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10017956 No.10017956 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else gain and lose more money than they have even had in their bank account

>> No.10018024

Yep. Gained $250,000. Lost $200,000

Most I've ever had in bank account at one time: 30,000

>> No.10018034

Yes sir, gained 12k, lost 5. Most I've had at one time in the bank was 3k

>> No.10018047

Most in a bank account: $30k
Crypto ATH: $1.2M
Current: $400k

>> No.10018060

the most i had before crypto was like 3k lol

>> No.10018065 [DELETED] 

>Crypto ATH: $1.2M
How the fuck did so many of you turn out this lucky.

>> No.10018103

I've got less than 300 dollars in my bank account and outwardly (to my family and peers, etc) I'm poor and literally the bottom of society. I live in a halfway house since all of my gains are not on paper, etc.

I've lived for the past 3 years on less than 500 USD per month or less. Rent is taken care of since I'm 'poor' on paper, and get 'welfare' or equivalent (I'm not from US, but just using USD for ease).

I am in the extremely unique situation wherein I have LITERALLY starved within the past year (for about 6 days no food at all) because I refuse to withdraw and break my budget. I've visited food banks, I've been treated by people around me like I'm a 'beggar', and I have learnt a great deal about people from this. People expect 'poor people' to BE a certain way. They expect me to be thankful for them throwing me their scraps, etc, (obviously they have no idea I'm actually wealthier than they are).

I've worn the same clothes for 2.5 years. I look like a legit bum. Aesthetics stopped concerning me a long time ago now.

A part of me wants to just quit and cash out and disappear, but I genuinely believe I am addicted to playing the character I have created. Mentally, I cannot bring myself to withdraw and live well. I must be a masochist because I legitimately ENJOY the struggle of 'poverty' (even though I'm not poor, kek.)

Here is why it's unique: I've got over 1.2 million USD in crypto. High was 3.2 million.

>> No.10018108

ATH $250k. Down $170k from there. Only ever had a few thousand in the bank. No other significant assets.

>> No.10018120

this post makes me want crypto to die unironically

>> No.10018127


>> No.10018133

the thought of you one day ''pretending'' to be poor and then becoming poor is hilarious

>> No.10018153

What you're doing is a larp. It's like when obnoxious rich kids try to be "authentic". Get fucked.

>> No.10018156

Do you enjoy behaving like this?

>> No.10018158

That's depressing. How old are you?

>> No.10018173

My housemate is doing this too. He has thousands in savings and lives like a bum. We laugh at him, insult him behind his back and exclude him from social events.
A lot of your friends have already figured it out, they just dont care.

>> No.10018201

Well, I mean, I know it sounds like faggotry when written like that but I never expected it to end up like this at all. I mean, I grew up dirt poor, as in, didn't have a bed until I was 16 and bought my own with my own money since my parents were dirt poor too.

I just refused to withdraw as my portfolio grew, and well, about 2 years ago I did withdraw 10k~ and went travelling, and came back home feeling empty and like I should have never withdrawn any at all. Since then, I haven't withdrawn a single cent. I've unironically sent more to anons on /biz/ in the past year than I've spent on myself.

Maybe a part of it is that I subconsciously know I will be unsatisfied when I eventually do withdraw and live well...

I'm not larping but this is 4chan so I understand. See above though, I'm not 'rich kid' and never have been, that is my point. I'm just a natural born ascetic I guess

I find it quite freeing in a weird way. Read Hunger by Knut Hamsum, or unironically (no nazi) the beginning of Mein Kampf. There is an unbuyable 'freedom' in being nothing.

I live alone and my only have acquaintances, not friends, so they would never figure it out.

>> No.10018277

>There is an unbuyable 'freedom' in being nothing.
I don't doubt that anon but why bother accruing wealth if you're going to continue feeding yourself at other's expense? Also, how old are you?

>> No.10018327

>I've unironically sent more to anons on /biz/ in the past year than I've spent on myself.
prove it anon:^)

>> No.10018363

wouldnt eating healthier give you more crypto gains, dumbass

maybe you could even.. workout with all those extra calories

>> No.10018375

prove it, boy

>> No.10018492

Part routine, part optimism about future, I would say. As in, I am struggling now because I find peace of mind in struggling, (as odd as it sounds) and a great deal of inspiration for my other work and hobbies, and I genuinely believe struggle is a fundamental in growth. I've read a lot about asceticism in the past few years (I had know idea I was inadvertently living this way until I read about it randomly online). Like I said, read Hunger by Hamsun for a longer explanation, as well as other works like it.
I still don't know myself why, I haven't figured it out fully yet either.

Also, as for feeding at others expense, etc... it's the states expense, and I want the state to cease. If anything, you could say I am *extremely* dedicated to destruction of state and am playing my part in that (in an extremely small way) by living how I live. Re my 'peers', etc, I find it's a great test of character to see how people treat you, of course.
Something you can only experience for yourself to understand is that people (in general) will despise the unfortunate simply for being unfortunate. 4chan is a great place to see how people treat 'poor' people (pajeets, etc), where as fortunate people are naturally showered with more than they can even deal with.

Ultimately, I feel I enjoy the struggle of poverty as I fundamentally believe that great struggle and 'torment' is necessary for growth, and also probably a little bit I enjoy being treated like a beggar by people and walking off with a little smile on the corner of my mouth knowing that actually, I am (in societies eyes) above them on the 'ladder', despite being outwardly below them. Same reason some billionaires probably choose to live 'normal' lives, etc.

I only send to people who remind me of me

You have no idea the wonders starvation can do for the mind. Why do you think monks fast? Why do you think for tens of thousands of years people have fasted? For fun?