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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8901349 No.8901349 [Reply] [Original]

Successanon here

To all the linkies: you're going to get your singularity, and then you're going to fuck yourselves and regret it for the rest of your lives

Allow me to explain

Chainlink is likely being bankrolled or at least greatly helped by their not-so-well hidden development partners

Once word gets out about all these partnerships, you will get your singularity...and then a 6-12 month slow bleed in price

If you sell then you deserve to be poor while the investors with granite hands get rich

The development/early utilizers will get link OTC and will never drive the price of your link up

Once they get announced the "singularity" will be driven by the same impatient, dumb, emotional, speculative investor class that you are

The price will spike, but real secondary users (aside from those that have been in from the ground floor) will take MONTHS to become aware, modify systems to work with nodes etc.

Those users, not the small fish who will cause the singularity FOMO spike, will be the ones to take you to lamboland

Don't believe me? I don't care. The fact that you're dumb is why its so easy for me to make money

If you were smart you would have looked at historic examples of exactly this kind of thing like pic related and prepared yourself mentally for the long hold (for reference, the ETH "singularity" was may 2016)

If you REALLY want to join the league of fucking winners, think a step ahead of that

If you've made the mental commitment to hold through a coming 5-50x price spike and a long, slow bleed of 50-80% of that ATH, then you need to think about the really big game

Poor people who get fast money have their lives destroyed by it

The only people who get large amounts of money and who benefit from it are those that use the money to buy their own time and use the money to avoid personal inconvenience

That means that you'll still be a loser if you are one now; you'll be a rich loser who is paranoid about people using you for your money

>> No.8901353

Now time for you to add the last piece of the puzzle: knowing all of the above, what should you be doing RIGHT NOW?

I'm waiting.

>> No.8901360

>redditspacing the thread

>> No.8901449

I expect nothing less from /biz/

>> No.8901496


>> No.8901550

research what will use LINK -- sell LINK when you feel its high enough and invest in those projects

>> No.8901577

Not investment wise, life wise

If you knew you would be getting a huge amount of money in the next 24 months, what would you do? If you really, genuinely knew?

>> No.8901614

I'd figure out where to put my money/how best to let it grow on its own but also have a budget for myself. probs find one or two lawyers too

>> No.8901642

>not selling the top and rebuying even more

nice larp btw, also oraclechain will make LINK obsolete before it releases

>> No.8901730


More important: All of the people I know with truly high net worths ($100mm or more) have one problem: they have no way of knowing if someone genuinely likes them or not

Nearly all successful wealthy people keep those who supported them before they had money very, very close

>> No.8901846

You sound like a faggot

>> No.8901867

Good point. Ive already got my best friend and fiancee, both of whom ive known for 8 years. Neither know about the 10 linkies im holding (its gonna 100,000x and then ill be a millionaire)

>> No.8901887


>> No.8901924

How to know when link captures x% of API economy so I know if it's undervalued/overvalued?

>> No.8902007

1. you sound like a know-it-all faggot
2. why not sell at the peak and rebuy after this hypothetical 6-12 month price bleed?
3. you could cash out 10-20% to take profits and enjoy your bounty. you're acting like people will sell everything at the peak and never touch it again

>> No.8902032

For some this will be their first large investment success

That is exactly what they are at risk of doing

>> No.8902068

Thanks OP, you are making me do some thinking. You helped out one investment noob.

>> No.8902080

Comparing Ethereum and ChainLink, you've got some nerve.
Ethereum was revolutonary and the tech-savvy knew it. ChainLink isn't. Yes, muh oracle problem, everybody get's it. But that doesn't justify its own token, as that's the ase for most altcoins of course.
Therefore LINK will get a regular shitcoin hype cycle _at best_!

>> No.8902104

this is my first large investment (hopefully success)

I have 11k, and I'll be selling 10% near the peak of the first big run. The rest I'm holding for a long haul. I don't know how high we'll get, but Link will be triple digits someday for sure.

>> No.8902114

sauce? I've heard of oraclechain but when I go to their website it looks like a chink scam and just says "LINK DATA LINK WORLD"

>> No.8902132

This will likely happen in three phases:

First phase are the partners that are in now, they won't make you rich because they already have link or at least the rights to buy cheap OTC

Second phase are those partner's competitors and similar industry; they'll quickly realize that if they don't jump on board the cost savings to phase 1 users will put them out of business- these users will make you rich ish

Final phase is when use of the network becomes a prerequisite to B2B data use; if you aren't on the network you can't buy goods/services from other businesses so you HAVE to buy in

What happens to price when demand is large and inelastic and supply is limited and held by patient investors?

>> No.8902157

so sell after the peak of the singularity and rebuy after it's bottomed out 6-12 months later.
wow that was hard.

le whitespace xD

>> No.8902199

I've been on this board for long enough to know you should just ignore any advice from larp fags using reddit spacing

>> No.8902242

The oracle problem doesn't justify the token, just the solution (a decentralized oracle network). What DOES justify the token is the fact that you can't run a highly valuable network (in which nodes staking tokens are rewarded for participating) using a common payment currency such as ETH. Once people realize how much money they can make by operating a node, EVERYONE will be rushing to set one up. But if they all set up nodes and expect to be paid in ETH, then less ETH will be in circulation, the price will skyrocket, and finally no one will use it to transact. Thus we need the LINK token to provide additional level of scarcity separate from that of ETH

>> No.8902311
File: 563 KB, 500x500, herschel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps OP is a fag

>> No.8902392

I might buy 1000 LINK as insurance, but it gets shilled way too fucking much on this board. 3 man team and 1 billion tokens, no thanks.

>> No.8902438

This is a much more mature stance than most first time investors

Write it down and sign it

Very easy to say that now on an anonymous image board

Much harder to do a year down the line when you want to buy a house or a car and you're looking at 200k of assets that haven't moved in 6 months

>> No.8902447

This is wrong and demonstrates a lack of discipline

>> No.8902528

Cleaning your room.

>> No.8902755

>Much harder to do a year down the line when you want to buy a house or a car and you're looking at 200k of assets that haven't moved in 6 months
Indeed, only neets lack this kind of financial pressure.

>> No.8902760

Whats your link eoy price prediction goo sir

>> No.8902989

I got into crypto last April and got burned by being impatient. I squandered many hundreds of thousands of shekels just being stupid and never having a proper plan. I'm ready for the LINK rollercoaster and I will not get jewed. Most importantly I will not jew myself. I've finally learned patience.

>> No.8903046

Imagine actually thinking like this. Wow.

>> No.8904101

the "1 billion token" FUD is by far the weakest one