences

>> No.10021061


>> No.10021401

Its not too bad op, they'll stop bothering you for the debt in about 4-6 years.

>> No.10021509
File: 109 KB, 1038x576, DE2EA155-B1D4-490F-B6B6-AB3A602C8489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just run up some more debt and file bankruptcy. It's the American way.