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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 736x736, triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10003015 No.10003015 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of buying some miota.

4chan gods please shill or obliterate with arguments

>> No.10003028
File: 8 KB, 259x194, e3693b1f43f81b827ad07f00d1224267--scrambled-eggs-tossed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be illegal to fugg those broads.

dey be 17. OP is a pedo. sad!!

>> No.10003067
File: 372 KB, 1080x817, CC0F431A-5A33-4F8B-9F7A-6188A4F3CCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your receiving address, I’ll just send you some to play around with then you can buy more from an exchange if satisfied.


>> No.10003069
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Sorry, here is one for you oldfag

>> No.10003076
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>> No.10003108


Thanks brother. Can you tell me if there is still some issue with transactions?

>> No.10003109

in a complex tech environment the devs chose to use a previously unused base in an effort to get a 38% long term efficiency boost
this choice continually threratens the entire project
the thought level that goes into that decision should tell you everything

also, must be awful being the girl on the left
youre cute
youre showing it
and nobody cares cos your friend is better in every way

>> No.10003150
File: 64 KB, 680x510, 9C8F9B48-3C7E-4104-9115-11509009EE63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No issues with transactions. Let me send you some so you can see for yourself how quick these feeless thus frictionless transactions are

>> No.10003152

Yes buy IOTA, Trinity wallet incoming and Qubic in future. Will solve all issues with crypto. In fact u should consider dumping all ur other bags and buy IOTA. All in IOTA or cry later.

>> No.10003163
File: 216 KB, 750x1334, 61FFD2B1-8F6B-49EF-975D-3827FFB10A3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trinity is already out brotha

>> No.10003171

Good point. IOTA trx are faster than all other crypto + FREE. Best crypto buy now

>> No.10003181
File: 223 KB, 1200x900, 7CC96380-4456-46E3-A34F-5B69EBA9F3C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screaming buy

>> No.10003183

WOW looks like best wallet I've ever seen. OP will be one happy man!

>> No.10003191

trinity wallet for mobile already out senpai

>> No.10003203

I just found this out. I am download now. Can't wait

>> No.10003206

it auto-reattaches and promotes so all the old wallet problems are gone

>> No.10003215
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>> No.10003223

I saw this so no more FUD from anyone. Unlike other devs IOTA team respond to all FUD with fixs :)

>> No.10003239
File: 345 KB, 1778x1334, C0BEE1A9-A25C-4A4F-9001-7FE5358CB1E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and they became buddy buddy with UN

>> No.10003244

If anyone want to help me and the tangle feel free to send me something and I'll do the same to the next person.


>> No.10003245

Is there some shilling campaign running for IdIOTA again?

"in a complex tech environment the devs chose to use a previously unused base in an effort to get a 38% long term efficiency boost
this choice continually threratens the entire project
the thought level that goes into that decision should tell you everything"
So much THIS, would instant hire you.

>> No.10003271

Someone tip this man!!

UN is very smart!

>> No.10003273

good enough for volkswagen, bosch, and the UN.. good enough for me. the elites have chosen IOTA as their one world currency because it performs and it's also quantum resistant unlike bitcoin.

>> No.10003290
File: 220 KB, 750x1334, 4F69DA55-C3D2-4467-88B0-B83BC44A083E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir has been tipped

>> No.10003336

it's just dumb not to buy it because all the old fud has been debunked and the actual problems iota had are now fixed. plus with qubix it is not just a payment system or IoT but also a dapp platform with smart contracts. also transactions are now quick unlike before.

plus early 2019 there's going to be freaking IOTA Volkswagen commercials do you really want to miss out on that?

>> No.10003364

did they fix the problem of IOTA not doing anything?

>> No.10003374

Baseless FUD get out of this thread

>> No.10003392

Thank you sir, we need to feed the network to make it work! If anyone else need some iotas just post their Trinity address.

>> No.10003393

no that was never fixed. iota faked the volkswagen and bosch partnership and it's basically bitconnect 2.0 lel so don't buy now wait until it's $1000 per before you buy in

>> No.10003397

Wow you are quite the gentleman. What other communities other than IOTA tip eachother money? Hint: none

Looking forward to 2019

>> No.10003416

i could really use 1 miota right now


>> No.10003426

I noticed you didn't actually respond to the accusation that IOTA doesn't do anything.

Without looking at the whitepaper or phoning a friend, explain what IOTA does and why it requires a public ledger.

>> No.10003456
File: 97 KB, 1334x750, 1382F2AD-23E0-41C7-BA73-7076FB0FB5FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon approves. Just not officially yet lol

>> No.10003465

Shut the fuck up. You are trying to bring IOTA down because you are toxic. IOTA community is the least toxic in crypto, we tip eachother for goodness sake.

>> No.10003483

Haha first the new Tesla prototype will need to be revealed before they announce IOTA partnerships

>> No.10003490

Not answering a simple question? Hmm, very interesting.
Why would such a big fan of this useless shitcoin not be able to answer 'baseless' fud and put it to rest, if the answer is so obvious?
So very defensive, so angry...very strange for a community that is supposedly full of confidence.

It's almost like you are trying to hide something.

Like the fact that IOTA does nothing.

>> No.10003499

Umm no I just don't feel like talking to you.

>> No.10003524

And umm I do not see any sources you quoted so yes it is all baseless. Don't try to tackle the bull if you can't handle the horns, at least post sources when you make big claims

>> No.10003532
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1000, C72A3677-F435-4469-AC5D-5365A3807712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy doesn’t know what happens when quantum and Qubic meet lololol

>> No.10003536

>don't feel like talking
>responds 4 times
Ok, I win then. Thanks for playing (not really).
Weak project, weak shills. Anybody care to step up and explain what IOTA actually does?
Let me guess "DYOR"?

>> No.10003550

How much higher you think it will go? I heard they’re going to use IOTA in volkswagen cars next year. What does that mean? Car enabled micro transactions? Will it be ios or android compatible? I haven’t read much about the new IOTA developments but they sound cool, are they working well?

>> No.10003553

Any one reading this knows that you are the one that looks stupid right now. Post some sources. Hint: you can't

>> No.10003555
File: 619 KB, 922x474, 101311FA-D18E-49CE-9FC4-6D7CEE1DA260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He explains 10% of it in this two minute video.


>> No.10003562

god I want those legs around my face

>> No.10003572

I believe it will reach $10 in 2019 when adoption begins with VW and then it will go to the moon from there. If crypto succeeds, I believe we could see a $100 IOTA in a bull run

>> No.10003582

Oh I thought you didn't want to talk to me?
Simply explain what IOTA does. Surely it can't be that difficult?
Just tell me what IOTA actually does.
Why won't you do it?
Is it because IOTA doesn't actually do anything at all?

>> No.10003591

Stop harassing me. I do not want to explain these things to you

>> No.10003614

Since nobody in this thread can tell me what IOTA does, despite having asked several times, I'm going to have to assume it's nothing more than another scam shitcoin with lots of bagholders circlejerking about their "future gains".

You initiated this confrontation. You are the one harassing me. Stop replying now if you want the interaction to end. Feel free to explain what IOTA does before that though.

>> No.10003617
File: 2.81 MB, 552x304, EC1640F5-214A-4E70-8247-95EB7FFF7DC1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply put, this means the cryptocurrency will enable data exchange between sensor-equipped machines that populate the Internet of Things. IOTA does not use the traditional blockchain design used by most cryptocurrencies. ... IOTA use is expected to simplify transactions and processes involving objects that have sensors.

>> No.10003629

> will
> is expected to
Oh...so it "will" do these things? At the moment it ...does not? So you're saying IOTA doesn't actually do anything at all?
Thank you for clarifying things.
As I said, IOTA doesn't do anything.

>> No.10003631

Watch the video that >>10003555 posted. It will give you an idea. It is very good overview for someone like you to understand. It may be hard for you to understand because you probably live in a house in the country with not good internet/low technology but you will understand.

>> No.10003648
File: 76 KB, 1286x722, 6E0C405F-3FFF-4B53-8B1F-4DAA319D44B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only coins that “do anything” at this time are coins which have flaws which IOTA overcomes. Frictionless transactions are an amazing thing. It’s almost like you are hating on IOTA just so you can scoop some more up at a lower price lol

Have you ever heard of Julie Maupin?

>> No.10003651

I didn't ask for a video. I asked you to explain it. I'm not watching a buzzword filled marketing video.

Simply explain what IOTA does.

>> No.10003656

Thats insanely high but one thing I don’t understand is the demand for it. Theres lots of iot devices but the development of use is still immature. And then theres the investment motive to utility use case, if you want to send a giota worth of data it’s iffy to pay 100$ to do so

>> No.10003660

>The only coins that “do anything” at this time are coins which have flaws which IOTA overcomes.

Explain what these flaws are and explain how IOTA overcomes them, at this moment in time. Not how it 'will' in the future.

>> No.10003675
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 3A84014F-E915-4F1D-83FE-41905CDE243C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drum role please...


>> No.10003680

Why can't anybody explain in simple text what IOTA does?
This is an IOTA circlejerk thread, right? Surely one of you is knowledgeable enough to refute this statement:
>IOTA doesn't do anything.


>> No.10003687
File: 230 KB, 1167x636, iotacar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are you retarded? it's a crypto for IoT m2m, p2p, and b2b microtransactions that can have dApps and smart contracts built on it like ethereum

weak fud

>> No.10003698

The price you are referring to ($100) is in Miota, which is 100 million iota, the devices will transact in very very small amounts < $0.01

>> No.10003703

>it's a crypto for IoT m2m, p2p, and b2b microtransactions
I asked what IOTA does, not what it's marketers claim it will do in the future.

Question still remains unanswered.

"What does IOTA do?"

>> No.10003709


>> No.10003711

You are not smart enough to comprehend IOTA. It's pretty obvious you want to bring down the price. Bye!

>> No.10003721

Mixed up the names lol

How much data can a gIOTA transfer?

>> No.10003729

1 gillion IOTA

>> No.10003731

Or a mIOTA, what does that mean in terms of rea world data

>> No.10003740
File: 155 KB, 750x1334, 1B85EFE6-F500-4DEE-9971-B4340C1F955A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must mine, it’s okay IOTA is proposing a way out. A way for you to make use of the massive computing power you have been wasting.

“Qubic offers a great incentive for people to run nodes: let others use spare computational power or storage capacity, thus providing a useful service, and get paid to do so. Q-nodes can give new life to old, abandoned PCs, and they can provide traditional cryptocurrency miners with a way of monetizing equipment by doing useful computations instead of solving meaningless (and wasteful) cryptographic puzzles.

In the future, Qubic will leverage this world-wide unused computation capacity to solve all kinds of computational problems. Qubic is optimized for IoT - low energy consumption and a small memory footprint - but that does not preclude large-scale computations, especially for computations that may be parallelized and distributed over a large number of processors.”

>> No.10003743

I asked for somebody in this thread to explain it to me without phoning a shill. Please explain in your own words what IOTA does.
Why are you still harassing me? I clearly indicated that you could end our conversation any time you wanted by simply not replying.
Is everybody in the IOTA community as rude to newcomers as you?
I am simply looking for somebody to explain to me what IOTA does.

Why won't you do that?
Is it because you can't? Just be honest. You don't have a clue what your shitcoin does. You are just hoping it "moons" (your own words).

>> No.10003746


>> No.10003777

Still waiting for somebody to answer my question.
Does IOTA do anything, or not?
btw "will" and "expected to" is definitely a NOT.

>> No.10003780

Iota lets iot devices communicate and interoperate

>> No.10003797

>Says that coin doesn't do anything.
>Mentions that he didn't do research.
>Continues to go on after I mention that I don't want to explain IOTA to you (obvious you are trolling at this point)
>Keeps going on.

I said I didn't feel like explaining it to you, and yet you keep asking. How is anyone supposed to take you serious?

>> No.10003808
File: 68 KB, 355x253, 27211028-B31F-4ADB-89A9-0BADA4967295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me... what comes first.... real world use cases or large companies partnering?

>> No.10003812

You are literally the guy at places that no one likes to talk to.

>> No.10003819

They can already do that. Why is IOTA is necessary, and does it actually do those things at this moment in time?
Once again you have indicated that you wish to keep our conversation going. So are you going to explain what IOTA does and why a public ledger is necessary, or not?

Why are you so defensive? Why won't you simply answer my question? You have put more effort into complaining about my presence than would have taken to answer the question...if you actually could.

Care to try?

>> No.10003828

my dick is exploding

>> No.10003833

Why? Because I said so the first time. Will I answer your question? No.

>> No.10003834
File: 47 KB, 480x362, FEE297A7-37FB-4505-B6F8-867F766C26C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accountability. Current monetary policy is broken.

>> No.10003836
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>> No.10003849

I'm left with the impression that you people have zero clue what the shitcoin you are holding actually does, and are only interested in buzzwords, hype, and price movement.

Is it fair to say that about sums up the state of your community? You are bagholding a token which does nothing at the moment, but you desperately hope will do something in the future?

Answer my question or stop replying. This is yet another chance to end our conversation. Simply do not reply. A reply of any sort will indicate that you wish to keep conversing.

Now explain what that means.

Insulting the intelligence (I assume) of somebody looking for information? Really nice. IOTA community seems to be pretty toxic, its a real shame.

>> No.10003857

I can do that right now with the internet. Why is IOTA better?

>> No.10003858

at this point we'd rather you not invest and not get rich with us. just fuck off. obviously you haven't done a shred of research and want us to basically copy and paste the entire whitepaper on 4chan because you're too lazy to DYOR

>> No.10003860

Many people agree your intelligence is complete shit.

>> No.10003867

THIS x1000000000

>> No.10003868
File: 39 KB, 353x365, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does IOTA do?

doesn't want to tell me for some reason, and is now using vulgarity to try and get me to stop asking what IOTA does
also doesn't want to tell me what IOTA does, and also is insulting me because Im asking what IOTA does

Seems to me that something suspicious is going on here. Why won't anybody answer my question?

>> No.10003869

You can do p2p communication or computations between any device low power or high power

>> No.10003873

there isn't a m2m currency that can simultaneously be used for p2p and b2b. you think volkswagen and bosch would invest in a meme?

>> No.10003878
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>> No.10003881
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>> No.10003899

Ok. Does it actually do that right now?
I asked you, goofball. I would like a community member to explain to me what IOTA does, and why a distributed ledger is necessary to accomplish that thing.
IOTA community also appears to like making fun of disabled (mentally retarded) people. Not very impressed so far.

>> No.10003902

Autonomous communications and collecting other non user input data

>> No.10003909

Again, the internet does that already. What else is there?

>> No.10003916

The internet can do that right now. Keep trying.

>> No.10003926

Maybe. It’s being developed and possibly patented, i don’t know what bosch is doing. It could be priced in already too.

>> No.10003929

we're not trying to impress you. go buy a shitcoin if you don't want to do your own due dilligence. there's entire 1-2 hour long interviews with David Sonstebo that will answer all your question that you aren't going to find on 4chan

>> No.10003939

Indeed it can, why is IOTA necessary to accomplish these things?
I am also curious if IOTA does these things right now, or if its a "future" type of thing.

Yet another refusal to explain simply what IOTA does right now. Very interesting.
Very interesting.

>> No.10003944
File: 113 KB, 1200x742, squirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww it sounds like you are confused. Here, take a look at this picture of a squirrel.

Isn't that one funny squirrel?

>> No.10003946

no, the internet does not come with a fee less instant crypto with a ledger that can be partitioned with machines. bitcoin cannot do that. nothing can but IOTA

>> No.10003951

IOTA is intended to be used in a M2M (machine2Machine) economy, when electronics like cars and whatnot turn smart, its also intended to be more secure than centralized systems and avoid mass DDoS attacks and data hacks. It will also offer a platform to buy/sell data on.

Thats all I know, and no I'm not in it becaues I think the team sucks.

>> No.10003959

Show me where? Autonomous tech has to rely on on-the-fly relevant sensory information, photo recognition information, position info, not just search engine queries. Distributed network would facilitate this process and make autonomous communication better

>> No.10003960

the coordinator.

>> No.10003967

what does any crypto do right now besides ICO's and sending/receiving a store of value? you really need to step your fud game up if you wanna weaken some hands

>> No.10003970

>nothing can but IOTA
Prove it?
Thanks, but again I am looking for what IOTA does right now.
I am already familiar with the marketing buzzwords. I would just like a community member to explain what IOTA does right now.
Less buzzwords, more honest communication. Explain why these things cant be accomplished with other software. Explain why a public ledger is necessary.
Explain how a distributed ledger facilitates the process and makes it 'better'.
Also does IOTA actually do that right now, or not?

>> No.10003975

so does qubic kill chainlink and smart contract platforms?

>> No.10003982

I'm not asking about other cryptos. Im asking about IOTA.
Why are you interested in changing the subject when somebody is trying to talk about IOTA in an IOTA thread?
Isn't that kind of weird?

>> No.10003990

Hey /biz! Let's all do research for >>10003970

Who wants to record themselves reading the white paper?

>> No.10003996

OK so basically IOTA doesn't do anything at the moment, and you bought promises.
Just admit it. It's okay. As other anon pointed out, what crypto does actually do anything?
It's okay that IOTA doesn't do anything.
Just say it...

IOTA doesn't do anything.

>> No.10003997

Why are you making me spoonfeed you retard? You answer my question where can we do what iota does and will do right now

>> No.10003998

chick on right is hottest girl ive ever seen

>> No.10004005

Do you go to every coin thread and ask what the coin does?

>> No.10004006

they say it does, but do they have any actual progress? they also say they're creating trinary computers but i've never seen a trinary computer yet.
honestly it looks exactly like another project (mobi) who just copied chainlinks architecture idea and says they're going to do it

>> No.10004010

That's weird, IOTA can't do any of those things. How many things can the internet do right now?

>> No.10004014

> >whataboutism

You’re the one asking: well what about the internet it can do all this too with some software right?

>> No.10004018

I don't need a record of somebody reading the whitepaper. I would just like somebody to casually explain what IOTA does right now.
Surely it can't be that difficult?
Sometimes. Sometimes I get a quick response, sometimes I encounter very fishy, shady behavior like several """"community members"""" who refuse to answer a very basic question like "what does your shitcoin do?"
Hi, we are talking about IOTA, not the internet. What does IOTA actually do? Please stay on the subject.

>> No.10004024
File: 97 KB, 1024x683, 6239C6B6-15A3-403B-9259-57C598BD6B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let our president explain to you how important general consensus is in IOT and how that can be ensured. After compare to IOTA foundations website. Thanks man. By the way, if it takes you too long to see it then it’s probably best you don’t be one of the early adopters.


>> No.10004031

Let me remind you that you are on 4chan. You may have better luck at your safespace on Plebbit.

>> No.10004044

Once again...not asking for a video full of marketing buzzwords. Just looking for somebody here in this thread to use their own words to describe what IOTA does at this moment in time.
Since you are replying to me, I assume you would like to converse again? Can you refute this statement?
>IOTA doesn't do anything


>> No.10004052

Almost as if IOT has the word internet in it. Hmm... probably because that is the consensus.

>> No.10004054

We have been conversing faggot.

>> No.10004056

> “Explain why these things cant be accomplished with other software.”

Stay on topic retard

>> No.10004080

is this a new form of trolling where you just annoy people by asking redundant questions instead of reading whitepapers and doing real research? is this meta trolling of the future?

>> No.10004092

So does IOTA actually do those things right now? Is that what IOTA does right now?
Have we finally arrived at the answer of what IOTA does? Are we there yet?
you're also homophobic? wow, that's really sad
grow up dude
but first, can you explain what IOTA does?>>10004080
>redundant questions
If you would answer the question I will stop asking it. It's that simple. What does IOTA do right now?

At the risk of expanding the debate, would you also care to explain how asking the IOTA community about what their coin does, constitutes "trolling"?

>> No.10004096

There’s anything but buzzwords. Its all ideas. I look on the website and see one example called “platooning”. If you can do this with the internet and some software why hasn’t anybody done it??? Stay retarded

>> No.10004099

>me on the right

>> No.10004104

I don't want ideas. I don't want to go to a website. I would like you to explain in as few words as possible, what IOTA does right now.

>> No.10004116

it's amazing how they can't cope with this.

>> No.10004117

This is called the "elephant in the room". The big problem that nobody will acknowledge or talk about.
In this case, the elephant is the fact that IOTA...well...it just doesn't do anything.

Evidence being this thread and the vehement refusal to explain the current status of the project.

In a word: yikes.

>> No.10004134

well right now its good for losing money, its in development dumbass, everything in crypto is. You either get in when the price is good or you sit around waiting for a release and buy the top.

>> No.10004135
File: 23 KB, 450x320, 54352622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Definitely this faggot's first time on 4chan.

>> No.10004137

>>amateur movie
>>no relation to Tesla
>>muh partnership

>> No.10004150

>if i pretend i'm not a discord raider they'll think i'm one of them

>> No.10004157

OK. So you say IOTA doesn't do anything and you are merely speculating. Thank you for being honest. I appreciate it, truly.
Watching you become more deranged and hostile with each reply has been truly entertaining, but my question still stands.
You can redeem your poor manners by answering it, or you can double down on the homophobia and tribalism. Up 2 u

>> No.10004161

Go DYOR faggot, you're not entitled to an answer.

>> No.10004164

>24 posts
>you're also homophobic?

IOTA stores and shares Data, there you go little nigger. Go spend thousand of dollars searching for random numbers somewhere else.

You are actually a female normie nigger

>> No.10004169

Topkek this has to be bait right?

>> No.10004172

I did start my conversation with you with a solid "Shut the fuck up." I'm not sure what you were expecting out of this.

>> No.10004182

we dont owe you shit, nor do we need your tiny investment that you never planned on making anyways so go back to your shitcoin threads where you don't need to do any research. by your definition, every crypto is shit because it isn't doing something RIGHT NOW

>> No.10004200

I'm just asking a simple question in the IOTA thread. You don't need to answer, but your hostility is uncalled for.
>IOTA stores and shares Data
So it does that right now? That's pretty cool, but we've got stuff that does that already. Why does it need to be a distributed ledger again? Help me out here.
My expectations for this thread as exactly as limited as IOTA's current capabilities, apparently.
I never implied that you owed me anything. I'm just asking a very simple question. What does IOTA do, in your own words

>> No.10004228

Data integrity but yes theres a problem between the utility case and having investment value like i said earlier

I dont even own iota. This question applies to almost everything in crypto space

>> No.10004232

>he just found out that cryptos are speculative assets right now

we're betting on which ones will have FUTURE use cases you fucking mongoloid. it's like you aren't even pretending to be retarded, you actually are.

>> No.10004249

OK. Do IOTA doesn't actually do anything, and you are just here to gamble that it ...might. Someday. You hope.

Thanks for the answer. I knew you would spit it out eventually. It's really like pulling teeth sometimes, wow.

>> No.10004260

wrong, replace IOTA with Crypto in general and you'll be correct.

>> No.10004267

>Why does it need to be a distributed ledger again?
Go ask this exact same question any DLT you retarded nigger. The whole fucking point is to automate everything on a protocol in which you can trust everything you read. The real problem is oracles. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.10004272

>Do IOTA doesn't actually do anything
Bahahaha please learn proper grammar before you decide to continue to "converse."

>> No.10004274

Do consumers actually give a shit about integrity of the data being shared between their devices? Why would we need a public ledger if users don't give a shit? If data integrity is only valuable to manufacturers, why would they bother with a public ledger?
Oh geeze my head is really spinning now. This sure is some rabbit hole isn't it?
We're talking about IOTA. Try to keep up.
Suicide is no joking matter. Please try to keep it civil.

>> No.10004289
File: 8 KB, 278x181, 43E10962-7DD5-4C61-A596-FBD68654208D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For it to do something useful it needs a network doing something useful, the irony, wow my mind is blown i should smoke some weed and share this with some hot girls to show them how profound i am

>> No.10004291

>He made a typo! I got him!
Nice one, buddy.
But can you explain what IOTA does right now?

>> No.10004314
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1478743235797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now im 100% sure you aren't that retarded you are just trolling because you probably lost money and hate IOTA because of your past mistakes. really obvious now that you single out IOTA for being a speculative asset when the entire market is the same way

>> No.10004323

Ok genius, lets design autonomous products with skewed data. Oh yea better yet lets spend our budget on mapping everything all the real world data out, after all we know more about use cases than our end users. Better yet only we will have access to this data and we may or may not let you use it

>> No.10004325

You wouldn't understand if I told it to you. Let's begin with the basics: A typo implies it's a spelling error. You made a grammatical error.

Focus on your Summer school before you get into crypto, you could really use the education.

>> No.10004357

>asking what a shitcoin does in a thread where people are talking about that shitcoin is "trolling"
That doesn't really make much sense, sorry.
Somehow we landed on the moon and made naval railguns without blockchain technology to verify the integrity of data and measurements. This is kind of a whole different debate (and a much more interesting one). I'm really just looking for people to explain what IOTA does at the moment, and I think you already tried to give me a concise answer earlier.
>He made a grammatical error. I've got him now!
Very impressive.
Bu can you explain what IOTA does right now?

>> No.10004376

>But can you explain what X does right now?
I am also going to collect (You) in other threads with that now.

>> No.10004380

this pic is impressive. But iota is still overvalued at $1. Maybe I will buy some in a month.

>> No.10004385

Thread summary based on my investigation:

>IOTA doesn't really do anything at the moment.
>IOTA community is here to speculate on future price movements, and that's pretty much it.
>IOTA community doesn't personally have any idea what IOTA does, but does have several links to resources which supposedly explain it (they don't).
>IOTA community doesn't like being asked what IOTA does, at all, and quickly resorts to homophobic and racist insults directed at people who try to ask them about their project.

I can see I'm not going to get much more out of you folks. Good luck with your shitcoin, and goodnight.

>> No.10004395

even though I know you're trolling, i'll pretend you aren't for a second.

you're missing the whole point. the only reason we are in crypto right now this early is because it's speculative in nature and does virtually nothing but send/receive transactions. if it wasn't a speculative market right now, we wouldn't be in it for money because there would be not that much money left to be made due to it already being adopted. we know crypto does nothing right now, that's why it's so cheap, because it might do something in the future. is it gambling? yeah sort of, and we don't give a fuck.

>> No.10004399

Alright OP. Your persistance is admirable.

IOTA is an open-source distributed ledger (cryptocurrency) focused on providing secure communications and payments between machines on the Internet of Things. Using directed acyclic graph (DAG) technology instead of the traditional blockchain, IOTA's transactions are free regardless of the size of the transaction, confirmations times are fast, the number of transactions the system can handle simultaneously is unlimited, and the system can easily scale.

>> No.10004407

I did a lot of research when Iota had a lot of problems and now it's seems flawless for the transactions and a bright future so I'v baught my bags.

Thanks for the arguments guys

>> No.10004412

>homophobic and racist

damnit i thought there was a small chance this wasn't bait but now im 110% sure it is

>> No.10004428
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, 28A2501C-6EC3-402A-801F-91D7AD941D0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once told myself I wouldn’t share this considering how few people know at this point in time but some of you seem genuinely interested in the technology.


>> No.10004486
File: 1.60 MB, 990x992, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 6.28.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is written by people so convinced of their own technical superiority, they emulated ternary/trinary systems on binary ones for no gain whatsoever, designed their own cryptographic schemes on top of this, and in doing so have exposed themselves to all sorts of flaws that any sensible developer could have avoided by using something well understood and battle hardened.

It's a sign of rank amateurism, and it's a sign of incompetent and arrogant software developers. They must know by now that IOTA's tangle does not work; that is why they need a central Coordinator -- and, with that, the tangle itself is entirely pointless. Their whitepaper is intentionally hiding that fact under a ton of irrelevant stuff, including a ton of probability theory (which may be the only thing the inventor was competent in), the ternary arithmetic, etc. The sensible path is always to deliver the functionality you're looking for in as safe and standard a way as possible. There is nothing about what IOTA are trying to deliver that requires novel computing or novel cryptographic approaches.

If IOTA ever gains any sort of market penetration they should expect it to be compromised in all sorts of different ways, as not only have they used their own algorithms and their own constructions but there's bound to be all sorts of oracles built into their ternary emulation.

>> No.10004494

what about it? i thought qubix was public knowledge already

>> No.10004509

IOTA has never been compromised since it's inception.

>> No.10004525
File: 35 KB, 720x736, Blank+_ecb6659e6a2c58f20ef10230da155088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They must know by now that IOTA's tangle does not work; that is why they need a central Coordinator

>> No.10004561 [DELETED] 

Yes, it has.

>> No.10004563

It's theranos of crypto. Nothing actually works, they keep their system barely functional only by using a centralized server. It's never going to change. Pure hype.

>> No.10004574

Yes it has.

>> No.10004606

no it hasn't. not the consensus protocol itself. no one has been hacked by just holding off of an exchange without a compromised seed

>> No.10004644
File: 322 KB, 1778x1334, 0F31DF40-902C-4A82-B4AC-B5F46A60BC62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10004684
File: 9 KB, 175x175, 6435E758-25D2-428E-9D96-CD659E3729FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the #1 top 40 performing coin right now?

>> No.10004793

You are as annoying as every retarded fud poster by the way. You are spamming every IOTA thread with the same pictures and text. Threads would be better without you.

>> No.10004826

Motherfucking kek
Poor assblasted shills, they didn't stand a chance.

>> No.10005184

Private and government funded endeavors that don’t offer benefit to regular people except for satellites which did not require people to land on the moon

>> No.10005745

I'd bet 5k that OP wouldn't be able to get at her.