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File: 980 KB, 1076x1383, 20180624_042032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10011889 No.10011889 [Reply] [Original]

Real or bullshit?

>> No.10011903
File: 470 KB, 627x807, 1529776947435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.10011911

Well he made a lot of enemies. I would not be surprised.

>> No.10011925

What a strange life his has turned out to be.

>> No.10011932

It was him fucking wife hiring the hitman

>> No.10011938

>Here's the crazy fucking reality of my life: 11 attempted assinations and I survived them all. Oddly, none of the assassins survived more than 2 months after the attempt. They all encountered bizarre accidents. It's a strange fucking world.
Sounds like a pasta

>> No.10011940

>Shit eater
>Accused of rape
>Involved with drug cartels
>Runs pump and dumps, leaving countless bagholders behind
He won't be missed.

>> No.10011947

This, he should have been more kind to his fellow man. Good riddance to this bastard child.

>> No.10011979

really hoping the would be assassin is just a wojack he scammed

>> No.10011992

But his nigger wife tried to set him up to be murdered and she's still alive....

>> No.10012030

lol no
they still have a daughter to raise

>> No.10012101

>Disgusting old fart dies
>Leaves a few hundred million dollars to his wife
>Now she can raise her kids free from her abusive husband
>Being fully in control of the money
>Doesn't even need to shit in his mouth anymore
>Doesn't have to deal with risky cryptocutrency shit
>Lives a good life, like 'we wuz queens and shiiiiieeeeet'
She would benefit enormously from his death.

>> No.10012123
File: 689 KB, 1768x684, John McMonkeys wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits confirmed it
Sorry John, you know it needs to happen

>> No.10012132

sounds like she should get nothing and it should be held in trust for the kid

remember anons give not a cent to pussy because pussy has no gratitude or loyalty

>> No.10012150
File: 27 KB, 735x285, wtfmarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10012216

so when is this oldfag eating his dick?

>> No.10012248
File: 31 KB, 393x382, around blacks never relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a nigger, they have no sympathy or humanity.

>> No.10012383

he married a prossie lmao the madman, he really thinks she's loyal...

>> No.10012411
File: 276 KB, 670x767, mca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10012610

McAffe only has about $4 million

>> No.10012682


>> No.10012901

Who gives a shit , i think the crazy dude has some sick jokes and i like it. But to actually take fanancial advice from him is different.

>> No.10012994

ITT: OP tried to kill John McAfee