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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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937030 No.937030 [Reply] [Original]

Post your simple/small/stupid questions here, ONCE.
This thread is for all questions that don't deserve their own thread
DO NOT BUMP THE THREAD, You are NOT entitled to an answer.

Read the sticky before posting.
Take at least 10 seconds to google it first

I'll start

>How many of the world's total population has debt?

>> No.937278

>How many of the world's total population has debt?
i don't know how you could guess that. would have to be most

if you have a rental property, is there a good estimate of what percentage of the rent you collect that you should set aside for maintenance?

>> No.937289

Suppose I were to found an IT startup.

Unpaid intern: Good idea or bad idea? What are the ups and downs?

Now, assume the intern is a close friend with no relevant skills that will be trained/learning on the fly. What are the risks / hidden costs?

>> No.937292

>if you have a rental property, is there a good estimate of what percentage of the rent you collect that you should set aside for maintenance?
Depends how much the property you are renting out costs

>> No.937294

i wouldnt hire friends or family, if you do ensure you both are on the same page about payment, hours, what he can do without supervision, who is in charge, etc

>> No.937295
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How can I get rich quick with not that much work?

>> No.937296

>suck dicks
>mooch off friends business
>frugal lifestle

>> No.937299
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I have $1,500 and am a poor fag (18 years old). 20k debt after dropping out of Uni a year in due to mental illness, currently trying to get free gov treatment but its not going well. What can I do to make money with the $1,500 I have? I live in Northern NJ, will be moving to NY soon, five people total in a cramped one bedroom apartment. I don't have the head on my shoulders to go back to Uni right now despite the intelligence, when I'm not fighting the urge to do every drug known to man or to go do something crazy while manic, I'm dealing with a form of depression that just immobilizes me. I know, take care of my head first, but I need to take action and use the money to my benefit now before I blow it all on pot, shrooms, acid, video games, and the like.

>> No.937300

invest, mutual funds, bonds, CD
preferable something you can touch so when you are going crazy or depressed

>> No.937302


>> No.937303

Thanks anon, good idea.

One of my friends claims to have been making money by shorting biggest losers on the NASDAQ and NYSE recently, opened a TD Ameritrade account for no money, put in $5,000 and got to work. He won't say how much he's made exactly but he has been buying a few newer nice things, like a new adjustable weight lifting set, Wii U, Pax Vape, some other random stuff.

Is he just BSing? Some of the stocks I noticed tend to bounce up a bit but it just seems like lucky speculation. Might be lying about profits.

>> No.937307

dont go stocks, if you have emotional instability you need something set in stone and you cant undo CD maybe indexs look into it more

>> No.937312

Ok I have literally only 1.1k in the bank. What is my best choice to help make this money grow? I am only really willing to use about 300-400 of it. I do not have a job, and I am doing full time student at the moment.

>> No.937313

most people test a trade theory for 6 months before they take it live. you need experience trading before you just "copy what a friend does"

>> No.937319

>Crete/invent something people at you school need want

>> No.937330

I'm interested in using bonds as a safe way to add to my portfolio. Trying to decide between actual bonds, bond etf/mutual fund. I've read through all the info I can find about a particular bond etf but I'm not understanding of what the annual/semi-annual dividend is. Like it doesn't say anywhere, whether I read through the technicals or historic data. Where can I find this? Can anyone give me an example and point it out for me?

>> No.937334

>you cant undo CD
are you retarded? you lose a little of the interest at worst if you withdraw early

>> No.937335

your share of the interest payments from the bonds the fund owns. what is confusing you?

dont buy individual bonds: the denominations are huge and the current bankruptcy environment makes it the worst time in history to be undiversified

>> No.937340

thats exactly why he should do a cd, he is emotionally unstable, he he can just pull out atany time he will, A CD is perfect because it will force him to either keep it in or lose money you dumbfuck

>> No.937343
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Let's say I invest 10k into the ETF VGIT. What would the amount & frequency of the dividends be? Do I look at dividend yield or monthly dividend?

>> No.937345

why would you recommend indexes for someone who wants illiquid assets, and again, you dont lose money undoing a cd, you just make less profit.

>> No.937350

10k gets you roughly 153 shares, which is about $14 per month of dividends.

I dont know yahoo's dividend yield policy but it's close enough to the monthly dividend *12 / share price that I assume it's what they're doing. The math roughly checks out.

The dividend yield is calculated from past data while the monthly dividend is probably contractual, so I would use that value for determining dividend

>> No.937358

How did you arrive at $14/mo dividend? Sorry if I'm retarded, but what's the calculation for that?

So in one year I'd have (14*12)+10k original.. Assuming the price remains unchanged. That parts simple enough.

>> No.937508

how do you find stocks to invest in? i mean, there are thousands, how do you dig through the mountain to find the few you want to invest in?

ausfag here if it makes any difference

>> No.937541

I just do like Peter Lynch says - invest in what you know

>> No.937548
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Is it best to have a pending patent BEFORE disclosing any business ideas involving my invention?

I have been sent legal information about a firm - upon request - from a company that could help me out, but, I have yet to finish my patent due to a monetary shortage.

Should I send my information about my invention to them, or wait until I have the patent information?

>>pic related

>> No.937556

i want to meet locally to talk about investment/small business stuff. how do i find local groups like that.

i'm in the jacksonville, fl area if anyone knows any there

>> No.937591
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You should have a Chamber of Commerce in your town, over here (Yalie over here) that's where all business go, large or small, to discuss whatever.


>> No.937807

n-no bully

>> No.937833


What is wrong with the site?

>> No.937936

I've posted this in /adv/ but since that board is full of nothing but people with relationship problems, there's not harm in trying here.

I'm a first year maths student in a pretty solid UK uni (top 20-30, Russell Group), in 4 years I'll graduate with a Masters in maths. After looking at my options, I want to get into either research or finance, although I've been meaning to look into banking.

Long story short, I just want info, I need to know either what I can do to help my chances, or plain and simply what I need to do to get where I want, even just links to good info will help, although I'll happily take any options on the career paths I've listed. Does anyone have anything?

>> No.937949

usually people use lmgtfy to say you're a fucking idiot

>> No.937952
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Is it a viable idea to make some money on the side by doing accounting for friends with businesses? I studied accounting and I know a few guys who are running small firms. I could work on weekends.

>> No.937962

Can I build my credit score while using a debit card?

>> No.938139

I'm looking into contracting. As a young guy with no experience that may not even graduate, where do I start? How much money do I need? Can I just start small to get experience or do I need to work for someone else?

>> No.938143

No. Debit cards come straight out of your bank account. No borrowing involved.

>> No.938177

Ask your friends obviously. Most small businesses contract an accountant.

>> No.938192

It's literally just a tool to spend money. That's it. If you're looking for a first credit card, consider a secured one or one for students, if you're in college.

>> No.938209

>How did you arrive at $14/mo dividend?
The monthly dividend is quoted on a per/share basis. So 9.2 cents for every share you own. 153 shares x $0.092 = $14 and change.

The dividend yield is quoted as a percentage of your total investment on an annual basis. So with a $10K investment, you'd receive about $162 each year, or about $13 and change monthly.

The numbers are different because they are merely estimates, based off prior year results and current holdings. Holdings in the ETF will change from day to day as the fund engages in trading activity, so it's impossible to precisely predict the dividends.

Vanguard, and most other funds, pay bond dividends monthly.

>> No.938219

Do Vanguard mutual funds/ Roth IRA pay dividends? Been looking at moving mine from statefarm to there.

How can I learn more about options trading and ETF trading?

Also what can I read to learn how to do proper DD on stocks etc?

>> No.938272

All mutual funds pay dividends if the stocks they own pay dividends (or if the bonds they own pay interest). Vanguard is no different.

If you look closely at the fund disclosures (often labelled the fund prospectus) you will find information on the historical (past) dividends of the fund. This is not a guarantee of the exact amount of future payments, of course, but should give you some idea of what you can expect from the fund going forward.

ETFs are meant to be long-term investments. I don't even know what "ETF trading" is supposed to mean.

I don't recommend options or individual stock buying to new investors. There's reams of academic evidence that these are losing strategies for the vast majority of those who try them. I won't be a hypocrite and say these are always a bad idea, but I can't imagine a scenario where these make sense for someone just starting to build their portfolio.

>> No.938308


Don't dig and search then. Buy broad index funds, diversify your risk over many stocks at once.

Most of these funds are denominated in Australian dollars:


>> No.938311


Get more of it by working. Compounding on 300-400 is going to take longer than you have to live to be worthwhile.

Earn more and read up on IRA's, especially Roth IRA's because the tax reduction from traditional IRA's won't mean shit to you with a low yearly income.

>> No.938560

Is investopedia any good to learn stock analysis methods and what not?

Or learn anything for that matter?

>> No.938611

How can i make my idea a reality.
plastic object + electronics inside of it.
Where would one get the design made in CAD (that's "learnable") or how do i know if the plastic or whatever object is the best available in terms of cost vs effectiveness vs durability.
Or where can i learn whats the best electronic components that can go in my object?

>> No.938694

it's good for explaining stock terms