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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10017191 No.10017191 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really expect to get rich by doing something thousands of other people have already tried and failed ?

>> No.10017200


>> No.10017209

that's the reason what I'm learning data science

>> No.10017228

Thousands of people time their attempt badly and their money is transferred to me, the person who does the opposite.

>> No.10017246

That's the plan
Obviously I'll be the one to succeed

>> No.10017263

But OP, there's a sucker born every minute.

>> No.10017275
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>that's the reason what I'm learning

>> No.10017277
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that's like saying "look how many people have died on earth why not just kill yourself" we adapt my dear frogboy

>> No.10017301

How about you think of something new instead of trying to do what everyone else does ?

>> No.10017335

why not just do it better than everyone else does

>> No.10017346

>why not just do it better than everyone else does
everyone thinks that

>> No.10017367
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Yea its called doing a job that gives you decent and consistent cashflow and you reinvest that into assets that provide a passive or residual income. Lazy ass millenials who want to get rich quick off kike and gook tokens are going to find out real quick that they're the suckers and not the working man.

>> No.10017378

Some of them are right

>> No.10017394

fuck off boomer

>> No.10017397

>doing a job that gives you decent and consistent cashflow and you reinvest that into assets that provide a passive or residual income
Fuck that. I wan't money in my 20s not when I'm 40 and my dick has stopped working.

>> No.10017399

The world is rich and the best we can offer millennials is a lifetime of debt. It's no wonder they don't want to play the rigged game.

>> No.10017427

Buying a house 20 years ago and selling it today? Lots of lives end up on easy-mode. You're a defeatist dumb dumb for not being able to accept the reality that squatting things that beat inflation will eventually make you rich. It's that simple.

>> No.10017432

>he doesn't have an iPhone with a shitty spell check

Android cuck detected

>> No.10017476


>> No.10017496

I don't expect to get rich. Solved.

>> No.10017518

No, I expect to make passive income
(not with crypto obviously)