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10000339 No.10000339 [Reply] [Original]

What's everyone accumulating for the next bull run? Only brain chads allowed please.

My picks and short justification. I'm a mid caps guy so I don't go much outside of top 100, but feel free to point out good smallcap projects. Please justify, don't shill like a pajeet. Basically, if you go on /r/cc then don't post ITT cause you're probably retarded

Pro: Obvious to anyone who matters: fixed supply SC platform that's immutable and has high hash rate. Big money interest as well and hedge against ETH
Con: Can't think of any right now

Pro: Consistently good price action and trading interest. Huge volatility, always goes up when BTC goes up but at 10x the speed
Con: They released their mainnet, so hype may slow down now that they need a working product

Pro: Good political positioning with significant influence around people that matter
Con: The token is borderline useless and the success of the project does not need to translate in the price increase of 0x token

Pro: Agile team that will benefit if ETH continues to get attention
Con: It's built on ETH

Pro: Good political positioning, only relevant privacy coin with a fixed supply cap
Con: Can't think of any (Monerofags stfu; we're talking about investing here not philosophy)

Pro: It's obviously a monster of a blockchain that will stomp on much of the blockchain but I expect everyone who'd post ITT already has EOS and is looking for new investments
Cons: Nothing really

>Huobi Token
Pro: Huobi is doing well and the token is not as high in mcap as BNB
Con: Huobi is mainly for China

Anyone else?

>> No.10000373


>> No.10000405

Unironically think those are good picks. I’m not as confident about etc though. It is going to get dumped hard once coinbase opens trading for it but maybe it will go up later with coinbases index fund. Is there any development on that Blockchain?

It’s possible for eth to lose to this next generation of block chains eos, TRON, Cardano. If that’s the case, etc doesn’t stand a chance.

>> No.10000421

Would like to add ZenCash. Their node model makes it so that whatever you put in will provide a more significant ROI than most other options out there. Price of ZenCash could be at 0.1$ or 1000$ and you would still profit from running a node. However, this is assuming that the price does not crash within a 20-50% margin after the point you paid for the node and ROI'd. The supply is fairly limited and restricted. And it will be the first platform with a privacy focus at the core. Personally have enough for one super node.

>> No.10000426
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The one and only chad coin is FUN

>> No.10000440

>. It is going to get dumped hard once coinbase opens trading for it
Meh, nothing in comparisong to how many normies will buy the "new Etheriuum" that ius only $20 instead of $1000

>. Is there any development on that Blockchain?

Yes, they have multiple teams working on ETC, including IOHK that builds Cardano

>> No.10000446

im big on ETC too.. its POW, limited supply.. Also cuckbase listing

.. Getting tired of scam ICO that ppl print out of thin air

>> No.10000450

>eos, TRON, Cardano.
Tron is not great and Cardano is too far from deploying their SC plotform. EOS is the only real competitor out of these, but ZIL is coming too

>> No.10000456


>> No.10000460

This isn’t 2017. What normies are still using coinbase and are going to buy the “new cheap eth” ?

>> No.10000463


Op is a brainlet.

ETH>ETC. Bc when these dapps start working the network will get crushed and the price will moon. Until something like iexec fixes it.

Tron: Justin Son is a chink scammer... but he also just bought BitTorrent if that ends up meaning anything.

EOS is centralized garbage with way too much bullshit surrounding it and wild claims.

Huobi: is hoping it’s the next binance or bittrex... right

>> No.10000483

I've seen people talk about ZenCash but don't know much about it. I'll read more about it but why would it be better than Zcash? I don't think the "guaranteed profits" and master nodes are enough to build a narrative

>> No.10000495

No one buys now, but normies will be back at $15k

>> No.10000505

Damn it anon, I said no /r/cc cucks. Get your pajeet ass out of here

>> No.10000530

Justification? None of these seem anything else than shitcoins

>> No.10000539


Not saying guaranteed profits, but guaranteed ROI over your ZEN. This is a large thread I shilled in the past >>9910211

> why would it be better than Zcash?

I don't feel like they are trying to be better than anyone. They are setting themselves up to become a private econ-system rather than a privacy currency or just a privacy platform. The founders reward also goes to a treasury with liquid democracy (through DAO) which is being developed by IOHK (and later will be used by Cardano). Along with that it is getting the same SEC accredited fund ETC is getting.


Quite worth to DYOR on. I am 50/50 ETC/ZEN right now.

>> No.10000557

Thanks anon, interesting points

>> No.10000579

>Con: Can't think of any (Monerofags stfu; we're talking about investing here not philosophy)
Actually, 51% of the hash rate belonging to one pool along with being a US-based company is pretty bad

>> No.10000601


Zencash is shit. It was just 51% attacked like 3 weeks ago.

>> No.10000624

That doesn't really matter in the long term if they have a roadmap to fix it. They're not even top 100. Anyone who's not merge mining with BTC and uses PoW and is not in top 50 can be 51% attacked

>> No.10000629
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>first "3.0" blockchain on mainnet
>doing more than anything else to incentivize development/adoption, already more dapps than ethereum (check nebulas incentive program)
>best whitepaper since ethereum
>world star team. CEOs backround: Founder of AntShares (NEO), the former Director of Ant Financial's Blockchain Platform (Alibaba’s financial arm) and part of Google's Search & Anti-Fraud team.
>Nebulas rank: self-evolving community driven algorithm that will rank the value of each distributed application based on the value exchange. ranking system will be determined by assessing liquidity, propagation of assets, and the interoperability etc. Nebulas will measure how frequent, fast, and large the transactions are alongside how connected the Dapp is to the rest of the blockchain world making it easier to find useful blockchain projects.
Can't understate how important this will be as the space matures, and nas is the first mover. This feature is where the "google of blockchain" comparison arises.
And this all ties in perfectly to developer/adoption incentive:
>Valuable Dapps on the Nebulas blockchain will be rewarded through the developer incentives program. Every week the developers of the highest ranking Dapps will receive rewards. This will encourage new developers to use the Nebulas ecosystem and should encourage loyalty amongst current developers who should favour maintaining the network for their best interest
>Nebulas Force will make for flexible blockchain development allowing for changes to be made without a Hard Fork occurring.

>> No.10000635
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ADA, ICX, BLZ, IOTX, ZIL, XEM (If it gets really low), ONT, XLM, DCR and RHOC

>> No.10000636

forgot to mention great token metrics and a marketcap of only 250m

>> No.10000640
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>> No.10000643


And for the long term this is a none issue. Notice that "they got attacked". Nobody on ZenCash side screwed up or realistically had any chance to stop it from happening. They also have a consensus change in the works:


>> No.10000713

Iotx? Guys?

>> No.10000825

why should 0x go up in value

>> No.10000833 [DELETED] 

For me the big issue isn't longterm though, my dreamgirl streams on Twitch and she's not a donation whore by any means, but sometimes she misses streams to take extra shifts at her job and sometimes jokes "anyone out there feel like paying my rent for the next few months?" She only has 30-50 viewers and those comments are meant completely in jest, but it's always been my dream to be able to say "sure!" and she gets the donation notification and reads "agreeablebit has just tipped 10 thousand dollars?!" "oh my god I wasn't being serious, oh please you didn't have to.." and just breaks down crying as I tell her don't worry about it, it's not a lot of money to me but I know how much this can help you, you should be doing this a career and if this helps you devote yourself full time it's money well spent.

And I don't become pushy or feel demanding of her time after that, but I do try to initiate some conversations over skype, and our sense of humor just clicks and she notices the guitar in the background and asks if I play and I brush it off, and she's all "oh please, serenade me!" and does the joking puppy dog eyes thing and I sigh all right, and pick it up and while I could play super advanced classical guitar concertos that would be trying to hard, and I instead do a silly laid back improvised classic disney medley with fun jazz elements, and she ends up singing along, and I adjust my playing to compliment her voice and own phrasing with the subtle subtext that I would be as responsive to her as a lover..... and we end up agreeing to meet and well...a gentleman never...

But that will never fucking happen if this fucking bear market never ends, what the fucking hell??!?!?!

>> No.10000941

If you interested in ETC then look at Ellaism. It is like ETC without DAO hacked. But it running by one anon dev for now.

>> No.10001217

Want to add MSR.

It's a bit of a risk since nobody really knows the future of privacy coins but the community is very active and development is steady.

>> No.10001273
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Nobody here holding ARK? V2 code currently in public testing phase before mainnet launch.
V2 will be the foundation of mass push deployable blockchains. Excellent modular code with 16 program languages and native smart contracts + integrated solidity virtual machine. Dpos (passive income, low energy use democratic consensus)

This will be copyable and free to whoemever wants a solid blockchain to develop their project from. (No more Erc20 bs tokens). All these chains will also be linked with smartbrides to Ark which can provide interoperability and exchange access.

Ark also connects with other more established blockhains such as BTC, Eth and Zcash (current connections).

Also not overpriced, strong capable dev team, connections to swiss university and advising France in blockchain regulation. Great community.

Might take a while before youll see profit though, but longterm I see ark as a node linking the entire blockchain together, as well as being a wordpress for blockchain.

>> No.10001290

XLM/Stellar Lumens. I accumulated quite a bit in January, and they're worth less than half now.

>> No.10001289
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Sorry meant to do this (pic related)

>> No.10001305

If you think aion partnering with td bank and deloitte makes it a shot coin, you won't make it

>> No.10001322


Succes depends on if they become a major ico platform. Its a risk.

>> No.10001468

Yes & BAT / NAS

>> No.10001490

>As good buys

Jesus you people really are retards

>> No.10001497


They just released the newest Ethereum scaling solution.

They started with 5 smart contracts two weeks ago, today they have over 40 due to all refactoring we had to do.

The total lines of code are 7,200 while 18,700 lines of code for tests. Ratio of 2.6.

>> No.10001513

I actually got 9k LOOM as it got absolutely slaughtered. Same for AION - grabbed a bag of 2500 of it.

Both are solid midcaps that should rebound in a few weeks tops. I'll then sell ~40% of the stack for immediate gains and keep the other 60%.

ZIL is pretty good at the moment too.

>> No.10001557

Elaborate on why etc isn't a good buy.

>> No.10001569

HPB next antshares

>> No.10001591

ipsx, i wanna buy them all