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53128770 No.53128770 [Reply] [Original]


>be german
> sell over 30 items on ebay or items worth over 2000€ a year



>> No.53128784

Ukraine needs money dumb goy

>> No.53128814

>germans hate fun
>start and lose 2 world wars because they hate people having fun
Why is this a surprised for you?

>> No.53128833

who taught you history?

>> No.53128845

Private Veräußerungsgeschäfte are only taxed when speculative like having owned said item for less than a year. Nothingburger

>> No.53128860

Yeah but they REPORT it nevertheless

Have fun probing you hold old stuff for over a year

ALSO imagine buying stuff for over 2k
The government will know what you purchased and can track everything

>> No.53128908

They will not care about your one time sale and they will not care about you buying 2000€ worth of handmade custom painted dragon dildos either (even if they were to report the whole purchase history and not just user incomes)

>> No.53128920

Who cares if they care?
They KNOW which is already too much

You germancucks still think things will be alright
So glad i will move abroad in october, get cucked

>> No.53128928

Have you ever paid taxes and did a Steuererklärung? They don't give a fuck about your +/- 1000€ shit. Even up to 100k if it's not direct provable income they don't care about. They won't audit your ass over eBay shit, it's just autism laws again that will always be there but nobody checks. It's like ADHD meds being under Betäubungsmittelgesetz and technically treated like heroin or meth when you leave and enter the country but you can literally just put it everywhere and even tell the cops at the airport and they don't give a fuck because they are focusing on the big fish, actual drugs and weapons and bombs.

If it's not on your official paycheck and not going through your Gewerbe, they have no way of knowing what you do. Even if you have a Gewerbe and make 100k that you don't declare they probably won't find out until it's too late. Of course don't do that because the risk isn't worth it, but as long it's shitcoins on Binance or your dildo collection on ebay nobody gives a fuck

>> No.53128934

90% of western euros are obedient cattle.

>> No.53128937

that's how taxes work usually yes

>> No.53128959

i literally got my bank acc frozen for 2 months and charged with money laundering for selling 2500€ worth of btc in early 2021
i still am not getting my money
you are a delusional retard

>> No.53128967

Which bank?
I read Fidor doesnt give a shit but they will be gone next year

>> No.53128975

Doesn't apply for stuff like airbnb, which is mentioned in OPs link

You would have to register a business anyway when having an airbnb, but i guess lots people dont, same for ebay or etsy

>> No.53128991

lmao what, in 2020 and 2021 i cashed out twice, 15k and 20k. I even called the bank (Sparkasse) if there could be any problem because maybe the transaction could be suspicious and the guy on the phone literally laughed me off. You're probably some Achmed with dual citizenship who's already on a shadow list.

>> No.53129026

I know where you're coming from, but this will eventually be the case in any place that is not a corrupt shithole.

You could instead just be mad they do this desperate shit instead of just introducing a tax on wealth or remind yourself that german authorities will probably store all this data on a bunch of punch cards that will just collect dust in some provincial backroom kek

>> No.53129057

he laughed because none is retarded enough to announce their schwarzgeld beforehand

>> No.53129058

There are always ways
Think of the small escapist island or countries where the richer stay, they wont shoot their legs

Guernsey, Jersey, Monaco, etc.
Or some territorial tax regimes when working remote

>> No.53129076

if i was some achmed i'd sell coke to your hurentochter and pimp out ur mom without having to pay tax on that, i'd even get backpats from Grüne politicians, Rüdiger
enjoy your "surprise" tax claim in 2 years

>> No.53129080

no, he actually laughed because that's a normal transaction that they don't give a fuck about. people constantly sell their cars, buy shit for 10k+ and so on. Back then i thought that's a big transaction but it's really nothing to a normal bank. But i also did it through Coinbase who have European bank accounts so it's probably already secure as fuck and they don't even double check, it's probably different if you get money from some Turkish kucoin exchange

>> No.53129087

bank transactions have nothing to do with taxes. the bank does not give a fuck about taxes, it's your job to pay them. they just have to check if the money comes from a legitimate source and not some ISIS stock. I didn't pay a cent in taxes because i held for more than a year prior, pure fucking profit.

>> No.53129088

and yet selling crypto is tax-free
I take that deal every single time

>> No.53129089

well true, i transferred 20k in and out of my bank account in one day for the last car, no nothing

>> No.53129100
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>They still unironically live in G*rmany

>> No.53129102

go to ing, great bank, never pulled that shit with me

>> No.53129132

Austria doesnt tax crypto to crypto btw and if you hold over a year its tax free

So if you accumulate and never cash out you can make it and then move before selling

>> No.53129206

fucking goyim everytiem

>> No.53129223

why will they be gone?

>> No.53129434


>> No.53129784

Thank you for informing us. I how this will affect bitcoinde

>> No.53129949

Expresshandel wirds wohl nimmer geben

>> No.53130327

Absolute bullshit. If you've once bought the games and then sell them, you've already paid your 19% tax.

>> No.53130517

what has this to do with each other?

>> No.53130543

yeah eu is so retarded with this. millions and billions move around with no issues but someone doesn't pay tax of a 5€ transaction they send the army after you

>> No.53130882
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Irgendjemand muss ja aufräumen

>> No.53131644

Are you retarded? You're talking about selling a SNES game on eBay and not paying taxes. You or someone else already paid taxes on the the fucking game.

This only affects people laundering money through eBay.

>> No.53131655


>> No.53131909

you are incredible dumb
if i buy a game for 50 bucks and sell for 100 bucks, what happens ?

you are are even dumber than i thought

>> No.53132772


>> No.53133318

Nothing, because games don't appreciate 100% in a year, and after a year Private Veräußerungsgeschäfte are completely tax free.

>> No.53133352

He's not wrong

>> No.53133398
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I dont care if i would have to pay

You dont get it

They will know who bought and sold from nearly everyone who used these services
Imagine the state knowing that you change your computer every 2 years or buying a rolex 7 years ago

>> No.53134247

Did Nazi that coming

>> No.53135167


Cashed out 25 grand, no problems @ all.

>> No.53136669


>> No.53136840

crypto is different depending on what bank you use
OP's concern is a nothingburger, they can spy on you in much more sinister ways if needed
people are generally shitty for thinking it's ok to dodge taxes on things that are obviously taxable income

>> No.53137506

Yes they theoretically know everything you do. But the thing is a human has to look into it and do the work to piece the info together. Have ever been to a finanzamt? The women working there are wearing jogging pants. Nobody gives enough of a shit about those transactions to put in the work to get a couple k of tax money from you. People are lazy as fuck.
Unless somebody snitches on you nothing will happen

>> No.53137586
File: 147 KB, 828x1326, 1671802565014768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be brazilian
>sell a paint to myself for my credit card limit
>10x, 0% fee
>10 USD fixed fee from the online store
>cashback cover the fee and still make money out of it
I just got a 5k USD loan with free rate
And guess what, since I am buying in credit, my score went up. Now my limit increased...

Fuck this clown world, this should not be possible.

>> No.53137694
File: 147 KB, 1600x736, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even went to the trouble of mailing it to myself just to make it more legit.

Behold, "Slava Ukrania" in watercolour. 5,000.00

Before anyone mention taxes.
This "fine work of art" is under 35k from my meme currency. It pays no taxes, not even for buying or selling it. Plus, tax fraud is not even a real crime in Brazil. My friend got a fine of 100 USD for evading tax from 2018 to 2021.

>> No.53137996

same in france, it'is 3000 euros the cutoff

it fucking sucks so much

>> No.53138023

These dumb threads aren't even necessary anymore, the only reasonable conversation to have on Germany is about how to leave it
So krautbros... What is it? USA? SEA? Switzerland? Make it and move to Mediterranean?
I need a way out without turning into a poorfag, however, at this point I'd rather be poor than live here. I love Germany btw, aber es ist nur noch ein Schatten von sich selbst

>> No.53138214

Ever heard about IT?
Ofc noone is looking into this by hand

But if the algorithms set an alert, you are done ( accumulated information of decades then)

>> No.53140246

Except he is completely.

>> No.53140252

>So krautbros... What is it? USA? SEA? Switzerland?
There is no way for the white man to hide.. maybe when the lands beyond the antarctic melts we will be able to start over there without the jews.

>> No.53140285

What algorithms nigger? Do you think every little shits bank account is connected to the matrix and they automatically trace every transaction? They make you pay because you fear the consequences. Just like how they made people take the vax out of fear.

>> No.53140296
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>german authorities will probably store all this data on a bunch of punch cards that will just collect dust in some provincial backroom kek
most likely true
have worked in municipal office (or whatever Kommunalverwaltung translates to), certain datasets had to be stored on floppy discs by law. in 2014.
E-Mails too had to be printed on paper, copied 4 times, 1 for the archive.
prolly still the case.
boggles my mind to this day.

>> No.53140354

I like that Germany thinks _this_ is currently it's biggest problem.

>> No.53140366

germans are autistic and retarded, fuck'em

>> No.53140391

Fuck off, Mutti. All taxes are theft, even Olaf knows that.

>> No.53141234 [DELETED] 


>> No.53141287

Wrong, they got rid of it being tax free
Germany is a better country for crypto investors unless you are a degenerate gambler

>> No.53141313

Why do you guys here always tell fairytakes and bullshit

Crypto to crypto is NOT taxed in austria

Der Tausch einer Kryptowährung in eine andere Kryptowährungen stellt keinen Veräußerungsvorgang dar und ist daher nicht zu besteuern. Zudem sind Aufwendungen, die mit solchen Tauschvorgängen in Zusammenhang stehen (zB Transaktionskosten), steuerlich unbeachtlich, wodurch im Tauschzeitpunkt keinerlei Besteuerung erfolgt. In einem solchen Fall sind die Anschaffungskosten der übertragenen Kryptowährung auf die erhaltene Kryptowährung zu übertragen


>> No.53141372

My bad I misread and thought you said you can sell tax free after holding it, which you cannot anymore
But instead you said you should move before selling
If you move to a different tax region you trigger the capital gain taxes on your investments FYI

I also hate it how our laws incentivize you to gamble on shitcoins but punish you for longterm holding. You can thank our BitPanda lobby efforts for that.

>> No.53141389

And how would they know?

If you can trade like mad, just convert on a kyc to monero and use a non kyc wallet to buy stuff
Also could just transfer all into xmr and move abroad, you lost the wallet...

>> No.53141417

If you used a KYC exchange at any point they probably no
I don't think claiming to use your keys is going to work, but maybe you're right
But hey, 99% who "trade like mad" will lose all their money so they wont have to worry about that in the end anyways

>> No.53141421

>Who cares if they care?
>They KNOW which is already too much
Yes, and they might be understaffed right now, but maybe in 5 years they make a giant employment drive for underreresented minorities, and then some shitskin will call you in 2028 on behalf of the govt and ask to see the paperwork of your ebay sales in 2023, or else you have to pay tax and fines.

>> No.53141481

If you move to a wallet or non kyc, what can they do

At least you dont need to put your tax id into an exchange

>> No.53141654

If this was in crypto then using privacy protocols for transactions will eventually hide everything. ZKPs should be implemented of chain as well. kekk

>> No.53141660

You need to move out of the EU -> UAE

>> No.53141670

Why are German threads always filled with angry people hating each other? No wonder Germany is going to shit.

>> No.53141701

wtf are you talking about
i was in the postal department there not some desk asshole that denies your neetbux

>> No.53142056

if you are doing actual business you should be registered as such, you're only limiting yourself and never going to grow beyond the small hustle mindset

>> No.53143210

Just use Ebay Kleinanzeigen then. Ebay fees are a scam anyway.

>> No.53143308
File: 351 KB, 1080x1080, Piggu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your painting.

>> No.53143377

> just dont go to halloween/sylvester parties in the citys
> just dont visit railstations in big cities
> just pay your 80% tax and stfu

>> No.53143429

Yes, it's nice, although he could use more saturated colors, it's quite blunt. >>53137694

I'd prefer color of these gemstones in that pic:


>> No.53143545

my favorite blue is Prussian blue.

>> No.53143649
File: 51 KB, 720x508, wooden-doors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.53143657
File: 140 KB, 1280x993, photo_2023-02-11_16-19-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this (my fav)

>> No.53143787

nice delousing room bro.

that's the one.

>> No.53144951

Still have to do this with customer fees in a state funded library in 2022, doubt that's changed

>> No.53146759

just use alternative decentralized marketplaces