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10008181 No.10008181 [Reply] [Original]

So it's not a secret: stocks are having a 10 years bull run but everything has an end and cycles repeat. There will be a major recession within the next few years. Tomorrow? 2019? 2022? Nothing is certain but that it will happen.
How to prepare for this? I don't want to start investing in real estate or stocks when I know that we might be close from the crash.
Gold? We've seen that it crashed too during 2008 (although it did perform better than the rest).
Cash? It would be great to have some available when the crash happens but I can't let it depreciate for maybe 5 years.
Crypto? I'm already heavily in and I need to diversify. Also it's unclear about how it would be correlated to other markets.
What am I missing /biz/?

>> No.10008217

>How to prepare for this?
hoard cash, metal and crypto.

>> No.10008261

Bitcoin halves in two years, so it's a safe hedge. I agree stocks are doomed and will see a huge crash. I believe in the Strauss-Howe theory strongly because it's right on the money. We are in the second half of a crisis period. Last period like that was during the Great Depression. Gold and silver are great to have at all times. Main things you want are food, water, shelter, knowledge of your surrounding area, guns, ammo, oil or gas, and an awol plan.

Good idea not to invest in real estate. Go for energy stocks, oil, precious metals, cash and crypto.

>> No.10008350

I'd say 2nd half of trumps presidency, 2018-2020 somewhere in there you'll get another bear market

Just buy good stocks

>> No.10008452


>> No.10008519

We arent even remotely close to a crash idiot

>> No.10008588

Yes, everything will keep going up forever ;)

>> No.10008600

Look for dividend growth stocks that have increase their dividends every year and through recessions. Consumer staples are great. These are good for boomer gains but you alomost never have to worry about them.

>> No.10008619

Theres an app on the google play store called "offline survival manual". I suggest you all download it.

>> No.10008648

Nothing in the economic forecast indicates recession, except doom and gloomers who take a contrary position to get viewers.

The reality is, the "experts" have no ability to predict GDP more than a few months out, and no way a year or more. They simply go by their perception, and there are always experts on both sides of the issue. We could be going for a record length of time with no recession, or we could have one next year. Nobody knows, and they're not guaranteed.

Recessions are also usually short term. They're simply a reset. You'd need to adjust for a year or two. It's not impossible to profit during recessions, either.

Given the positive outlook across the board, I wouldn't make any big changes at the moment.

>> No.10008692

If the "outlook" was anything other than positive, then the market would already be crashing, wouldn't it? You're just putting into words what the chart already shows us. But it's smart to question whether the chart is lying, and whether the "outlook" is bullshit.

You're right though. It's difficult to know. If it were easy, everyone would already know. I am questioning it though...

>> No.10008697

Diversify...hold some stocks, precious metals, and crypto. You don't have to go full "prepper" but have a plan, don't confuse hope for a plan. Look at the housing market and other debt bubbles, this isn't going away. Be smart and play both sides

>> No.10008705

If you think there will be a recession around the corner, you can always invest in short term bonds/CDs. Just check out some banks and shop around for at least 2% interest 12-24 months.

>> No.10008728

This might sound like bullshit, but actually the most valuable thing you can possibly invest in is community and relationships. If everything goes to shit, you need to have a network of people you can rely on and who can support each other to survive another depression.

>> No.10008818
File: 8 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolz. because whales are definitely going to tell people when they're dumping.

>> No.10008865

$LAND and $FPI

I've been accumulating those since bonds are getting JUST'd by rising interest rates

>> No.10008880

Awful, those stocks lost half of their price. If you held bonds in 2008 they would have appreciated since the interest rates went down

>> No.10008930

lolz you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, retard.

>> No.10008948
File: 59 KB, 696x465, 053118-ivanka-trump-football-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice amount of info to work with with it. Thx. Have a few manual handbooks. Being prepped is a necessity to an extent. If you can go full out bunker and produce your own electricity, go for it. Buy a lot of non-gmo moringa leaf. B vitamins, minerals, and in higher quantities by weight compared to other sources. Take a half a tablespoon a day and your good for a few hours. Shelf life is good and a good survival food.
Probably nothing dramatic until 2025 after Trump has done his second term. Good to be prepared for financially if you can.

>> No.10009065

>Probably nothing dramatic until 2025 after Trump has done his second term. Good to be prepared for financially if you can.

Not entirely bad advice. My belief is that if Hillary had been elected, the economy would be in the toilet right now, and we'd be building back to a higher but lower overall GDP in 2020/21. She probab;y would have gotten us into a shooting war, which would have boosted the economy some, but since our economy is usually sold to offshore interests under liberals and a lot of repubs, it would'nt be real growth, like after WWII.

Trump really did throw a major wrench into everything. Nobody really knows what the long term prospects are, but they can see that the economy is growing and getting healthy under him, despite the massive efforts of liberals to undo everything he's doing. When shitheads like Bill Mahr state publically that they hope there's a recession (which hurt the poor a hell of a lot more than the rich, like Mahr) just because "Muh Hillary", it makes you wonder how much better it would be if they weren't attacking Trump at every opportunity.

>> No.10009112

Right, and now interests rate are rising so it might be a good time to get into bonds?

>> No.10009147

I would just sit on cash and buy the dip. Oh by the way good look finding it.

>> No.10009151
File: 53 KB, 256x256, thinking-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just short it?

>> No.10009182

Quite risky if you can't time it more precisely than 'within a few years', but possible I guess.

>> No.10009228
File: 113 KB, 614x1024, bf63427e89f3b01b6125399cf0d3a267--vinny-gold-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part of the left has taken over that side. No compromising with the democrats as most of them are paid off or are trying to create systems that don't mingle with our nation today. Mainstream media would have a ball if she won. Trump didn't get attacked like this until he won the nom. What does the Storm Daniels event have to do with today? It's just random bs from nowhere. Keep the drama going. Bill Mahr is like Jimmy Kimmel. Have nothing logic to say without putting someone down for no good reason. Hard job being president. Our country is just fucked. It takes each individual family to live tight and wise to handle these conditions. People working three jobs to live when in the 1950s you worked one and took a mortgage on a house. The tax cuts were alright, but the military spending is too much. Trump is doing okay with what he has to work with. Worrying times if you're living paycheck to paycheck. Gotta be smart with your money, but also your health.

>> No.10009345
File: 24 KB, 549x471, skeltel;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
