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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58650272 No.58650272 [Reply] [Original]

i can't keep doing this, i've lost control of my life. i just started working for a dead end sales job. great salary but mind-numbing work. dial, leave vm, rinse, repeat, and pray someone picks up the fucking phone. this is what my sad miserable fucking existence has devolved into. it's all society tells me i'm good for. day in and day out, pick up the phone and set it down. then on top of it all since covid i've bounced around from job to job and can't get one to stick. i had one i liked but i get laid off. now i took this one because i had ZERO other options. so over the past few years my fucking savings has bled to zero. can't invest anymore. can't save anymore either. then to top it all off my girlfriend gave me essentially an ultimatum. either buy a ring or we're done. and since i love her and i'm a fucking weak ass fucking bitch who has no control over anything, i agreed to do it. i agreed to put myself into 5k debt with a job that i fucking loathe. to say i feel trapped is an understatement. i wish the fucking hand of god would just swoop down and fucking end my miserable existence since i'm too much of a pussy to do it myself.

>> No.58650296

>i wish the fucking hand of god would just swoop down and fucking end my miserable existence
I hope so, too, you fucking nigger can't even capitalize words.

>> No.58651088

Don't bring god into your miserable life
he has more important things to do

>> No.58651093

>life is going down the fucking shitter
>doesn't talk it out with the wife, doesn't seek her out as a the emotional pillar she's supposed to be, instead minimizes himself into a submissive ball of misery agreeing to buy a ring, 5k debt
At this point I think the only way you can redeem your situation is selling everything you own and moving somewhere new. You are unironically set up for disaster for the rest of your life. Tell me you love your gf all you want, if a woman is clueless enough and a bitch to see you suffering like this without caring she's not the one. I'm guessing you don't really have much (if any) contact with your parents, too.

>> No.58651095
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im 26, like many others unfortunately, feel so behind in life. I worked for years as a cook in a fast food join I quit because I couldn't take it anymore, studied a course in which I haven't been able to find a job in so I am now back again in a dead end job working with a bunch of high school kids as a cashier and damn each night when I go to bed I am so disappointed in myself and I think, what's the point anymore? I am beyond ashamed of myself. the worst part is that my granfather is a successful doctor so everyone in the family is constantly measuring up to him which leaves me, the youngest of 4 siblings to be the black sheep in the family because i didnt go to college and im not successful
nothing makes me excited anymore, I am not in a position to even go out for dinner with friends, I wake up everyday to the same mundane crap. the things that used to bring me joy like surfing, i can't even bring myself to do that anymore. I feel like I have fought for so long to try make things happen and each time I tried to open a door it was slammed shut in my face and I am tired , beyond tired.
sometimes i wonder was I just meant to not be successful and happy ?

>> No.58651099
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threads like these are alarmingly common and every time i hope they are bait or a joke because holy fuck dude. how can some of you fuck up things this badly, consistently, without doing anything about it. is it a fetish? do you get a kick out of feeling powerless in every aspect of your life?

>> No.58651107

It isn't a fetish some people are unironically just like this. Avoidant to conflict and delusional on their partner. OP probably thinks no other woman will want his broke fucked up ass or something so he stays with the stupid bitch that demands a ring in order to stay.

I know it's bad to compare myself with others but in cases like these I'm just glad I'm nowhere near this level of pathetic.

>> No.58651108
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I know a nice place where they sell very strong ropes for greater effectiveness.

>> No.58651112
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Daily reminder if you aren't a 6 figures individual in your early 20's you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.58651118

it's called victim syndrome

>> No.58651134

have you tried masturbating?
is short but yummy

>> No.58651136
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anons as a recovering addict that lived homeless for most of his life, let me tell you, life does get better, it takes a lot of time, its not easy at all and you will have to carry the burden of your past mistakes but you can get better and feel good again

first of all release yourself of the version of you that you could've been, all of us have this ideal inside of us that we compare to and it stumps or growth, the only time we exist in is the present and the only person alive is (you) not some ideal professional and rich guy, its you, accept yourself with your failures and your shortcomings because you will never be able to see your good sides if you never confront your bad sides

then, start realizing that you have much more control over your life than you think, i used to think i was stupid, that i was just dumber than the rest, one day i decided fuck it and started saving money something not even the smartest people i knew did, and decided "im not spending this, no matter what" i held on to it for years, that saved money turned into an investment into alts, those alts (agrs,xmr,ada, my babies) literally allowed me to buy my first car, and now i look back and realize i took a smart af decision that maybe others in my same position couldn't have

last thing, stop thinking in futures, "if i get this i will be happy" "if i do this i will be happy" "once i get a house i will be happy" "once i get a gf i will be happy". life is not in the future, its today, its every single moment of "now" that you exist in, if you died tomorrow and your life was only the last 24 hours you lived, would you be content? i sure as hell wasnt, once i started worrying less about the could've and would've and focused more on the now i realized even a day where i came back from my work to have a warm bath could be a happy way to live life, because im alive, just in that im luckier than so so many people

life does get better anons

>> No.58651141

duality of a frog

>> No.58651147

thank you fren, i needed to hear this today

>> No.58651148

cringe and corny
based and enlightened

>> No.58651149

if you dont mind me asking how old are you and when did you decide to change your ways/start improving? i've never heard of homeless people that lived mored than 3 years like that getting out of the life

>> No.58651153

look at that there's still wisdom in /biz

>> No.58651155

you must move if you don't feel a natural sense of belonging where you are. sometimes moving is a major life event that can take years to complete, sometimes it's as simple as dumping your whore of a girlfriend. just saying op. you feel you don't belong in multiple aspects of your life, carrying that weight for too long will make you snap and you will realize one day that you wasted a lot of time.

>> No.58651157 [DELETED] 
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someone seems to need a hug
or a gun

>> No.58651159
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I didn't expect existential dread on my finance board today but here we are I guess.

>> No.58651163

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me
fool me thrice, i think i have a problem
fool me four times i think im fine what do you mean i have a problem im doing good im fine im okay dont worry about me its just the weather

>> No.58651165

Thanks anon
I just felt much more useful in my daily life.

>> No.58651166
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in two words? skill issue

>> No.58651197


>> No.58651223

Askin God to kill ya aint Christian

>> No.58651360

Im 42 right now. I was 34 when i decided i wasn't going to keep living in the streets anymore, one of my closest friends overdosed and died. I found her. It was like i was finally awake only to realize the nightmare i was living in. I would like to say i never did drugs again but i did, a couple of times, only when the pain got too sharp. By that time i had been homeless since i was 19 so finding a job was especially hard but i was always clever and i figured only my clothes and my smell were putting people off so i went to a local church, told the priest my situation, and he got me a warm shower and a suit and a tie that was a bit big for me, and i started searching for a job. I got a gig at a call center, and after five months i was finally out of the streets. Yeah i had to sleep in the building some times and i washed on the bathrooms but i needed to prepare myself mentally before getting my own place. When you've been on the streets for so long you find a comfort in them that you know you will have to give up to rejoin society, the rest is history

>> No.58652770
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>> No.58653305


>> No.58653329

I'm also 42, it's crazy to imagine a life where I would have been homeless since age 19 to age 34, from like 2001 - 2016? that's a long fucking time dude. Especially at that age range, would feel like a lifetime. You're lucky to still be alive.

>> No.58653342

you're a bitch OP
I suggest you grab life by the balls before it's too late

>> No.58653407

Where is the dread? Anon told you that you have no other obligation than to exist, so start making the most of it.

>> No.58653434

>my girlfriend gave me essentially an ultimatum. either buy a ring or we're done. and since i love her and i'm a fucking weak ass fucking bitch who has no control over anything, i agreed to do it. i agreed to put myself into 5k debt with a job that i fucking loathe.
Please be a larp, when girls hit you with that ultimatum that's the time to hit the door: they don't directly ask you to propose out of love, it's because their biological clock is ticking, it's a business transaction not love. A good woman will wait with the hope and expectation you will propose on your time.

>> No.58653603

Feels good to be in a halfway house without a job so I can just shitpost and trade all day without having to worry about paying for shit kek

>> No.58655658
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>either buy a ring or we're done
>$5k ring

loving every laugh

>> No.58655783

having this job at least makes me move, I still remember that 3 years ago I did nothing but rot in bed and look at the ceiling, with this at least I have my head occupied in something else, well besides the $trump charts
I still need therapy asap

>> No.58655802

I hope you gave back to that church.