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10005120 No.10005120 [Reply] [Original]

Any of the obese fetal alcohol syndrome incel TA faggots telling you whats going to happen is 100% confirmed retarded. WHALES AND BOTS, the whales with the bots decide the price of btc, the whales decide when the normies fomo in. Now the whales know that the TA faggots are gullible so they dump and moon when the charts look like appropriate for the TA faggots to go, "DERRR DESCENDING WEDGE, COULD MOOON DERRRR OR COULD GO DOWN DERRRRRRRR" then the whales make their move.

>> No.10005151

but all TA has been calling 6k for months....

>> No.10005152

>Any of the obese fetal alcohol syndrome incel TA faggots
10/10 post, made me laugh
>implying that we didn't know already that the bogs are manipulating everything

>> No.10005162

>tits or gtfo

>> No.10005201
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See this is how deluded TA faggots are, if btc went to 15k the TA niggers would be like, "SEE WE CALLED IT". The whales how ta faggots balls twisted so hard that ta niggers think they're in control of their own ball twisting.

>> No.10005217

>with the bots decide the price of btc

what the fuck do you think bots trade off of you retarded mongoloid? You literally make an algorithm for bots based on TA indicators you stupid fucking moron. Do you think they just randomly buy or sell???

>> No.10005241
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>too stupid to understand ta
>hurr durr it doesnt work everything is manipulated muh whales hurr
Pic related is you. Consider suicide. kthx.

>> No.10005250

The bots are there to give TA niggers something to chomp at. Its like my german shepard, you think hes nice and friendly and you have control over him when you tell him to sit. Im his master, I tell him to bite your dick off he'll do it. The bots give retarded people a sense of control, like holding a rollercoaster seat grips.

>> No.10005270
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T. actually thinks he can predict whale bot markets and is not an incel

>> No.10005294
File: 175 KB, 1289x572, 1523371398675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please look up this 2 month old prediction and compare it with what actually happend. You'll be surprised how good this anons prediction was.

>> No.10005304

Forgot the link.

>> No.10005317
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1509397773183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still trying to pretend the bart market isn't manipulation

>> No.10005318

All you're saying is you're too dumb to know what the bots are doing.

>> No.10005334

>cherry picking the one good prediction from the million bad ones
Stop breathing any time

>> No.10005347
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This is the thing about TA, there are literally thousands of TA niggers making predictions EVERY FUCKING DAY. At the end of a month theres probably hundreds of thousands to millions of predictions on btc price. Then when one of them is even somewhat close to being correct the TA niggers are like, "OMFG SEE SEE WE TOLD YOU HAHAHAHA WOW WE'RE SO SMART" and the whales who control the bots are like, "Wow look at these faggots, ok lets pick one of these random ta niggers and make the bots do his prediction next month, that will really fuck with them". Its literally like the CIA telling that alien ufo researcher that aliens are real and flying him all over the US telling him that he was helping the CIA, all the while the CIA just wanted him to stop going on their military bases. TA niggers are the same as that guy and that guy still beleives the CIA wasn't larping even after they confessed. Actually TA niggers are worse because theyre fat neckbearded insufferable faggots.

>> No.10005792
File: 409 KB, 640x800, Yep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10005859
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>hurr im just gonna randomly buy at the top of a rally near resistance

Brainlet. Ta in its basic form works. its supports and resistences. you use it so you dont end up buying in at a shit moment or selling at a shit moment.

buying around support level or exiting around a resistance level, thats it. anything more is a bit vooddo but you are retarded if you think that what im saying has no merit. what, did you think that 6K is just some abritrary level people decide to stop selling or start buying BTC at each time? faggot. its a big support level and people use that as an entry point, because people with brains don't buy randomly halfway on a rally or near a resistance level. what separate a bull market from a bear market is in peoples willingness to take profits at a resistence. in bull market people less likely to sell, and in bear market people take profits much sooner.

>> No.10005915

>Thinks that all whales from around the world coordinate buying and selling together to prevent losses to each other because they are all best friends who want the best for each other

>Those bart patterns? Every whale around the world was involved and got in and out of those trades perfectly. The dump from 20k? every single whale on planet earth sold at the same time, absolutely none were caught off guard holding bags.

>Thinks that all whales are infallible uber traders that never make losses ever, and have magical bitconnect bots that always make money

The average whales core bitcoin holdings are down 70% in value from all time highs LEL. True story.

>whales are so amazing I want to suck their cocks

>> No.10005923
File: 357 KB, 1169x1276, THE BTC CHART TO RULE THEM ALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10005983

The target meme made me a 300% in this shit market so im pretty happy with it

>> No.10006020

it doesnt tell you whats going to happen, it just shows you the path of least resistance and it shows you points where movement can be expected so you know when to pay attention and where to set your buy and sell orders. and it narrows down the range of likely possibilities.

>> No.10006062
File: 2 KB, 110x124, 1524021231766s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so ass blasted by figuring out your little TA fag lines and resistances don't work with btc that you have to ree on a Japanese knitting forum. The absolute state of ta fags.

>> No.10006276

Theres literally a TA for every single price, if I said bitcoin was going to hit 7k and 5k eventually I'll be right, a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.10006289
File: 110 KB, 657x539, brainletreality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the loudest people on this board also happen to be the least intelligent
(looking at you OP)

>> No.10006299

Imagine actually being this fucking stupid. Thank you for being there to take the other side of my trades you absolute moron. Muh worthless coin fundamentals lmao fuck TA

>> No.10006352

if that were true why dont they make themselves trillionaires, if they control the price that is.
youre so stupid

>> No.10006409

"TA" in crypto is just a way to fill the hours while waiting for the chart to move.

>> No.10006466

Even manipulated markets can be somewhat predicted. Besides, most investors know that their TAay be wrong. It just gives them a general idea of where the market might be going.Just because you are too stupid to understand and make your own TAs dosent mean their useful.

>> No.10006632

There's some small truth here - if you have nothing better to do during the day, you can look at the charts and try to time the BARTs and make money off it.

But TA fails on the non-manipulated actions, like the last two days. I always like to read the trollbox at Bitmex after something like that, to see the idiocy of TAfags trying to claim they knew it was gonna happen, or rationalize it.

But none of the "TA" needed, just look at the chart for a week, try to figure out the time/cycle of the BARTs, bet appropriately.

>> No.10006639

This. TA is a good tool to analyse the present (good entry / exit points). It's complete bullshit for predicting the future.

>> No.10006643
