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10019602 No.10019602 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW very quickly becoming above average at everything I do, but can never master anything
How the fuck do I break out of this hell?

>> No.10019629

clearly the talent doesn't extend to posting quality threads on 4chan on the appropriate board
fuck off, retard

>> No.10019638

Pick something to stick to it and master it. That takes years dumbass not weeks

>> No.10019662

See the 10000 hour rule op.

>> No.10019675

Mastery is achieved after 10 years

>> No.10019847

Watch jiro sushi then start

>> No.10019872

don't be a jack of all trades. find one thing you know you're good at and master it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do it and do IT

>> No.10019873


Find something your naturally good at
This will take a long time but you will actually be able to reach the top, as opposed to practicing 1000000 hours to be "pretty good"

>> No.10019876

what if you're not naturally good at enough

>> No.10019889

Find a mentor to take you under their wing and show you how it's done.

>> No.10020055

Posted this on biz because this problem prevents me from making good money, I feel like I have necessary talent and potential.
Guess then my ADD and super short attention span are the issue, when I find something new, I obsess over it and quickly become relatively good (for example better in a video game than friends who played it for years), but after few weeks I just don't give a fuck about it anymore.

>> No.10020086

>for example better in a video game than friends who played it for years

>> No.10020118

Once upon a time, somebody told you that you were special.
You were lied to.

>> No.10020169

Great input.
But I used to be special, I was able to read at 5yo when other kids barely knew letters, won coutrywide math contests and chess tourneys, was top in both sport and grades at my schools, it all faded away when my depression started in early high school, it wasn't just a matter of being lied to, at least I still think so.