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56923679 No.56923679 [Reply] [Original]

Day trading works, you're all just too retarded to make money

>> No.56923689

your life still sucks though

>> No.56923806

>posts a picture for ants
You sure showed us buddy

>> No.56923866

Show us how

>> No.56923908

Did you make just one winning trade? and now you think you are a genius?
We've all been there.

Soon you will be humbled by the market.
No one makes money day trading. It is a big institutional scam.
You are literally handing over you money to institutional traders and exchanges.

>> No.56923941

Buy low sell high

>> No.56924025
File: 106 KB, 1635x638, daytrading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a 23 day green streak
can confirm, nobody makes money daytrading

>> No.56924034

Ok teach us senpai

>> No.56924105

There's nothing to be taught about daytrading. Open a trade, see why it was/n't profitable and use that knowledge for your next trade. Take notes of everything.
I will be like breathing to you, once you learn it.

>> No.56924112

I have a 30 day winning streak, it only takes one mistake for you to lose it all.

>> No.56924136

i don't trade options, i buy large cap shares. the mistake people make is trying to "get rich quick" with massive leverage and risky trades. that's not how I play the game

>> No.56924181

I don't care how you did it. I care about your Broker/ Exchange, what is it? and What was your starting capital?

>> No.56924228

>start with 60k
>gamble it all to almost nothing
>work your way up to 55k with sheer luck
>"look at me guys i made so much money!!! it really works!!!"
is it any different from gambling? It's literally how my friend talks when sports betting. Loses 500, earns 400, posts about the $400 win on social media.

>> No.56924334
File: 22 KB, 496x364, candleover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will show you exactly how I trade and explain the conditions you should look for in order to trade in this way.

picrel is a 5 minute chart. I have marked the entries I would be taking with red lines at the exact point of entry. I like to market buy because limit orders get filled higher. I buy right as the break (above) these lines occurs. You can execute this strategy both long or short. I will explain the long trade side of the strategy and the short is just the inverse.

> not a shit stock (don't risk rugpulls)
> prefer a large cap, if you can't afford to do this w/ large caps, look at the chart history to make sure there aren't irrational rugpulls all over the place
> very small price spread between bid and ask price. Look for spreads of .05 max
> high volume (this strategy works best in the first hour after open, I trade only the first 30 minutes most days. 90% of the earnings in the chart I posted initially are from trading only 30 minutes per day)
> identify the current trend. picrel is in an uptrend. trade with the trend

> enter at or immediately before the break of resistance (as marked on picrel)
> if there is any hesitation (even 3-4 seconds) - exit
> on the breakout, sell at least half of your position, if momentum is strong, wait another 5-10 seconds and sell the rest, or sell at the first sign of resistance. These trades are generally less than 15 seconds in total length.
> if the trade breaks your level by even 1 cent and does not shoot upwards, exit (i call it a penny peek)
> if the trade goes against you, sell. DO NOT hold and hope, that is how you get rekt. This is the hardest thing to overcome (or was for me) Hold and hope => cope => rope. Don't do it. Take the loss quickly, look for your next trade.

In my next post I will attach a sample of my buys and sells so you can plot them on a chart to see exactly what I'm doing.

5m candles are best, but 1m work well in high volume situations (first 10 mins of open)

>> No.56924464
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good luck and god bless, hope someone takes the time to learn this and it benefits their life and gives them more time to enjoy friends/family/hobbies. Also, I feel that I need to say that I believe my savior, Jesus Christ died for my sins and also answered my prayer to give me a way out of a job that was very lucrative, but made me feel guilty/convicted because of its very nature. That's all. I'm around frequently. I don't use a trip code, but a couple people call me tsla anon. I'll help you however I can. I'm not a guru. I'm not the best trader on the internet. I can't give financial advice. I think that pretty much covers it.

>> No.56924478

Hi marketing trader anon! Good to see you bac fren! You inspired me with your threads and after more research, I found a couple markets and a platform I've been watching exclusively and paper trading on while I tweak out my strategy. So far it's just taking positions based off Bollinger bands and RSI, usually around a 15min hold, but I've done some higher leveraged scalping too when I see a flag combined with a volatility squeeze from the bands. I'm working on setting my SL lower now as, that's what the super wealthy TA traders do and, mathematically it makes sense. It's a serious mindfuck though vs. holding and hoping, even on such small trades, but...if I can't do it small, I can't do it big either lol.

Anyway I'm planning on linking up my wallet this coming week and testing my strategy as it exists, but so far I'm in the black off 5-10 trades/per day.

>> No.56924532
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trading is gay
t. 144 iq

>> No.56924539

Good. Glad to hear it. There are lots of different ways to gain a market edge. Getting rid of hold and hope mentality is a huge win. Then at the very least you can see if your strategy within the rules you set is profitable. Tight SL is important, you are doing the right thing. SL should always take into account volatility of the instrument because there IS such thing as too tight of a SL also when playing those longer timeframes. I'm not great at longer timeframes. I do okay with them, but the longer timeframes bring out my inner degen and I have a more difficult time playing by the rules. I'm glad to hear you are finding some success. When you have a significant sample size, up your position very slowly. The psychological impact of bigger numbers can make you trade differently if you jump into it instead of wading gradually. Good work man.

>> No.56924579

You're in a bull market, retard. You could throw a dart at a board and come out with profit at the end of the day. The fun thing is, in a bull market day traders get left behind. You'll make less gains than just buying and holding. And in a bear market you will lose all your money trying to trade as if it was a bull market.

Which is why over 99% of day traders lose, and you are not the exception. I know you're not the exception because you made this retarded post and you're probably best case scenario sub average IQ.

>> No.56924600

I'll just leave this here discord dot gg/5kgD7Rca

>> No.56924611

U will lose everything eventually

>> No.56924648

Only works in a bull market

>> No.56924659
File: 4 KB, 250x203, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> shorting doesn't exist

>> No.56924775

Im still a new, but it is just gambling for the majority of people because actually sticking to a profitable strategy involves pulling out of a lot of trades at a small loss, and proper bankroll management. Both of these things can be emotionally difficult as: if your trade goes south by say 20%, it can often turn around in moments, so the instinct is to hold it and hope for that turnaround vs closing at a 20% loss. The profitable guys however discipline themselves and will eat the 20% loss and move on. It sounds counterintuitive, but losing one trade means you have to make a 100% return on another trade, just to get back to even. At a 20% loss, you'd need 5 bad trades to get yourself into that same situation.

The bankroll management is not just about being a degen and chasing after losses, it's also about sticking to your disciplined rules and strategies on your trade amounts, even if they're a "sure thing". I was really tempted to take a highly leveraged short position on SLV Monday morning with maybe 10X my max current paper trade amount as I KNEW the jpm traders would tamp it from the Friday high. I even justified it in my mind that I would just pull the eth from my cb so it didn't "count" as being from my trading wallet, but I didn't. Looking at the chart from Monday, I would've avoided liquidation and made a very nice return, but... what if I hadn't?

Profitable strategy dictates that you stick to your rules because the math backs them up, at all times. If I were to take that trade, I should only take it at my current max amount based on proper bankroll management (2% of total bankroll max) It takes discipline and an autistic level of detachment, but many of the setups themselves aren't hard to learn. It's not for everyone because of this emotional aspect, not because of the learning curve (in my opinion).

>> No.56924851

Dickhead, if there was a sure fire day trading strategy to be in profit most of the time you wouldnt have dickhead heads of banks being poorer than tech CEOs. Do you realize how easy it would be for someone with a proven winning trading strategy to raise capital? You only need to get 51% of trades right to have an infinite money glitch on your hands. Yet nobody has it. Why? Why if analysts and brokers can’t make money off trading (apart from charging fees to their clients) do you think for some reason you’ll be able to?

You guys don’t have two fucking brain cells to rub together.

>> No.56924875

Mans got a Bloomberg

>> No.56924884

Thanks bud. I'm still tweaking the SL percentage because going back, it seems like I might have lost more doing 25%. I WAS setting it at based a little above/below the center band (so usually around 40%) which makes sense from the chart end of it, but idk now lol.

I guess I'll try it that same way for a bit next week and then try a few days of trimming it back.

Taking a 30x position on a 1-3min hold is a lot more fun and "profitable" but I'm can't say if I'm actually going to stay profitable with those plays as SL aside, the higher leverage doesn't give as much wiggle room before liquidation. I'll have to test and see based on the charts I'm using is all.

I'm only using a $1k bankroll with $10-20 trades. If I'm consistently profitable for a month, I'll up my bankroll to $5k and use $50-$100. If I'm still good there for awhile, I shouldn't need to add anymore cash to to my trading account as ill be growing it. I'll probably have completely different ideas and strategies by that time though, so...one step at a time lol.

>> No.56924907

Then don't try it and go tell the successful traders they're actually poor. You obviously know better than them.

No one actually interested in the topic cares about your fud.

>> No.56924971

market edges do exist, which is why hedge funds have quant departments. the issue is, each market edge has it limitations... for short term strategies the biggest limitation (that I can think of) is slippage. edges exploit inefficiencies in the market but there is a maximum amount you can exploit a market edge by before you normalize the price of the market.

>> No.56925094

>yeah man just analyze brownian motion to crack the code and use leverage to exploit the not entirely random movement of market makers who profit no matter what
...who is guaranteed to make money in this system?

>> No.56925130

>You'll make less gains than just buying and holding
I learned this the hard way and so will everyone at some point

>> No.56925353

He's scalping with 1500 shares of blue chip stocks. What he's doing manually on such a small scale (comparatively) doesn't impact much. Scaling that up would effect price and volume. He couldn't use that strategy to be the next Bloomberg lol.

He has a strategy that works for him that anyone with the capital can replicate and he shares here with proofs. There are other traders that quietly sit at home and do similar, even some that post here, but they usually get screamed at and called liars so they don't seem to post very often. Same with swingies who make threads and drop tips. There's serious pushback to any discussion about skilled trading on /biz/. Always has been. It's kinda what made me look I to lol, like a coin name that jainiee s nuke threads about or flag as spam. I always check those out kek.

>> No.56925549

Thank you brother

>> No.56925586

Hes paying for a Bloomberg terminal. Its like 2 grand a month with no add-ons. Shows everyone youre balls deep

>> No.56927096

I don't have a bloomberg terminal, that picture was just from ThinkorSwim trading software.

>> No.56927130

May God bless you brother.

>> No.56927209

How much capital do you need to do this? I'm a poorfag. Dunno people say it's pointless because you're going against people much smarter and with decades of experience.

>> No.56928404

25k for a margin account which is required if you don't want to wait for trades to settle

>> No.56928412

Are there bots that auto trade with net positive outcome?