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File: 24 KB, 566x258, Screenshot 2022-11-11 221235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52377795 No.52377795 [Reply] [Original]

Asking for a rich friend in finance.

>> No.52377821

They are for foreign nationals, but they don't extradite dual citizens

>> No.52377835

Israel shelters every kind of jewish criminal from prosecution

>> No.52377889

any Jewish person can get an Israeli passport, they won't extradite citizens

that Avi guy who is always publicly posting about his dodgy exploits on Twitter, under his full real name, lives there, the US can't touch him

>> No.52377908
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>> No.52377913
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remind me again why they're our allies

>> No.52378024

Avi is the prime example of "you are allowed to scam goyim without moral consequence"

he ran multiple OlympusDAO forks when that was a big thing and rugged every single one, he's a piece of shit
he went to a Jewish college in New York with GCR I think, used to be a dropshipper there's old interviews of him online

>> No.52378036
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>> No.52378040

>bastion of democracy in the Middle East
>beautiful first world country
>cultural similarity
>allied against Muslims
>huge tech/software sector
>outsized military and intelligence capability
>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect
Gee I can’t fucking figure it out anon,remind again why you’re posting on blue /pol/ on a Saturday

>> No.52378073

>true Christians have to die for Israel cuz God and stuff
hide, Moshe. your days are numbered.

>> No.52378076

Thanks Mossad.

>> No.52378083

I fucking hope Iran makes nukes ASAP.

>> No.52378085

your mutt golems are wising up to you

>> No.52378087
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>bastion of democracy
Who cares?
>beautiful first world country
It's a shithole in the desert
>cultural similarity
jewish culture stands alone, that's why jews don't assimilate into their host nations
>allied against Muslims
We're only against muslims when they're against israel. We supported Isis against Assad
>huge tech/software sector
Competition against US companies
>outsized military and intelligence capability
because WE paid for it
>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect
jewish people think non-jews are subhuman.
Fuck off jew

>> No.52378096
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>> No.52378102

this post makes the pol chud seethe

>> No.52378105

>that true Christians are sworn to protect
Wut? My ancestors stormed into Jerusalem under a banner of god and slaughtered every man women child in there regardless of wether they were Jewish or not

>> No.52378115

>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect
I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. —Revelation 2:9

>> No.52378132

This will redpill even more people about Israel, mossad, and (((media)))

Especially the zoomer/millenial crowd who is heavily into crypto.

>> No.52378134

>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect
More like
>homeland of the self proclaimed descendants of Jacob, aka the "Jewish" people that true "Christians" aka, descendants of Jacob who have been fooled, are sworn to protect

>> No.52378136

Except these Jews are actually Jews. So your quote doesn't apply.

>> No.52378169

Unironically because they control your fucking government you loser kek.

>> No.52378205

His quote does apply because Christianity is Israel (protestants are not christian), not judaism. Christians are the Chosen people of God and the New Covenant, jews are sinners who rejected Jesus. This is the orthodox and actual doctrine of christian religion, not this american biblefucker "jews hate me but reverend says dying for israel and letting them vote in our elections will get us into heaven hyuck" horseshit.

>> No.52378218
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>> No.52378223

I hope every jew flees back to Israel and it gets turned into a glow in the dark glass parking lot alhamdulillah

>> No.52378225

Only 185 congressmen and not even half the Senators. No big deal.

>> No.52378236

>they won't extradite citizens
this is false, there was a famous case of some kike getting sent back to the US because he had such a bad rep and potentially committed crimes in the US, can't remember his name (source pls)

>> No.52378260

Frankly that behavior by Jews is totally understandable. Protecting your own is based. It’s the goyim that keep letting these evil fuckers into our countries, when they should never be here doing this shit in the first place.

>> No.52378261
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>>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect

>> No.52378268

Called it.

>> No.52378295


Quick history:
-judaism=made by jews for jews
-christianity=made by jews for goyims, hence the meme of universality and lack of circumcision to please greek goys lol
-islam=hijack of judaism by random arabs for arabs
-protestantism=hijack of christianity by goy merchants for goy merchants
-atheism=universal judaism for goy wageslaves by jewish and goy merchants from the NL and UK

>> No.52378313
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the only people who use this term are mentally ill freaks and people larping as them, makes no difference which one you are because there's only one solution

>> No.52378338

Shalom rabbi

>> No.52378340

Jews have an average verbal IQ of between 110 and 115. For their level of intelligence and educational achievement Jews are UNDERREPRESENTED in congress. Absolutely insane how supposed race realists will accept that Asians do better at math because of higher IQs but will die seething over the relative lack of Jewish representation in powerful positions in America

>> No.52378357

Verbal iq means being good at lying and bullshitting… yup

>> No.52378368

>Be the public face that the angry goy mob attacks
gee, I wonder why they're underrepresented here.....................
fucking jidf intern

>> No.52378395

Go find the nearest oven

>> No.52378509

Sure, being a midwit sure does get most people to the upper echelons of society. Definitely has nothing to do with high in-group preference.

>> No.52378682

most of them are Khazarian Turks with no jewish ancestry

>> No.52378981

They don't look like native Turks to me

>> No.52378996

Due to the significantly smaller size of the jewish population, there is a total of more high IQ Whites in the US than kikes; despite Whites having a lower average IQ.

To spell it out for people bad at math, say I had a normal dice (Whites), and a dice where the 1 was a 6 (jews).
Sure I'm more likely to roll a 6 from the jew dice, but what if I roll the White dice thousands of times more? I'll have gotten more 6's in total from the White dice.

>> No.52379048

This explicitly claims they're not Turks

>> No.52379091

Average jew iq is like 95. They only count the schizo high achieving jews to get their 120 average or whatever they claim. The orthodox average 6 kids while the atheist american ivy league jew sometimes doesnt even have one.

>> No.52379198

They also worshipped a Jew on a stick

>> No.52379642
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That's false.
Assuming that the Average Jewish American IQ is around 115 while the Average Non-Hispanic white IQ is around 100 and that the IQ of both of these populations distribute normally with a standard deviation of 15 then for every white with an IQ over 145 there are 1685 Jews with an IQ over 145.
The average IQ difference dominates the population size difference when you talk about the extremely smart.

>> No.52380099

>but they don't extradite dual citizens
And every Jew has the right of """"return"""" to a country they didn't come from, meaning they can easily get citizenship, right?

>> No.52380114

Google law of return, Pedophiles have been doing this for some time.

>> No.52380361
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>homeland of the Jewish people that true Christians are sworn to protect

>> No.52380511

This effect is in turn bounded by the total sizes of any given population

>> No.52380563

Moshe atleast be subtle

>> No.52380564
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>> No.52380594

Fake news, every time some shit likes this happens someone makes a "fled to Israel" rumor. Just like Mashinsky.

>> No.52380699
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for what purpose? fuckin why? that's grounds to go smash and grab tripped out on psycho and party mentats. any swingin dick that's cut is cleared for op lol

>> No.52380767

Jews are meant to maintain their 10 commandments, eat kosher, get circumsized, treat non Jews as if they were Jews, and to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour that died for our sins AND raised from the grave.
Jewish people that are Christians have to do more. Christians do not serve Jewish people.

Seriously, just read Romans from the new testament (KJV).

>> No.52382256

Kill yourself IRL

>> No.52382264
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>> No.52382288
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>> No.52382304

There's news that Barbara Fried called the jew Gensler to negotiate a deal for her son. Wouldn't look good calling from an El Al flight.

>> No.52382331

We are coming for you jews, better leave to your Zionist land. Soon the gullible Americans will not be able to protect you where you are subverting now. We are on to you, more and more each day now and it will only accelerate. You are losing control, jew.

>> No.52382348

youre their puppetstate

>> No.52382392


The only worth while comment in this thread.

>> No.52382595


>> No.52382675

Jews have the noble creativity gene

>> No.52382772

Everyone else in that region hates us
But they all hate us for creating Israel in the first place

>> No.52382789


>> No.52382935

kek i called this. i knew this faggot would make aliyah.

>> No.52383075

>remind me again why they're our allies
they print the money which the buy the politicians with also they own the press because they have a monopoly on money. in short it is not by choice, it is an parasitic infection which by attemtping to remove will probably cause the entire host body to die off. just imagine how these apes and pigs would react if they got their comeuppance.

>> No.52383116

>Protecting your own is based.
The irony is that the jews have promoted the filth in the first place. We would not have to protect ourselves if the jews had found some place where they could live by themselves and have some sort of meaningful production based economy which relied on fair trade with other nations, but that will obviously never happen and instead they will become of problem for all of humanity.

>> No.52383143

>Due to the significantly smaller size of the jewish population, there is a total of more high IQ Whites in the US than kikes; despite Whites having a lower average IQ.
Jews are not smarter that is a jewish lie because they wan't to explain away their position in society as if it is deserved that we become ruled by them.

>> No.52383441

Israel is the name of Heaven. It never referred to a state on earth.

>> No.52383455

They dont extradite criminals wanted in the US but you can bet your ass anyone living in the US who was wanted in Isreal would be extradited quicker than you can say Oy Vey

>> No.52383473
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>> No.52383493

Christ is King.
Even today you can repent!

>> No.52383523
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>> No.52383575

That 115IQ study was done on a jewish prep school for language. Thats why they scored 115 on verbal. Thats like doing an IQ test on a gifted classroom.
IQs in israel are 95, excluding arabs.

Youre just a nepotistic tribal maffia. Literally since khazaria.

>> No.52383585
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So we can continue to give them 104.20 dollars PER SECOND from American Tax Payers...money they claim is for their military to protect them from "terrorism" but also helps fund free healthcare and free college FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR CITIZENS, meanwhile you and I....the ones paying for it....go bankrupt if we have to visit the ER.


>> No.52383596

Amerimutts will defend jews whether the want it or know it.

>> No.52383613

>noble creativity gene
Ah yes, wait until someone else makes it, then lie and use maffia tactics to steal it.

>> No.52383615

yeah no
it isn't

>> No.52383629

They hate you for being khazar foreigners renaming the land and starting a genocidal war.

>> No.52383637

The jews protect members of their tribe. they never ever extradite jews to foreign countries.

>> No.52383647

>they have a monopoly on money
This is the core of the problem.
We work for money they can print out if thin air, then when you stop them they simply bribe or kill everyone leading that push.

>> No.52383652


>> No.52383673

Only if your name isn't Bankheist-Fleed

>> No.52383701
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only if you are an Israeli citizen, which SBF is not

>> No.52383819

he is the moment he sets foot on israeli soil

>> No.52384050


>> No.52384147

109 countries! Fuck you Mossad!

>> No.52384163


Kind reminder that being anti-Semitic is sound financial strategy

>> No.52384166

Are they though, wait for a new news cycle and goylems would’ve forgotten all about this.

>> No.52384178

US ---> Argentina ----> Israel

>> No.52384213

feudalism doesn't seem so bad now right?

>> No.52384299
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Now let's see the orthodox opinion of the kikes

>> No.52384459

Someone please kill all these kikes.

>> No.52384497

The sad thing is that low IQ Christoids in the west really believe all these things

>> No.52384518
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was /pol/ more or less right?

>> No.52384638

They just sent a dual Australian Israeli pedo teacher back to Australia. They fought it for years though but the teacher, unsure if it's a male or a tranny, raped all the students in Melbourne then fled to Israel. The school still paid her a full wage while she was in Israel too for some reason. Jewish school in Australia.

>> No.52384648

stop counting jews
in biden's cabinet

>> No.52384709

Israel has a much better quality of life and more freedoms for its citizens than arab countries

>> No.52386051

No. Jewish Pedophiles caught in the USA flee there in droves to dodge US Prison, where inmates kill Pedos.