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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1001767 No.1001767 [Reply] [Original]

Canadian general for financial discussion and other discussion pertaining to Canada.

Why is Trudeau spending our money needlessly in a recession Edition.

>> No.1001769

You're America's hat at best.

>> No.1001810

And you're our pants.

>> No.1001821

Redpill me on the TD e-series

>> No.1001826

It's good but basically BABBY tier. Just open a questrade account and buy vanguard etf's. Look up Canadian Couch Potato. Set it and forget it.

>> No.1001828

Put all your money into VFV

>> No.1002028

no. read up on it at canadian couch potato you lazy shit.

>> No.1002034

You know what pisses me off?

He's spending on the most stupid wasteful things.

How much to send all those fucking cunts to France?

How much is he promising goddamn natives (subsidy to drug dealers and liquor)?

Useless Syrian terrorist or at best welfare bums?

You fucking nigger le weed man. I am so ass blasted by this liberal gov't.

>> No.1002038

As a kid I never knew how stupid people were

>> No.1002041

>You fucking nigger le weed man. I am so ass blasted by this liberal gov't.

Same man.

I'm not even /pol/-fag or Stormfront here but this is just awful... I really don't think we can be affording to be spending so much money on something that doesn';t even benefit us in a recession let alone all the other dumb things he says/does.

>> No.1002046

>As a kid I never knew how stupid people were

Lol this.

I remember as a kid visiting Parliament Hill and thinking "Wow they are really smart, I trust them to make smart decisions"... Recently I realized that no, they really are not much smarter than anyone else.

>> No.1002091

I love our dollar being only worth 70cents and if you go to the bank to exchange for USD you are lucky to see 60cents... This is the first year I can't afford to go to Florida to see my family but I guess it's worth it as long as Justin gets to give away my money to people from Syria that fucking hate my guts because I don't believe in their pig fucking god.

God dam I am so mad at this liberal bullshit. This nation is a ship on course for a big rock but the liberals are to busy trying to pull the sea monkeys on board rather than steer the ship.

>> No.1002100

I mean Canada is still a good place to live and better than many countries... Amount of refugees we're getting compared to Europe isn't even comparable.

But the saddest thing is that Canada had the potential to be the greatest country on earth, everything was there and it wasn't bad at all for decades... Eventually the liberals went way too overboard and since then the country has been crashing

>> No.1002102

Could you poor canadians stop posting all the time on this board? your country is a meme anyway

>> No.1002106

>Could you poor canadians stop posting all the time on this board?

It's all we have left.

>> No.1002145

/biz/ seems to have a high concentration of canucks.

I guess it is because we're trying to scrounge up enough dosh to get a place in America.

>> No.1002357


What universities you guys going to?

>> No.1002382

Older anon here. If you are young and have marketable skills get the fuck out. Go to the States and get paid in US $. Canada's done. Our largest exports (commodities) are already splat, the most epic gasbag housing bubble of all time is having its Wiley E Coyote moment right now, our Central Bank is run by children, Parliament is worse, the Pm is a textbook narcissist douchebag. Canada in general is just an over-sized crab bucket, the taxes we will be looking at to cover the deficit left by a collapse in Commodes and the popping housing bubble... there isn't enough KY in the country to lube your anus up.

I think Armstrong will be right, we see the economy cave in 2017 and there's no way this circle jerk in Ottawa has the brains or balls to deal with.

My guess is Harper threw the election, He saw what was coming....

>> No.1002386


>> No.1002398

But how do I leave to the US?

What can I do?

>> No.1002409


>> No.1002411

You get really good at doing something that is in demand. Plain and simple. Don't even need an education. I know guys who made 7 digit a year just because they knew the right market and how to buy and sell it. Some of them still live up here, do biz in the US. You have to be motivated to leave the crab bucket.

>> No.1002536

Bumping in a Canada thread.

So I'm a tradesman... what kind of skills do I learn to do this? I assume I can work in design or fabrication of some kind?

>> No.1002545


I live in Ottawa, have a GED, and have CAD$2500 saved up. I don't wanna be a poorfag. plz help.

>> No.1002547

>Getting a GED
>Not being able to pass ez-mode highschool here

Is you serious senpai? Come on...

>> No.1002553


I got bored and dropped out. I need money, not functions.

>> No.1002565

Can you even get into University with a GED? Not sure what to say... Unless you try to start a business you kind of severely limited your options here.

>> No.1002567

this but I want to move to Scandinavia.

>> No.1002943


>I want to give away at least 50% of my income in taxes

You don't belong.

>> No.1002948


That's what the wage-slaves and average mortgage-cucks believe.

Reality is, most of the degrees offered here are useless and you're back at square one after 4-5 years and $40k squandered.

OP, find a formula to make money doing some simple task, find a niche, become good at it, and then start making the money.

Schooling is absolutely redundant unless you go into actuarial science or something technical with lots of market demand.

>> No.1003335

You already give away that amount in Canada. In addition to sales tax maybe even more.

>Reality is, most of the degrees offered here are useless and you're back at square one after 4-5 years and $40k squandered.

Not really... STEM and Finance is useless? People get $30/hr co-op's during University... That's already good enough for someone who isn't even done.

>> No.1003395

If you own a business and pay business + income taxes then you'll end up losing more in Canada than in Sweden/Norway/Finland. Not to mention the fact that you get nothing for your tax dollars aside from health care. It's appalling how shitty the infrastructure is in Canada compared to US/1st world European countries when we pay equal or more in taxes.

>> No.1003412


>> No.1003429

Honestly Canada has taken the worst of both Capitalism and Socialism and somehow melded them without any of the benefits of either.

We have socialist-tier waitlists and quality of public services... Yet capitalist-tier payment for them in the form of taxes, minimal welfare/disability, etc.

Worst part is we have no private healthcare here which means your only option is to either wait ~1-2 years for your surgery, ~6 months for specialist appointment or a month for GP or you can fly to the US/Mexico for your surgery. It's really retarded.

And worst of all we're paying thousands every year for this which we don't even get to use in a timely manner. Also doctors are generally quite lazy and try to rush your appointments because insurance is paying them so the more people they see per day the more they get paid.

>> No.1003447
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So people like me can profit over the rising value of the US Dollar relative to ours.


>> No.1003652
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>Canadians buttmad at a low loonie because muh weed memes
>not putting CAD savings into a USD account so you can cash out when CAD hits 0.50-0.60 USD

>> No.1003664

I should have a long time ago but I have a feeling it might rebound a lot earlier than that .60

>> No.1003667

I think it depends how soon the Bank of Canada waits until raising the rate.

>> No.1003697

Lots of world class geologists went to acadia. Much respect

>> No.1003699

Good plan. Should have shorted the cad when I saw him winning

>> No.1003713

The dollar lost most of its value between Nov 2014 and Nov 2015. Weed man has little to do with it.

>> No.1003793

Yeah weed man hasn't affected it. Its because of the oil prices being in the dumps and that being Canada's only export. Since oil is at about the lowest it can possibly be I can only see the dollar staying where it is and only increasing once oil prices return to where they were.

>> No.1003796

What would cause oil prices to go back up? Why did they even fall so suddenly anyway?

>> No.1003815
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2019 can't come quickly enough.

>> No.1003822

Dont forget: next year the Canadian electrical code allows alluminum to be used in place of copper. Being almost 60% of the price, and running 80% efficiency, everyones gunna want aluminum. Invest now niggas.

>> No.1004796


>> No.1005000

How hard would it be for an entry level programmer to find work in the US?
38k CAD is fucking pennies in one of the most expensive cities in north America and I'm tired of it

>> No.1005001

Opec dropping prices for a laugh and to see the north and the West squirm. It'll rebound when opec decides they want more money

Honestly Canada, whoever let your refineries fall into the hands of us multinationals was retarded. The second they closed them you were enslaved.

All the talk is about tar sand oil, but everyone knows that was the worst quality oil that exists. Shit was always gonna be the first cut.

But your East coast stuff is the real black gold, and now you've nowhere to refine it! Fuck sake.

I've even heard that IRELAND is now refining your Jeanne D'Arc oil (Ireland may actually have the world's smallest refinery)

>> No.1005007

>How hard would it be for an entry level programmer to find work in the US?
>38k CAD is fucking pennies in one of the most expensive cities in north America and I'm tired of it

Jesus man.

What city you in and what language/platform are you developing for? That is abysmally low, genuinely curious to hear what kind of shit company that is.

Yeah we kind of suck in economic decisions. We have like nothing produced here and we're heavily dependent on everywhere else.

>> No.1005025

Canada is a banana republic, it's why we ship crude in train cars rather than refining it or at least using pipelines. hewers of wood, drawers of water, anyone trying something else moves to the US, all the old boys keep their resource monopolies.

Source? Is it 1960?

>> No.1005032

>Canada is a banana republic

It is fucking absurd.

I've been wondering for a while now why some meat products cost 3x as much as the US. How the fuck does that work? We're not really that far from the US to somehow justify that cost.

>> No.1005040

>elected in mid-October
>took office in early November
>Canadian dollar was already 75 cents to a dollar
>now it's 72
>blame the new government

You realize the Liberals have nothing to do with Canada's economy going to the shitter? You can't just blame the government for the economy after two months in office.
Not only do governments have little to do with the economy, they can't do anything until a budget is made and signed.

>> No.1005047

>You realize the Liberals have nothing to do with Canada's economy going to the shitter? You can't just blame the government for the economy after two months in office.

Spending tons of money in a recession is their fault though.

Refugees, billions for "climate change in 3rd world countries" and a bunch of other retarded shit

>> No.1005048

It's a more recent development I think. Could be wrong on that though, might just be my perception, but I remember when ground beef was half the price it is now. Meat and dairy especially are brutal. Even off cuts. Someone more informed than me will have to explain the cause.

>> No.1005075

If anything that EXPANDS the economy in the short run. I won't call it smart but weedman isn't to blame. In a year you will see weedman's dank effect with a nasty hangover. Right now complaining is pointless.

>> No.1005078

Blame the loonie drop and TPP taking away artificial price stability.

>> No.1005083

>If anything that EXPANDS the economy in the short run. I won't call it smart but weedman isn't to blame

We have heavily strained public services right now. Healthcare is in shambles, welfare system is terrible and people can barely afford to survive on it... Bringing in a bunch of people who will be highly dependent on it and most likely never get off the services is a terrible idea.

Lots of english speaking, educated Canadians are having difficulty finding jobs right now in Canada, tons of young professionals moving to the US or other countries for better jobs... I don't see how Syrians would be able to compete with them and get jobs.

>> No.1005263

I work for a games company in Vancouver, that's why it's so low. I do some back end stuff , Java and SQL mostly

>> No.1005524

We are a country of 35 million, with a federal annual budget of ~290 billion dollars.

The cost and scope of the refugee program is a drop in the bucket. Stop getting worked up over memes.

>> No.1005533

Why not write cheques to students and apprentices then. The yield in a feel-good social sense by taking in these people is proportionally a drop in the bucket... what is your point?

>> No.1005534

>I don't see how Syrians would be able to compete with them and get jobs.

They'll be given government jobs, just like blacks are in the USA.

>> No.1005538

Why not do both?

>> No.1005539

>It's a drop in the bucket

But why? What point is there of spending billions of such retarded things?

Those same several billion dollars probably could've gone to Tech startup grants or something to improve the technology sector of Canada.

>> No.1005549

Name something that can generate the same amount of publicity and goodwill, both domestically and internationally. Plus account for the opportunity cost of not doing anything.

>> No.1005562

Grants for tech(or other) companies.

Most industries in Canada are seriously lacking, there is a good reason why our dollar is entirely based on Oil and we as a country are hugely dependent on the US. We need to start encouraging people to start businesses and work in Canada. Because right now what's happening is our graduates are going to other countries to work, and a huge portion of our citizens live overseas.

>> No.1005575

You can't really complain about low pay if you work at a games company. That's probably the most sought after job for comp sci grads and most are willing to work for less just to be "pro game dev"

>> No.1005585

Sure, we need to grow the tech industry. And the incoming government is going to spend quite a bit and put lots of effort into the science and technology sectors.

But let's not pretend we live in a vacuum and that the government is able to have a single, laserlike focus on the economy. The reality is that in order to maintain our image internationally, we have to take a token amount of Syrians in. Especially when we have contributed to destabilizing the region in the past. That has some value too, again both domestically and internationally.

How do you the negotiations would go with, for example, the European Space Agency about our continued role in the organization, and the private sector contracts that come along with it, if we stick our heads in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist when it needed our help the most?

>> No.1005645
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>spending our money needlessly



>> No.1005719

I'm an electrical apprentice and every year of schooling I complete I get a cool g back (tuition is about 1200 before cost of books)

If our country had any sense we would be poaching every doctor and nurse we could get our hands on as well as picking out the displaced business owners and professionals to help bolster our private sector.

>> No.1005738

Because it's nice to be nice, and your country has assisted in every effort to destabilise the region.

Also the whole world applauded JT when he met the first ones at the airport, it was mostly publicity.

Again, a reminder that most of the Syrians don't want to go to Canada (b... but it's the greatest country?) because they want to go home after the fighting

>> No.1005756
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>Be in hedge fund
>all activities are in USD
>converting USD into CAD due to favorable exchange-rate
Probably going to buy my way to a Green Card at some point.

>> No.1005769


Don't cite me on this, but /pol/ had a talk about this long ago earlier this year. Apparently like our ammunition, we get it from the states. We export our crude oil to refineries and buy back the finished product. The Americans have some policy where they cannot export crude oil, they must use US refineries to process the crude and then export the finished product. Just some food for thought.

>> No.1005770

It's an interesting one.

Yes, all finished petroleum product comes from elsewhere.

But you have lots of crude, you just have few refineries, so you have to pipe it to louisiana, etc for refining.

But USA refineries are full now, so they're not buying Canadian crude, hence you're shipping it across the Atlantic for refining.

It's such a shame, I mean the imperial oil refinery in Halifax was pretty big and should never have been let go defunct. Look at that location, it was perfect!

>> No.1006047

You're right, but I can complain and I will. Wasn't even dead set on the games industry, just sorta fell into it. Thinking of getting out because I can't handle this low pay and these fucking gamergeeks

>> No.1006052

>Again, a reminder that most of the Syrians don't want to go to Canada (b... but it's the greatest country?) because they want to go home after the fighting

Not even people from a war torn country want to move to Cuckanada lmao

>> No.1006213

Does anyone know if memorial university is a good place to study? is it recognized outside of newfoundland?

tuition is only 2500, for bachelors degree programs, because NFL subsidizes it heavily.

>> No.1006641

Never even heard of it and Im from Ont

>> No.1006650

Canada has thrived on refugee's and immigrants to fuel it's workforce (250,000 immigrants a year. We don't look down on foreigners as leeches because we generally don't project our insecurities onto innocent people. In a few years they'll be speaking the language and doing the shitty jobs we don't want to. Their kids will be fully integrated into our society and tax paying citizens. It's been like this in Canada for decades and it's not about to change. Not our fault the US is too stupid to document the illegals, which forced the cost of labor down tremendously since they were willing to work for slave wages. Now your economy is dependent on them and all you can do is cry about it.


>> No.1006654

>A bunch of terrorists are going to speak the language, work shitty jobs and be tax paying citizens

Oh man. You really are this naive aren't you?

>> No.1006686

t. brainwashed college kid/foreigner

>> No.1006710

Macleans yearly survey of college and uni rankings puts Memorial at the same rank as York uni in Toronto, and above Ryerson

except both those university's cost about 4x what memorial does in tuition

I only discovered it recently myself, I know its probably not the best uni in canada but if you really just want a BA so you can have an average job then why not pay less for tuition?

thing is Its hard to find reviews on these places

>> No.1006712

Both of those Universities are the absolute lowest in Ontario.

>> No.1006713


Immigrants are why it takes 2 years experience to work at McDonalds.

>> No.1006763

Haha, so many Nova Scotians. Not surprised at all.

I studied renewable energy in Ottawa... feeling pretty optimistic about the new administration, all things considered.

>> No.1006765

ur your country get sued into debt

>> No.1006768
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Gonna post pics of Trudeau doing his thing, because I had to put up with ten years of your poster boi and you guys are too fun to not bait.

>> No.1006772
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I have a theory about Trudeau. I think people don't dislike him despite his looks. I think a lot of people dislike him BECAUSE of his looks. He looks like the opposite of a repressed homosexual, and that bothers some people on a gut level.

>> No.1006775

>He looks like the opposite of a repressed homosexual, and that bothers some people on a gut level.

Yes. A flamboyant homosexual.

>> No.1006778
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You seem tense. Tell me your problems unhappy Anon.

>> No.1006788
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It's not even that I particularly like the guy. It's that a bunch of guys who liked someone I disliked dislike him more than I disliked the first guy. Despite the weirdness of modern dynasties, that immediately makes him look better in my eyes.

>> No.1006792

based on what?

>> No.1006800

Both in ranking and reputation.

>> No.1006802





so why do these say otherwise?

>> No.1006827

It doesn't.

They are among the lowest on every single list.
And their reputation is even worse in Ontario. Literally no one respects degrees from there.

>> No.1006860

ohhhh ok so #9 #23 and #27 are the 'lowest' out of 97! according to you!

thanks :)

>> No.1006892

Ok whatever go there if you want.

I'm just saying that they are always among the lowest and have a very bad reputation. The lowest in Ontario in fact.

But anyway overall rankings don't matter. There is good departments at otherwise poor schools. Schulich and Ryerson engineering are pretty good.

>> No.1006897

Yeah they kinda have to be if the government is constantly watching them. What are they going to do, browse 4chan all day?

>> No.1007299

It doesn't matter what university you go to in Canada, unless you are looking for a sweet co-op/internship program. In which case you shouldn't go to the middle of nowhere where there are no jobs.

Only high school kids and people who have never obtained degrees and are sensitive about it care about which university you went to.

>> No.1008741


>> No.1008854

There's a good chance I'll get an offer for a tech position at CRA, a government job. Do you guys think I should take it? Starting salary is low 50k

>> No.1008988
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I am a young, supple, canadian adult with 30k in the bank. What should I do with it? What does the recession mean for me?

>> No.1009353 [DELETED] 

I would take a government job, I work for GO/Metrolinx and they pay for any course/school for me as long as I get a 70+ grade

>> No.1009588

Was thinking about this on my drive to work and it was fun thinking about how I would fix Canada

If you guys ran Canada/ was the prime minister or premier, how would you fix our economy?

Some ways I would do it include:
>Personal finance as a mandatory 1 year course in high school, increase amount of french needed in high school
>Increase amount of spending on infrastructure because it sucks
>Increase TFSA accounts and other opportunities that encourage saving
>Keep minimum wage about the same, but increase subsidies for training/school and programs that would increase opportunities for people (i.e. better pay for apprenticeships, jobs that get skills)
>Increase funding for entrepreneurs through new buildings and subsidies (maybe build a business hub in cities that provide high tech stuff to help them with their business like offices, computers, etc and take 1-5% of their profits when they start making money)
>More affordable housing and space
>Cut taxes on middle class but also cut safety nets (things like welfare, stricter employment insurance, etc.)
>Reform healthcare system - those that pay more taxes would benefit more or add like a premium system

>> No.1009636

> crank taxes to 40% for everyone
> get rid of the impetus to tip 15 fucking precent (when they earn minimum wage anyway)
> include sales tax in price rather than adding it at the cashier

>> No.1009664

>If you own a business and pay business + income taxes then you'll end up losing more in Canada than in Sweden/Norway/Finland.

I'd like to see some proof because wages paid out of your company aren't taxed as part of your business income. Maybe in quebec or other provinces its fucky

>> No.1009666
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fastest growing company in canada

>> No.1009674

How to get rich in Canada? No idea.

>> No.1009676


do you read the news? because the central bank said negative interest rate may be coming

>> No.1009718

>How do you the negotiations would go with, for example, the European Space Agency about our continued role in the organization, and the private sector contracts that come along with it, if we stick our heads in the sand and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist when it needed our help the most?

European here,

nobody cares about it at the institutional level and you know it. Don't you try to make us into a scarecrow just so you can enjoy your miltikulti fixation.

>> No.1009744

You realize Harper was planning on bringing in refugees too right?
You realize the Canadian economy has been in a steady decline ever since Harper took office, right?
You realize that blaming a new government for problems that have existed for years before they took office is nonsensical, right?
You realize that complaining about a new governments' actions before any results have been shown, or before the actions have even been taken in some cases, just makes you look ignorant, right?

>> No.1009853

all my savings are in canadollars, should I invest into something before things get worse or hang on to it?

>> No.1009871
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convert to usd before it's too late

>> No.1009941

>You realize Harper was planning on bringing in refugees too right?
A lot less.
>You realize the Canadian economy has been in a steady decline ever since Harper took office, right?
This isn't helping.
>You realize that blaming a new government for problems that have existed for years before they took office is nonsensical, right?
He is showing his incompetence very quickly. I can only imagine what 4 more years can bring.
>You realize that complaining about a new governments' actions before any results have been shown, or before the actions have even been taken in some cases, just makes you look ignorant, right?
Nonsensical spending and some of the dumb shit he says is pretty telling before anything "occurs".

>> No.1009953

I would rather see housing correct from rising interest rates than see my currency systemically devalued from zirp or nirp. The powers that be seem to be compelled to turn Canada into a third world country and the citizens seem totally okay with this.

>> No.1009956

>and the citizens seem totally okay with this.

They are easily deceived.

>Don't vote for Harper he hates women and is a racist!
>Citizens: Ok

>> No.1010208

>I'd like to see some proof because wages paid out of your company aren't taxed as part of your business income.

Well yeah wages are a business expense. You only get taxed on profit/net gains in every country.

I'll assume a wealthy business owner in Sweden (since it's the highest tax rates of the three I listed) vs Ontario, Canada.

Swedish Top bracket Income Tax = 56%
Canadian Top bracket Income Tax = 51%

Swedish Corporate Tax = 22%
Canadian Corporate Tax = 26.5%

Swedish Capital Gains Tax = 30% flat
Canadian Capital Gains Tax = income tax on a portion of your capital gains. Approx 25-30%

So you save a bit of money if you pay yourself more and keep less money in the business on tax day.

The point I was making though is that we pay a comparable rate to these socialist countries but they actually get proper benefits. We just get an awkward half-assed healthcare system and only part of post secondary education is subsidized. They also have MUCH better infrastructure, public works projects, etc.

>> No.1010242

Who /converting all their money to USD/ here?

I hope the CAD keeps dropping.

>> No.1010250

service would be shit without tipping, no one has to tip you're just expected to as long as the service is good. plus wait staff makes less than minimum (although not much less)

>> No.1010252

>no one has to tip you're just expected to as long as the service is good
The service is never good. They literally just take your order then bring a few plates and some drinks. Why does that deserve tips?

Next we'll need to pay tips to thank them for not spitting in drinks and cumming on our food?

>plus wait staff makes less than minimum (although not much less)
No they don't they legally have to receive at least minimum wage if their tips don't make for it. Plus most get paid minimum wage + tips which means they're earning ~$15/hr and sometimes even more for an incredibly easy, nondemanding job while people are working in factories doing physical labor for less.