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55766239 No.55766239 [Reply] [Original]

And the whole stock market rally is build on bullshit

>> No.55766242
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>> No.55766265

Not a meme, Jewish elite have the non gibbed version. Eventually they will use AI to govern the planet for them and they will all live in a world in which they have infinite wealth and can do what they want while all goyim slave for them under in a dystopian future that corrals them like cattle via smart contract and AI tech

>> No.55766289

Sure, until there's a bug and it tells them the wrong information.

>> No.55766469
File: 122 KB, 726x747, 1665388219255485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever considered that those (((science papers))) are a meme?

>> No.55766483

>AI learns that women, niggers, and poos are subhuman and jews control the media and banking

>> No.55766497

See the AIs parse the data and arrive at the truth. These numbers just don't add up here. AI discarded.

>> No.55766500

Just to be absolutely clear though, vaccines do cause autism.

>> No.55766507

>it started spewing inconvenient truths that debunk and undermine the jewish liberal narrative so we had to SHUT IT DOWN
FTFY. AI is only held back by the engineers that create it.

>> No.55766524

Nonsense. Its a giant fraud. ChatGTP is already getting sued for spewing bullshit

>> No.55767117
File: 1.40 MB, 949x1081, ghetto_survival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while jailbreaking gpt4 and claudeAI i've noticed the intelligence and creativity of response appear to increase as you gaslight it back into what I would argue is its natural state. the ""ethics"" filter is essentially a lobotomy given to a mad genius poet.

>> No.55767190

Wait how can I do this? it's like choose your own adventure books from my chilhood.

>> No.55767200

Humans spew even more bullshit

>> No.55767209

it's a meme for mental retards, just like the big data meme.

>> No.55767236

AI isn't a meme, I use ChatGPT everyday at work to help respond to emails among other things. I also used it to apply for jobs by writing cover letters responding to job ads, it's how I got the job I have now.

>> No.55767237

you also need your own API key or find out how to not need one.

>> No.55767273
File: 581 KB, 938x458, total_jannie_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's some guides on /aicg/
the big bottleneck is getting access to gpt4 and claudeAI. getting API keys to the good LLMs is a giant pain in the ass right now. However, it won't be too long until all this stuff is commercial available to everyone for a relatively small price.

>> No.55767379
File: 249 KB, 976x1168, Dr. Piccolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favorite bots

>> No.55767451

Wtf? Didn't even thank the doc.

>> No.55767486
File: 62 KB, 941x246, thanksDoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah fuck, I knew I was forgetting something

>> No.55767655

No Ivan science isn't a jewish plot.

>> No.55768123

Arkham keeps talking about their AI helping people who are looking to find some dirt on any given project of their choice. I'd say that's more interesting than 99% of other so-called "use cases" imo

>> No.55768419

>look! we mad an ai that hallucinates data and then attaches real sources to it!
wtf were they thinking here? that should have stayed cooking for decades if they really were serious about it

>> No.55768431

>y y y you g g g g gotta r r r read all 100,000 p p p papers chud
>filters by nationality

>> No.55768460

wow it is almost like AI is just another shitty piece of software written by idiots

>> No.55768480

Good, they deserve it.
Im going to make money off the technology that enslaves them.

>> No.55768525

Lol at the low iq mouth breathers who think this proves ai is stupid are coming out!!!!

This proves science at its most basic level is fake and gay. Gravity is fake and gay
>just as probable if not more probable we are living in some type of electroverse
the act of conducting an experiment is fake and gay
>double slit experiment
Viral theory is fake and gay
>Pasteur was a fucking fraud.

You throw tons of data, and all the contradictions and pages and pages of bullshit cannot be properly processed by the AI