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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 8 KB, 399x399, hLZCo1dn_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9250226 No.9250226 [Reply] [Original]

>thought i bought the dip
>already down almost 40% in 2 days

What the fuck did i just buy

jesus fuck is there any true believers in this or did i just get pajeeted hard

>> No.9250249
File: 1014 KB, 1152x864, 1525306541980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got pajeeted m80

>> No.9250267

Pajeeted. Should have sold the pump my dude. Not bought the dump.

>> No.9250334

Is it dead?

>> No.9250358

Looking forward to the holochain suicide threads.
Congrats retard you bought the bags of the day

>> No.9250403

desu this is a real project, I still think it could be x20

>> No.9250487
File: 109 KB, 887x553, UUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grateful for the initial posts here and that I got in at 20 sats, but i'm tired of this shit. Read their goddamn medium and wait for new exchanges. They're 8 months ahead of schedule, entirely funded by VC, and rock solid VC at that. There's big heads surrounding this project. pic related.

>> No.9250573

so are you holding if it goes down to 10 sats?

back to back -15% days is very concerning

any way i appreciate the info, ill look into it more

>> No.9250585

First of all, none of these faggots have any kind of backing arguments for their shitty claims.

UUU is actually one of the most legit low cap projects out there. No ICO, shit tons of money from big investors. New exchange coming soon. They start serious marketing after the alpha is ready to go beta. And if you check the second latest medium post, there are many big names testing their alpha: "Additionally, participants include several prominent project founders, including VeChain founder Yang Lu, Factom China director Zeen, Ontology founder Jun Li, Genaro Network founder Larry, OracleChain founder Lao Lang, U Network technical advisor and NKN founder (formally Onchain co-founder) Yanbo Li". People who are dumping this right now are inpatient weak handed brainlets who think they can make better gains in already-mooned-HOLO-like projects. This is 20m cap project with actual 100x potential by EoY. Enjoy missing this out and regretting your whole life your shitty decision or get in and be the anon who is actually making it here.

>> No.9250614

got in at 18 and got out at 52 sat. thx for buying my bags

>> No.9250632

This will ressurect EOY but it was a PnD for about 4 days.

>> No.9250659

A dump is normal after an initial pump like that. Holding long. Chinese steemit plus good partnership make it an easy 100x

>> No.9250672

LOL @ that logo, can't believe there were actually people who fell for this :')

>> No.9250687

>"big heads"

>> No.9250689

Pajeet wins again
I have a feeling HOLO fags will have the same fate
It may be a good project, but something seems off with it

>> No.9250992

Jesus wait 2 months. There’s insane accumulation happening right now.

>> No.9251083

>Seems off
Yea like multiple glaring red flags lol

>> No.9251122


If something is too good to be true you should just go for it.

>> No.9251173


Will all just kindly do the fucking needful already? Thanks.

>> No.9251232

Longer it pumps, the harder it will dump. Whales WILL sell off because it will be at 100x ICO. Easy cash out and making it. Why would anyone hold onto Holo when there won't be thousands of apps running on Holochain until mid 2019 or later. No way they have tons of shit running in the next few months. Good project, but it's being pumped like no other. It will crash just the same.

>> No.9251328

wow solid advice bro 100%

>> No.9251346

The charts don't lie and this is unsustainable
I do wish i got in during the first shill but.... who fuckin knew. Was a big gamble that i wasn't going to risk.

I remember BNB was pumping for like 3 weeks straight
>Binance is the best fucking exchange retard (it is)
>It won't dump, people need BNB token to trade
Now look at it, dump / decline back to floor
It always happens

>> No.9251932
File: 610 KB, 419x560, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our time will come OP, just be patient

>> No.9252119
File: 817 KB, 825x464, UUU-dream-land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see our time

>> No.9252244

Same here op.
Starting to get the pajeeted feeling
My worst performing alt in weeks
>tfw that smartass anon who set a buy order at 35 sats was actually right