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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58331202 No.58331202 [Reply] [Original]

Zero edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:



>> No.58331215
File: 16 KB, 444x362, polygons_are_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOXS holders you beclown yourselves

>> No.58331217

spy just rugged

>> No.58331224
File: 28 KB, 400x268, dividend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder: Dividends are your frens!

>> No.58331236

Made me look, faggot

>> No.58331243
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>> No.58331244

buy NVDA

>> No.58331247
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PAA chads
we're on fire this week/month/YTD/past 3 years

>> No.58331253

My LLAP calls doing a lil sum sum

>> No.58331265

Why can't I see the moon? I've been looking all morning and I dont see it in the sky anywhere. Is it already up next to the sun and it's too bright to see it?

>> No.58331287

The aDVaNcED TEcHnOLogY you speak of is cold and colourless, there is less social integration than ever which is why mental health is so fucked up, staples like goyslop are common, but try finding good quality bread or a decent steak or even clothes that are made from cotton and not polyester for a reasonable price.

>> No.58331296

My LLAP calls expired worthless.

>> No.58331298
File: 217 KB, 754x721, notknowthing?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But other people say to sell NVDA. How do I deal with this situation?

>> No.58331302
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The military is funded with debt. The debt is backed by the military. If the government suddenly can't pay its debt, what do you think will happen to the military?

>> No.58331313

When did they expire? LLAP shill told me to get Apr 19 calls iirc

>> No.58331317

the correct move is to sell nvidia. it has obviously topped, and the only ones that are still bullish on it are the greedy pigs that bought a year ago or baggies desperately coping that they totally did not buy the top.

>> No.58331322

the military will go to war with Iran for Israel

>> No.58331323
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does HR block software import broker transactions as easy as turbotax? its time for me to switch to something different

>> No.58331326


>> No.58331331
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almost time. im taking the rest of the day off today. although it i will say it is cloudy as fuck outside right now, not a drop of sun anywhere to be seen

>> No.58331335
File: 682 KB, 1234x692, Screenshot 2024-03-20 075917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debt apocalypse build your own house
america will go to war before we experience the depression
not because of saving some shitskin nation but because everytime america goes to war there's an economic boom

>> No.58331350
File: 308 KB, 2401x1601, 982DEE7C-2F78-4CFB-97BD-4F29F1DCB7BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of split threads posted by overzealous retards? Kick back with the smoothie ramblings of dividend investors. Join us in dividend investing general /dig/

>> No.58331353
File: 171 KB, 1080x1047, 1712102654190381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite meme of all time has to be diamondhands. tricking naive retards to baghold will always be hilarious.

>> No.58331359

If that happens we won't have a military.

>> No.58331368
File: 10 KB, 406x415, Screenshot 2024-04-08 125438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness the Blood Moon’s rise. When its red glow shines upon the land... the aimless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh. Just as they did in a war long past. The world is threatened once again.

>> No.58331369

It will obtain wealth through force?

>> No.58331374

Dudes will say wars always pump the economy like the 08 crash wasn't right after the Surge, like defense companies aren't a tiny drop in the bucket compared to tech and medical-industrial giants.
It's the oil bro! We're gonna invade another dusty shithole and steal its oil for money! Like the US isn't one of the biggest producers on the planet.

>> No.58331378

I'm glad I know most of these not. Very likely poison anyways

>> No.58331383

nothing. we nationalize the FED, the debt we owe to ourselves needs no interest or repayment at all, and suddenly we have ... 25% of the Federal Budget gone.

>> No.58331386
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>SPY to 200

>> No.58331392

Sell it and buy other big tech stocks, or is the whole category done?

>> No.58331403

You eat Doritos

>> No.58331407

NQ wants to dump

>> No.58331411
File: 183 KB, 821x797, 1701811325771964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's funyuns

>> No.58331416

What is a war economy?
Max deficit spending
Women participating in the labor force
High death rates among young people

We're already at war but we're at war with our own population.

>> No.58331417

Selling now is mondo retarded. NVDA is easily going above 1000. The people poopooing AI unironically have no idea what it is or how it works, they're just butthurt that something might disrupt whatever false sense of security they've wrapped themselves in.

>> No.58331437
File: 265 KB, 1875x3000, 1712548008341484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what happened to the Soviet Union's military. Large militaries like that are unsustainable during a severe sovereign financial crisis. Interest payments on the national debt are going to be twice as large as our military budget this year.

>> No.58331440

this but unironically

>> No.58331442

Buying now is mondo retarded. NVDA is easily going to 50. The people ballsucking AI unironically have no idea what it is or how it works, they're just butthurt that something might disrupt whatever false sense of security they've wrapped themselves in.

>> No.58331446

No, you have no idea what it is or how it works. It will underperform and be overshadowed by the next big thing, and (KEK)baggies like you will seethe and cope and continue preaching "muh AI" until you unironically kill yourself

>> No.58331458

ai and semis are cyclical, and i believe they are overdue for correction
you should just namefag because you're obviously the same dude that literally married his nvidia bags.

>> No.58331474
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>> No.58331478

No. I know Doritos, but I don't eat them. Too expensive. It's corngarbage. When I buy that stuff, it is cheap bulkpack not Doritos. Lipton is famous in EU. Cheetos in south europe, ate that a lot as a child, that vampirefangs with the cheetah. Ruffles is known. Lay's probably most famous with Quaker. The rest I don't know, never seen.

>> No.58331482

>say ai is cyclical out of your ass
>tell someone else to namefag so you can filter their stupidity despite the above
wild that people like you can even figure out how to use the internet honestly

>> No.58331509

no you're right, my bad bro. i concede. it's a new paradigm.

>> No.58331525

>large military
Your mistake in the first place. But let's presume it needs to remain. First task is placing US military officers and enlisted as assistant to training all males 14 or older in Militia, by will. This allows cause for employment, training of both the current standing and the population generally, and allows that new enlistments can drop for a period, reducing costs.
As we have annulled debts to ourselves, our interest payments have reduced significantly.

And the second part, firing the ATF, dismantling DHS and cutting 12 federal paid holidays to 2, should offer another good chunk for repayment.
At that point, it's a matter of your executed plan of getting notes into the population on whatever backing you had for them.

>> No.58331528

>SHOT pumping
where the fuck is bags

>> No.58331529

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

>> No.58331558

The only thing in tech more cyclical than AI is VR.

>> No.58331561

Tape that shit up. MMM

>> No.58331563

Episode 1 was better

>> No.58331568

Financially raping those least able to afford it. Funny if it wasnt so sad.

>> No.58331573

Perhaps but there are some severe biases on the commissioned side. The discrepancy will be obvious when you see it and is like similar "pervasively systemic:" symptoms of privilege.

>> No.58331574
File: 439 KB, 510x431, 1701660936554899.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going to be okay

>> No.58331576

IRS agents are extremely incompetent. Can't tell me what my payment plan total is.

>> No.58331577
File: 60 KB, 683x683, 1530740070753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used H&R Block software for years, and it has imported all broker info without problems.

>> No.58331581

nice pepe, saved

what's nvidia's competition in the gpu market? there is none, it won't be going to 50 but the valuation is currently stupid indeed... although no one can predict the competitive advantage they have in the long run, it's all about who has the best design and with the "noise reduction" of intelligence nowadays I'm sure we'll uncover some better (tailored?) solutions over time while remaining cost efficient

With the technological revolution the middle east, china, africa and south america are experiencing (also note african population growth and longevity) I think there will be plenty of people to sell semiconductors to. If you don't have tech devices in your home, you're out. Not nearly enough chips (smart devices/domotics) per family either. Looking forward to installing smart lights and curtains.

>> No.58331583
File: 21 KB, 686x276, screenshot_20240408_111554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this pattern called

>> No.58331586

>Look at what happened to the Soviet Union's military
Look at what happened with the soviet union you tard

>> No.58331592

I'm going to buy more DJT.

>> No.58331594

MSTR and WULF about to explode

>> No.58331596

standard result & poverty ridden

>> No.58331602
File: 28 KB, 593x677, GKLlmqBWMAA2V4g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JPMorgan, $JPM, says stocks are so crowded they may crack at any time, per Bloomberg

They really are. Look at social media and see how many wagies and zoomers are giving investing advice, which a lot of it is just plain fucking incorrect.

Reminds me of that Rockefeller shoe shine story. When a shoe shiner kid gave him stock advice in 1929, he sold his stocks immediately because “if a shoe shiner is giving advice” too many people are in the markets. Then we all know what happened in 1929 and the 1930's.

>> No.58331608

Africa has more phones per Capita than Europe and the US. That market is saturated

>> No.58331612

Beautiful out where I'm at. Packing a cooler with some crispy boys and heading up to the local park to sit by the pond and enjoy this 78 degree day and watch it get dark for a bit

>> No.58331622

>Africa has more phones per Capita than Europe and the US
I want a non-scamming explanation

>> No.58331634

Was that Peter Griffin

>> No.58331636

My parents just moved from bonds into stocks. They've been out of the market for over 15 years.

>> No.58331639

There is no argument the US Constitution, and the US as it is, both have a place for professional military. But the point is that with a properly trained miliita, the general enlisted can reduce, freeing officers and funds to develop the toys and play the games that refine and accelerate advancing.
The population well trained, the voting is likely to become more rational, not some fearful swing to this side and that on every bit of fluff and 2-mini-hate. Short DIS.

Besides, if the options are collapse and no funds for anything, or annulled debt and some reduced company numbers, with a continuing purpose and regular training opportunities, as well as purchase power, I know which I'd rather breech.

>> No.58331642

DJTbros were almost there

>> No.58331646

I keep ping ponging between "The black sun rises, a new aryan age has begun" and "The ritual is complete, the antichrist is born"

>> No.58331651

source? I don't believe this.
Also, unlike Europe, Africa's population will double over 1 generation.

>> No.58331654

It's the same reason blacks don't have laptops here: they're too dumb and poor.

>> No.58331662
File: 390 KB, 552x468, 1711951402172167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what's about to happen to the United States.

>> No.58331665

>Literally no u
It's not about GPUs it's about the fact that they have a monopoly on the massive data centers that other companies need to crunch the absolutely insane amounts of numbers required for AI models. They will be ahead of the curve on this for years, and just like consumer GPUs they'll continue to license their IP to other manufacturers.

>> No.58331673

Peter Griffin is Irish. Is Homer Simpson German? I think his Wife is supposed to be a WASP (Griffin's is jewish.)

>> No.58331678

Only 100,000 more years of kali yuga

>> No.58331681



>> No.58331686

>what's nvidia's competition in the gpu market?
TSLA, INTEL, AMD, Hyundai, Software rendering, TI, NOKIA, AAPL, AntMiner...
I'm missing a few, I know it

>> No.58331695
File: 23 KB, 474x226, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh racist much? That is clearly because DA WHITE MAN is making them hard to use. Get your privilege checked sweaty

>> No.58331710

>on the massive data centers
thats pretty much the bull case for now, but what's going to happen when people realize the "revenue" and "profits" expected from all these datacenters and LLMs never actually materializes? Do you think MS/Amazon/Meta will keep throwing money into LLMs indefinitely to replace a few HR roasties and jeet coders?

>> No.58331716

Why? Smartphones are bad for you, even worse than television sets. That's why I don't own one.

>> No.58331722

>Office vacancies are at an all time high.

>They rose to a record 19.8%, Moody's Analytics said, from 19.6% in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Just 2 more weeks until CRE crisis kicks off!

>> No.58331749

>we'll uncover some better (tailored?) solutions over time while remaining cost efficient
And the company most likely to discover it... is nvidia. Because they pump a lot into R&D and have already started using AI to aid themselves.

>> No.58331769
File: 258 KB, 1080x1206, Screenshot_20240408-103011_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should tell him that linux is free as in free housing.

>> No.58331777

just bought some spy 520 0dte calls how fucked am i?

>> No.58331781

Marge is French.

>> No.58331788


>> No.58331789

the crabs are in control

>> No.58331794


>> No.58331799

Slashdot during the 90s was a magical place

>> No.58331804

Oh yeah I'm sure all those companies are spending billions of dollars because they don't expect to make a return on their investments. Stuff like Sora and Suno and Chat GPT 4 etc etc already prove the very real usefulness and disruptiveness of AI and they've only been publicly available for 2 years at the most. Don't be a luddite, don't underestimate what AI is going to do over the next decade.

>> No.58331806
File: 68 KB, 900x1134, png-clipart-aztec-calendar-stone-tlaloc-aztec-mythology-aztec-religion-aztec-fictional-character-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day Miquiztli (Death, known as Cimi in Maya) is governed by Tecciztecatl, the Moon God, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. It is a good day for reflecting on your priorities in life, a bad day for ignoring possibilities. It is a day of transformation, signifying that briefest moment between old endings and new beginnings.

>> No.58331807


>> No.58331808

I miss grouphug.us and somethingawful

>> No.58331814

I just looked directly at the sun and apparently the eclipse hasn’t started yet. Now I can’t see anything. This is bullish.

>> No.58331819
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>> No.58331821

>I'm sure all those companies are spending billions of dollars
because certain interests sell their shares endlessly to morons who have unwatched 401ks, and give them loans and free publicity to corral the markets.

>> No.58331828
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>> No.58331839
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>> No.58331840

16 months ago NVIDIA was looking to buy chips made by INTC. But, trust me bro, that means nothing.
I think you fundamentally don't understand how chips work.

>> No.58331842

yes no company has ever over-hyped some tech innovation, invested massively into it without thinking how it was even supposed to make money, and then proceeded to shout about it on earnings calls and puff piece interviews to juice the stock price.
>and they've only been publicly available for 2 years
so how much profit has anyone actually made off any of these LLMs? surely you can post some...

>> No.58331854

>buy chips made by INTC
you mean, manufactured by INTC, right?

>> No.58331862

it is AI company not hardware company.

>> No.58331865

>2 weeks of negative RSI and MACD
>For unironically zero reason
Bears are going to be really sad when the market remembers there's been no fundamental change to what makes NVDA high value

U okay bro? U read the comment ur replying to?

>without thinking how it was even supposed to make money
What the fuck are you even talking about?? There are abundant examples of ways to make money with AI, you're just being an ignorant motherfucker

>> No.58331870

all of these are "future fairydust", none of these are on par with nvidia in the gpu market

>It's not about GPUs
sorry anon, what are these number cruncher machines called in those big datacenters?

you don't know that, no one knows that
if money spent on r&d is the sole factor, saudi aramco might as well stop drilling and milk the wells for r&d spending

>> No.58331881

How is Europe going to pay for all those niglets new smartphones?

>> No.58331882

The IRS stopped playing music on the phone
should I be worried?

>> No.58331888

>There are abundant examples of ways to make money with AI
I mean actual profit from all these datacenters they're spending billions on. I know you're trying to dodge the question but if there's so much money to be made I'm sure you can post even 1 example.

>> No.58331889

>[NVDA has] a monopoly on the massive data centers
not true

>> No.58331892
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>> No.58331894
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When did ThinkorSwim start doing this thing where it just randomly fucking logs you out?

>> No.58331895

>music stopped

>> No.58331903

Taxes from the working man of course, simple as.
Despite being in the top 5% earners and getting milked by the taxman off my hard earned money and while watching freeloaders enjoy that money, life is pretty good. I wouldn't want to be in their position.

>> No.58331904
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Remember when he got yogurt on himself ? Silly guy

>> No.58331916

based retard

>> No.58331920

delicious female asses, gaping hairless assholes, soft ass cheeks, and huge fucking tits

>> No.58331936

best fuck of my life

>> No.58331937

dxyz ripping toldju buyit or stay poor

>> No.58331939

60% RVOL today, similar to every other day of this pullback/consolidation. Volume confirms the trend. Bears don't have the volume. At some point before earnings the big boys are going to start accumulating again.

>> No.58331940
File: 27 KB, 692x408, NEW LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gme hit another three year low
oh this is nice

>> No.58331943

There is none. The absolute best use case is for automating some paperwork in companies. That is not worth trillions. AI is a meme and will crash and burn.

>> No.58331954

>none of these are on par with nvidia in the gpu market
They play billions of hours of media without asking.
The only people looking for top end cards are gamers, video professionals, and AI.

And AI isn't guaranteed to run best on that method.

Video rendering has more to do with the code behind it, than the card. A cutting edge card may require a patch to a familiar suite before it can be used at all, offering no notable gains.

And pro-Gaming is outside the realm of 90% of the population, most of whom are happy playing embedded 16 bit phone games.

>NVIDIA manufactured by INTC
>NVIDIA AI company not hardware company
?? Even if true the others are hardware companies already doing AI.
>U read the comment ur replying to?
You misunderstand what spending and markets are about. I read your comment.

>> No.58331964

My new employer wants proof of vaccination.

>> No.58331968


>> No.58331969

Why isnt NVDA $1000 yet???? HELLO?

>> No.58331973

Literally trading flat

>> No.58331974

For AI use? Yes they do

It's not dodging the question you faggot but I guess you're too much of a luddite dipshit to understand that everything from people selling AI-written books on Amazon to cutting edge text-to-video to nearly instantaneous coding to huge leaps in anthropology and medicine presents a broad range of opportunities for people to make money from AI. But you're just going to act like the data centers people built 6 months ago are supposed to break even NOW. Lmao.

>> No.58331980

Should I sell everything?

>> No.58331984

So you also don't understand the significance of stuff like Sora and Suno. Lol the never-AI fags are legitimately retarded.

>> No.58331985

NTA but how is AI making huge leaps in anthropology?

>> No.58331989

I hate how you need specific service (like account not viewable online) and then if you need to speak to someone, you are on the phone all day.

>> No.58331991

post some

>> No.58331992

He's the retard who will say that AI is just like the dotcom bubble and compare NVDA to CSCO, while not understanding that dotcom was a bubble because companies that didn't make any money were pumped to insane valuations on hopes and dreams. This is not the case for really any of the AI companies and especially not NVDA, as we see EPS increasing hand over fist.

>> No.58331997
File: 19 KB, 600x600, 1709295454394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can book a 15 minute 1 on 1 video call consultation with the ceo for $400

>15 minute session
>ask three or more questions
>tips on how to start a successful company
>advice on getting your first 10,000 customers
>growth hacks & jumpstarting growth

>> No.58331996

>NVIDIA manufactured by INTC
??? you realize that nvidia doesn't manufacture chips, right? they innovate and design them. TSMC and Samsung manufactured them in the past. are you actually retarded and can't differentiate between manufacturing and design?

>> No.58332000

Even if AI revolutionizes the world it could still be a shit investment. Internet revolutionized the world and if you invested in cisco in 2000 you would still be down.

>> No.58332004

>muh CSCO
kek called it

>> No.58332010

>The only people looking for top end cards are gamers, video professionals, and AI.
Wrong, the top consumers are the top cloud provider companies (amzn, msft, googl) because gpu is most in demand in cloud compute. 99% of gamers don't cloud compute. 99% of video professionals don't cloud compute. AI is a pretty broad term, but AI is indeed mostly delivered by cloud compute. The biggest users are actually stem research institutions and.... the finance quant industry!

>> No.58332011

>?? Even if true the others are hardware companies already doing AI.
Google already had Tensor Processing Units (TPU) years ago but they are still behind NVDA . CUDA is a big ecosystem and let everyone can customize their own data centers and store data where they want while google and other cloud providers force their costumers to use their services and store data in their cloud.

>> No.58332017

sounds like Jensen. Numbers, causality please.

>> No.58332026

It's good comparison. Nvidia is only making this much money from first movers advantage. Competition will make hardware manufactures (which is all that Nvidia does) lose their margins.

>> No.58332025

buy a fake one

>> No.58332031

Does OpenAI use NVDA servers? Does Mistral? Does Google? Does Microsoft?

>> No.58332036

NVDA also made a shitload of gains because it swapped from the industrial sector where it made most of its money actually creating things in factories to the tech sector where 80% of its revenue is from data centers

>> No.58332037

This is next level jeetcore scamming.

>> No.58332052

Buy puts on the eclipse. It's completely grey and not sunny where I'm at.

Buy calls on the glasses makers, they scammed us. Not even gonna need the glasses it looks like

>> No.58332057

not sure, probably
at least partially
at least partially

>> No.58332064

>you realize that nvidia doesn't manufacture chips, right
I am sure you're ready to turn the corner and explain how this helps insure market domination. Your next post, replying to this one?
>cloud compute
another way of saying distributed AI. wowzers. I'm so sorry I didn't break down AI into every constituent.
>Google already had... but they are still behind

>hardware manufactures (which is all that Nvidia does)
But they don't bro, can't you see how much they've been yelling about that? >>58331996

>> No.58332069

I feel like I already heard all of this stuff a few years ago when TSLA was at $9xx. It's not a car company, it's an everything company and it has great growth and it's lightyears ahead of the competition and and and.

>> No.58332077

yes. Tesla enjoyed overvalued stock price until competitors catch up.

>> No.58332086


> A team of student researchers has made a giant contribution to solving one of the biggest mysteries in archaeology by revealing the content of Greek writing inside a charred scroll buried 2,000 years ago by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The winners of a contest called the Vesuvius Challenge trained their machine-learning algorithms on scans of the rolled-up papyrus, unveiling a previously unknown philosophical work that discusses senses and pleasure. The feat paves the way for artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to decipher the rest of the scrolls in their entirety, which researchers say could have revolutionary implications for our understanding of the ancient world.

I hope they keep buying puts, they were so wrong in 2022 and they'll be even more wrong this time

Literally every single one of those use Nvidia you absolute fucking retard

>> No.58332088
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Cool we can make video games at home. That makes sense considering
60% of gaming is done on 6 yearold or older games. Literal nothing burger. Its a yid tool for pilpul and denying whatever they will be subverting. High trusting golems like yourself will lead the charge. Pulling Neckbairds from all directions.

>> No.58332090
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this is the funniest thing i've ever seen

>> No.58332091

>selling AI-written books on Amazon
holy kek
>huge leaps in anthropology and medicine
any day now right?
>But you're just going to act like the data centers people built 6 months ago are supposed to break even NOW.
theres the dodge. I merely asked if anyone is making ANY profit off these datacenters. You can't even point to (One) example.
>while not understanding that dotcom was a bubble because companies that didn't make any money were pumped to insane valuations
the irony. No one is saying NVDA isn't making lots of money. The question is will these billions of dollars invested into LLMs be profitable, and if so when. Because if it turns out to not be profitable NVDA's current valuation based on gorilions of revenue forever isn't sustainable, even assuming competitors don't catch up.

>> No.58332099

2 weeks and you will then know the power and certainty that AI will be.

>> No.58332103

>nvidia will magically drop 90% for no reason

>I am retarded and dont understand what Im talking about so I think AI is just tulips bro, its just a fad that will be overtaken by the next fidget spinner

>I am bitter other people have made 10x gains

>> No.58332106

Future beginning investors will use gme in classes to learn how to short stocks because of how easy it is to do and it always goes down.

>> No.58332109

>the irony. No one is saying NVDA isn't making lots of money. The question is will these billions of dollars invested into LLMs be profitable, and if so when. Because if it turns out to not be profitable NVDA's current valuation based on gorilions of revenue forever isn't sustainable, even assuming competitors don't catch up.
Say they don't turn out to be profitable. How long do you think this takes to play out? A few months? A year? 5 years? If you think longer than a year then why aren't you buying NVDA hand over fist right now?

>> No.58332112
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NRGU is high as fuck. Imagine how hard it'll fall in 2 months during the annual rugpull.

>> No.58332115

everyone go outside and record the sun. don't let the government scare you into documenting history

>> No.58332120
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>>nvidia will magically drop 90% for no reason
Would take it back to the 2022 price. Not that farfetched actually if this language model thing doesn't pan out to expectations

>> No.58332121

>TELL ME!!!!
Dude get the fuck over yourself. Bears genuinely, unironically have no concept of longer timeframes. It seriously must be some sort of mental deficiency.

>> No.58332122

Fuck Joe Biden. I WILL look directly at the sun.

>> No.58332127

>NRGU is high
>Don't make ATH yet

>> No.58332129

nvidia is higher market cap than canada's gdp

>> No.58332135

Is that a script or tool accessible to anyone withTV ?

>> No.58332137


>> No.58332142

Canada has nothing to offer, makes sense

>> No.58332144

You're talking out of your ass. OpenAI runs exclusively on Azure.

>> No.58332146


>> No.58332149

Hold down the shift key and click the chart then let go of the shift key and click somewhere else on the chart

>> No.58332151

>>cloud compute
>another way of saying distributed AI. wowzers
holy shit I'm going to stop replying to your posts, negative iq, whatever it measures, you don't have it
while stem modeling was built from the same modeling fundamentals as deterministic ai models, they are nothing alike
and if you know anything about ai, you know that the gold rush is in probabilistic not deterministic ai models (aka "close enough" art and text), which is still a small segment of gpu compute

>> No.58332153

>competitors catch up
There are two competitors to TSLA for EV, and one of them is reliant on ICE, and the other is reliant on TSLA designs.
>magically drop for no reason
Definitely for a reason. It's way over-valued in a real market where there is competition and trillions available to play for.
It's not even realistic as a purchasing strategy, let alone for consideration as sole provider.
>why aren't you buying NVDA hand over fist right now?
I would start with, P/E is what, exactly? And E is based on what time frame?

>> No.58332155

>Literally every single one of those use Nvidia you absolute fucking retard
Read the thread. They use NVDA hardware, not their datacenters.

>> No.58332159

Should we reinvest them in the same equity or take the money?

>> No.58332160

Interesting though I think I'm to dumb to understand what they mean exactly. How do they know the AI wasn't just making the shit up? Given the cash prizes and the judges they obviously had some method but the article doesn't mention anything. Thank you anyway.

>> No.58332164

>this new technology that is already having massive impacts and is improving at terrifying rates is "not going to pan out"
this is what TA astrology does to your brain

>> No.58332168

how many walmarts is that?

>> No.58332175

>How long do you think this takes to play out?
bubbles can last a long time, and no one knows when the music will stop. But given that NVDA is ALREADY greatly overvalued, it doesn't make much sense to buy now.
>New Paradigm!!!
idk why you're getting so emotional over a stock. I'm afraid when this bubble bursts people like you will just be the new gme baggies.

>> No.58332180

This faggot literally told me I was right aftter telling me I was wrong, now he wants to stop talking to me. I agree, you fucking Asian unibrow fuck.
>Wrong, the top consumers are the top cloud provider companies
>but AI is indeed mostly delivered by cloud compute.
And unless you're asleep, your computer has been doing AI since it had a Library it accessed without a direct Run code entry.

>> No.58332182

>There are two competitors to TSLA for EV,
China’s BYD is selling more electric cars than Tesla

>> No.58332185

>But given that NVDA is ALREADY greatly overvalued
It's not, though. It's cheap. I hope you're still around here after the next ER.

>> No.58332187

What massive impact lmao? Unless you are a starving artist or a codecel AI has had literally no impact at all.

>> No.58332186


>> No.58332194

Based. Thank you sir!

>> No.58332205

>in a real market with competition
We are in the "real market", there is no competition. Thats why NVidia is winning.

what is this "new paradigm" you are referring to? Or are you just throwing out buzzwords because you cannot defend your economic thesis?

>> No.58332206

One of two.
>reliant on TSLA designs.

>> No.58332219

>OpenAI is now among the biggest consumers of Nvidia servers clusters on the planet
Even when they try to write articles to make it sound like OpenAI doesn't completely gargle Nvidia's cum they have to mention how much Nvidia hardware they use lol.

I can find this shit in ten seconds so I'm sure you can also do some of your own research like a big boy.

>> No.58332223

>Internet? Email? What massive impact, Im still sending letters and reading the newspaper!
>Cars? What massive impact? My horse gets me everyone i Need to go!
>Electricity? What massive impact? I can see fine with candles and sunlight!

>> No.58332224

>there is no competition.
So, what's your GPU on the system you're using?

>> No.58332227

AI will perfectly predict most normalfag behaviors and even manipulate their opinions.

>> No.58332230
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think AI SUCKS.

>> No.58332233

>He's so new he doesn't know what "new paradigm" means.
Nvidia is such a bubble holy shit.

>> No.58332238

>What massive impact?!
>Which one?!?!?!
Do your own fucking research jesus fucking christ

>> No.58332250

Holy shit, did you get that from a website this year?
>Regurgitates Sci-Fi from 100 years ago.
You need some Asimov Foundation.

>> No.58332255


>> No.58332262

The article is paywalled, can you screenshot where it says they use servers in NVDA datacenters instead of just NVDA hardware? I would be very surprised as my understanding is that MSFT has an agreement to only run it on Azure, and OpenAI is also not eager to give the model parameters to just anyone.

>> No.58332264

Emergency Room?

>> No.58332268
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you niggers watching this shit? Don't forget to stare directly at it for the best view

>> No.58332269

Did the inventors of email become billionaires from it? You know you actually have to make money for it to be a good investment?
I have and I have found nothing worth even close to the valuations of today. So either I missed it or there is none.

>> No.58332273

Nvdia obviously. I understand what your trying to say, but you're just wrong and have no clue. AMD is not in competition with Nvidia in AI. AI is not just GPUs, its an entire architecture, which no other company has right now, only Nvidia has powerful AI hardware because they developed CUDA. You are just displaying your own ignorance.

>> No.58332281

AI? What massive impact? I'm still jerking off to real women.

>> No.58332291
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The fact that nowadays everyone, their mothers, their mothers' minority houseworkers and those minorities dogs are invested in the market in one way or another is honestly pretty demoralizing.
Investing is no longer something you can spend some of your time studying to gain a financial edge in life.
Investing used to be a sure-fire way to get ahead of the pack and build generational wealth, even if starting from humble beginnings.
Now that almost everyone is doing, it's just become the new baseline that might barely allow you to keep your head above water.
Now it's just another thing on top of the pile of things a modern individual HAS to do just to maintain an semblance of human dignity.

Then again, I have no idea what the "new" ways to get ahead in life are, or if they even exist anymore. So maybe I'm exactly where I'm meant to be - on the way to become human cattle once I inevitably fail to keep up with the changes.

>> No.58332296

>servers in NVDA datacenters instead of just NVDA hardware
So you just genuinely don't understand how it works huh. Do your own research man I don't need to prove to you that the technology is much more valuable than you seem to think it is.

>> No.58332297

Whatever fags. Market's slow so I'm gonna go play games now. With my AMD GPU by the way

>> No.58332300

You're walking sales brochure.
Where is CUDA going to struggle?
What are Two serious risks to NVIDIA in the next 5 years?

>> No.58332303

There is no "new paradigm", there is just the economic thesis.
>NVidia has monopoly on the most advanced AI tech
>NVidia is completely sold out and would sell more if they could
>AI tech is only increasing in profitability
This is why Nvidia is skyrocketing and its not even done.

>> No.58332304

Biggest impact I've seen so far is low skilled artists yammering, AI sloppa everywhere and pajeets celebrating, students turning in slightly alterated (and usually barely functional) wikipedia articles and ... I don't know what else is there? Oh yeah, NVIDIA skyrocketing to astronomical highs is the biggest impact I've seen so far.

>> No.58332308

>The fact that nowadays everyone, their mothers, their mothers' minority houseworkers and those minorities dogs are invested in the market i
But I heard American are living on paycheck to paycheck. Where does the money come from?

>> No.58332309

Did email ever cost money you fucking retard? Holy shit what an absolutely ridiculous comparison

>> No.58332311

Are you kidding me, you fucking retard? The whole point of our discussion was refuting this
>It's not about GPUs it's about the fact that they have a monopoly on the massive data centers that other companies need
from your own post. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.58332317
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>135,700 sell orders
If TSLA gets through $175 then we're looking pretty pretty pretty good. I doubt it happens today though.

>> No.58332329

>137,000 sell orders*

>> No.58332330

>NVidia has monopoly on the most advanced AI tech
For how long? 2 years? 3?
>NVidia is completely sold out and would sell more if they could
Who is buying? What happens when they don't make a return on investment?
>AI tech is only increasing in profitability
Competition will catch up and lower their margins.

>> No.58332331

>NVidia has monopoly
on software?
on chips other people make for them?
unbelievable you would expect me to believe that.
on AI that is most competent in which computations?

>> No.58332339
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>> No.58332347
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AI is an abomination

>> No.58332352

They're trying to turn this earth into gedi prime

>> No.58332354

So you agree you can change the world and still not make any money from it. AI has no commercial viability.

>> No.58332355
File: 854 KB, 2048x1372, The Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baudrillard warned us about this.

>> No.58332358

>muh email inventor billionaire
What youre saying is so absurd fundamentally that explaining it to you is a waste of time. You didn't even bother addressing the rest of the post because you already know you are wrong but are such a narcissist you think that some retarded quip will somehow recover your pride (which you never had to begin with).

>> No.58332359

The public has no idea how much impact AI is already having. Again, this shit has only been on the public's radar since winter 2022. For example, I'm willing to bet that AI was used heavily on the most recent Beyonce album and release campaign. I'm sure Hollywood and Netflix etc. are filming things right now that were written by AI, shit they might have already published AI content. There's a controversy about recent Batman comic art being generated by AI. The impact of something that can substantially reduce overhead costs and time invested cannot be understated.

>> No.58332365

so far in reality the impacts have been:
>eliminating some pajeet tier support staff replaced with a chatbot
>streamlined the paperwork roastie jobs using LLMs to generate reports
>MSFT makes some amount of money on github copilot subscriptions
meanwhile companies are spending untold billions constructing data centers filled with NVDA chips

>> No.58332369

Its so hilarious seeing the gears turn in retarded normies that dont even realize how much their lives are already being integrated with AI.

Its like how you use a smart phone and have no clue how any of it works.

>> No.58332377

They wouldn't do that since AI art isn't copyrightable.

>> No.58332379
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time for mid-trading day ramen snack

>> No.58332380

Should I cancel my gym membership because of the whores that go there?

>> No.58332382

just use chatgpt to start a business bro. it's literally that simple. Ask it how to start a business in 'xyz' industry. Do what is says. Don't be a sperg. Profit.

>> No.58332387

So you don't understand how Nvidia can own the IP but license it for other companies to use, got it.

>on software?

Nice fucking bait and switch you complete faggot. Email was never even meant to be sold. Not even comparable to what Nvidia is doing.

>> No.58332389

Checked. But would ((they)). I feel like ((they)) would do just that.

>> No.58332393

>inventors of email
Sirs he was INDIAN you benchod

>> No.58332396
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>> No.58332399

You're not on with normies, faggot. They don't come to 4chan. Sorry to bust your bubble, you're just not that smart.
You're doing a terrible job of defending your thesis, your ego, and NVIDIA. You should quit if you want NVIDIA to not crash tonight.
You can't even outline where CUDA might be struggling.
Everything you've just said tells me that everything in the world updates to the latest and most streamline without any delay and without any struggle.
Not only are you not selling me on the idea that I must switch datacenters, you're not making arguments that prove I can't do the same thing with a lower upfront cost on other systems.

>> No.58332405

Smart investors general /dig/

>> No.58332406

>So you don't understand how Nvidia can own the IP but license it for other companies to use, got it.
This is not the case, what the fuck are you on about? They sell GPUs. It's good business and they are ahead but it will be hard for them to be in the lead for much longer (say in a 10 year timeframe). If you're married to your bags then fine but stop claiming retarded shit.

>> No.58332408

Says who? Which law dictates that? Do you expect people to be honest about their utilization of AI, especially in the arts?

You are a walking logical fallacy

>> No.58332412

Lol, is that what you think? lmao

>> No.58332426 [DELETED] 

>>on software?
>monopoly on software
>this time for sure
lol... just lol
Not a counter argument, in the slightest. Your desire to adhom to get out of being a brown smelly pile of shit isn't changing that you've not proven I need to switch centers this year, next year, or in 5 years.

>> No.58332427

>For how long? 2 years? 3?
Just weighing in, even if AMD or someone manages to catch up to CUDA software-wise, adoption will take years longer. You can't just shift an existing codebase to a new software and hardware stack. Even though tensor frameworks ostensibly abstract the details of the underlying stack away in practice a big AI codebase is going to have workarounds for hardware and software bugs, tricks for improving performance, etc. that result in it being "married" to the stack. If it takes 3 years for ROCm to overtake CUDA, it's going to be another few years for anyone to attempt to port their codebase, because it's risking wasting effort or falling behind competitors e.g. if CUDA overtakes it again. Teams would wait for new projects to start and see how they do before allocating resources to migration tests. CUDA has been worked on for over 15 years anyway though so I doubt ROCm will catch up anywhere near that fast.

>> No.58332432

They sell an entire datacenter architecture you complete fucking dimwit, from the software to the hardware to the center design. This is so easy to read about online I can't take you seriously.

>> No.58332439

I'm surprised it really did get dark as shit.

>> No.58332442

>I didn't bother to look up anything at all, even the most basic of facts about AI and Nvidia
you are so stupid lmao

>> No.58332443

>>on software?
>monopoly on software
>this time for sure
lol... just lol
Not a counter argument, in the slightest. Your desire to adhom to get out of being a brown smelly pile of shit isn't changing that you've not proven I need to switch centers this year, next year, or in 5 years.

>> No.58332444

To play devils advocate: Jensen introduced the data centers as being capable of replacing far bigger ones for a fraction of the upkeep. If that does turn out to be true and they can get that rolling that could bring in a lot of revenue. He also said a bunch of stuff about AI being trained faster but that's irrelevant since it stays as dumb as it was.

>> No.58332447

Until they tell you to get a job wageslave and buy voo schd. Like what the fuck bro I'd just get a better job. What in the fucking fucking fuck. Reddit is better than dig

>> No.58332450

It's a monopoly because the software only runs on their hardware but keep revealing you have zero fundamental understanding of this

>> No.58332451

you should seduce those whores and pimp them out for financial gains then you can afford to go to a fancier gym

>> No.58332452

Imagine having a monopoly on the most important tech in the history of humanity for 2 years. How much money is that worth?

>> No.58332456

>Says who? Which law dictates that?
The US federal courts. Copyrighted material have to be made by a human to be eligible for copyright. It's also why art made by animals can't be copyrighted.

>> No.58332459

>It's a monopoly because the software only runs on their hardware
>we're the only people who have done data back-end
I don't even like Gates or Amazon, but this is just a stretch.

>> No.58332460


>> No.58332464
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he deleted lol

>> No.58332467


Enough to speculate them into the upper tiers of corpo world. I don't think so. I believe they say to "sell the news" Think thats what I'd do here.

>> No.58332469

AI - the new FNG (Female Natural Gas)

>> No.58332470

Not much since the market is priced for discounted cash flow.

>> No.58332474


>> No.58332478

How the fuck is that licensing? You keep moving the goalposts. Also, big players won't buy datacenters solutions and will just roll their own. Why would Azure buy a datacenter solution when they are exactly that? NVDA datacenters make sense for small players, not for the big boys, and are not a big deal at least today.

Some other retard replied to me but deleted it.

>> No.58332479

Show me explicitly a law stating that content generated with the assistance of AI cannot be copyrighted. But also the concept that songwriters and artists and directors won't just outright lie about using AI is absurd. How will you prove that someone asked ChatGPT for ideas?? How will you prove they prototyped a design with Midjourney? How will you prove that they asked Suno for the chords to a song? You can't, that's the point.

>> No.58332484

Yes, because I (you) slooper, and wasn't trying to flame his ass.
You can find the exact same comment >>58332443
Which you failed to read, niggers.

>> No.58332485

legendary LMAO

>> No.58332488

>retards dont understand that all AI art is made by a person
If you use photoshop, did adobe make that art?

And even assuming what you think is true, then how much editing by hand needs to be added before it can be copyrighted? If I just say I edited it substantially, how can you even verify that?

>> No.58332499

Ah I see thanks. I read your post briefly before it got deleted and couldn't make sense of your reply.

>> No.58332502

I think normies are confusing that the licenses associated with many public AI's like Stable Diffusion and GPT say what they make is "public domain" but that doesnt mean all AI is public domain.

>> No.58332505

the bob ross of linux

>> No.58332504

CRS Reports (.gov)
https://crsreports.congress.gov › ...PDF
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law - CRS Reports

>> No.58332506

>How is it licensing to create a thing and then let other people pay you money for the right to use that thing on their own???
Do you just...are you 14? Are you autistic? You just don't know what you're talking about man but I really shouldn't have expected anything more from a fucking tripfag

>> No.58332513


>> No.58332512


>> No.58332514

Yes, I am.
>when I avoid answering facts about my system, I prove it has value
No, you prove you are a pay-pig, not a real voice. I've spoken with designers and kings, you are a fucking nigger.

>> No.58332526

Deidre Bosa looking very pretty today, oh my

still, Morgan will always remain my waifu ofc

>> No.58332532

>Can't even post an actual link or even a quote

>> No.58332536

The copyright law of 1976 says that all copyrighted material must be made by the author themselves. This has been repeatedly upheld in court.

>> No.58332540

>real voice
pure schizo cope

>> No.58332547
File: 108 KB, 640x640, hello-fellas-moe-greene.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the eclipse actually making you retards extra schizo today?

>> No.58332548

I got a little excited and pressed the wrong buttons<3

>> No.58332549

Yea, the author is the person who used the AI to make the art. Duh. What youre saying is that people can't copyright anything made with software which is obviously false.

>> No.58332556

wtf why did the eclipse cause markets to collapse???

>> No.58332559

These fucking jeets are just like niggers.
>this is civilization
>this is MY civilization
>why did YOU do this!?!?
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.

>> No.58332573

Actual schizo

What a shocker, people who have never made anything in their lives don't understand how copyright works

>> No.58332576

Nope. Since AI is generative, copyright doesn't apply. AI art isn't made with software. It is made by software.

>> No.58332585

beware the ides of March

we warned you

>> No.58332588

no just people pushing back slightly on the LLM euphoria, while the emotional investors start screeching that LLM's are a new paradigm and will change everything (though they can't tell you where or when the profits are going to come from)

>> No.58332592
File: 6 KB, 180x180, 8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open insult, to no-one in particular

>> No.58332598

but its april...

>> No.58332611

Sell in May and go away is getting priced in

>> No.58332612

it's always march somewhere

>> No.58332627

Once upon a time there was light in my life
Now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can do
Total eclipse of the heart

>> No.58332629


Sköll almost succeeded in swallowing the Sun and initiating Ragnarök. Of course the effeminate scribes panicked, knowing they will not have the honor of fighting alongside Thor and Odin.

>> No.58332634


>> No.58332638

What a shocker, a person who doesnt understand AI or copyright also doesn't know how either work.

A distinction without a difference. At what point does something become "with" vs "by"? The AI didn't just poof art out of the void, someone took an action to cause it to do something. AI is not a "force of nature" that just randomly strikes like lightening or carves a mountain. A person did a thing to cause that art to exist.

>> No.58332639

i also felt targeted by the first reply in the thread and had no comeback

>> No.58332641

What the AI generates literally would not exist without human input. If you designed your own software that could spit out a thousand drafts of a song from a prompt you generated, you would be perfectly within your rights to copyright it under your name. If you used software someone else created, you'd be free to copyright it under whatever terms you agreed to.

>(though they can't tell you where or when the profits are going to come from)
So you just keep saying this after multiple examples, cool. Fuck off dumbass.

>> No.58332654

why are uppity jeets always we was kangz n sheeeit posting about some dei ceo while working as a doordash courier?

>> No.58332702

none of the examples given have anywhere near the potential profits to justify the current massive spend on datacenters and chips. You can handwave away economic realities for a while, but eventually these companies (outside NVDA) will need to start showing investors the money.

>> No.58332708

Should I be buying some apple here? I was thinking just 2 percent of my portfolio to start a position

>> No.58332712
File: 195 KB, 379x381, hebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought calls right anon?

>> No.58332722

Mom, the bot's posting again.

>> No.58332724

Nigger he is talking about actual US copyright law not trying to debate you. Here retard.

>> No.58332735

>A distinction without a difference
Federal courts disagree. Every time someone has tried to copyright something made by AI they rule it not protected by copyright.

>> No.58332739
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Not yet imo. Few more weeks. Hoping to hit 162.3x-165 range. I am planning on leaps there if we're not near a happening.

>> No.58332744

Cause you are for being a plumber

>> No.58332747
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>> No.58332783

Dumpster dive

>> No.58332790

for a quick trade or an actual long term investment? apple has limited upside at this point

>> No.58332791

Right but the point is that everyone is just going to lie about using AI to write things. How will you prove them wrong??? If I ask an AI for song lyrics and chords, slightly edit them, and then record it myself, what evidence is there to prove the involvement of AI? Copyright has never thwarted plagiarism, it's an imperfect system

>> No.58332808

I don't think big companies are gonna risk it. Imagine you make the next star wars with AI and then lose the copyright to it. That's billions of dollars gone.

>> No.58332825

>muh appeal to authority
Courts never said all AI is uncopyrightable, they made specific judgments on those cases. Sorry that you are wrong and misunderstand things easily.

>> No.58332918
File: 19 KB, 474x380, 1712525438775644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek eclipse baggies. Not one bit of sun all day. But it is pitch black outside right now.

>> No.58332930

you eclipse normalniggers need to get back inside and start pumping my bags

>> No.58333004

too late. you are never going to recover. you will spend your life drinking generic milk and watching other people pretend to have fun with shit they barely use but spent too much on to get rid of.

>> No.58333035


>> No.58333469

Makes you realize even more that 2008+ was a controlled demolition rather than an accident.

>> No.58333480

>Do you think MS/Amazon/Meta will keep throwing money into LLMs indefinitely to replace a few HR roasties and jeet coders?
Unironically Yes.

>> No.58333668

Do whatever will give you the best return. Reallocating capital or reinvesting that capital back into the company are both good options. Unless you have Dividend ETF then reinvest that without thinking.

>> No.58333955
File: 130 KB, 310x421, 1711553291030774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I should short the Donald Trump stock before he takes out his cash?