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File: 156 KB, 760x720, kittycash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10003212 No.10003212 [Reply] [Original]

kittycash drop incoming, 25th of June! getz the kittiez to make moniez!

Announcement here:

>> No.10003275

Nice drop :D guess you need to have an amount of Skycoins to qualify for that

>> No.10003285

they are sooo funny, cannot wait to put my hands on it. I get on a special list, those who have diy are privileged


>> No.10003326


Kind of but don’t hate me fren because I hold an original skyminer, double trouble having twin kitties

>> No.10003327

you skytards have not only the worst pr but also the worst marketing
i refuse to believe that the devs are ultrarich btc og's given the amateurish way of doing things

>> No.10003332
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>> No.10003333

you still get only one kitty for owning a DIY miner. a good deal though

>> No.10003353


>> No.10003354

You shillfags aren’t even trying to blend in
Fuck off with your shittycash bullshit, no one cares

>> No.10003365

Is it a game for fun or can you actually make money having these virtual kitties?

Ps: how many skycoins should I have to buy one?

>> No.10003372

>Pajeets continuing to shamelessly shill shitcoins

We haven't dropped hard enough it seems.

>> No.10003396


btw, on Telegran they are talking about a brand new website, more playful, more kitties.


>> No.10003404

The marketplace will be implemented at a later date, that's what Erich kaestner says in an interview. So we need to wait till we make monies. Prob we have to breed the cats to obtain exquisite models etc

>> No.10003413
File: 100 KB, 719x1280, IMG_20180623_212938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NEEXT WEEK!!! Meow, meow, meow

>> No.10003414


Go back to telegram and stay there. Tell synth, Ching said hi.

>> No.10003418

Wow this is amazing innovation for Skycoin. i will be buying myself a lot of Skycoin now. I do not think it is a scam anymore.

>> No.10003446


Synth said: I have seen the future and you are not there!

Chhh' meow

>> No.10003472

because they lost control over the old website
are you shillniggers really sharkcia?
amb bagholders should be afraid of such incompetence
next million dollars down the toilett

>> No.10003500

I am ready for the kitties, haha

btw here an interview with the mastermind of this cool money making game


>> No.10003549


xD haha

xD haha

xD haha

Uou fucking shill niggers are the worst, you dont even fucking try to fit in, you just shit all over the place

>> No.10003569


Ching: We must live in two different realities then. How are you in this stage still trying to revive crypto kitties. Create a MakerDAO platform, tie those SKY up, create your own stable-coin. That would be me. But no, weak games.

>> No.10003571

FUD-ers gtfo go back tou your cages

>> No.10003590

So anyone who is in with it is shilling? according to your logic everybody who has a different kind of opinion from yours is shilling? wtf is wrong with you dude? go to sleep

>> No.10003647

so it turns out the game will be rolled out in a nr of steps.
1. get your wallet and get to name your kitty
3.inventory+health points system
4.the marketplace

quite a natural order in which to deploy the game. after this they still need to transfer it into the blockchain, though

>> No.10003652


Having both diy and official... and I m becoming greedy, I wanna submit list in every so I double my chances. Means I can get not one, not two, but 3 Tabby

>> No.10003701

you will be able to trade these virtual collectibles at some point in the marketplace. yes you can buy kitties from the website if you miss the kitty drop

>> No.10003741


don’t waiste your time, he’s a reptilian.

This is the gaaame, had it on eth too but now it’s too damn crowded. A bird told me there could be cloning too

Viva la Fiber!

>> No.10003794
File: 121 KB, 528x805, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely our cryptokitties knockoff will save our cult!

>> No.10003795

hahaha, you`re right. better not to waste fuckin time on haters

>> No.10003816

Fuuuck off, no one here talks like this

>> No.10003837

Hey! Can my kitty make babies and then to multiply my pets? Can they have meowtations?

>> No.10003842

>i refuse to believe that the devs are ultrarich btc og's given the amateurish way of doing things

they're so autistic they're fucking retarded

>> No.10003866

Holly shit u are insane. $1.3 mil for a virtual cat in eth. Crazy man... Crazy. and now all you do is talking about kittycash as if you really own gold or something

>> No.10003897

I'm a kitty kinda guy , can't wait..

>> No.10003918

What's next? Crypto dogs? Not sure what to make of it. But if it hits it shows they have a good nose for hypes.

>> No.10003941

it has all the prerequisites for a succesful clone, so yes, why not talk as if we would own gold?

>> No.10004016

they made that already, it s called crypto puppies. the market for blockchain games is still in its infancy so.. let s hope kitty cash takes off with this drop.. 40 000 users just like that :D pretty cool to me

>> No.10004430

I'm not a FUDDER. Skycoin is the best coin in the world!