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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10000356 No.10000356 [Reply] [Original]

For fucks sake, this year is at a -75% LOSS and its halfway over. Im so fucking sick of this shit. Never again am I touching this manipulated dog crap, even if btc goes up to 8k again by some miracle Im selling everything.

Wasted half my fucking year trading this shit each day and its worse off than it was in FUCKING FEBRUARY.

>> No.10000377

Why did you think it would go up? Where the adoption or rumours of it to justify the prices going up? Btc is less useful now then it was a year ago yet its twice the price

>> No.10000397


institutional buyers, banking licenses, all that shit. but I havent seen a damn thing to reflect it. btc is just switching hands from being manipulated on chinese exchanges to now give instiutions a chance to sell it off too.

Its all a fucking ponzi scheme. There is no use case for this shit. lightning network/atomic swaps/all those buzz words havent been repeated since Nov 2017.

>> No.10000404



>> No.10000413

Core ruined BTC. All in smart contract coins now!

>> No.10000424

Yeah right all in faggot good luck with your life

>> No.10000433 [DELETED] 

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell??!?!?!

>> No.10000437

Its only real use is drugs and even that took a major hit with the loss of alphabay/hansa/clearnet rc's and reddit purging all drug boards

>> No.10000443

Buy BCH you stupid fucks

>> No.10000470

i would not care it going down even more - my biggest prob is that i have to pay taxes next month and if i do - i will almost have to sell 75% of all my coins i have. should have at least cashed out my taxes last months. hinsight sucks.

>> No.10000976 [DELETED] 

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell??!?!?!

>> No.10001028

You need to get out more