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10001862 No.10001862 [Reply] [Original]

Saw thread yesterday and want to know more, what's going to happen to the value of the British pound after Brexit if there's no deal?

>> No.10001881

Mega pump! British empire 2.0


>> No.10002389

Slight drop then an inevitable recovery

>> No.10002522

two big to fail, if it comes a shit show then we will become the 51st state.America wont see us fail for economic and defence reasons

>> No.10002577

It will rise of course as Britain escapes the evilz EUSSR.

>> No.10002995
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>> No.10003210
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Ennit comrade.

>> No.10004231

Dip the huge pump. Dip to stop out the weak minded then puuuuump because the reality is the U.K. remains more important than Europe in virtually every field except dodging bars of soap

>> No.10004976


>> No.10005325

> no deal
hahaha truth is anon, this will be a brexit in name only. In reality, you cant escape the customs union and with that the single market and with that no control of border and immigration. Even the dumbfuck brexiteers realized that NI is an unmovable obstacle. Even the dumbfuck brexiteers realized that the minute May opened her big fat cocksucking mouth to trigger A20 with no plan for how to move forward, all was lost by default. Remember the SE Act, the Lisbon treaty, EC enlargement act 73'? Your vote doesn't matter and no real exit will happen. History will repeat itself and the retards who voted for this shit and "MUH BORDERS, MUH BUREAUCRACY, MUH NHS" are in for a rude awakening.

>> No.10005332

Tether up and wait

>> No.10005359
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Thank you Comrade. I now open the floor to any brother (or sister, thank you Judith) about the quality of toilet paper management have imposed on us

>> No.10005432

meanwhile, 6 months to go and we are euphoric whenever thatcher in the rye here finds the strength not to totally shart herself during PMQs. At this rate we might as well hand it to Corby and let him nationalize the vaginal pathways or whatever the fuck hes got planned up there in his little brain

>> No.10005494
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I'm pretty sure Jezza is up for a harder brexit than the tories are

>> No.10005547

yeah Im sure he is (disregarding all obstacles for a sec). Problem is, hes not gonna leave it at that. You can expect a "capitalexit" on top. How thats gonna work is anyone's guess

>> No.10005594
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The same way it always does! With us having to beg off the IMF again

>> No.10005628

well fuck me, might as well then. The despair might get some good bands going, get rid of the simon cowell shite then. The chairmans got my vote