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58392248 No.58392248 [Reply] [Original]

The bottom is in. This is your last chance to buy LINK at $12. I highly recommend you do so.

>> No.58392270

what a day for us crypto kids. bet there were a few longs wiped

>> No.58392277

why buy at $12 when I can buy for $5 next week?

>> No.58392280

See you on the moon in June

>> No.58392319

No way! I remember you. You are the guy that exposed the bot suppression at $1. How high is “the moon” approximately?

>> No.58392353


>> No.58392356

uh oh old guard is here

bottom in USD terms only or?

>> No.58392368

>pumps the least
>dumps the most
>buy my bags

>> No.58392376

i predicted this dump to $12. waiting for confirmation for entry.

>> No.58392390

also is the OG discord still alive

>> No.58392443
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Based and welcome back. If Joe Biden and his army of DEI cronies could make it illegal to be bullish on LINK they would.

>> No.58392454

last chance to buy at 12 because it'll never be this high again
kek link faggots

>> No.58392457

They literally did the CCIP/WW3 thing lmao

>> No.58392469

Imagine thinking anyone is trying to get your lunch money in an attempt to pump a coin that has $1 billion in 24 hour volume. You could spend your entire net worth on a Chainlink market buy and the aggregate price wouldnt move 1 cent. Get real newfag.

>> No.58392497

This dude. So many wrong predictions. Good to see an old face, at least.

>t. 50k since 2017 pretty much want to rope right now again

>> No.58392510


>> No.58392512
File: 59 KB, 800x600, c_LINKUSDT_43065100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be the biggest cup and handle ever formed in crypto

>> No.58392515

My bank literally is declining me right now LOLLLLL. Something is up for sure internet has been wonky all day both on my phone service and computer. I bought literally yesterday with no issue

>> No.58392523

why buy at $5 when you might be able to buy at $0.01 the next week?

>> No.58392529

you'll be handling that massive red candle all the way down

>> No.58392539

declining what? buys or cashouts?

>> No.58392544

Been a while since I've seen this trip. Enjoyed the $1 suppression saga. Oh how green I was back then. Slurping this dip but expecting a rough time ahead.

Ugly cup with a big ass handle lmfao

>> No.58392548

Buys bro. I bought yesterday and my accounts both have money balances.

>> No.58392551

You have no power here fud cuck. This is a blessed thread.

>> No.58392602

Its literally textbook, its even better than the examples investopedia shows by their own indicators

>> No.58392609

kek baggie

>> No.58392618

Bro, the C&H is supposed to breakout, retest the "cup" line as support, then confirm above. You literally posted a fake-out

>> No.58392624
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You can see it better zoomed out a bit further

>> No.58392634

I hate link. I hate sergey. I hate X. If I could sell for 50 right now and never look back I would, I hate in hate I hate you all.

>> No.58392639

How are you going to try to lie like that when i posted a link to the definition 2 posts above you lmao

>> No.58392671

Hate is the law. Hate shall be the whole of the law, my law, and I hate you all. 555

>> No.58392677

While it’s obvious link is going up soon, TA is astrology for nerds. You would probably have better luck reading tea leaves.

>> No.58392693

checked and agreed

>> No.58392708

Too bad I fomoded at $17.30 thinking that was the absolute bottom. We’re going so much lower

>> No.58392713

Why are you defending that post anon? You didn’t make it… did you?

>> No.58392760

What did he mean by this?

>> No.58392829
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wouldn't be the first time

>> No.58392959

you still monitoring the thread bro?

>> No.58392969
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I slurped

>> No.58393002
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>> No.58393229

we have joked about this for 2 years straight
ccip ga comes out with a slick front end UI that nobody was expecting
ww3 launched but 4 days later unironically even
its not funny anymore frens

>> No.58393243

Fuck I can't believe I saw your original thread years ago and now I see you again. I should touch grass frfrfr.

>> No.58393249

lol good point it really is

>> No.58393345

linkbtc back at the cycle lows again
tho looking at the rsi i would say it looks like a good slurp right now

>> No.58393367

ah, another link summer of dreams

>> No.58393384 [DELETED] 


>> No.58393464
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Cope ill buy at $3.50

>> No.58393477

Did I miss something? Ccip GA is not out yet

>> No.58393509


>> No.58393525

transporter is not GA

>> No.58393593

Correct, i wasnt trying to imply it was

>> No.58393672

lmao kys

>> No.58393690

close enough anyway

>> No.58393698
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>> No.58395119

It's over...

>> No.58395544

>buy LINK
no i dont think I will. already aped my 15k link stack into apu and never looking back. im actually here to make money, not crab and get dumped on by sergey every week so he can pay for his world class HR team.

>> No.58395561

No, I'll probably buy some at $7

>> No.58395629

Cup and handle my ass whatever happened to Adam and eve formation huh

What the FUCK
Literally ww3 when transporter launches they'll do anything to suppress the price.

But seriously though what happened to Adam and eve anon

>> No.58395776

more like adam and steve

>> No.58395792
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That was one of the most embarrassing posts I've ever read on 4chan. He was so confident about something that he was actually clueless about. The Chan community (including the Chans beyond 4chan) is supposed to be above that normie mindset. That post and the fake LARPs (read: 100% of all "insider" posts on 4chan) are just embarrassing, either main character syndrome or just a shocking lack of self-awareness.

>> No.58396022

Holy fucking shit. A real OG.

>> No.58396056

Oh God, I get so excited when I see a legit OG... I miss my Link Marine homies... Tell us more brother?

t. Another 50k OG never sold 1.

>> No.58396068

this looks more like a H&S pattern LOOOOL

>> No.58396327

The good old days when Link was sub 1...

>> No.58396356

I had a dream last night Limp pamped to 200 suddenly

>> No.58396373


>> No.58396506

how much did we pump the last time this guy showed up? I vaguely remember it

>> No.58396516

we barely got to $1 and the consensus here back then was he was a LARPer and not an actual whale helping marines to fight the suppression
not even memeing, he's probably Uncle or Detective on another trip
avoid like the plague

>> No.58396526

fuck you you piece of shit you were always wrong
imagine still daring to show your face aren't you broke by now?

>> No.58396759

don't bother I just count us as doing a 12x from $12 since he showed up when $1 got obliterated and we were sitting at $12 this time

>> No.58396782

i want in i hold 50k i can prove it. I need frens.

>> No.58396819

he showed up in mid 2019 for the first time, around mainnet release to fight the "suppression whales"
I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.58396832

his first (and most successful) LARP thread

>> No.58397010

oh man I remember this one, I wish I slurped but I bet Binance guy got it all

>> No.58397288

i had a dream that binance glitched and btc went to $700 so i bought 20 btc

>> No.58397293

how many links does sergey have left to dump?

>> No.58397304

do you still not know this?

>> No.58397313

nah im a newfag

>> No.58397319

just google things then

>> No.58397363

he had 60% to begin with. idk how much he still has. maybe he has a large sell order at $23

>> No.58397537

wtf I call larp
$150 dollars in June confirmed

>> No.58397588

wow i bet i could still find the candles you made at $1 fighting the binance bots. glad you're alive

>> No.58397594

you'll get the info you need if you google it, I believe in you.. you're not as stupid as your parents say you are, have some confidence.

>> No.58397610

I had a dream where July 15th was a very significant date

>> No.58397644
File: 9 KB, 973x123, larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the time this was posted, LINK/ETH was trading at 0.03

>> No.58397732

wasn't he talking about $ not link against other pairings?

>> No.58397828

The attempt to slander whalekiller is how i know he is legit

>> No.58397953

So desperate and delusional I physically cringed

>> No.58398610

can i make it with 5 link?

>> No.58398694

Fuck this guy. Played you all for fools. I remember.

>> No.58398707


>> No.58398786

at what price will you give up? $10? $5? $1? or will you hold all the way down?

>> No.58398849

as long as 1link=1link there is no giving up

>> No.58398996
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>1 link = 1 link

lmao, you guys deserve to be cucked by sergey

>> No.58399071

your reply has gotten filtered I suggest you stop speaking like an angsty teen if you want me to be able to respond

>> No.58399094
File: 436 KB, 1080x720, 1514251898788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since 2017. People had been shilling Link to me, sometimes begging me to buy it when it was just 30 cents but I never bought it. Instead I got shitcoins like REQ and HPB or wasted my money on scams like IPSX.

>> No.58400194

1k eoy

>> No.58400309

Happily reporting some loss and consolidating alts to the link pile

>> No.58400517
File: 144 KB, 1050x700, 13175211_web1_80783058_10157286401192690_5775899576170971136_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm making money on LINK right now, but as far as dumping any more money in this crypto crap, I'm pretty much done. I literally make more money a week playing video poker and if it's a progressive or huge win, the house fills out all my tax shit for me and if it's less than $1,100 i just pocket the shit and uncle sam doesn't know shit. plus i get to chill at a bar while playing and enjoy a few drinks while i also shitpost on here. crypto is becoming an afterthought at this point. tired of the same ol ups and downs bullshit and all the shitcoin "sell the news" nonsense. it's time i grew up a bit

>> No.58400557
File: 1.18 MB, 500x280, a5s1d6a1d56sad15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses a filter because he can't face reality


>> No.58400651

aw cant spam anymore lmao get fucked adem and fags.

>> No.58400875

Just added another 200 link to my stack. By this time next year that will be another neat little $50,000 in my pocket

>> No.58400920

Didn't read

Never buying chain jeet

>> No.58401019

Dreams of fortune and relief for delusional anons ride on replies like this, and I am grateful for it

>> No.58401146

it's from swift hopium at consensus
biggest conference, where sergey announced mainnet
the first time chainlink and swift speaking together at a third party event
if there's an announcement (probably a small bank use case going into production) then they look smart and can keep larping into future
if nothing happens then people will forget about it

>> No.58401163

I've been in link since was on ethdelta, begone you vile swine

>> No.58401783

Watching the fuddies struggle impotently in this thread is comedic

>> No.58401827
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>> No.58402156

That's rathrr some weird ass Tupperware formation my friend

>> No.58402557

Oh you

>> No.58402659

Hi Micheal

>> No.58402667
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>> No.58402775

I'm so tired, Anons.
Please, tell me June isn't another disappointment...

>> No.58402797

Just tell me in usd what 20k link is worth in June 2024, and don't bullshit me

>> No.58402825

Is 42 still alive?

>> No.58402893
File: 41 KB, 600x451, bUNXwFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's the price of 1 good quality cup of coffee (pre-covid inflation)

>> No.58402918
File: 159 KB, 680x572, 1704373023099213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jonathan: "Let there be no uncertain terms: Chainlink is and always will be an ongoing critical piece of architecture aiding in Swift's mission of enabling financial institutions to interact with and utilize smart contracts as well as trading tokenized assets. We conservatively estimate this is a multi trillion dollar opportunity which will result in significant value capture for the node service providers and stakers alike. We expect these capabilities will be online and leveraged at scale within the next 6 months. You're all going to be fucking rich"

>> No.58403221

kek, at this point we need a prod announcement
that could well be coming though, time lines about line up

>> No.58403282

kek link is just a bridge compare to other bridges like arbitrium and you'll see link is way overpriced which is why it's never grown like it should. If you made arb's supply equivalent to link's that would be a multiplier of 5 which would put arb's price around at around $5.85 which goes to show you how overpriced link is. Those in the know and understand are well aware that baggies will never reach the delusional dream they constantly spout. Doesn't pay to be smug especially when you're ignorant about what you're talking about. ccip is nothing circle has cctp, just words for things that arn't difficult to implement.

>> No.58403335

kys jeet

>> No.58403343
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>This is your last chance to buy LINK at $12
Yeah because it's going to $0 end-of-month
That's why I'm never leaving satoshisync's BTC ecochamber

>> No.58403885

someone created and verified an email just to make this retarded post

>> No.58403890



>> No.58404023


>> No.58404045

This is fking hilarious.

To think of it, instead of settling for link, it'd be more profitable to go for other option. Maybe depin a focus solution. Take a look at the likes of Navi and Krest in this regards; they've been on good track, and I believe Krest's main chain, once launched, could do much better. I don'tgf about any one opinion.

>> No.58404087

I just bought ten shares am I WAGMI still?

>> No.58404510
File: 497 KB, 1079x1062, 1707496571813015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 is the new mekkit stack

>> No.58404523
File: 175 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20240415-111125_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he make it but none of you other stinkies did?

>> No.58404531

But...I already boughted...at $16 now I'm broke and poor.

>> No.58404560

bricknermon never got in LINK unfortunately. he is a based autist though

>> No.58404768

I guess now that the board got nuked this thread will stay alive forever
I hope the tripfag is happy with himself
and would you look at that, even Uncle made an appereance on his "og" trip

>> No.58404977

This was the anon who wrote a bot to counter the whale bots to push Link over a dollar? That was an incredible thread.

>> No.58405108

I'd rather jump on the MMON presale and watch it replicate the early days of DOGE.

>> No.58405112

It's literally dumping back to $12 you stupid faggot

>> No.58405136

>back in the thread after posting 2 days
>holds links
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.58405169
File: 744 KB, 500x281, a15s6d1as65d1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually your last chance at selling at double digits...back to single digits you go

>> No.58405351
File: 1.20 MB, 538x403, littlemy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this :}
linkies don't even know just how over it is

>> No.58405444

God I wish CCIP were here

>> No.58405446

i thought muh transporter was the CCIP, stinkie?
why didn't it transport you into a lambo?