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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10008984 No.10008984 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.10009003

uniroincally true, I always said it will sweep 1K, that will be the bottom and enough to blow everyone out

>> No.10009004

Close. We're entering panic. You can see more and more /biz/raelis selling.

>> No.10009008

This chart doesn't apply to crypto's.

>> No.10009019

Kek we’re at the first disbelief. Jew man chu has the weak hands right where he wants them

>> No.10009027


Are we on the same board? I've seen bears after bears for weeks already. We've passed denial a loooong time ago lol.

>> No.10009030


We are in panic mode so I think it will go to 3-4K instead of 1k

>> No.10009031

With this rate we will hit right back at 2k or 3k just before the mega bullrun. Pottery

>> No.10009071

This. Its been a bear board for awhile

>> No.10009085

Nope, we are at new paradigm still.

>> No.10009099

Hmm you might be right actually.. Fuck!

>> No.10009103

Who shorted the market?? Why did the government allow this to happen??

>> No.10009106

it's gonna get quick here boys

>> No.10009137


>> No.10009156

Naah, we're between anger and depression.

>> No.10009162

We are at complacency.

>> No.10009163


Yea, bear euphoria lol.

>> No.10009173

>80% crash
>still at complacency.

>> No.10009177


who the fuck is still in denial at this point? IT. IS. OVER.

>> No.10009204

100% anxiety stage

>> No.10009240

We're somewhere between panic and depression.. Maybe some Denial in there too.

People are already feeling capitulation in their bones.

>> No.10009247

This. Can’t wait to watch you retards fomo in during July lol. Seriously, how are even half of you smart enough to work a computer. Fucking failures that draw TA lines all day in their musky cellars.

>> No.10009587


>> No.10010128

5.2-4.8k depression screencap. novogratz said in december btc might go to 5k thats the jews target

>> No.10010175

The thing about a 5k-4k bottom is that everyone is EXPECTING that. We already know it went from 1100 to 200 last crash, so everyone is prepared to weather an 80% dip. What people aren't prepared to do is weather something that makes BTC look like it's completely fucking dead, like sub 100. THEN once everyone and their mom has sold through broken tears the new bullrun will start and we'll break 100k easy.

>> No.10010286
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Miners. Alts. The people supplying the market with money thinking if they keep mining more supply prices will go back up again.

To be clear there are more factors, but miners represent the largest investments into BTC. They are still denying the reality, that their investment into GPUs isn't going to pay off and that they cannot get rich off BTC mining (at least not anymore). BTC was never made for large scale mining operations anyway, at least not in spirit hence why people who gave a shit moved into alts. But now even alts are filled with literal ponzi schemes and scams, so there aren't many buyers as there is no trust in the brokers, exchanges or miners.

It'll take some more time before they realize it. Figure if someone blew $10,000 on GPUs last November they are probably only getting their first payments this month (next year if they are an actual business and got a formal business loan). They will not realize the shit they are in until after they are pushed into bankruptcy, or at least forced back to wagecucking to pay their BTC bags off.