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File: 94 KB, 1549x678, my-prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10016768 No.10016768 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about my prediction?
Bull run in 2019.

>> No.10016824

it wouldn't go higher than $7k
but will bottom out around oct-nov

>> No.10016825

You'll realise this better if you look at a log graph of BTC.

>> No.10016853

Why so soon? Current trend is pointing into late 2019.

log graph confirms it too

>> No.10016894

will bottom at 5k then 6-8k for months then bull run starts mid 2019

>> No.10016918

I think you’re just making blind guesses.

>> No.10016928

It's based on the history of bitcoin.

>> No.10016937

>It's based on the history of bitcoin.

If that were true you'd have your low end below 3k, probably a bit above 2k

>> No.10016947

i too can predict the future based on the past performance of an asset. this is why i'm a multibillionaire

>> No.10016955

2014 had a 85% drop.
85% from 20k is 3k.

>> No.10016970


looks shitty

>> No.10016974

It's better than nothing. What else are you going to use? TA? lel

>> No.10016975

But based on what factors regarding the history? What is your algorithm for projection and what makes you think it is accurate?

>> No.10017011
File: 8 KB, 367x401, 1517314632111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>algorithm for projection

I'm not trying to build a trading bot.

>> No.10017031

Looks about right.

>> No.10017054

So we have plenty of time to accumulate? That's fine with me, lad.

>> No.10017085

We do. Everyone is expecting a sudden reversal. Not gonna happen. After bear comes a boring sideways market and only then reversal.

>> No.10017366

Yep, this is a win-win situation, either way.

>> No.10017538

my model shows BTC reaching its ATH in March 2019. my model is largely based off of the 2014 bubble and scant other indicators though

>> No.10017639

Where does this graph show China and Wall Street fighting it out for dominance? Because thats happening before 2019...

>> No.10018032

agreed. its not gonna be a fast change. its going to be a slow creep back up and then the energy will kick in.
kind of agree. I want my money now because im a miserable wageslave but it may not be enough to quit so I will slave for 2 more years and retire then.

>> No.10018126

this is just copy pasted from the last ath. wouldn't be surprised if it goes more or less like this, but things are different this time around

>> No.10018172
File: 2.64 MB, 2576x1440, meme it and dream it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or pic related

>> No.10018175
File: 45 KB, 1360x910, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step back, fags, reality coming through.

>> No.10018479

To have an algorithm doesn’t imply you are coding a bot. It just means you have an actual defined means of making your prediction and you have identified important variables and their behaviors/interactions...which is why I suggested you’re just pulling guesses out of your ass as many people here do.

>> No.10018578


China is being anally wrecked by Trumps policies of 250 billion annual usd tarifs on imported Chinese goods. USA is on an inevitable path to collapse but the crash has been delayed.